Episode 108 – We Solemnly Swear; Mischief Managed

Episode 108 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

After much anticipation, the final six Poufwa’s before the Torch pass are here! Returning the spirit of our After the End roots, we will be closing out our season with Kezza’s Rebuilding Life! Tonight’s coverage is for Chapters 1-15.

Harry has defeated Voldemort but is going back to his life going to be easy? What will he go back to, the life he once had is meaningless now. It’s time to build a new one and to create a new post-Voldemort world. Ginny is there waiting for him, what do they need to do to rebuild their lives?

In this episode, Deth has gas, Scott gets fangirled, I can’t beta, Melinda has a Cast, we MasterFic the Family Jewels, Kezza makes us cry, PS explains how car engines work, we meet Devel, the love child of Dethryl and Neville, and Melinda and I do some shipping!

in Episode 51 of PeonCast, Baby It’s Cold Outside so Play that Funky Music, the Peons discuss Tradition, also by Kezza!

~Did I write that?

~Flash from the Past

~Let’s sing the podcast

~Scott’s a Young Pup

~Going to Oz

~Ron is Motivated

~Kezza-The Smart Ass

~Milo FTW

~Tricia sings

~Where’s my Sock?

~Rating the corniness

~Tricia pulled a Scott

~”Oh Hai”

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, PS,

Peons: Scott, Dethryl, Melindaleo, Sue

PeonCast: Sue, Scott, Tricia, LadyRyuu

Poufwa Editor: Ryan

PeonCast Editor: Sue and Scott

Episode Length: 3’25’40