Episode 58 – Russian aggression, evasive action, and the bosom of Hannah Abbott


Episode 58 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

PotterFicWeekly has somewhat turned into PotterFicBiWeekly lately. Rather than buy up that URL and change all the stationary, we’re going to release Episode 59 one week from tonight and just stay on schedule.

This being Poufwa, that should last a week.

In this episode, all the hosts are present! Somewhat. Aaron returns to join Jen, LadyChi, Rinna and me as we remain relatively on topic through our discussion of Chapters 11-15 of Lori’s, The Show That Never Ends and the first three chapters of her final installment, Hero with a Thousand Faces!

In addition, we predict Rinna’s death, I’m nearly assassinated, and LadyChi makes a shocking discovery in her bathtub.

We also brush on religion and politics. In other words, wank free as always!

Many thanks to the wonderful Omly for editing tonight’s episode. Her daughter has begun singing Jen’s ringtone while at home. Add another Poufwanian to the list!

Next week, we will conclude our discussion of Lori’s trilogy before moving on to our five episode series on Melindaleo’s Power of Emotion/Curse of the Damned two-parter. Boats. Everywhere.

On PeonCast this evening, the peons discuss At the Leaky, by Gingerale

No synopsis. I don’t want to spoil the ending.

Happy listening!