Special Edition 25 – Etai and Kelly -don’t- watch Jerry Springer, Sue is a Tigger, and Tricia has a candy bar
Special Edition 25 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!
In this episode, PotterFicWeekly covers A Life In A Box by Red Sioda.
Neville finds out some things have more value than one may first think.
* Etai finds the English language lacks subtlety.
* Tricia has fussy taste in engagement rings.
* Tricia has a candy bar in her bag and hilarity ensues as she goes on an 18 gram sugar high.
* Sue tries to keep up with Tricia by imitating Tigger.
* Kelly secretly wants to be a Hufflepuff… or so the Puffs claim! There will be no more forced abductions!
* Kelly discourages gang membership. Instant proof that she is unsuited to Hufflepuff!
* What to do if the neighbors throw dog poop over the fence.
* In-depth analysis of Neville and his sad childhood brings everyone down. Holidays are supposed to be a happy time!
* Fond reminisces from Etai.
Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Tricia, Etai
Special Guest: Kelly’s dog
Editor: Dethryl
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and if you happen to not celebrate either of those, Joyful Whatever!
Stay tuned after our discussion for some Slytherin singing and then an on topic discussion of the holidays by the Potterficweekly hosts; past, present and future. We are on topic, really…until Ryan returns to hijack his old podcast. He’s been very missed!
Running Time: 4’11’12