Episode 54 – Dalek Ryan, Assassinated Rinna, Mugged Dan, Funny Melinda, Mommy Jules, Evil Julia, and Jen the Cat


Episode 54 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this double-length episode, PotterFicWeekly concludes our analysis of With all my Love, by LadyChi! Melinda, Jules, Rinna, Jen, Julia and I will be discussing Chapters 8-23, break for PeonCast, and upon return will bring LadyChi onto the show for a dignified and respectful interview.


We will also be discussing:

…what happens when Jen gets bored.

…why Ryan thought Dan was the victim of a hate crime.

…Melinda’s efforts at making a funny.

…Ryan’s 27-minute response time.

…Rinna’s hatred of the Post Office.

…Melinda’s hatred of Harry breastfeeding.

…Jen’s hatred of activity.

…Mike’s hatred of Arthur.

…The assassination of Rinna!

…Arkansas road-sign installation.

…why Julia is evil and must be destroyed at all costs.

…why LadyChi really is just plain mean.

…and yet a very talented writer.

This week on Peoncast:

Visiting Arthur by Arnel

Percy Weasley goes to visit his father in St. Mungo’s after he is attacked by Nagini.

Happy listening!