Episode 227: Dear Voldemort, Kindly Return Pettigrew and Die!
In the first installment of “A Keen Observer” by DeepDownSlytherin, we follow Andromeda Black’s life as the middle of the three Black sisters. Andromeda’s perspective on life gradually begins to shift as she starts Hogwarts and is exposed to new people. Whenever the hosts stay on topic, that is.
Also in this episode:
Cora invites the audience to play “Guess that Sound”
Andromeda was sheltered
Strangers have 2 heads
Growing up is awkward and uncomfortable for everyone
Ted is Oblivious
Night gowns are hard to move in
First love: Maybe he/she’ll notice me now
Moony’s awkward library experience
The audio is so bad that it’s funny and staying in
Wizarding subpoenas
Bellatrix boards the crazy train
Celebrating Christmas is a punishable offense
Ted likes Andromeda but not like that
Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Moony
Editor: Cora
Total time: 2’10’10