Episode 107 – Wannagosteadyme?

Episode 107 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight, with seven episodes left before your humble hosts pass the Torch and incinerate five square-miles of Texas, Poufwa offers our final of three episodes reviewing Stealing Harry, by Sam_StoryTeller, with discussion of Chapters 22-28!

Snape works for OnStar, we remember the o-zone layer, and final thoughts on the fic!

…A slip of the tongue: there’s a book for that!

…the creepy eyes of goat boy!

…the lost art of courting!

in Episode 50! of PeonCast, Tears, Balls and Apple Pie, the Peons discuss In My Garden, by Aggiebell, AKA Jules!

This week, Peoncast covers such diverse off-topic tangents as:

Chicken balls that make Tricia run off the road

Technical difficulties and duct tape

Frozen non-hitchhikers, AKA podcasting from January

Salmon and market-freshness

The origin of cream of tartar

Mike the plant

A tangent on Thestrals

A wheelbarrow, and Uncle Algie

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, Kezza, PS

Peons: Sue, Kelly, Etai

PeonCast: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Tricia, Oliversgal

Poufwa Editor: Omly

PeonCast Editor: Scott

Episode Length: 2’38’55