Episode 97 – Doctor Phoo, Wald Beaver, and the holiday of Little Miss Snape

Episode 97 of PotterFicWeekly has been released! In this episode, we begin our four part series covering In Blood Only, by E.M. Snape. Tonight we begin with the first fourteen chapters!

Snape is Harry’s father. No one is happy to hear it.

In this episode, Kezza is definitely not happy to hear it. Mike wonders why. It’s a very heated conversation that had me laughing so hard that my real-life friends were desperate to find Poufwa and discover what was so funny. If only they knew!

Next week’s episode will cover through Chapter 25.

Episode 41 of PeonCast, Classic PeonCast, Nothing but the Best and F is for Final, covers The F Series-Fortune and The F Series-Fireworks by Antosha.

~Where’d the money go?

~Harry is crazy.


~Scott’s here!!!

~Ginny is a snitch?

~Kelly’s family tree

~Scent association

~Antosha-Will you do a Next Gen fic for us? Called Future?

~How many ways can you say Fireworks?


~Lily Luna – a force of nature

~Kayla thinks Neville is HOT

~Sue’s older than dirt

~F Series stands for FUN!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, PS, Kezza, Mike

Peons: Sue, Scott, Kelly, Kayla, Hufflepuff Dan

Poufwa Editor: PS

PeonCast Editor: Sue

Episode Length: 3’35’20