Episode 267: Hide the Baby!!
Here’s the last installment of “Becoming Neville” by Jedi Rita. In this episode we had a lot of technical difficulties to get through but we prevailed. There’s not as much pre-show chatter as usual we just jump right in. We do have the occasional “squirrel” moments in the show. In the story we find that Bella is hanging around and shows up in unexpected places. Snape has unusual tastes when it comes to ice cream and Remus is really hard on himself.
This is the last podcast of this season and we don’t have the next season planned or even started, so this will be the last podcast for a while. We are working to put together a fic list for next season so we won’t be gone forever. Check out the PotterFicWeekly forum or the Poufwa Facebook group to find out more about next season. Many thanks to our loyal listeners, you are why we keep this going.
Also in the episode:
Canary in the mine
I’m just protecting your parents
Snape tricked
Goat Yoga
In the cupboard
Moony frustrated
Flooed news
Merlin’s sad parts
Palm pensive
Just relax
Hunger strike
Neville has a friend
Doctor Who
Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Moony
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’52’07