Episode 152: Kat’s high, Baby Dementors, and Sam Gamgee’s got Voldemort

Here is our third marathon episode of, “Be Careful” by Anne B. Walsh. For the first half of this episode, Sue apparently has the cold that would not end and Kat’s got a fever of 101.8 and is operating on no sleep because it’s midterms, but we are determined to truck through the chapters regardless! During the second half we add Scott, Sue is still sick, and we all fear Scarlett’s brain. We still express our love for Dragon Charlie and are very concerned about what’s underneath Draco’s robes. If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun.

Show notes:

Miyazaki is awesome – but the Catbus won’t give Death Eaters fare

Kat isn’t a robot, nor a Vulcan (she might be a cold, heartless bitch)

We discuss The Podcast Rules

The Hufflepuff podcast secret

Dark-side cookies and Charlie in a towel

Kat’s more entertaining than the Bad!Fic podcast

We debate the source of one’s patronus

Dementor reproduction (yes, we’re serious. we talk Baby Dementors) – including human/Dementor relations

Wand shaking

Dementor preschool

A return of the robes conversation: Underwear questions and ‘basilisk fangs’

Snape and Undead Snape

Draco is a Slytherin and learns things

Luna has read Deathly Hallows and Draco’s mocking Harry

Ginny joins the crew and Harry has a saving people thing still 

Frying pans vs. Voldemort

Startling revelations:

Kat has kids

Scarlett raises the artistic value of the podcast

Sue is still sick

A few pictures too! Credit for these go to Kiubez Undermann and Brthr Arnold respectively


Hosts: Sue, Scott

Guest Hosts: Kat, Moony, Scarlett

Editor: Kat

Time: 5:01:57