The Infamous Episode 106!
The long awaited Episode 106 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!
Tonight, with eight episodes left before your humble hosts pass the Torch and incinerate five square-miles of Texas, Poufwa offers the second of three episode series reviewing Stealing Harry, by Sam_StoryTeller, with discussion of Chapters 7-21!
No show-notes. You wouldn’t believe it if we wrote them. This episode is one of the best we’ve ever released, combining hosts of past and present who are all on the mark, or off the mark…whichever is the good one. So as much as I want to spoil you on PS’ naval career, you’re on your own.
After these two very helpful necessary visual aids that you are ordered not to open until the time is right…
Open me only when everyone checks out PS’ artwork!
Open me when everyone checks out Jen1’s artwork!
in Episode 49 of PeonCast, History, Choices and Parchment Love, the Peons discuss Sepia, by Red Sioda!
~Kelly monologues
~Never forget! It Did Happen!
~Hermione the author
~The characters run the show.
~Scott likes the kids
~OG channels Mike
~Beam me up
~Just the facts
~It’s our choices
~How will future generations learn about us?
~Sue rants
~RedSioda responds
Happy listening!
Hosts: Ryan, Jen1, Kezza, Rinna, PS
Peons: Sue, Scott, LadyChi, Omly
PeonCast: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Oliversgal
Poufwa Editor: Kezza
PeonCast Editor: Sue and Scott
Episode Length: 4’10’34