
Alone With His Thoughts

“Alone With His Thoughts” takes place between Chapters 10 and 11 of After the End, by Arabella and Zsenya.  I wrote this because the original story just showed Harry leaving the Quiddich pitch and then showing up two days later at the prison. I was always curious about how Harry handled those two days (what went through his mind, if it became increasingly difficult to cast his Patronus, his emotional and physical state, etc.), and this outtake is just a brief slice of what I imagined Harry went through.


The second is called “Healing” and it occurs approximately 0.2 seconds after the end of Chapter 29 of After the End, by Arabella and Zsenya. (In fact, it helps if you re-read the last page or two of Chapter 29 before reading Healing, as it flows pretty contiguously into the outtake.) I was really motivated to write this one, because I loved how the healing session in Ch. 29 was told from Ginny’s POV, but I really wanted to know how Ron reacted to it on his own, after he put his sister to bed.  I love Ron’s character in AtE, and I was very excited to develop this brief look into his thoughts and feelings after what I consider to be a true breakthrough for him.

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