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Episode 98 – To exterminate or bagelate, that is the question…

Episode 98 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this episode, I forget we’re not doing an Exchange episode and spend nearly 28 minutes boring Mike to death about:
PS’s theories on BSG through S2;
Laura Roslin’s hair stylist;
BSG compared to Dr Who, Firefly & V;

Mike and I play “I’ll Show You Mine”;

Jen2 learns how to use a computer, and forgets she’s not on an Exchange podcast about BSG;

This conversation is included with and greatly expanded on in Poufwa Exchange Episode 19 – BattleStar, Doctor Who, and Boobs: Gaul Style!

After 43 minutes, we start In Blood Only, everyone’s favorite fic;

Lucky, Lucy, Luscious, Lucius… it’s all the same dude, man;

Jen2 starts a Facebook group to save innocent waterfowl;

Mike disses PS;

Jen2 comes out of the closet;

I conjugate the verb, ‘to bagel';

We say serious stuff, srsly…

On tonight’s 42nd episode of Peoncast, A Garden, a Blender and a Big Pizza Pie, the Peons discuss Fountain of Fair Fortune from Beetle the Bard by JK Rowling!

The Peons would like to enthusiastically plug The Butterbeer Experience and mention the full-length musical based on the last section of Deathly Hallows, for presentation at Infinitus!

~Kayla is confused
~Scott’s got the UK book
~Brain sharing
~Kayla’s on Mars
~Lena helps out
~Altheda’s a Puff
~She may in fact be Sue in disguise
~That’s Amore…..
~Analyzing JK’s sketch
~Bad Kitties
~Learn to work together
~The Garden is Magic
~Sir Slytherdor

Please enjoy the special edition of the Quibbler, courtesy of ADH Scarlett, made exclusively for this episode!

Hosts: Ryan, Jen2, PS, Mike
Peon Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Kayla
Poufwa Editor: Jen2
PeonCast Editor: Sue and Scott
Episode Length: 2’32’10


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

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