Episode 80 – Cliches & Cliffhangers: The Peons Take Over

Episode 80 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight, Poufwa concludes its three-episode arc covering CreativeQuill’s Harry Potter and the Power of Faith!

Due to a labor shortage and issues of dyslexia and erectile dysfunction, the hosts abandoned ship and requested a bailout. This two-part episode is driven completely by our lovely neighborhood peons, covering Chapters 1-11 in the first hour, and the balance in the second.

They discover:

War is like paintball

Tricia channels Mike


Susan the communist!

Social Services: You have one hour!”

After cleaning up for the hosts, the Peons take four seconds off before returning with tonight’s PeonCast: Spoilers, Dean “Bloody” Thomas and What’s Ron Eating? which concludes discussion of the prequel story, In the Beginning, where:

Ron combines food and sex

Kelly spoils Kayla and Tricia

Lav Lav has assets

Kelly is logical

and Sue is not a communist…for now!

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: *Crickets*

Editor: Omly

Episode Length: 2’20’34