Episode 276: Companion Tea

This is our first episode covering “Browncoat, Green Eyes” by nonjon. In this episode we learn that coop and poop rhyme and talk about the 4th of July. In the story we find that the Firefly crew is looking for a new pilot and what they get is Harry. Harry has been out of touch for a while and is summoned back only to do his own thing. We get a glimpse of the Weasley’s but magic is not easily found in this universe. Except for Harry who can put his finger in River, fix ship parts and bring back donuts. This is a fun story that we are all enjoying and we hope you enjoy it too.

Also in the episode:

Coop and poop rhyme

Magic ring

Family meeting


Super hero


Kiss the girl


Board game

Things get doggy

It that a ham-cube in your pocket…?


River puppy


Backup cheeks


Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony

Editor: Sue

Run Time: 1’42.36