Episode 67 – Poufwanians on Death Row
Episode 67 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!
Tonight, we proudly conclude our four-part series covering They Shook Hands, a realistic fic by Dethryl! (Revision)
Chapters 7+ of Year 3 are on the docket for review and analysis by our Slytherin-led majority, who cap off the evening with an extended interview with the author, who is coincidentally on pain medication.
I’d like to thank our hosts and guest hosts for incredibly focused discussion over the past four weeks. We’ll try not to do it again.
There was a bit of a Poufwanian glitch in the creation of this episode’s bullet points. I went to type “Mike impersonates McGonagall”, and it came out, “Mike impregnates McGonagall.” As a result, I think it’s best that everyone just listens for themselves. Yes?
Starting next week, PotterFicWeekly begins a six week series covering The Book of Morgan Le Fey and The Final Reckoning by LavenderBrown.
A sixth year fic told from Ron’s perspective. The Trio return to Hogwarts to learn that Voldemort is hatching an evil plan to kill Muggles. Not only must they try and stop him, Ron must deal with his feelings for Hermione.
Any feedback/comments/voicemails for next week’s episode can be emailed directly to ryan@potterficweekly.com. This two-parter is rated R, and while it is available to the public without password, it may not be suitable for younger readers.
While I’m on the subject, remember what happened the last time Melinda read something R-rated? Heh. She’s on next week!
Happy listening!
Episode Hosts: Mike, Omly, Cody, PS, Raesive, Sue, Ryan
Special Guest Stars: Dethryl
Editor: Ryan
Episode Length: 3’58’51