About the Staff

and a couple of beagles. Phil and his wife enjoy reading the Potter

books to each other at night.

Email me at phil@potterficweekly.com



Ryan “Vikermac” McEwan (or Mac as he’s known on PFW) is a fairly normal 22 year-old guy. A native of Ohio, Mac is currently attending Transylvania University where he will soon graduate with a B.A. in History and Educational Studies. A self-declared “movie buff” Mac can often be found quoting a wide variety of movies in his attempts to sound intelligent and cool.

A Potter fan since just after the release of PoA (the book, not the movie), Mac has tried to read each of the books as many times as possible, and has only dipped his toe into the world of HP fanfic. A die-hard Harry/Ginny shipper, Mac can often be found making wise cracks about other less likely relationships and occasionally putting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard as it were) in order to humor his fellow forum shippers.

Email me at mac@potterficweekly.com


Danielle has been an avid Harry Potter fan for over five years. Sadly, she didn’t discover the wonderful world of Harry and friends until she was in college, missing out on several years of being in the fandom. However, since then, she has reread the books on numerous occasions, delved cautiously into the world of fanfic, and now harbors a secret dream to be J.K. Rowling’s personal chef (she starts pastry school in May, so it’s not as far off as one might think!).

Other interests include frequent viewings of British television shows, fruitless attempts to catch up with Jen’s forum post count, baking cookies, poking fun at former Headmaster Ryan, and making googly eyes at TV’s Dr. House.

She is also a former New Yorker, although nothing, not even a NYC address, could extinguish her pride in being a member of Red Sox Nation.

Email me at danielle@potterficweekly.com



Jules (aka Aggiebell aka Jules) was first introduced to the wonderful world of Harry Potter by her eldest son, who was having Sorcerer’s Stone read to him in his second grade class. Seven years later, she now proudly claims the position of most-obsessed Potter-fan in the house. She started in the fandom in June of 2003 after the release of Order of the Phoenix and hasn’t looked back since. PFW’s resident Neville fangirl, Jules is an administrator and beta-reader at PhoenixSong.net and dabbles in writing in her spare time.

Jules works as a technician in a plant genomics lab for her day job, where she was given the title of “DNA Sequencing Goddess” for her lab (she is so proud…NOT); her evenings are spent chasing her kids around, in rehearsals for her handbell choir, beta-reading, or writing. A mother of four (three boys and a girl), Jules is grateful that her husband tolerates her obsession, especially since her house is pretty much always in a major state of crazy.

Email me at jules@potterficweekly.com




Wayne (Also known as wej5541) was born and raised in the Albany, NY area. He is currently employed as a video editor.

Since entering the fandom, Wayne has read many fics and used several message boards and Yahoogroups. Wayne is primarily a Harry / Ginny shipper but is open to reading many other ships and AU fics.

Wayne is glad to be joining the PFW team as an editor.

Email me at wayne@potterficweekly.com



Omly is a mom of one and a graduate student in chemical engineering in the Boston area, where she also got her bachelors in chemistry, math and physics. Apparently she doesn’t do anything by halves. As a result she draws and crafts to stay sane. Recently she added audio editing to her list of spare time activities. She is also an avid reader of both HP and non-HP fiction. Let her know if you ever discover any decent fem-slash, because she is getting the the point where she doesn’t believe it exists in this fandom.

Email me at omly@potterficweekly.com

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