Episode 203: Tricia Is Hating On Molly

We begin Season 7 with “We Belong” by mj2007.  We liked this story so much we added the next one in the series to the schedule.  We will be covering We Belong and We Belong in America in six podcasts.  In this episode we find that Scott is a party animal, Moony is sticky, Sue has a squeaky chair and Tricia is being a girl.  We also find that Fred had a son he didn’t know about.  Alfred is a surprise for George too, but a good surprise.  Ron and Fleur team up against the family, with a little help from a young Weasley.  There’s a lot of Molly hate going on, but at this point she deserves it.   We hope you enjoy the beginning of We Belong.

Also in this podcast:

~Sweet potato fries

~Scott’s hat

~Syrup story

~Cheer Squad


~She’s a story teller

~Corned beef

~Scott’s picky

~The 4 I’s

~Mini George

~Stuck in the alley

~What’s in a name

~Meet the family

~Percy punched


Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia

Guest Hosts: Moony

Editor: Sue

Time: 1’59’46