Episode 130: Checkmate, Green-Eyed Monster and Proud Pink Potatoes
Welcome to our third episode of “Points of No Return” by Night Zephyr, we are covering chapters 15 to 21. In this episode we find out that Kelly almost hit a deer, Sue controls the weather and Scott has on two headsets. As we dive into the story, we find out that the Portkey doesn’t work and everyone ends up back where they started. We follow the teens as they find themselves stranded with another lost girl in a cabin with no food. What will they do? Follow along as we find out what happens and who’s waiting just around the corner.
Oh, and Sirius and Moody team up to find the kids. That should be fun.
Stay tuned at the end for a special bonus PeonCast.
Also in this episode:
~Sue breaks Scarlett
~Fred’s watch: Magical Mode
~Fire calls
~Star Trek
~Ron is Thick
~”I’m telling Mum.”
~Clean the fish?
~Snakey Luv=Gross
Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’40’10
PeonCast: Four Hufflepuffs and a Wacky Ginger
In this special edition of PeonCast we discuss the “It’s Not Over Yet” challenge from PFW. Scarlett wasn’t ready for HP to be over as the last movie came out, so she organized a writing challenge. Each entry was posted anonymously and forum members were able to read and comment on each story. After everyone had time to read them, we put up a poll and the top ficlet and drabble won the honor to be discussed by the Poufwa podcasters. Join us as we talk to Scarlett and Sue about the fics they wrote. We drag Aaron in without notice and expect him to make sense. Scarlett’s roomie crashes the podcast and we give love to several authors. You can read all the stories on www.potterficforum.com if you’ve missed them.
~New computer
~Scarlett’s drunk?
~Canadian weather math
~Bat on a leash
~Luna is made of Awesome
~Sticking Charms
~Neville love
~The SpellCaster who fondled Snape’s robes
~Secretly honored
~First time authors FTW!
Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Hosts: Kat, Aaron
Special Guest: Scarlett
Editor: Scott
Time: 42’58