Welcome to the place where the story never ends!

Episode 290: Old Fashioned Reading

We end our two part series on “Steward of the House of Black” by kokopelli. Sue’s having chair issues and it bookends the podcast nicely. We have Poufwa related problems, but we wouldn’t be Poufwa without them. And we spend some time on learning how to say words. In the story we find that Remus learns a new way to wolf and has a cuddle pile. Dumbledore gets blindsided by Remus and Sissy helps with an escape. This is a fun story that we enjoyed very much.

Also in the episode:

Wolf changes
Raisin bread
House elf magic
Down the rabbit hole
Wolf pregnancy questions

Hosts: Sue, Moony, Scott
Guest Host: Eru
Editor: Cameron
Run Time: 1’44’49


Episode 289: The Harry Problem

We begin our two part series on “Steward of the House of Black” by kokopelli. We jump right in with this one and find out that Moony and Eru have misread the title and have the wrong name in mind. In the story, Remus has become the Steward of the House of Black and has a lot more responsibilities than we are used to. This is an AU, some of us weren’t sure at first. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Also in the episode:

Black stew
Booze and bras
Auror Alice
In this fook
Where’s Harry?
Muggle flats
Dursley golf
Frank is late

Hosts: Sue, Moony, Scott
Guest Host: Eru
Editor: Cameron
Run Time: 1’27’33


Episode 288: Waiting for Midnight

We are finishing our coverage of “Midnight Guardian” by ksomm814.We can’t remember what chapter we ended on last time. Scott and Sue talk DnD, there will be a link to Scott’s game at the end of this. The CA fires were going on when we recorded this, yes we are that far behind. In the fic, we wonder how old Minerva is, talk Quidditch and snot. Some of us really like this story while the other half thinks it’s too much “Super Harry.”

Scott’s DnD Game
Also in the episode:

Emo Harry
Movie time
Rule follower
Doctor Who
Nighttime protection
Rubber charms
Stun Scabbers
The Grim
Kill him, kill him
Sue lost her words
Get Fudged

Hosts: Sue, Moony, Scott
Guest Host: Eru
Editor: Cameron
Run Time: 1’34’38


Episode 287: Snape and Books

Here’s the next installment of “Midnight Guardian” by ksomm814. In this one we discuss our fears and falls. We also touch on walking on ice or roofs. There’s a bit about introvert conventions and how they would work. In the story, Harry deals with The Grim, creepy Lupin and insightful Ron. We learn how to frustrate Snape. The Hufflepuffs are all for this story, but the others aren’t convinced yet. We hope you are enjoying our ramblings and off topic ravings.

Also in the episode:

Draco to the office
Super Harry
Ravenclaw bets
Owl order
Christmas lie in
Full moon

Hosts: Sue, Moony, Scott
Guest Host: Eru
Editor: Cameron
Run Time: 1’06’59


Episode 286: Midnight Gardens

After a long delay and skipping over the Sherlock crossover, we bring you the first episode of “Midnight Guardian” by ksomm814.  Scott and Tricia are MIA for this one and the rest of us go immediately off topic to discuss penguins. In the story we find that no one is watching the Weasley kids, Fudge is really Fudgey and Harry is getting “special ed.” It’s a good story, but could use a beta reader.

I’m sorry for the delay in releasing the podcasts. My old computer just wasn’t able to keep up with them. I’ve got a new computer, but it’s having issues. Thanks to Scott’s coworker who volunteered to edit this one for us. The Sherlock crossover podcasts have really bad audio issues and will either have to be redone or scrapped all together.

Also in the episode:

Snowy Owls
There’s a fic?
Secret ink

Hosts: Sue, Moony
Guest Host: Eru
Editor: Cameron
Run Time: 1’10’29


Episode 282: Just Like We Planned

Here is our last bit of “Browncoat, Green Eyes” by nonjon. We begin this one with internet problems, but it comes together in the end. In the story, the wizards have taken over the planet and are doing their best to reclaim it and reform it’s former people. But not everyone is happy about this, so Harry has to be Super Harry and save the day with Frank. We hope you have enjoyed our coverage of Browncoat, Green Eyes. There are several more stories by nonjon that you may want to check out.

Also in the episode:

Tongue tied
Grandparents Day
Harry has a plan
Where did I come from?
I like to shoot people
Hidden doors
High hopes
I am a Wizard
Good wizard/vengeful god
Baby shuttles
Bye Frank
Fingers in the ear

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’24’44


Episode 280: Oops, Sue Messed this Up

We are going backwards in our coverage of “Browncoat, Green Eyes” by nonjon. The recordings we are now using changed as we were recording these and in the process I got the files mislabeled. We are going back an episode because they are out of order. In this episode, most of the hosts are having issues with fires that were burning out of control as we recorded. It’s hard to imagine now with all the snow and rain, but in the summer wild fires raged. We also had fiction problems when F Net went down and we couldn’t find the story, but Google was our friend and we were able to move on. In the story we find that Peeves has snuck aboard the ship, portraits guard the secret passages and wizards are hidden in plain sight. We really do enjoy this story and hope you are too.

Also in the episode:

Act of whale
I killed him
Piece of pie
Hanging on the ceiling
Lonely bird
Ship thieves
Fire Turkey
Purely physical
Find your calm
I feel dirty
I’m pregnant
Wand size
Magical romance

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’15’48


Episode 281: Too Many Jayne’s

We are almost to the end of our coverage of “Browncoat, Green Eyes” by nonjon. We learn about Sue’s first day with kids and Moony’s time at a nice wedding. At one point we discuss curse words. In the story we find out that the statue holds wizards and one Jane. New wizards don’t have an ounce of magic and the future is really messed up. Once the dust settles, we find there may be a planet that has magic and it tickles all of us.

Also in the episode:

Quail paralysis
Magical batteries
No magic
Evil babies
Wizard demons
Curse words 101
A gun
Magic planet
Warm and fuzzy
Cover up

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’44’49


Episode 279: Just Call Me Frank

We continue on our adventure with the Firefly crew and Harry Potter in “Browncoat, Green Eyes” by nonjon. We start out with a Tricia story, those are always fun. This one includes a gas mask. Then we move on to the story. Harry and crew are heading to Earth that was and what could go wrong with that? We are enjoying this story, even if Harry is over powered magically. We live up to our tangent reputation, starting one before we even finish our into. We hope you are enjoying this crossover as much as we are.

Also in the episode:

Hagrid hugs
Day trips to the moon
Happy Birthday, Harry
Earth that was
Ham cubes
I wanna be a freak too
Avocado 101
Fire Turkey
Fried cheese and peanut butter sandwich

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’36’32


Episode 278: Sue gets Pantsed by Chickens

Last time we left Jayne finding out his Mum was ill and that’s where we start this installment of “Browncoat, Green Eyes” by nonjon.
In this episode we start with technical difficulties, but finally get going. Sue makes everyone laugh with her chicken escapades. Tricia is back for part of the podcast and has interesting ideas for what Sue should be wearing. In the story, Harry uses the “one” healing spell he knows how to use. Jayne becomes an apostle and there’s bacon – sort of. At the end we give some book reviews.

Also in the episode:

Bald babies
The power of laziness
Magical haircuts
Damn Chickens
Pee while humming
Mom’s sick
You don’t drink blood?
The book of Jayne
Harry is Jesus
Teenage Wiz Kid

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’40’44


Special Edition 48: Not Dumbledore’s Man

Happy Holidays everyone! We give you two Christmas stories today, both bring the feels. First up is “The Unworn Jumpers of Molly Weasley” by likethenight.The second one is “Slumbering Giants” by suitesamba. Both are poignant and we hope you’ll enjoy them. Poufwa wishes all of you a very happy holiday, no matter what you celebrate.

Also in the episode:

Sue scores
Eru is a dragon
Baby Dragon Jesus
Jumpers mean love
Sue’s not fluent in HP
Call back
Hand print

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Guest Host Eru
Special Guest: Kelly from the past
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 42’28


Episode 277: Headmaster Harry

Here is our continued coverage of “Browncoat, Green Eyes” by nonjon. In this episode we welcome Eru from the forums, she’s staying up late, or is it early, to join us. And in true Poufwa fashion we interrupt the podcast at one point to discuss the weather. In the story Harry helps River do brain exercises, plans a heist and makes friends with the crew. Sorry about the ad at the beginning, this got bumped for the Fantastic Beasts review so it’s a little late. This is a fun story and we hope you are enjoying it.

Also in this episode:

Where’s the Wizards?
M Gene
Not your memory
Bug house friendly
Just Harry

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Guest Host Eru
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’47’18


Special Edition 47: Did Jo Jump the Shark?

Here is our discussion on Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. We struggle with Jo math, we find we aren’t sure what’s happening and WTF is the ending? We aren’t sure about what’s going on with Queenie, we want more on Bunti and Leta. We also find that Melinda doesn’t like the second in either series. We do like the new magics, the animals and that there’s a good Slytherin, sorta. We hope you enjoy our musings on the film.

Also in this episode:

Magic is cool
Tricia is forgettable
Boat boat
Stink bugs
Jacob love
Some horsey thing
Magic is a thrill
Wonky Weed
Ground licker
Gas masks
Sick Ginny
Power bracelets
PSA Don’t smoke the happy stuff
Ketchup sisters

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Moony
Guest Host: Melinda
Editor: Sue
Time 1’29’48


Episode 276: Companion Tea

This is our first episode covering “Browncoat, Green Eyes” by nonjon. In this episode we learn that coop and poop rhyme and talk about the 4th of July. In the story we find that the Firefly crew is looking for a new pilot and what they get is Harry. Harry has been out of touch for a while and is summoned back only to do his own thing. We get a glimpse of the Weasley’s but magic is not easily found in this universe. Except for Harry who can put his finger in River, fix ship parts and bring back donuts. This is a fun story that we are all enjoying and we hope you enjoy it too.

Also in the episode:

Coop and poop rhyme
Magic ring
Family meeting
Super hero
Kiss the girl
Board game
Things get doggy
It that a ham-cube in your pocket…?
River puppy
Backup cheeks

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’42.36


Episode 275: Here Fishy, Fishy, Fishy

In this episode we finish “Harry Potter as Written By” by Technomad. We are covering the last ten chapters in this one. Again much thanks to Scott who researched several of the authors so we knew what was going on. We found more we knew this time around, so that was fun.  Also in the podcast we discuss food boxes, an Ode to Ken and ordering “the usual.” We had a good time with this one, even if we got off topic a bit here and there. We hope you find some stories in this you will enjoy too.

The links we talk about can be found on the forum

Also in the episode:

Sweet revenge
Fun, fun, fun
Love potion #9
The Old Witch
Tom Riddle needs your vote
Rewrite the will
Don’t look Ethel
Harry dolls
Significant glance

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’17’29


Episode 274: I Make Buildings for Dead People

We are starting a new story called “Harry Potter as Written By” by Technomad.  In this we cover the first 10 chapters, each chapter “as written by” different authors and entertainers. Much thanks to Scott who researched several of the authors so we knew what was going on. We hope you find an author or style you enjoy in some of these chapters. Also in the podcast we congratulate Tricia on her new purchase and find out more about what she does for a living. We get side tracked by Butterbeer and pool yoga. We hope you enjoy our madness.

The various links can be found in the show notes on the forum. Forum Link

Also in the episode:

More than you ever wanted to know…
This made us sound stupid
Lord Voldy is watching you
Godfather Harry
And Luna
Learn something new…
Fun House…No!
Pool Yoga
May 2nd
Thanks Scott

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’31’56


Episode 273: Boys in Towels

In this episode we finish our coverage of “Realizations” by Wishweaver. In this episode Tricia talks about what happened when she came home with pizza for some of her son’s friends. We say “hi” to our new recording bot and talk about jellyfish. In the story Harry travels and saves Snape, while Dumbledore and crew try and find Harry. Hedwig makes new friends and a magical book knows the best fit for Harry. Even Moony has come to enjoy the story. We hope you have too. Thanks again Kat for picking this one out for us to cover. Our next one will be Harry Potter as Written By, a series of HP stories as written by other colorful characters.

Also in the episode:

Playing in the woods
Camp councilor
How did he get taller?
Muggle disguises
Critical Role scare
Famous people
Green eyes
He’s happy
Dislocating elbows or shoulders
Misplaced guilt
Not good at asking for help
Not fans of Amos
Do you believe in magic?
Crystal saves the day
CPS at the Leaky?
Flu x 3
Shaving cream carpet cleaner
The Burrow
Harry is not made of stone
Magical dog

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 2’36’50


Episode 272: Sitting on Babies

Here is the next installment of “Realizations” by Wishweaver. In this episode we talk about Puffs the show, short films and an iPhone. Sue can’t stay late because of a dead chicken. In the episode Kat is very passionate and there’s magic everywhere. We are in for a rant or two. Moony is struggling with this and Kat is doing her best to win her over. We hope you are enjoying the story and our coverage of it.

Also in the episode:

Overtired children
TV Troops
He gave up
Pumpkin juice
Moved to Australia
House memories
Super healing powers
House team
Get fit

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’57’55


Episode 271: The Lady Requested My Services…

We are half way through our coverage of “Realizations” by Wishweaver. In this episode we start out still on the 15th. Harry learns a new game, Tom is sneaky and there’s babysitting. We say “Hi” to Kezza and talk about the Harry Potter Musical. Moony still isn’t enjoying the story, but we do sway her in a couple of places. We hope you are enjoying it and will continue to listen and read along.

Also in the episode:

Two questions
Dog form
Help desk issues
Touch can be good
Pumpkin juice
Tea rose
“I’m good”
Unique idea
Admin error
Tom tries
Mr. H Potter
I’m fine
Good and Bad
Let me not be Harry Potter

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’56’24


Episode 270: July 15 A Very Big Day

We continue our coverage on “Realizations” by Wishweaver. In this episode we swear a lot and talk of chickens. We find that Harry Potter is a game. In the story Harry is good at brochures, Snape needs a potion tester and there is a failure to communicate. Harry as Jim is enjoying his work in the alley. We hope you are enjoying the story of what might happen if Harry’s family leaves him behind.

Also in the episode:

Field Kit
Slytherin’s run the world
Dream journal
Mr. Clean
Exchange rate
The magic box
For sale
Harry hunting
Wizard fax
Muggle bill

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 2’13’30


Episode 269: Harry Potter and the Year of Goth

We begin Kat’s favorite all time fic, “Realizations” by Wishweaver. In this episode we have a plan. We find out where Tricia is from (wink, wink) and say goodnight to her son. In the story we learn that Harry is having trouble seeing, the Dursley’s are MIA and new contacts can change the world. Kat has very strong opinions about this story. It is a WIP, but at least ends an arc before it dies out, so we will not be covering the last chapter. It’s a good story and we hope you are reading along.

Also in the episode:

Cheese with your whine
No Emergency Here
Magic light
Brain names
Talk to your pets
Homeward Bound
You will cry
Mice for Patches
Introducing Jim
He’s not lying, he’s just not telling the whole truth

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Moony
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 2’01’36


Episode 268: Voice Acting and Chickens

Welcome to Season 9 as we bring you “Ending in Thanks” by Realmer06. In this episode we have lessons from the hosts. We find that Tricia is having a campout, Moony crackles when she talks and Scott has a new play. In the story we see several missing moments between Minerva McGonagall and Remus Lupin. We learn that Remus puts his students first, can’t understand why Sirius didn’t harm Ron and has been running. Minerva, on the other hand, expects him to come to work, writes letters to Molly about the twins and is a good listener. We also get to see the twins being the twins. Stay tuned at the end for an interview with the author.

Scott enjoyed this story so much he recorded it and you will find the link Here

Also in the episode:

Ring tones
Flat screen TV
Chicken rodeo
Stupid chickens
Scott Voice acting 101
Teacher respect
Remus flying below the radar
Don’t say “no”
4 days!!
Aunt Petunia Bogart
Guard canaries
Healing moments
Mr. Rogers
How did we miss it?
Doesn’t hurt less

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Moony
Guest Host: Melinda
Special guest: Realmer06 AKA Cassie
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 2’52’22


Season 9 Teaser

Look for the new season of PotterFicWeeekly, starting up again July 4.


Episode 267: Hide the Baby!!

Here’s the last installment of “Becoming Neville” by Jedi Rita. In this episode we had a lot of technical difficulties to get through but we prevailed. There’s not as much pre-show chatter as usual we just jump right in. We do have the occasional “squirrel” moments in the show. In the story we find that Bella is hanging around and shows up in unexpected places. Snape has unusual tastes when it comes to ice cream and Remus is really hard on himself.

This is the last podcast of this season and we don’t have the next season planned or even started, so this will be the last podcast for a while. We are working to put together a fic list for next season so we won’t be gone forever. Check out the PotterFicWeekly forum or the Poufwa Facebook group to find out more about next season. Many thanks to our loyal listeners, you are why we keep this going.

Also in the episode:

Canary in the mine
I’m just protecting your parents
Snape tricked
Goat Yoga
In the cupboard
Moony frustrated
Flooed news
Merlin’s sad parts
Palm pensive
Just relax
Hunger strike
Neville has a friend
Doctor Who

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Moony
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’52’07


Episode 266: Quality Quidditch and Where to Find It

Sorry this is so late, but better late than never. Here is the third installment of “Becoming Neville” by Jedi Rita. In this episode we learn that one should never cuddle their chickens. In the story we find out Snape’s favorite student. We see Gran stick up for Neville and find out that Harry is a film star. We hope you are enjoying this story.

We’d like to thank Lena of the Butterbeer Experience for allowing us to share her song.

Also in the episode:

Job interviews
W towns
We believe in magic
Poufwanian’s in DC?
D 20
No pennies
Adult beverages
Overdue library book
What’s his name

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony and maybe Tricia
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’53’21


Episode 265: I Think We’re In Trouble

Today, in our last story of the season; we give you the second part of “Becoming Neville” by Jedi Rita. In this episode we learn about birds from Sue.  Moony complains about mowers and Tricia is really late to the podcast.  Along the way we learn that Neville is in charge.  Harry and Neville have a London adventure and Snape seems to be spending a lot of time at the house.  And they are still eating a lot of cereal.  We hope you are enjoying this story.

Here is the link to the Swifts video.

Also in the episode:

Wood Duck
Broken phone
No duck
Vaux Swifts
Full moon
Why do they call it a pound?
The Star War
A game of telephone
Luggage robots
Ask Jeeves
Three hour lunches
Dirty word scrabble
Really green
Cheerleader Snape
Lick your eyeballs
Tricia is back and rebelling

Hosts: Sue, Scott,  Moony, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’42’42


Episode 264: The Batman Argument

Today we begin our coverage of our last story of this season. We give you “Becoming Neville” by Jedi Rita. In this episode we talk about long weekends, cats and trips. In the story, we find Neville spending the summer with Harry and Remus after his Gran has an accident. We learn of a new cereal, made just for witches and wizards. And there’s a shout out to Wolfie from our forums. Sit back and enjoy our coverage of Becoming Neville.

Also in the episode:

Around the World in 31 days
Easy author name
Angry Scott
Hanging with Remus and Harry
Oliver Wood – the boy who lived
The greenhouse
Eats when hungry
Nude sunbathing
Help me
Brain memories
Big words
He’s in charge
He was there
Moony likes the Evil

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 1’43’04


Episode 263: Badgers for the Win!

Today we have two short one shots by the same author, we hope you enjoy “The Heirs of Hufflepuff” and “The Staff Meeting” by Morrighan. In these we see where Helga finds her Heirs after being pushed to it by Rowena. And we see what a typical Hogwarts Staff Meeting may look like. Along the way we talked about Butterbeer Potted Cream, Patrick Stewart’s wife and bugs. These were nice little one shots that will get us ready for our next series, Becoming Neville.

Also in the episode:

Stinging nettles
The Mastodons
Uni, the Unicorn
You need an Heir
Helga’s Helga
Everyone is my Heir
Hagrid’s Mum
Staff Meeting – not much happens
Hogsmead kids
Short wand
Jude Law

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Editor: Sue
Run Time: 57’05


Episode 262: Tricia Works for Snape

We go back to our roots with this little one shot.  Please enjoy “The Greatest Minister of Magic” by BajaB. In this episode we get Tricia back, she has stories and a lotta cheese.  Hopefully it’s not bad cheese…. In the story we see Fudge how it could have been if things had been different.  This is shorter than we usually do, but it was interesting so we thought you’d enjoy it and our discussion.  We hope you do.

Also in the episode:

Free stuff
Dumb host stories
Snape with Harry Potter Glasses
Are you a witch?
I have questions
Talk to the Muggles more
New voters
The Greatest Minister
Other stories from the author

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Moony
Editor: Sue on vacation with no internet
Run Time: 1:00:55


Episode 261: Don’t Say the M Word

We end our coverage of “Prisoners” by Whitetail and she joins us at the end for an interview. We talk about how Sue collects Poufwanians. Melinda reads fan fiction during tax season and Moony has a list. In the story we see Harry’s birthday, Hermione’s new home and just how it all ends. We hope you have enjoyed our coverage of this story, we sure enjoyed it. We got together with the author Whitetail and found she has Buggies, she’s a nerd and we all talk comfort food.

Also in the podcast:

Tricia is Jen
It’s Snape-time
Stolen Jeep
Lobster Ice Cream
Off topic
Cleaning products
Need Coffee
You’re my Anne
Mr. Weasley
Sent to Alaska
Budgies Moony and Sunny
Comfort food

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Guest Host: Melinda
Special Guest: WhiteTail
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 3’07’32



Episode 260: “I Just Want Toast…”

Here’s our next installment of “Prisoners” by Whitetail. We recorded this in spring, just in time for a huge snow storm in the Boston area. We talk about comfort food, including grilled cheese sandwiches and creamed tuna and peas on toast. In the story, Hermione attends her parents funeral, Harry and Snape play dress up and Harry sees Padfoot. We also get some fun in the sea and good thunderstorms.

Also in the podcast:
More snow
Door story
Cold bath
Not my Harry you…
Hiding in the cupboard
This is where you’ll stay
Let’s talk
Red Nose Day
Book rec from Sue

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Guest Host: Melinda
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 2’13’45


Episode 259: The Evils of Baths

We are winding down on our coverage of “Prisoners” by Whitetail. Sue’s breaking all the rules and eating during the pre show.  There are boat-boats and Jen stories or at least we talk about them.  In the story, Snape figures out that Harry’s home life may not have been the best.  He also finds that they are very much alike.  Harry plays in the mud and there’s a blanket fort.  We go on several tangents, but we’re Poufwa.  We hope you are enjoying this story as much as we are and we are.

Also in the podcast:

Room cleaning
That darn Cat
The cats
The Knight Bus
Special HP books
Road trip
The font mystery
We want a house-elf
Baseball in England?
Snape, the healer

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Guest Host: Melinda
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 2’09’10


Episode 258: Snape Has Daddy Issues

We continue our coverage of “Prisoners” by Whitetail this week. Melinda is still here even though it’s tax season for her and she’s really busy. Sue is dealing with a bobcat and is just back from a con. In the story, we find out that Snape and Harry are a lot a like. We see them both struggle with their bodies not working the way they used to work. And we see that just like the hosts, they talk about the weather. We are enjoying this story and hope you are too. We hope to do an interview with the author on the last podcast.

Also in the podcast:

John Barrowman
Fisher cat
Sewing cards
Beer and tacos
I’m fine
I Hate You!!
Baby Instruction Books
Test child
The ocean
Coloring book
The Noodle Incident
Wet the bed – again
Late night shenanigans
Dumbledore pen pal
Actual bobcat sighting

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Guest Host: Melinda
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 2’08’41


Episode 257: Don’t Talk to the Help!!

We begin a new series tonight with “Prisoners” by Whitetail. Melinda recommended this story to us and was kind enough to join the hosts in discussing it. We record this while Mass. prepares for a massive snow storm, stay tuned next week to see how our East Coast hosts do in the storm. We blame Melinda for everything, but really enjoy the story. Speaking of the story, we have Harry experiencing unknown magic that makes things very different for him and Snape tortured and left with physical injuries that end his career. This is what could happen when two lost souls have to depend on each other. We hope you enjoy this story as much as we did.

Also in the podcast:

Mass names are weird
It’s all Melinda’s fault
Melinda is Hating
Jule’s Season 4 Promises
Dark Lord out on errands
Urgent letter
No Spoilers
They don’t deserve Bell Point
Melinda has feelings for Snape
How do you sleep?
My game
Corned Beef sandwiches
Snape tells a joke

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Guest Host: Melinda
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’43’46


Episode 256: The Case of Harry P.

Here’s Moony’s pick for the season, please enjoy “The Serpent and the Mirror” by Paimpont. We have Canada on the line, but it’s not our usual Canadian. We have show notes, well some of us do. In the story we have Doctor Dumbledore working to find out what’s wrong with Harry P. We go through each year in a chapter and then find out the answer at the end. The author has done a great job tying everything together. And we forgot to tell our guest about the Poufwa Curse. Oops!!

Also in the podcast:

Talking cats
We are recording
Illegal to have snow on the car
Moony walks on water
RIP Richard Hatch
Mouse sharing a bed with an elephant
Mouse to mouth
Fan Girled
Canada is close
Santa’s beard trauma
Teachable moments
Number 4
Creepily pocessive
Not Slytherins
Always Snape
Mirror image

Hosts: Sue, Moony
Guest Host: Dawn
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’50’32


Episode 255: Poufwa, We Are Easy to Confuse!

Enjoy this one shot of “How Moody Got His Eye” by pyttan. In this one, Moony is working on two computers, Sue is confused and Scott has the info. In the story we find that Moody saves his partner at his cost.  His nurse is going above and beyond, his friends are great and the Malfoys will pay. This is a fun little one shot with lots of humor over a not so nice subject.  

The link Scott finds to the table has disappeared, sorry.  If he finds it again, I’ll post it in the forum.

Also in the podcast:

What’s the weather?
Moony’s Poking things
We’re all tired.
Maggie Cat going for car rides
Frozen pipes
Asking strangers for a ride
Moody, not Moony
TPS reports
Sue is to dates as JKR is to math
Don’t use the D word
Moody in a towel
Little Lucy
It’s for your own protection
Dangerous carvings

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 57’24


Episode 254: I’m Not a Hero, I’m a Hostage!!

Here is our last installment of “Dudley’s Dilemma” by kakistocrat. Tonight we finish out our coverage of this story. We start off with Dudley and family waking up in a dungeon and things go bad from there. The family must save themselves as Harry and help are not fairing so well. With a little magic things work out and Dudley finds himself at Platform 9 and 3/4s saying goodbye to his second child. If you’ve enjoyed this story, you should read the sequel. We hope you’ve enjoyed our ramblings about this one.

Also in the podcast:

Magical houses have dungeons
We must kill Harry Potter
Sore back
The witch is going to be mad
I’m fine
Broken bones
Tug of war
Evil books
Disney movies are creepy
Super Dudley
TMI Harry

Hosts: Sue, Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’17’14


Episode 253: Is That A Wand in Your Pocket…?

Here is our third installment of “Dudley’s Dilemma” by kakistocrat. It’s near Thanksgiving as we recorded this, so there’s talk of wild turkeys. We have some of Tricia’s favorite things and make plans for the next season of podcasts. In the story, the new business is taking off, Dudley thinks about retiring and we don’t see much of Dustin. We leave it on a cliffy…you’re welcome!

In this episode we feature a little of Harry and the Potters, since they are written into the story.

Also in the podcast:

Burrs in the hair
RIP Ron Glass
Wand in the pocket
Stay out of the kitchen
No pie for you
Sue is confused
I want a magic tray
Time zones
Dustin kills Binns
You need a staff
Harry and the Potters Wrock

Hosts: Sue, Moony, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’39’33


Episode 252: My Name is Moony and I Approve this Message

In this our second installment of “Dudley’s Dilemma” by kakistocrat, we have Scott to teach us how to say the author’s name. Some of the hosts have been to see Fantastic Beasts, so we have some talk about that. There’s also a lot of pet talk scattered throughout the podcast. We are a little more off topic than usual and that’s saying something. In the story, we see that one shouldn’t drive when tired and that Harry should probably have himself arrested. Dustin goes to Hogwarts and Kate starts a new career. All in all we get to know the family a little bit better. We hope you are enjoying our coverage of this story.

Tricia shares a little about what’s been happening with her family. If you are so inclined she would appreciate any good thoughts you can send their way.

Also in the podcast:

David Tennent in town
Fantastic Beasts
Sexy wiggle
Poor Hippo
Scary beasts
I want a Niffler
Country doctoring
Thanksgiving podcast
Young and stupid
Alligators oh my.
A lie or is it?
Golf shirt
Got insurance?
Rabbit food
Two wieners
Dustin’s house
Pay the owl
Don’t taunt the cat
Give your cat a bath
I Wanna Be a Wizard
Scott is smart
Rabbits are Legos
We did cheat
Banished from the kitchen
Aunt Marge
Ugly dogs

Hosts: Sue, Moony, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 2:17:21


Episode 251: She’s a Wizard

Today we begin our coverage of “Dudley’s Dilemma” by kakistocrat.  In this story we find that Dudley’s children are magical and that his wife loves to cook.  Along the way we find that James is a brat, castle cake is wonderful and hot chocolate really helps.  Oh and Harry’s plan is a bad one.  The hosts talk a little Fantastic Beasts and we have a segment of Herbology with Sue. 

Meanwhile in this podcast:

Girls can be Super Heros
Long street
She’s a Wizard
Your Granddaughter is a witch
so is your Grandson
Kate’s in the kitchen
Be normal
Not another uncle
Gifts and Cake
Take the cake

Hosts: Sue, Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 56’25


Episode 250: Look Out, Here Come the Weasleys!

When we covered a longer story by this author we always said we want to do his short story too. So we give you “After Magic” by Bartimus Crotchety. In this story, Percy goes over to the dark side in an attempt to bring the magic back to his family, what he doesn’t understand is that he’s family too. We have a merry cast who each has a special job to do in order to make sure it all ends well, but the one who plays the practical joke is the one we don’t expect. Along the way, Sue’s kitten finds an interesting bed. We talk about eggs and want things fixed. Just the usual host craziness you’ve come to expect from us. We hope you enjoy this story as much as we did.

Meanwhile in this podcast:

Magical video
Ron – “I’m useless”
Find trouble
Corn maze
Magic book
Wizarding world not kind to books
The bravest man I ever knew
Coat of arms
Lobster ice cream

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’20’08


Special Edition 46 – And Now, PotterFicWeekly, Part 1: Ten Years of Poufwa

Greetings Poufwa! Ryan here! I’m both in awe that it’s been ten years since the launch of the Poufwa community, and that my password still works! (Sue’s not big into locking doors.)

Following every season of Poufwa, we would put together a recap episode of all the best moments. The first was over six hours long, crashed my first laptop, and had to be recreated from scratch. (I cried.) The second was double the size and needed a whole team to help pull it together. For my third and final season working on the podcast, having just turned the podcast over to Sue, I decided to take my time and do it personally, as a gift to the community.

Well, that was almost eight years ago.

I’ve had stuff!

In honor of the tenth anniversary of our community, I’ve decided to share what I have so far. It’s about a third complete, but represents a lost age of PotterFicWeekly. The first season is the golden year everyone remembers. The second season was when we brought Kezza, Jen2, PS, and Mike onto the show, doubled the number of fics we covered, and really had fun. We knew the third season would be our last year together, so we made sure to enjoy the hell out of it, but the reality is more people have time to listen to the Episode 13 of a podcast than Episode 83.

This episode represents some of the best work we ever did that you haven’t had a chance to listen to yet.

More than that, given how much time has gone by, it’s a chance for us to go back in time. That we spend the bulk of an episode trying to make a long-distance phone call while referencing my giant, corded headphones is testament to that.

And I promise to finish this episode before our platinum anniversary.

Happy listening, with love.

Total runtime: 6’14’27


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition 45: Ron’s Shopping Adventures

We wanted to do a holiday podcast but things got crazy around the holidays so it didn’t happen. Then we found this nice little fic that was everything we’d been looking for, so we give you “Ron’s Muggle Christmas” by honourweasley12. This was a two take podcast as it didn’t record the first time so we did it again.  We’d also like to announce that Moony has been promoted to full time host.  Congrats Moony!!  In the story we find that Ron is joining Hermione and her parents for Christmas Eve and he’s in charge of the gifts.  This Ron is thoughtful and really wants to find the best gifts he can.  We hope that you enjoy this fic as much as we did. 

The author had some comments about the podcast which can be viewed on the forum. You can check them out here.

Meanwhile in this podcast:

Talking to the mannequin
Snowflake jammies
Cuff links
More than you ever wanted to know about men’s attire
Christmas Eve NOT New Years Eve
Disguised Harry
Sue’s reading Rita Skeeter
Dinner goes well
Footed Jammies
The door stays open

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 57’45


Episode 249: Love Ardently and Always Hope

Here is our review on “I Know Not and I Cannot Know Yet I Live and I Love” by billowsandsmoke.  This is a long one shot that shows what might have happened when Luna was a student in Snape’s potions class.   In this episode we have a long lost guest host who has moved to warmer climes while the rest of us deal with snow and ice. We have some Fantastic Beast spoilers and Sue sings.  In the story, we find that Luna has knowledge of flowers and ingredients, Snape doesn’t quite know what to do with her and Hufflepuffs can be mean.  We also see a unique question asked of Snape.  We also see a friendship that neither expected or wanted but that neither would have given up.  Stay tuned at the end of the podcast for some words from the author.  

Meanwhile in this podcast:

West Wing
Don’t hate Kat
No leaves
Babies Breath
Star Signs changed
A Lot of tadpoles
Detention = Woot
Earl Gray Hot
The Days of the Week
Fight back
Moony knows her day.
Cooking with Poufwa
Hanging out with Snape
Miss Toad, herself
Missing shoes
Fight back
Poufwanian moments
Talking with your hands
Kat feelings
Be different here

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Moony, Kat
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 2’42’35


Episode 248: Breathing is Important

This is our last episode on “These Cuts I Have” by Melindaleo. In this episode we get to find out if Harry survives Melinda’s love. We also get to see broom racing, baby Teddy and Doxy venom. The hosts have moments of snow, kittens and Loot Crate. We have all enjoyed reading Melinda’s story and are very glad we began Season Eight with it. Melinda, we are thankful you found your muse and began writing again.

We want to thank Lena of The Butterbeer Experience for allowing us to share her music in this podcast.

Next up is a long one shot where we watch Professor Snape try and deal with a student named Luna Lovegood.

Meanwhile in this podcast:

Chapter 26
Sue messed up
Sue’s a cyclops
Ginny’s Bad Day
Totally Poisoned
Teddy rolls over
Panic attack
I’m 17!!!
Take my money
Dude, heal yourself
Not my wand
Neville the supplier
Don’t say fine
Broom race
Don’t be a Downer
Wing Man Percy

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’53’24


Special Edition 44: That Poor Hippo

Some Poufwa hosts, old and new, got together to talk about Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.  True to the new Poufwa system we discuss the movie from beginning to end, much like we discuss fanfic.  If you have not seen this movie yet, do not listen to this podcast it is full of SPOILERS!! We love Newt and feel that the magic of Jo is back in this movie.  Tricia has an Aha moment and has decided who should play Dumbledore.  We talk about what might happen in the next films.  We even give a nod to Ex-Host Mike in one scene.  We also want to give our heartfelt Congratulations to Aaron, AKA Kkronk, on his recent engagement. Sit back and enjoy our coverage of Fantastic Beasts, we sure enjoyed talking about it.

Hosts: Sue and Tricia
Guest Hosts: Aaron and Raesive


Episode 247: Say Anything But “Fine”

We continue our coverage of “These Cuts I Have” by Melindaleo. It’s “talk like a pirate day”, too bad only Scott knows this. Sue is back to work and knows her bird eggs. In the story, Arthur calls a Family Meeting, the trio has “take out” Chinese and there’s snogging. Harry and Ron go on a raid and Harry gets a new broom. Ron leaves a special gift for the Dusrley’s and we see Umbridge’s trial. Harry has a cold, but he tells everyone that he’s fine.

Meanwhile in this podcast:

Talk like a pirate
Pirate Queen
Young Harry picture
The date
Death Eater
Family Meeting
New broom
It’s a raid
Time with Teddy
It’s just a cold
Dursley hunting
Bank vaults
He’s like totally poisoned
It was a trap
A deal with Draco
Birthday Owl

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Moony
Editor: Wolfie
Total runtime: 2’24’37


Episode 246: There’s No Such Thing as Magic

We are about half way through our coverage of “These Cuts I Have” by Melindaleo. We start off with some of Melinda’s thoughts on our first podcast.  Our hosts find that Sue’s cat is eating things he shouldn’t, Moony is swinging and Scott’s got a babyface. In the story we wonder why DHS wasn’t called when Harry was a child.  We also wonder if carpets can get drunk and if Draco is Harry’s next of kin. Scott shares a link of advertising that gets disability right. They are well worth watching.

Meanwhile in this podcast:

House Elf Rebel
The Poor Me’s
I’m fine
Harry is the abby normal one
Flying books
You have a sister?
Flip Floo
Little Harry
Watering Petunia’s plants
Ice cream
Mud puddle stomping
Toss the Toddler
Memory Charms
Date night

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 2’17’09


Episode 245: Harry Potter Got Nuked

Here is our second installment of “These Cuts I Have”by Melindaleo. We begin with a body and then a presumed death and go on from there. Harry wakes in the hospital and we discuss bath rooming issues. George makes a statement we have all thought, even if we would never say it out loud. Melinda shows her special kind of love for Harry in many ways in these chapters. We also discover that she’s up to her old foreshadowing tricks, did she help write Cursed Child?

Meanwhile in this podcast:

Don’t ask
Coven of Creepy
Showers or sponge baths
Sue overshares
Memory charms
Purple Lollies
Home for dinner
Drunk Quidditch
Harry gets Mad!

Hosts: Sue, Trica
Guest Host: Moony
Editor: Wolfie
Total runtime: 1’49’05


Episode 244: Magic Moose on the Tracks

We begin our eight season with one of our favorite authors, Melindaleo with her newest story “These Cuts I Have.” The hosts haven’t talked in months when we get together to record, so the first bit of this is us just chatting. Moony has a lot to say about The Cursed Child, she may have some spoilers. We try to start several times, but there are rabbit trails everywhere or should I say Moose Trails? In the story we start just after the end of the battle, Harry and crew are really tired and just want to sleep, but The Fat Lady won’t open for them. We learn that Harry’s favorite words are “I’m fine”, we’re not sure anyone believes him. Ron is taking up the “saving people” mantle, especially when it comes to his family. We hope you enjoy the first eight chapters of Melinda’s story.

Meanwhile in this podcast:

Scott gets his beard groomed
Tricia attacked
How to stop a train
Susan is back
Harry want to help with Teddy
Dragon riding
Cooking 101
Tell Ginny the story
Tricia and towels
No money
Spell shock
The shop
Careful waking Harry
Never swim alone
Under attack

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Trica
Guest Host: Moony
Editor: Wolfie
Total runtime: 2’41’47


Episode 243: Harry’s Love Square

And this is our last podcast of Season 7 and on “Oh God Not Again” by Sarah1281. We have Ginny in a pond, but not the Ginny you think.  We also learn that Kat’s a big deal. In the story, we follow the tasks as our hero’s work to get to the cup first.  And the winner is….you’ll have to listen or better yet, read to find out.  We have really enjoyed this story and hope you have to.  Many thanks to Sarah1281 for her comments and for this fun story.  The House of Awesome music used with permission from The Whomping Willows, thanks Whompy! This is the last one of the season, we will be picking up with Melindaleo’s  These Cuts I Have in a few weeks. We will be taking a month off to catch up on recording and editing.

Meanwhile in this podcast:

Graveyard – run like heck
Canary Dragon
Shout out for Critical Role and Godsfall
Luna doesn’t believe in Harry’s scar
Adorable Neville
Your date’s on fire
Hufflepuffs are fair
Don’t die Fred!
No regrets
Don’t encourage him!!
Most points ever!

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’28’52


Episode 242: Turtle Peeing Tea

We are nearing the end of “Oh God Not Again” by Sarah1281. We learn that Neville doesn’t want a new Minister for Magic, Harry’s a witch and Ron is a seer. Sue has frogs, Kat is looking into rats and Canada is melting. But that means we can invest in shipping, as we bring back a Mike clip. We are still laughing our way through this story, we hope you are too. Tune in next time for the last podcast of Season 7.

Meanwhile in this podcast:

RIP Bernie
Chicken food
Rap Opera
If you find yourself in a graveyard…
Big Feet
The Daily Planet
Baby Steps
Loving Luna

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Total Runtime: 2’10’29


Episode 241: $14 and a Loaf of Bread

We give you the third installment of “Oh God Not Again” by Sarah1281. Kat introduces Poufwa to a friend, Team Arrow to the rescue and undergarments.  In the story we find that Harry and Luna attend the Mandrake party, Dobby spills the beans and the scar is wrong.  We also have a Herbology lesson with Sue and remember Alan Rickman. This story makes us laugh and we hope it’s making you laugh too.

Meanwhile in this podcast:

Neville, the sensible one
Canada PSA
Where?s my broom?
My Scar
I?m Harry Potter
He?s Sirius Black
One heck of a con man
Poor Snape

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 2’16’00


Episode 240: Three Hat Songs and a Map

In this episode we continue our adventures with “Oh God Not Again” by Sarah1281. Kat, our long lost podcaster and friend, has returned to the podcast and has found to her amusement that she’s still in the intro. Sue reviews some new books she’s reading. And then we talk about BMs. Yes, this podcast has gone “there.” In the story, Harry provides new brooms, Ron has a clue and Lockhart has a quiz. Draco is the “love child” of Snape and Sissy. This fic is pure crack and we are enjoying every funny bit of it.

Meanwhile in this podcast:

Book reviews
Snarky Fanboy
Harry drives
I order you not to kill Harry
53 chances
JK, We need the sorting song
Howler inventer
Kat’s playing Russian Roulette
Card sharps
A map would be nice
Squaty Potty
Loop holes
You make no sense.
Devil Child

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 2’21’21


Special Edition 43 – Ryan and Kezza Carpool

Six years later, Kezza and I return to hijack PotterFicWeekly! We devoured Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and desperate to discuss it, synchronized our schedules to the curvature of the earth and the only opening was my morning commute. PointOfViewWeekly will do an in-depth, live podcast in the next week, but here’s the sampler.

Being Poufwa, this podcast also contains an in-depth discussion of Australian cars, my backup camera, Kezza’s klutz of a child, some dude I befriended on the way to work, and sperm.

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, Kezza
Editor: Ryan
Total runtime: 26’58


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 239: Because the Scar Said So

Today we bring you the first episode of “Oh God Not Again” by Sarah1281. We begin by telling you that this is a parody, it’s not suppose to be taken seriously. Apparently people don’t read the summary and don’t understand this.
In the story, we find that Harry has gone back in time, so he knows what is going to happen. He plays this knowledge off on his scar. Neville is part of the core group, but he doesn’t know how to play “Rock, Paper, Scissors”. This is a fun story that will make you laugh as long as you don’t take it too seriously. We hope you enjoy it.

Meanwhile in this podcast:

Harry Potter
The Quiz
Sue’s a bad podcaster
Back to square one
Don’t say the name
Snarky Harry
Who’s your Daddy?
Rita tells the truth
Wrong, very, very wrong
Witch or Squib?
My Scar told me
Twins anamagus forms?
You are my friend
Do they think I’m crazy
Tell a teacher
I don’t want to adult

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’48’21


Episode 238: I am Lord Volder…Dead!

In this episode we finish our series on “To Shape and Change” by Blueowl. Tricia was having computer problems, so we actually start almost immediately, there’s no pre-show. Sorry to those who like that part the best. In the story we find out how Harry’s Mom saved him, what’s happening with the Longbottoms and what happens to Molly. We really enjoyed this story and hope you have too. Thanks Blueowl for your comments throughout the podcast.

Our last story of the season begins in two weeks with Oh God Not Again.

Meanwhile in this podcast:

Snakes write?
Take ‘em to the doctor
Order of Merlin
Think while you fight
Sue mixes them up
A very clean snake
She smiled at me
Big table
Don’t mess with the Badger
Cucumber snakes
Cat traps
Voldemort the power drain
Bones for the win
Your kid might be next
Kitten toys
Weasley Hugs
Fight as you run
The lifesaver

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’47’20


Episode 237: We are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

We are nearing the end of our coverage “To Shape and Change” by Blueowl. In this episode Tricia’s son is in trouble, Moony is lost and Scott’s in a play. Sue’s cat wants to be part of the podcast, so he lets himself in and then makes all sorts of noise. Darn cat! In the story, Snape is cool under pressure, Harry remembers his library book and Sirius just doesn’t understand. Snape has a No Good, Very Bad Week, but then so does Voldy. We hope you are enjoying this story as much as we are.
Also in this podcast:

Sweet justice
Amazed and appalled
Sue has a reputation
Gardening in stilettos
Waterfall of lemon drops
Binns retired

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 2’10’54


Episode 236: A Pleasant Message from Deth

We continue our coverage of “To Shape and Change” by Blueowl. In this episode we learn how to keep spiders away, that one should always keep hydrated and that PS still has her clipboard. In the story we revisit some lost chapters from last podcast, with Sue and PS. We find that the “idiot Hufflepuff” is causing trouble again. Harry has lost his library book and has new caretakers. Coral and Trevor each get a chance to “save the day.” This is a wild ride, but we are having fun with it. You never know what topic we will be distracted by, but we always come back to the story. We hope you are enjoying it with us.

Also in this podcast:

Poor Harry
Snape puts his feet up.
We learned something
Nerds and Geeks
Don’t play with your food.
A Witch with a Capitol B
He’s been seasoned.
Call from..
Not funny

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host PS
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 2’45’20


Episode 235: Tom Hanks Pees a Lot- Nobody Needs to See That

It’s the third installment of “To Shape and Change” by Blueowl. In this episode, you’ll discover just how far behind we are in releasing these- Ella was still known as Olaffa then. Tangent, yes, but this episode has more tangents than classic Poufwa. In the moments where the fic is actually discussed, Harry gets a house elf, Snape is scary this year, and Harry is over worked and underpaid. We also discover wizards come up with cruel names for house elves.

Also in this podcast:
Evil Hufflepuffs* the editor has accepted Tricia’s fic challenge
5 points to whoever can name all movies in which Tom Hanks pees.
“Professor Snape, do I own a slave?”
How do wizards make money?
Transfigured clothing is a bad idea
PS doesn’t want to be pregnant with puppies.
Cooking steak with Scott
Tricia’s a werewolf
The osteoporosis curse
Snape knows too much

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host PS
Editor: Cora
Total runtime: 2’02’06


Episode 234: The Cold Dead Hearts of Ravenclaw!

Here is the second installment of “To Shape and Change” by Blueowl. In this episode we bring back PS and Scarlett, so off topic tangents and craziness abound. In the story we find that Coral could be a Mary Sue, the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs form an alliance and Dumbledore is not Joe Umbridge. There are a few rants along the way, so buckle up. We hope you are reading the story along with us and enjoying it as much as we are. Stay tuned at the end for a special note from the author that Sue will be reading for you.

Also in this podcast:

We are all Special
Calvin says Hi
Hat won’t share
Sub problems
Hogwarts payphone
4 out to 5…
Harry is Pokemon
Warm bodies

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Hosts: Scarlett, PS
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 2’13’09


Episode 233: Tricia Falls for Her New Place

We begin a new story this week, it’s “To Shape and Change” by Blueowl. We find Snape has traveled back in time to try and shape Harry into the greatest wizard he can be. This Snape has seen what happens in the future and that Harry isn’t his father, it changes him in a good way. Along the way we find that Tricia has a new place, Sue has a new kitten and Scott is doing a musical. We hope you read along with us as we find out just how much Snape can Shape and Change.

Also in this podcast:

Tricia is Scott
New apt. New Job
Sue’s a slug
Back to school potions sale
No streaming during podcasting
Patient Snape
Let the fart jokes begin
The Godfather question
GPS tracker
Boosting Neville
Pretty snake
DD teaches the DA
A life debt

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’58’32


Episode 232: We Put the Fun in Dysfunctional

In a call back to PeonCast here’s an interesting little one shot called  “Lost Property” by _hannelore.  In this episode Moony shares the woes of college tuition, while Sue plays “what’s in my pocket.” We find that Petunia had been stealing her sister’s belongings throughout Lily’s school years. Snape’s accidental appearance gives Petunia a chance to talk about her sister in a way her husband would never allow.

Also in this podcast:

Random acts of pizza
Educated populas
Gardening with Sue
is it a moth or butterfly?
Let’s play a game.
More alike than they’d like
The Daisy
Did he or didn’t he?

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 51’58


Episode 231: We’re a Bunch of Rambling Fools

In the final installment “A Keen Observer” by DeepDownSlytherin, there is no redeeming Bella. Narcissa is trying to talk sense into Andy while being a society wife in training while Andy tries to talk sense into Bella  The Blacks have officially failed as parents. Sue teaches Moony driver’s ed, and Scott’s scooter is unusual.

Also in this podcast:

The Martian
Travels with Bella
Not bad is not good enough
Not While McGonagall’s Around
Narcissa tells Bella
Living with Sirius
Christmas with the Tonks’s
Bella’s Dark Mark
Don’t underestimate Andy
Running away to Gretna Green

Happy April Fools Day!

Hosts: Sue and Scott
Guest Host: Moony
Editor: Cora
Total Run time: 1’43’18


Episode 230: The Odds are in Her Favor!

This is the forth installment of “A Keen Observer” by DeepDownSlytherin.  In this episode we begin to see the cracks forming in the Black girls’ relationships.  Andy has middle-child syndrome, Bella is bloody, and Cissy is a tattle-tale.  And the Black parents get a D in parenting.  Along the way, we find out that Tricia has a new job, Sue does potions and Scott is Superman.  We have one more episode to go in this story and we hope you are enjoying it as much as we are.

Also in this podcast:

PJ Day
Poufwa plays
We talk weather
Ice cream
Potential Beaus
The Poufwa curse
Oh Maths!
On again, off again
Andy doesn’t like surprises
Did Reggie Have to Die?
What?s she going to do, make him cookies?
It’s Wizard-vision
“I’ll Kill Him”

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host: Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’54’49


Episode 229: Sue’s Dealer is AWOL

This is the third installment of “A Keen Observer” by DeepDownSlytherin. In this episode, Narcissa loves formal parties. Bella’s sanity is further derailed, and we begin to see the Black Family split. Ted finally gets a clue, and Andie doesn’t like it. The hosts have some avian guests, construction, and illegal fireworks.

Also in this podcast:

Playboy Bunny House.
Ted is a stalker.
Public displays.
Proper behavior
Cora knows what Voldemort wears under his robes
Sue and Moony are terrified….of arithmancy
Muggles are people too
Choosing sides

Hosts: Sue and Scott
Guest Host: Moony
Editor: Cora
Total runtime: 1’32’36


Episode 228: Do Wizards Wear Swimsuits?

Here is the second installment of “A Keen Observer” by DeepDownSlytherin. We find Bella is a fortune teller and Voldie playing chess. The girls are growing up and can even go to the balls now, well some of them. On the host side, Tricia is being mean to her cat, Sue is channeling Jen and then there’s Ulrich at camp.

Also in this episode:

Making mud pies
Teach you how to flirt
Bella in pink
AK you have to mean it
Takes your will away
Tricia on Broadway
Freeze Flight or Fight
In the kitchen
Ulrich, does the hard sale
Slytherin rules
Kiss and make up

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Moony
Editor: Sue
Total time: 1’48’21


Episode 227: Dear Voldemort, Kindly Return Pettigrew and Die!

In the first installment of “A Keen Observer” by DeepDownSlytherin, we follow Andromeda Black’s life as the middle of the three Black sisters. Andromeda’s perspective on life gradually begins to shift as she starts Hogwarts and is exposed to new people. Whenever the hosts stay on topic, that is.

Also in this episode:

Cora invites the audience to play “Guess that Sound”
Andromeda was sheltered
Strangers have 2 heads
Growing up is awkward and uncomfortable for everyone
Ted is Oblivious
Night gowns are hard to move in
First love: Maybe he/she’ll notice me now
Moony’s awkward library experience
The audio is so bad that it’s funny and staying in
Wizarding subpoenas
Bellatrix boards the crazy train
Celebrating Christmas is a punishable offense
Ted likes Andromeda but not like that

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Moony
Editor: Cora
Total time: 2’10’10


Episode 226: Just Like Cinderella!!

As we bring you the end of “Lesson For Life” by Caitlyn, we hope you enjoyed the story as much as we did. Tricia is known for her “aww puke” comments when it gets too fluffy, but this one squeaks by without a puke in sight. We do get a snort though! Scott and Sue had both been traveling in the weeks before we recorded, so you’ll get some highlights from our trips. Melinda’s boat may come up. In the story, Draco has been defeated, so it’s on to the fairy tale ending complete with a forest and brook growing in Percy’s office. And wouldn’t you know it, the baby’s hair isn’t the right color.

We’d like to extend our Congratulations to Oliversgal on her engagement and wish her a Happy Birthday, even though it was several months ago when this was recorded. Happy Wedding OG!!

Also in this episode:

Don’t spoil Scott
Stand By Me
Bleeding Sue
Critical Role
Bad Kitty
Arse vs Ass
Orange jump suit
Hairy Monsters
You grow up
Free room and board
Go to Paris
Deck the brother
We kidnapped Melinda
Reindeer food
“A Reasonable Hour”
Cover the dragon’s ears
A whole new side of Tricia
Let’s get hitched
You don’t want to do that with Sirius.
Personal pies
Weasley’s are piling up
My friend the Sand Gnome

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Total Runtime: 1’57’05


Episode 225: He’s Harry Potter!

Here is our second discussion of “Lesson For Life” by Caitlyn. In this episode Sue’s having a Poufwanian Day, Scott has good friends and Tricia recites poetry. In the story, Draco steals something special, Harry gets mad and there’s Muggle post. We don’t leave you on a cliff hanger in this one, which is good.

Also in this episode:

The weather
Sue Snores
Sue fangirls Melinda
Lime green and a barber poll
Wizarding Wireless Show
Food can’t touch!
Happy Morning
Muggle post
Practice being tall
Professer Snake
Knock like a gentleman
James frost
Drunk walking

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Total Runtime: 1’15’56


Special Edition 42: Love Is a Funny Thing

For our Holiday show we looked at two short stories, the first is “Go Tell It” by arioso_dolente. In this Luna gives her own spin to the Christmas story. The second story is “A Quiet Christmas” by Polkat (aralias). In this Lily wants to have a quiet muggle Christmas, but Sirius wants to help cook and that’s never a good thing.
Along the way we have dropped calls, broken ornaments and tree tips.

The hosts of PFW wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Also in this episode:

Ulrich sings
Luna, the story teller
Pancake Tricia
There were swears
He’s a man
Harry Potter books and ornaments

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Total Runtime: 39’41


Episode 224: A Bernard for Every House

This is Tricia’s pick for the season. We hope you enjoy our discussion of “Lesson For Life” by by Caitlyn. The first few minutes pay tribute to the Sparks Nevada Martial on Mars podcast, which you can find at The Thrilling Adventure Hour. We also find that it’s the “day of the animals” and that the earth is moving. Sue’s not as good at predictions as she used to be. In the story, we hate the Dursley’s even more than before. Dudley has the wife he deserves and Harry gets a precious gift. Scarlett may even growl.

Also in this episode:

Cream soda
Pickle man
Banana man
Scarlett’s happy
Scott’s the tart
Chicks escape
Wind Chimes
Ghost cats
Does not compute

Hosts: Sue, Scott,
Guest Host: Scarlett
Editor: Sue
Total Runtime: 1’36’05


Episode 223: We Interrupt this Podcast for a Fire!!!

Join us for a fun investigation into “The Case of the Missing Kittens” by therealsnape. A case of Muggle baiting turns into something more as the investigative team of “Bones and McGonagall, Girl Detectives” takes on the case. Some of our favorites show up and one not so favorite who gets his “just desserts.” Along the way, Sue practices to be Darth Vader while Scarlett and Tricia listen to the voices in their heads. Bones and McGonagall go looking for the missing kittens and find much more than they expect, including coffee punch cards, book stores and darts. We hope you enjoy this story as much as we did. Oh and “it was only one Mikes, I swear!!!”

Also in this episode:

Scarlett X 3
Tone people out.
50 Anniversary of the Head Start Act
Murder Mystery
Flirting with the boss
Pot Pie 101
Scarlett builds
Thank you Ryan
Baby names
She’s a Gumshoe
Muggle baiting
Sanity is overrated
Girl Detectives
Scarlett gets a book
Purple pages
“a gentleman friend”
Mundungus the skunk
Comfort food

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host: Scarlett
Editor: Sue
Total Runtime: 1’17’52


Episode 222: Drunk Tricia, Giggles and Scott Doing Snape

This is our last installment of “The Accidental Animagus” by White Squirrel. There is also an author interview at the end of this episode. This time around we find out, “tonight’s all about Sue” and Tricia “drinks and runs.”
In the story, we find that Harry talks to adults, Ron needs a clue and Hermione needs to lighten up. When we talk to White Squirrel, we learn his favorite author, that there are cats on the internet and that he’s not had crazy fan interactions. We hope you have enjoyed this story as much as we have. We recommend you keep going with this story. We will too. We also have a couple more recommendations of his stories for you, so listen and find out.
Also in this episode:

Sue’s in a cavern.
Wood Duck adventure
The Eyes have it.
Skype Search and Rescue
Tricia’s drinking marathon
Free Beer
Tricia’s rant
A new job
Go Neville
Don’t breathe
Liar Liar Pants on Fire
Scarlett has wrack spurts
Go get help
Tricia Giggles
Harry’s not grounded
Over my dead body
France vacation, School checking
Wands at dawn
Score one for the light side.

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host: Scarlett
Editor: Sue
Total Runtime: 3’26’11


Episode 221: Never Tickle a Sleeping JK Rowling

In our second to last installment of  “The Accidental Animagus” by White Squirrel we find that we should respect teachers, even Snape.  Harry and Hermione get an Order of Merlin, but Ron just doesn’t make the cut.  We call for fan art of Sirius in a Santa suit and learn about gun safety.  In the meantime the hosts are googling, being vindictive and using disaster as a verb.  Sue’s super mic is picking up people talking in her yard.  We have one more episode left and an author interview.  Stay tuned.

If you are a forum member you might want to check in in the next few days, we have an important announcement coming.  It’s a girl. 

And Happy Halloween.

Also in this episode:

Scarlett all growed up
Wear a helmet
Zombie Sue
Poufwa meet ups.
Blame Fudge
The Cat’s out of the Bag
Remus’s furry little problem
Don’t get caught
Kitchen slumber party
Professional help
Quality not quantity
Scarlett is vindictive
Draco outraged
My father will hear about this.
I’m only 11

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Scarlett
Editor: Sue
Total Runtime: 1’37’17.


Episode 220: Brush Your Teeth, Harry

We give you another installment of “The Accidental Animagus” by White Squirrel.  The laundry monster takes Aaron for a bit.  There’s a bit of an echo when Scott and Aaron speak.  In the story we learn about the Holiday Play that will send the Purebloods into a frenzy, that Harry’s a good sport and there’s politics.  We have two more episodes before we close out this story.  We are only doing the first year, we hope you are enjoying it enough to go read the rest yourself.

Also in this episode:

~What’s behind the door?
~Wizard and the Hopping Pot
~Tradition, not Pureblood
~Mmm, Pie
~Hufflepuff spork
~Fought like true lions
~Snape vs Quirrel
~Poufwa shout out
~Texas ice cream
~He’s not dead
~There’s a spell for that
~Old fat man in my bed
~Pay no attention to the holes in his back
~That is my sister

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Aaron
Editor: Sue with some help from Scott
Total Runtime: 1’43’01.


Episode 219: Tricia Bares All

As we continue our coverage of “The Accidental Animagus” by White Squirrel, we learn the importance of communication. We are joined by an old host who we’ve missed having around. He added a lot to this discussion; including a drinking game. Tricia has one of the best “Tricia Stories” we’ve heard, this one may even beat the “Tiger Balm” episode. And Sue has a knocking chicken. In the story we learn about the language of flowers, the language of cats and wandless magic. We hope you are enjoying the story and our coverage of it.

Also in this episode:

DADA is being taught
Where are the dogs?
Cat senses tingling
Trevor is stealthy
Snarky Harry
Snape’s prank
Classic Rita

Hosts: Sue and Tricia
Guest Host: Aaron
Editor: Sue
Total Runtime: 2’51’13


Episode 218: Scott’s Not Dead Anymore!

Disclaimer: When this first went live it was missing the last 20 minutes or so, it’s been fixed!!

In the second installment of “The Accidental Animagus” by White Squirrel. Harry and Hermione explore the possibility of being able to do wandless magic, Nymphodora finally meets Harry, and Harry and Hermione enter the magical world.

Also in this episode:
Dr Who
Christmas with the Grangers
Hermione’s Books
Harry Potter and the Orient Express
Old English
Cats like pumpkins

Hosts: Sue and Scott
Editor: Cora
Total Runtime:1’59’50


Episode 217: Poufwa, Off Topic? No! Never!!

We begin our coverage of “The Accidental Animagus” by White Squirrel. In this story Harry has an unusual way to escape the Dursley’s. Hermione takes after her Mom and Dumbledore is a social worker. We talk kitties, both at home and in the story. Tricia is the only T and Sue brings vomit to the podcast. The hosts talk about what they did in Elementary School. And the kids learn to defend themselves. And with this story we go back to a longer podcast.

Also in the podcast:

Kitty acne
Crazy Kitty
Kiss that mic
No Harry
Cute Little Hermione
He’s a cat
Go to your room
Follow up visits?
Can you come back tomorrow?
Tricia’s running
Interesting wardrobe
More questions
Muggle Martial Arts
He’ll be my brother
Recess monitor
Naked paramedics tonight on AMC
Encyclopeda Poufwania
The points don’t matter.
Being responsible
He’s Santa Claus
Ball of yarn
Too many hats

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host: Scarlett
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 2’16’39


Episode 216: We are Awesome!!

In our last episode covering “Hogwarts Houses Divided” by Inverarity, we see how the kids get away from the goblins. We also see that Draco cares, Slytherins are brave and Lupin is an idiot. The hosts talk about a game the POVWeekly crew wants to play. We finish this out with a BANG!!

Also in the podcast:

Explosives are like fireworks
Save the House Elfs
Thesis on Human Behavior
Map user screen
Human pet
Mind the goblin
It was a drive by
He’s a ghost
Share my bathroom
Can ghosts snog?
Like Neville

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’50’44


Episode 215: Irish Pirate Coffee

We are almost done with “Hogwarts Houses Divided” by Inverarity. In this episode, we find that Scott has an eye problem, hard work can cause pain and Sue is going to travel. In the story we find that Muggles have junk food, Dungeons and Dragons and drunk Pansy. We find that the DA is going Muggle, then the Goblins arrive and stop the fun.

Also in the podcast:

High School Musical
Isis the Dog
Open mouth, insert foot
Slughorn stands up
Don’t be a hero
Caught by Luna
Luting the castle
Harry or Teddy, Sue can’t tell
PSA – wear a helmet
Fake wand
All goblins look the same
Bad Gryffindors

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’51’49


Episode 214: Tricia’s Computer is Moaning Myrtle

This is the third installment of “Hogwarts Houses Divided” by Inverarity. In this episode, the DA begin to take on the Zero Tolerance rules. Harry steps into the role of godfather, and Hermione encourages Teddy’s protest against the school’s unfairness. Meanwhile, the house elves take a vacation.

Also in the podcast:

Tonight’s episode brought to you by drowsiness
We say goodbye to Leonard Nimoy
A clean game of Quidditch is boring
Hogwarts is pink
Wand Restrictions
Slughorn saves Teddy
Professor Binns surprises his students
Alan Rickman and koalas.

Hosts: Sue & Tricia
Guest Host: Moony
Editor: Cora
Total runtime: 1’58’11


Episode 213: Why Are We Killing Santa?

This is our second installment of “Hogwarts Houses Divided” by Inverarity. In this one we tell jokes, talk about the weather in Boston and turn into pirates. In the story more wands have gone missing. Teddy tries to be a good friend, inter-house relations deteriorate and no one listens. This story is heating up – we find what might be stealing the wands, but we still have no idea why.

Also in the podcast:
Scott’s having a party
Sue’s 911 fail
Hair Growing Jinx
Exploding toilets
Boy who cried wolf
“I’m gonna jump”
Neville is special
Wand alarms
Kissing cousins

Hosts: Sue and Scott
Guest Host: Moony
Edited by: Sue
Total run time 2’01’48


Episode 212: Don’t Call Strangers

This podcast begins a story recommended by one of our listeners. In “Hogwarts Houses Divided” by Inverarity we follow Teddy Lupin and a group of friends as they try to overcome the bitterness that divides the houses. We start off with a last minute addition of Moony to the podcast. While waiting for Moony, Sue and Scott talk Boston weather and cats. In the story, we find the Sorting Hat to be fed up and placing people in the wrong houses. Wands are mysteriously disappearing around the school and Slytherins are blamed. Will the four friends figure out what’s happening? Read along with us and find out.

Also in the podcast:
Fighting alpacas
Mike from the past
Snakes in a box
Interhouse cooperation

Hosts: Sue and Scott
Guest Host: Moony
Edited by: Sue
Total run time 1’36’53


Episode 211: Now That’s Totally Poufwa

In the final installment of “Just a Random Tuedsay” by Twisted Biscuit. We follow Minerva McGonagall on her trek through London and back to Hogwarts. This episode is just what the title implies: everything from computer troubles to thunderstorms delaying the podcast to crazy adventures at Hogwarts. In other words: if Poufwanians ever made it to Hogwarts, this would be their life.

Also in the podcast:
Star Trek references without Ryan involvement
Hufflepuff scarf
Mr. Popper’s Penguins
Lies and Alibis
Rescuing Fred
30 points from Slytherin
Teenage Angst
Rescuing Trelawney

Hosts: Sue and Scott
Guest Host: Scarlett
Edited by: Cora
Total run time 1’30’21


Episode 210: Voldemort the Birthday Clown

In this episode we find out what happens during the middle of the longest Tuesday in Minerva’s life, as we laugh our way through “Just a Random Tuedsay” by Twisted  Biscuit. We find out that Scott is devious, Scarlett approves and Sue’s text reader is just wrong. During Minerva’s afternoon, she encounters a food fight, penguins and a curious Hufflepuff. He has the best question. Meow. Oh and we come up with a new job for Voldemort.

Also In this Podcast:
-We are Nerds
-Scarlett is fast
-Hats 101
-Power tools
-Evil plans
-Death Eaters R Us
-Frog sex
-Bad kitty

Hosts: Sue and Scott
Guest Host: Scarlett
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’26’19


Episode 209: Sue is Umbridge

Disclaimer: Some of the opinions of the hostesses are not the opinions of the editor.

In the first installment of “Just a Random Tuedsay” by Twisted  Biscuit, we follow Minerva’s chaotic morning on a random Tuesday during Umbridge’s reign. In this story we get a professor’s perspective of the events that occurred after Dumbledore’s departure. Conspiracies, chaos, murder plots, and a pseudoSlytherin Minerva McGonagall make this fic a hilarious read.

Also In this Podcast:
-Scott is MIA
-Sue hasn’t had Scarlett in a Long Time
-Early Mornings Should be Banned
-Minerva McGonagall-Extortionist
-Not all Ravenclaws are Brilliant
-Minerva has a soft spot for Slytherins
-Skiving 101
-Contrary to the hostesses’ opinion, Snape is not a freak

Hosts: Sue and Scott
Guest Host: Scarlett
Editor: Cora
Time: 59’03


Special Edition 41: The One With Olaf

Boats have always been a feature in Potterficweekly lore. We had LadyChi and Jen making Melinda cry over the “damn flipped over boat.” We had Mike and the “string pully boat” that he did not think he could drive. We had PS becoming a Merchant Marine. And most famously of all we had Jen getting pregnant on a boat. Well, have I got a boat story for you.
While everyone else in Boston was tucked up in a blizzard our illustrious Headmaster and his beautiful wife were spending time on a boat.
You don’t believe me? Well I don’t blame you, boats are associated with lies here on Poufwa, but I have proof. I have a secret recording.


Episode 208: We’re Coughing, and We Like Slytherins

We follow as Alf and George experience many mishaps in “We Belong II: In America” by mj2007. This is the final podcast of the We Belong Series. We learn that Canada has a Black Friday sale despite celebrating Thanksgiving in October, Sue boycotts Black Friday shopping, Tricia offers advice, and Moony has a headdesk moment. In the story, Ghost Cedric’s plan is put into action. Sue wants to lock Amos in a closet with Umbridge. Moony wishes George and Michelle would share their secrets already. Some secrets are revealed while others remain unspoken.

Also in the podcast:
-Sue’s Grill
-Our Faces Hurt because It’s Cold
-Dudley’s Grownup
-Alf is attacked by a Muggle Fruitcake
-How Lax is Airport Security?
-Failure to Communicate
-Tricia’s Got Food on the Brain
-Can we kick Bill?
-Ulrich Says the Darndest Things
-Moony’s got Slytherin Pride

Hosts:Sue, Scott, Tricia

Guest Host: Moony

Total Runtime: 1’35’38

Edited By: Cora (Thanks Cora!!)


Episode 207: Today’s Podcast Brought to You by Rachael Ray

We join our duo as they live as muggles in “We Belong II: In America” by mj2007. Sue’s mom has a fight with the new chipper shredder and it wins. Tricia’s son, “Ulrich the Clown” and Scott’s on video. We discuss Bob’s naughty pictures from PointofViewWeekly. In the story we find that Mr. O’Mally is an donkey’s behind, Grandpa Weasley finds out about planes and Draco has some primo whiskey. We also get very sad about one character in the story. George has finally found what he wants to write about and he’s on a roll. And once again we really like seeing them live in America as muggles.

Also in this podcast:

~A plethora of Mikes
~76 Liquor Stores
~Tiger Balm
~Fan art
~Riding the baggage carousel
~Cooking with Sue
~Rachael Ray = Molly
~Go Neville
~Stuffed Dragons
~Sweet potato pie
~Molly’s cookbook

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Hosts: Moony
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’43’58


Episode 206: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Weasley Sweater

Tonight we bring you “We Belong II: In America” by mj2007. In this episode we talk about School Holidays, Headstart and crawdads. We also learn that Tricia is having battery trouble and Moony likes to sing. Well we already knew that about Moony. Sue recs some TV shows and starts a cooking discussion. When we finally get to the fic, we meet Mr. O’Malley, he’s going to give Molly a run for her money in the hate department. We also talk about “The Stolen Base that Changed the World” and decide we need Kelly back to tell us more about it. And we find that George is learning to cook. We enjoy seeing George being a muggle in America.

Also in this podcast:

~Ulrich says “HI”
~The Dance
~Burning water
~Eating glass
~”Pick her up”
~JKR is a man
~Parenting 101
~Daddy Draco
~Naked George

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Hosts: Moony
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’56’41


Episode 205: Molly Redeemed, We Hate Amos Now

In this episode we finish our coverage of “We Belong” by mj2007. We find that Tricia is still not happy with Molly, she may never trust her again.  Sue loves small towns, Moony and Scott need references and Tricia bares her soul.  In the story, there’s fireworks, a food fight and a skillful Draco.  We find that Fred is still looking over the family and Cedrick has plans of his own.  Amos has gone off the deep end. He is in pain and wants to cause others to feel it too.  The plan is to send George and Alfred to 1 2 3 Pineapple Street. We enjoyed this so much we have decided to do We Belong in America next.

Also in this podcast:

~Bye bye apple tree
~A puppy
~A parrot for Moony
~Trick or treating
~I want that shirt
~Moony does the math
~Lush Pansy

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Hosts: Moony
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’58’17


Episode 204: The Mystery of Molly

Tonight we continue our journey through “We Belong” by mj2007.   As we tackle the next few chapters of We Belong we laugh at Bill in the dog house, decide that Ron rocks and find out that Alf is one really brave boy. We also encounter vomit, just for Tricia. We really appreciate seeing George as an adult and happy; this one is full of feels. We also detour just a bit and talk about wet butts, mushrooms, and angry Hufflepuffs. Oh and we find out why Molly is such a Witch with a capitol B.

Also in this podcast:

~Critical Hit
~Thrilling Adventure Hour
~Night Ulrich
~Tricia remembers
~Bad Alf
~Zed rays
~Cinnamon rolls
~Girls are weird

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Hosts: Moony
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’47’44


Episode 203: Tricia Is Hating On Molly

We begin Season 7 with “We Belong” by mj2007.  We liked this story so much we added the next one in the series to the schedule.  We will be covering We Belong and We Belong in America in six podcasts.  In this episode we find that Scott is a party animal, Moony is sticky, Sue has a squeaky chair and Tricia is being a girl.  We also find that Fred had a son he didn’t know about.  Alfred is a surprise for George too, but a good surprise.  Ron and Fleur team up against the family, with a little help from a young Weasley.  There’s a lot of Molly hate going on, but at this point she deserves it.   We hope you enjoy the beginning of We Belong.

Also in this podcast:

~Sweet potato fries
~Scott’s hat
~Syrup story
~Cheer Squad
~She’s a story teller
~Corned beef
~Scott’s picky
~The 4 I’s
~Mini George
~Stuck in the alley
~What’s in a name
~Meet the family
~Percy punched

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Hosts: Moony
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’59’46


Episode 202: Frog Kisses and Toad’s List of Loathes

This is the last podcast of Season 6, so we made it a double.  Here we have two stories by St Margarets: “The Frog Prince of Slytherin” and “A Toad of a Hero.” We have a return of Kayla’s Bistro as Rachel makes coffee and cleans the kitchen.  We learn some Pittsburgese from Tricia.  Moving on to the first story, we watch Luna and Theo find each other, and we have a surprise guest when Antosha joins the crew.  We spend some time at the end talking about his stories too.  Then we move on to Toad of a Hero, where we follow Trevor during The Final Battle.  He is a hero too.

We will be taking a short break before Season 7 begins.  If you want to know what we are covering check out Potterficweekly.com Season 7.  

If you’d like to hear our coverage of The F Series, you’ll find it here.

Also in this podcast:

~Yins and jagoffs
~No porta john
~Share your plate
~Drying spell
~Frog stroke
~Missing undies
~Female Thestral
~Sue is punny
~Trevor loathes…
~Randy Mandrakes

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Hosts: Rachel and Antosha
Editor: Sue
Time: 3’09’01


Episode 201: Hermione Haunting Hogwarts

Here’s the end of our coverage of “Shadow Walks”  by lorien829.
In this one we find Hermione, but is she our Hermione? We go off topic with fruit flies and Cal Worthington and his dog Spot. We do find that we are excited by the many worlds that are out there; Tricia even has a world where she’s with Snape. We almost get to see the trial where Draco gets what’s coming to him. We hope you enjoyed this story and encourage you to read the next one which is Hermione’s story. It’s still a WIP, but we hope it will be finished soon.

Also in this podcast:

~Where’s Ryan?
~Truth Potion
~Voldy Kills Harry
~It’s a trap
~Bananas for breakfast
~Harry’s glasses break-again
~Going fast
~Surprise witness
~The kiss

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’14’54


Special Edition 40: Ryan is Not Melindaleo

Happy Holidays Poufwa!! We are not releasing a PFW holiday episode, but there is a POVWeekly holiday episode. If you’d like to listen go to PointofviewWeelkly


Episode 200!! Rickman as Reagan

In our second installment of “Shadow Walks”  by lorien829, we are joined by Poufwa alumni Ryan. He’s got a new set up and it’s not quite what he had in mind. We talk about grout, chickens and 5Ks and that’s all before we begin the show. Then we start the show and get off topic immediatley with talk of Alan Rickman. Once we buckle down, we find that Harry suspects Hermione isn’t dead, Luna feels the world is out of sync and there are many worlds. It’s a wild ride, but will get wilder in the next set of chapters. Also in this episode, we have a mysterious new forum member who works with Ryan, but he doesn’t know her. You’ll never guess how this one ends.

Also in this podcast:

~Where’s Ryan?
~The man and his cat
~History made
~Solar powered chickens
~Ryan makes Tricia an offer
~Barn boards
~Ryan shares Snarry
~Harry’s sister
~Bye Ryan
~Evil Harry
~The ghosts can see

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host: Ryan
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’06’07


Episode 199: The Sue and Scott Show

Tonight, we begin our three part coverage of “Shadow Walks”  by lorien829. This is a Harmony story, sorta and it come highly recommended by Ryan and Moony. In this episode we explore what may have happened to Ron and Harry if Hermione had died at the final battle. This is a dark story, but it’s so well done that you really don’t mind, although Scott does say he likes his stories to be happier. We find a new trio, two of our favorites we love to hate and what happens to Ginny. Sue is impressed with the author being able to make her cringe with her words. Make sure you join us for the next episode when Tricia and Ryan join us or at least Ryan attempts to join us.

Also in this podcast:

~Critical Hit the podcast
~Wheelless Scott
~Bus stop woes
~Drunk Ron
~Draco is a picker
~Broken bones
~Hat Trick
~I’m having a bad day
~Hogwarts Heros

Host: Sue, Scott,
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’50’46


Special Edition 39: Tricia, Liam’s a Man of Mystery

In this special edition we interview Bartimus the author of “Albus Potter and the Year of the Badger ”. Tricia and Scott are AWOL, but Sue and Moony settle in to chat with Bartimus. We ask Tricia’s burning question from the last podcast, “who or what is Liam?” We still don’t know. We did enjoy talking to Bartimus about his story, his writing style and what’s coming next. He wants you all to know he’s happy to answer any questions you may have, just drop him a note through FanFiction.Net We want to thank him again for taking the time to talk to us.


Episode 198: What the Hell is Liam?

This is the end of our coverage of “Albus Potter and the Year of the Badger” by Bartimus Crotchety. If you have enjoyed the story, we highly recommend you read his other works, including Albus Potter and the Black Badger Society. We also bring you bad cats, curry plants and egg nog. We have a science corner with Stink bugs vs. June bugs. We decide that the Umbridge Weed needs some color, Neville is a Bad-patootie and Hufflepuff is the place to be. We enjoy the nickname Mad-Man Malfoy. We hope you have enjoyed this story and will be looking for more from Bartimus. Our next story will be “Shadow Walks ” by lorien829.

Also in this podcast:

~Good Evening
~Comedy night
~Alex – Devil child
~Spider hallways
~Two ears – one at a time
~Wooden professor
~Draco monologues
~I love Fred

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’38’00


Episode 197: Tricia and the Boobs, Sue’s a Bad Daughter and Scott’s Laid Up.

We are nearing the end of our coverage of “Albus Potter and the Year of the Badger” by Bartimus Crotchety. In this episode we find out about Tricia’s banking experience and what happens to Scott just before the podcast begins.  And Sue’s Mom has an encounter with a hammer.  Then Sue shares a video with Tricia and we go WAY OFF TOPIC!  When we finally drag ourselves back, we learn about Christmas at the Malfoy’s, Rainbow Flaming Pudding and Moody in Paris.  The Umbridge Weed makes an appearance, she’s a keeper.  

Video Tricia Watches
Also in this podcast:

~Halloween costumes
~Grandma Weasley
~No pants
~Tell a teacher
~New ears
~Weasley jumper
~Moody’s book

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’24’00


Episode 196: Pink. Ruffles. Pomeranians!

We are half way through “Albus Potter and the Year of the Badger” by Bartimus Crotchety. In this episode we get a Tricia prediction and it’s not Edgecomb. We also find out about Jenny’s menagerie, Sue’s mouse and what’s happening with Scott’s audio. We discover why Hufflepuffs are probably fat, why Albus is mello and that Percy is a gambling man. The story is heating up, we hope you are following along.
Also in this podcast:

~Author notes
~Moose munch
~Apple Jack
~Picking pockets
~Anger management
~Growltooth the Blackmailer
~Luck: Good and Bad
~Old friends
~Rita’s chip off the old block.

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest host: Jenny
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’02’20


Episode 195: Scott’s the Exception, Not the Rule

We give you our next installment of “Albus Potter and the Year of the Badger” by Bartimus Crotchety. Tonight we find out what Tricia is up to, what Kelly is eating and where Ryan and Danielle have gone. We also find out why Albus doesn’t like to fly, that the Headmaster needs new gargoyles and who hero worships Harry. Tricia starts the evening really soft, but she gets better as we go along. We add a tribute to Robin Williams as he came up during the podcast even though it was recorded a year ago. It gets a little “blue.” We are happy to welcome Kelly back to the podcast as she’s been AWOL.

Also in this podcast:

~Frozen pizza
~Freaks like us
~Hero quotes
~Cat compass
~Go Grandma!!
~Badgers in good company
~Uncle Charlie

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Kelly
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’29’53


Episode 194: Stand Up for Family

We begin a five part series on “Albus Potter and the Year of the Badger” by Bartimus Crotchety.  Find out what I am too cheap to buy and how it relates to the lifespan of a toad!   Critical Hit and HP-themed birthdays also come up.  Meet a new trio and don’t forget – “Don’t Mess with Shacklebolt!”  We hope you’ll read along with us and find out what’s going to happen to the kids as they begin Hogwarts.

Also in this podcast:
~Sick kitties
~Shirt fail
~No yawning
~Uncle Neville
~Grandma Weasley
~Keep your head up

Host: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Jenny
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’32’51


Episode 193: Snape Wears Black Silk Jammies and a Grin

We are finishing up our discussion “In Care Of” by Fang’s Fawn. In this episode we see what happens to Harry when Vernon gets mad.  Warning, we talk frankly about child abuse and may get a little graphic.  We come up with several ideas for fan art – please make them for us.  Pee features in our discussion tonight, not once but twice.  We enjoy watching Snape have a change of heart in this story.  We hope you enjoyed the story and our discussion of it.
Also in this podcast:

~Sue’s trees
~Scott’s adventures
~Snape’s change of heart
~Harry has no trust for adults
~No lips
~Fertilizing the flowers
~Not even Fs
~Tricia appears
~Daddy Voldie
~You bit me!!

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’58’57


Episode 192: Do You Know Where Your Towel Is?

Here is our second discussion of “In Care Of” by Fang’s Fawn. In this episode, we find out that Snape and Harry have like childhoods. Snape is a captive audience and can’t deny what he sees, no matter how much he’d like to. We also find out that Kat is a Hufflepuff, Sue’s wearing very little and Scott had an adventure. PSA, Sue’s Mom is out using a chainsaw, so ignore the noise. Along the way we wonder how old we are, and why does Dudley have a hamster cage. This starts to really heat up just as we are ending, so you may want to read ahead for next time.

Also in this podcast:

~Alex is being a PITA
~Hitchhikers Guide
~St. Potter
~Harry – no meals
~Minor injuries
~Hot & Sweaty
~No satisfaction

Host: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’25’07


Episode 191: It’s a Rat in a Glove

We begin our coverage “In Care Of” by Fang’s Fawn. In this episode, Scott is locked out of his house and never shows up, Kat is excited about the story and Sue is bugged by a horse fly. In the story we watch Snape find out what’s really going on with Harry when he’s at the Dursley’s. He doesn’t want to believe it, but since he’s a captive audience, he learns the truth.

Also in this podcast:

~Farm hours
~Confused Ryan
~New stove
~Fruit Bat
~Potions thief
~Socializing at school

Host: Sue
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’19’25


Episode 190: Orange People and Blue Hair

Here is our discussion of “On Morphing, Mischief, and Memory ” by Oboe-Wan. This is a short one shot, so we fill out the first 26 minutes talking about what we’ve been doing for the last week. I know, you are saying, “why is that different than any other week?” It’s not, but usually we have a longer podcast so our pre-show talk doesn’t take up half the podcast. In this episode, Tricia sees “orange people”, Scott has a new microphone (Woot!) and Sue has been pulling weeds. In the story we find that Uncle Harry and Mr. George Weasley have given Teddy Lupin a special gift just before he boards the train to Hogwarts for the first time. This is a heartwarming story about Teddy connecting with his father and his father’s friends. Along the way, the hosts decide that we need to read a story about how Fred and George get the map to work for them. And we find One
Also in this podcast:

~Flash floods
~Thunder and Lightening
~Sue/Ryan shipping
~Crazy chicken
~Oompa Loompas
~Nick names
~Mr. Moony’s wand
~Up to no good

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Time: 57’40


Episode 189: If Not for Tribbles, Sue Wouldn’t Be Here Now

This is the end of our coverage of “Soul Bound ” by LJ user Sarhea. In this episode, Sue’s been at the lake, Rachel hasn’t slept and Scott tells of the goodness of aloe. Sue messes up an episode title, it’s not Trouble with Tribbles, oops. In the story we follow along as Vulcan is attacked and Hermione tries to hide the planet. Along the way we find out that Spock approves, Harry gets rewarded and Luna is in a deep sleep. We all enjoyed the story, even those of us who didn’t think we would. Tune in next time for a one shot about Teddy Lupin.

Also in this podcast:

~Doctor Who
~Fast tracking
~Spock’s emotions
~”I can do it.”
~Tribble Bunnies

Hosts: Sue, Scott,
Special Guests: Rachel
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’43’52


Episode 188: Hermione in Leather and Kirk’s Under the Bed

We continue our coverage of “Soul Bound ” by LJ user Sarhea. We begin by talking about PAX, LeakyCon and Musicals, but soon we get to the story. We learn that the trio is going to be adopted by various Vulcan families, rooms can be hidden and Luna makes batteries. We appreciate Scott’s “last time on Soul Bound….” We hope you enjoy the story as much as we have.

Also in this podcast:

~Mute Button
~Cat on the Computer
~Mad cat
~New Home
~Green Eyed Monster
~Kirk Under the Bed
~Motorcycle Mama

Hosts: Sue, Scott,
Special Guests: Rachel
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’35’13


Episode 187: Kat’s a Dealer and She Whips Things!

Tonight we begin a three part series on “Soul Bound ” by LJ user Sarhea. This is our first crossover story, featuring Harry Potter and Star Trek. In this episode Kat is whipping things, Scott’s coming to visit and Sue complains about her plumbing. In the story, Q decides to change history by introducing Spock to Hermione. The Weasleys are not our friends and Hermione uses her Mary Poppins Charm. We hope you enjoy this one, we had a lot of fun covering it.

Also in this podcast:

~Critical Hit
~Hermione’s Dreams
~Luna’s helpful
~Tiddly Winks = Stonehenge
~Goggle Diary
~Spy Cams
~Magical Earrings
~Magic Ball

Hosts: Sue, Scott,
Special Guests: Kat
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’36’43


Special Edition 38: He’s a Guy, Blow Up Dolls and Mary Sue

In this special edition we interview Valandar the author of “A Better Man ”. He listened to all our podcasts and took lots of notes, then he agreed to come on and talk to us. He was a little late to the party so we start out with Tricia, Sue and Scott, just chatting. We hadn’t talked in ages, so we didn’t lack for topics. Sue also invited LupinPatronus, from Mugglenet AudioFictions to come in for a bit. Valandar, who asked us to call him Bill arrived and we started the podcast. We hope you enjoy our interview.

Also in this podcast:

~He’s a guy!
~Black currants
~Milkman = creepy
~Vernon gay?
~Draco the Hufflepuff
~Ghost business
~Evanna Lynch

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Special Guests: LupinPatronus, Valandar, “call me Bill.”
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’28’07


Episode 186: Boobs, Balls and Robes 101

Here is the end of our coverage of “A Better Man ” by Valandar.  It’s been a long trip and toward the end we had many interruptions to our schedule, so although we really enjoyed the fic we were ready to move on. We start out with Sue in the main house and Tricia actually moves from one house to another during the podcast. As the story ends we find the last of the Horcruxes, the Twins invade Borgin and Burkes and there’s a tiger. We find that Vernon truly is a Better Man. We decide that Hagrid must be feeding the tiger, because it got big very fast. We hope you enjoyed our coverage of A Better Man. Tune in next time for a Harry Potter – Star Trek crossover.

Also in this podcast:

~Leaky T-Shirt plans
~Sad Filch
~Tricia is lost (more than once)
~Sick Kelly
~Fudge steps up
~Red Shirt
~Chicken Dance
~Go Neville

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’54’40


Episode 185: Everyone Hates Sue!

We are almost at the end of our series on “A Better Man ” by Valandar.   In this episode we have Kat join the team at the last minute, she’s been reading all day to be ready for the podcast. Oops, Sue gave Kat the wrong chapters and she’s not really caught up.  Kat is the new LadyChi and brings the snark, Scott loves where we start and Tricia changes sides. Sue has great ideas in the shower, including floo powder. In the story we find out about magical blood transfusions, the new house ghosts and how to impress Mad-Eye Moody.

FaceBook link for The Detoxinista
Also in this podcast:

~Strip Search
~Healthy Eating
~Not a fan
~McD’s ditty
~Hat and Wil Wheaton
~Teddy Bears
~Stay Puff Marshmallow Man
~The Scotsman
~Peter the Specter
~Homework Help

Hosts: Sue,  Scott, Tricia
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’18’43
by Valandar.


Episode 184: Words to Stump Sue, Breaking Tricia and Scott’s Gone Nuts

We are more than half way through our coverage of “A Better Man ” by Valandar. In this episode we see what happens when Harry wakes in pain, but not from a nightmare. We discover that Ron is a special case, that Snape makes a sacrifice and that Voldie dreams. Along the way we talk about The Aurors, Sue’s tooth phobia and Sex Ed. Tricia shares how a cat once protected it’s owner from her. Enjoy the podcast.

Also in this podcast:

~Mother Nature is BiPolar
~Bathroom woes
~Mother’s Day
~Hufflepuff Dice
~D&D obsessed
~Windy Day
~High Bond
~The moving office

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’44’05


Episode 183: Blizzards, Blue Chicks and Spring Fever!

We are enjoying finding out what happens when Vernon is “A Better Man ” in Valandar’s story.  We start with Hagrid as Father Christmas with real elves to help him out. Harry and crew find out how hard it is to sneak your gifts when Albus is around to put spells on the room. Even an invisible cloak doesn’t help.  Kelly drops by, it’s great to have her back.  As usual we talk about the weather, baseball and pets. (Some things never change) We learn that Voldie has a special gift for Harry, that Harry is related to royalty and that Slytherin’s can be played like a chess set. We are just past the half way mark and are looking forward to what happens in the next few chapters. We hope you are reading along with us.

Also in this podcast:

~Hitting “below the belt”
~Spell burns
~Four stages
~Weasley’s in drag
~Peter caught
~High bond
~Old joke

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’33’20


Episode 182: Drag Queen Bingo, Cheese Sandwiches and Happy Earth Day!

We continue our coverage of “A Better Man ” by Valandar and find that we are moving away from canon and into new territory. We start off talking about not talking about the S word, then discuss earphone safety and Tricia’s basketball game. During the story we find a new Muggle Studies Teacher, that Hogwarts walls make fun of Voldieshorts and new crushes.

Also in this podcast:

~Fast Forward and Reverse
~Tighten the belts
~Cooking with Scott
~50 Shades of Christian
~Scott’s nice, Tricia not so much

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’03’18


Episode 181: In Honor of the Boston Marathon

This is the second recording of this discussion of “A Better Man ” by Valandar, the first time, Sue recorded the wrong thing. Oops! She blames it all on Tricia. This was also recorded on the day of the Boston Marathon Bombing, we spend the first part of the podcast talking about it and learning about the Marathon itself. We find out that Vernon’s “not going to take it anymore”, that Snape is a changed man and that Ron is still thick. Sue tries out her accents, which we all know she can’t do and Scott really needs a new headset.

Please join us this week on the forum, Potterficforum.com for a Ball that celebrates Poufwa’s 7th Anniversary. The ball will be from Sunday February 9th to Saturday February 15, with our true anniversary on the 13th. We really hope to see you there.

Also in this podcast:

~Auto Pilot
~Snape’s vision
~Duddly and Quidditch
~House Elfs
~Flirting practice
~The “chase”
~Arm twisting

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’02’29


Episode 180: This Podcast is Brought to You by Mike’s!

In our second episode of “A Better Man ” by Valandar; we laugh at Ron’s use of a phone, applaud the pranking war and wonder what’s up with Albus. This is a two woman podcast that starts with Sue and Tricia geeking out over some Star Wars books that Sue saw at a party. Tricia shares her near death experience and says it’s not the first time her brother caused mayhem. We spend a little time learning to play the game “Go.” It’s too hard for us, but Ron would love it. Sue has had a chance to correspond with Valendar and he’d like to tell everyone, he’s a man!!

Book of the Sith

Book of the Jedi

Video (not the one we watched, but you can see what they do)

Also in this podcast:

~April fools
~Girl fight over Justin Bieber
~Anni – Get it?
~No smash bugs
~RIP Richard Griffiths
~Quick overview
~No rubber arm
~Pay phones
~Way to go, Ron
~Snape to the rescue
~DA – out of breath

Hosts: Sue, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’38’05


Episode 179: Underwater Hosts, Leprechauns and Stopping the Floo

We are beginning a new story this week, join us as we find out what would happen if Vernon was “A Better Man ” by Valandar. As we start off,Tricia is waiting for the other shoe to drop, Jenny’s off to Uni and Sue is almost recovered. We find Vernon dead, but a wish from Harry changes that. Can it also change how Harry gets along with his family? Tricia is sure it won’t work out, but Sue is a bit more optimistic. Let’s see what happens when Harry is raised in a family surrounded by love.

Also on this podcast:
~Mud races
~Fuse boxes
~Burst eardrums
~The Milkman
~Fuzzy Father
~Tricia playing for shame.
~Bigger on the inside

Hosts: Sue, Tricia,
Guest Hosts: Jenny
Time: 1’21’25


Special Episode 37: Christmas, Football and Pumpkin Pancakes

Happy Holidays from PFW to all of you. Today we are talking about “Christmas on the Outside ” by Equinox Chick. As always when Poufwainains get together we start with talking about the weather, some of us are freezing while Jenny is Hot! Scott starts us off with a reading, Tricia is sexy voiced and Sue is invaded by animals. We find Dean, Ted, Griphook and some others on the run on Christmas Eve and see what they do to keep the Christmas spirit. We hope you all have a safe and happy holiday and get to spend it with people you enjoy being with.

Also on this podcast:
~Kitty doors
~Make my Day!
~Check out the Aurors on POV Weekly
~Fish and bread
~Bacon and butter
~Dean’s drawings
~Christmas Crackers
~It’s a date.

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott
Guest Hosts: Jenny
Time: 1’13’04


Episode 178: Sue’s Sick, Scott’s Monologuing and Tricia says, “Aw Puke.”

This may be Poufwa’s shortest podcast ever! In this episode we talk about Ron and Hermione’s wedding in “Eleven Slightly Irreverent Ron and Hermione’s Wedding Moments ”by redsiodaslair. We find Sue dying, Scott channeling Ryan and Tricia underwater as we try and discuss this story. Tricia thinks it’s too fluffy, but we do get Charlie in a towel, so it can’t be all bad.

Also on this podcast:
~Mr. Poe
~No fighting foreplay
~Roll reversal
~Bill with a bucke
~Hermione’s secret
~”My wife”
~Tiger Balm
~Spoons falling

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott
Time: 38’39


Episode 177: Splinters, Dude and Hagrid PI!!

In this episode we find out about Neville as he moves on after the Final Battle in “A Most Interesting Career” by Step_fics. Sue has a lot of love for this story, not only does it have Neville, but it has a pet venomous tentacula plant. Kat and Jenny get roped into the podcast at the last minute, but still have a lot to say about it. We all have an animal story to share, we try and kill Kat and there are plot bunnies. Sue alarms Kat with her remedy for splinters. We find out that Neville comes up with the perfect way to start each first year class, would you earn or loose points?

Also in this episode:

~Umbridge the Puff
~Don’t poke it
~Potion plants
~Head of House

Hosts: Sue
Guest Hosts: Kat, Jenny
Time: 1’35’04


Episode 176: Fire to Flood and a Kiss

We end our coverage of “My Nephew Harry” by Lucillia, tonight. We have enjoyed all the plot bunnies spawned by this story. In this episode we hear Petunia’s side of things, get a taste of Rita’s quill and find that Vernon steps up. We also have dog and cat cast. We find that Lucillia is a prolific writer in many fandoms.
We hope you enjoyed our podcasts on My Nephew Harry. If you have feedback, please go to the Potterficforum and let us know what you think.

And now a word from the author. “I found the podcasts to be reasonably nice and well done, and didn’t have any problems with the criticism I received. To all of those for whom my story/stories spawn Plot Bunnies, I say take them and run, either that or run from them. As for the number of stories I have going, I don’t have an attention span pro-…Oooh Shiny!”

Also on this podcast:
~The weather
~Bloddy nose
~Harry scores
~Kelly needs wadders
~Microwave woes
~Extra Fluffy

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Kelly
Guest Hosts: Jenny
Time: 1’05’46


Episode 175: Pot Holes, Plot Bunnies and Kiss the Chef

We bring you our next discussion of “My Nephew Harry” by Lucillia. In this episode we find out that Albus is neglecting the wizarding roads and Hagrid doesn’t know if he has a child. We also find out that Vernon should be a ditch digger, Rita gets a surprise and there’s a Squib AA meeting. We are all over the place in this one, but we have a lot of fun.

Happy Halloween!! Come to the Halloween Ball at Potterficforum.com

We also bring you

~Save the Lizard
~Smart cat
~Smart Apes
~Sleeping Gas
~Plot Bunnies
~BBQ Master
~Attic Digging

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott,
Guest Hosts: Jenny
Time: 1’26’10


Episode 174: The Runt to The Boy to Just Harry

We begin Season 6, with Marge taking over the care of both Dudley and Harry after the Dursely’s are in a car accident in “My Nephew Harry” by Lucillia.  We start out with our regular difficulties: Sue’s computer dies, Rachel’s skype won’t work and Tricia is underwater. We find out that Dudley isn’t the angel Marge thought he was and the Runt isn’t quite as bad. Harry is happy to get one meal a day and he loves the puppies. Marge sees magic and comes up with an answer that makes sense for her. There are a few bumps along the way, but overall we really enjoy seeing this side of Marge. We are looking forward to see what’s going to happen when Dumbledore finds out what’s going on. Come back next time to see what happens.

Also on this podcast:
~It’s frakkin cold
~Chocolate Cherry Mikes
~Snow Globes
~Boxers or Briefs
~Kelly up all night
~Little details
~Rubber Ducky
~I wasn’t snoring
~Strawberry jam

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott, Kelly
Guest Hosts: Rachel
Time: 1’14’27


Episode 173: My Mind to Your Mind

We close out Season 5 with this nice little one shot, picked by mslupin. We bring you “Albus Potter and the Sorting Hat” by deenas. In this episode we try to use new technology and Fail. We find that Harry doesn’t really mean what he says, that Ginny plays a big part and Ron is a wet blanket. We get side tracked by the stories we are all reading; take notes you might want to read some too. We find that Ryan is the new Scott, Sue may or may not have control and Tricia still likes to read about vomit. We are all over the place on this one, we blame it on Dementors.

I did have a chance to correspond with the author. This is what she had to say about the podcast: “Oh that was cool! Thanks for the kind words and digging into my fic. You really did all pick up on the fact that I wanted to focus on GINNY and her connection to Albus rather than having Harry be the focus on their child.

As far as pronouncing my name….Dee-nah S. Deena is my first name and S is my last initial.

Like I said before, I have a TON of fic on LiveJournal. There is also stuff on Simply Undeniable, The Quidditch Pitch, Sink Into Your Eyes and FanFiction.Net.

Thanks again for choosing my story!”

Also on this podcast:
~”Take Five!”
~Vintage podcasts
~What would Chi do?
~Zen moment
~Fix It
~Ryan is a Vulcan
~Long floo lines
~Ginny a Slytherin

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott
Guest Hosts: Ryan
Time: 1’16’34


Episode 172: Kat’s a Cannibal, Tricia’s a Zombie and Deth Signs his Name in the Snow

This ends our discussion of “Vox Corporis” by MissAnnThropic. In this episode we see what happens when the school is attacked. We find that Snape is a woman, Sprout is a Mamma Badger and Ron actually grows up. We start the night wondering if Voldie is a virgin, talk about an upcoming “3 Book Set” and think Scott is spying on us. As we close out this series we get a very important tip from Mr. Weasley, “Don’t shag in front of the fireplace.” We have enjoyed our reading and discussion of Vox Corporis, we hope you have too. There are a couple of comments by MissAnnThropic at the end of the podcast, so be sure you stay tuned. Once again we earn our explicit tag on this one.

Also in the podcast:

~Smut lockdown
~There’s a line…
~Hi Tricia
~Sirius a jokester
~Peter: King of the One Liners
~Don’t eat me
~This ends today
~Harry has an Ace Card
~Hogwarts CSI
~Snow Pee
~Christmas Battle
~Feed the panther

Hosts: Sue, Tricia
Guest Hosts: Deth, Kat
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’17’43


Episode 171: Not the Sue, Kat and Deth Show

Last time we left off with Dumbledore’s arrival during Christmas to tell Harry the Dursley’s had been attacked. Tonight we find out what happens next in “Vox Corporis” by MissAnnThropic. Tricia joins the crew tonight with stories about running and the “Gingerbread Man.” It’s not what you think. We start rumors of a baby for Deth, Jen drops by and Sue’s got a fire story. Deth gives Tricia a recap of Vox to bring her up to speed. We find out Harry has a special gift for Hermione, Oliver shows up for Christmas and Draco corners Hermione to his detriment. We are a bunch of giggling teenagers when it comes to sex. We end tonight on another cliff hanger, but it’s the last one, I promise. Also, Sue’s wind chimes are a nice background for the podcast.

Also in the podcast:

~Kid language
~Face Time
~Disowned: Best Gift Ever!
~Didja Do It?
~Willie Wrappers
~Pissed Off Panther
~There’s trouble!

Hosts: Sue, Tricia
Guest Hosts: Deth, Kat
Special Guests: Jen, Lee
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’31’33


Episode 170: Naughty Cat Thinking & Hermione’s Beserk at Christmas

After a short delay, here’s another discussion of “Vox Corporis” by MissAnnThropic. In this episode we talk about animals in the news, Sue’s birthday disaster and Scooby Doo. In the story we find that Harry and Jake bond at the zoo, Hermione is insane at Christmas and the Grangers have color coded their gifts. We applaud the author for bringing up subjects that we don’t usually see as we earn our explicit tag tonight. And just to be mean, we leave you with a cliffhanger, although there is a short spoiler at the very end.

Also in the podcast:

~Audio invitations
~Kat’s top 10 passage
~More Molly/Arthur
~Dryer Sex
~Pets at the Zoo?
~Call me Jake
~Testosterone Fest
~Sue is Thelma
~Bad Cat Thinking
~Well informed Burglar
~Harry, the Horse Whisperer
~Gran’s gift
~Dumbledore arrives

Host: Sue
Guest Hosts: Deth, Kat
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’50’48


Special Episode 36: LeakyCon

Scott and Sue, both first timers, take on LeakyCon Portland. Here is a recap of our adventures at Leaky. We sit together in front of the computer and talk about what we saw and heard at Leaky and all the wonderful people we got to meet. Scott attended his first Wrock Concerts and got to join MuggleNet’s Audiofictions in a reading. Sue enjoyed meeting Professor Sprout, hearing Star Kid live and meeting up with Poufwanians. And even though Scott ended up with the Leaky flu, we both had a great time and would do it again.

Here are some links we mention in the podcast.
Flash Mob
Beginning of Opening Ceremonies
More Opening Ceremonies
Opening Ceremonies from Afar
Leaky Stars

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Editor: Scott
Time: 1:08:08


Episode 169: Surrounded by Poufwania

We are half way through our discussion of “Vox Corporis” by MissAnnThropic. We begin with FoodCast, then rec a podcast and talk about beer. We go from Ron HATE to Ron saved the Wizarding World. The Hogwarts jogging team makes an appearance. Harry is a staked goat, Hagrid is the Crocodile Hunter and Dumbledore has stupid ideas. We touch on Trelawney/Snape. There’s even a PSA: Don’t be stupid.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun. There is a live skype chat during the podcast, just message Ryan or Sue if you’d like to join.

A few show notes:

~Don’t clean the oven
~Happy Deth
~Fan art challenge
~Lion King
~Kat’s homicidal
~Beard art
~No lessons learned
~Be yourself
~Sex ed.
~Bucket list

Host: Sue
Guest Hosts: Deth, Kat
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’44’01


Episode 168: It’s Hippo Harry and Horse Mione!

In this episode we continue our coverage of “Vox Corporis” by MissAnnThropic by exploring chapters 23 to 30. Kat is podcasting with a fever, Sue’s chair is being squeaky and Deth brought his birds along. We find out that Dumbledore has a unique Animagus, Ginny is a Valley Girl and Ron reads canon. We think the potions book is well played. We wonder about Animagus nicknames and try to figure out what McGonagall would be called. Forum members can earn points by telling Deth what Prefects do in canon. We are about half way through with the story and are excited to see what is going to happen next. Will Ron continue to be a prat? Only time will tell.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun. There is a live skype chat during the podcast, just message Ryan or Sue if you’d like to join.

A few show notes:

~Kat broke her bed
~Lessons in Math
~No prefects
~Who farted?
~Scott arrives
~Alex hijacks the podcast
~Kat fever
~King of the couch
~Animal dreams
~Full Smut Lockdown
~Memory charm Moody

Host: Sue, Scott
Guest Hosts: Deth, Kat
Editor: Sue
Time: 3’13’24


Ep. 167: Bob Derails the Podcast – Four Times and Tells a Sex Joke

Tonight we continue our discussion of “Vox Corporis” by MissAnnThropic. In this episode, Bob brings his sexy voice, Deth brings his birds and Kat brings baseball. We remember old friends, find out where Sue will take you when you visit and wonder if Melinda wrote this story. There be “tightening of the jeans.” We do actually discuss the fic and wonder about pools in London, what happens to Ron and when did Harry become an Iron Chef? If you listen closely you might hear POVW being born….

~Sue can’t talk
~Garage doors
~Fortune cookie
~Voodoo Donuts
~Traveling black bikini
~Snake Talker
~Ron bashing
~Bob’s friend
~Vomit (Where’s Tricia?)
~Morning routine
~Harry learns a lesson

Host: Sue
Guest Hosts: Deth, Kat, Bob
Editor: Sue
Time: 3’12’44


Episode 166: Magic, Boats 101 and $20!

Join us for our first Harry/Hermione fic with “Vox Corporis” by MissAnnThropic.   In this episode we see what could have happened after the graveyard scene in book 4; Harry’s in shock and Hermione is the only one who really comforts him.  We pull Kat and PS in at the last minute, so they read 11 chapters in 20 minutes.  We start off talking about boat boats, then Londo Mollari shows up to introduce the podcast.  We find out Kat’s true feelings about Draco, what Sue wears to bed and that PS needs a refresher on Nursery Rhymes.  We invoke Mike and ask, “what type of squirrel would you be?”  Along the way Ron ejaculates and Hermione has a pregnant moment. This episode earns our explicit tag, so be warned.  We wish to thank Deth for recommending this story for us, it’s the one that turned Ryan into a Harmonian.
Cat Video
Boat Boat
Melinda’s Fic Baot
String Pulley Boat
Sue’s Boat

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun. There is a live skype chat during the podcast, just message Ryan or Sue if you’d like to join.

A few show notes:

~We’re all happy.
~Deth and Ryan do exist
~Walk of Shame
~Owl kissing
~Frog joke
~The Dragon Experiment
~Black Hedwig
~HUGS for Harry

Host: Sue
Guest Hosts: Deth, Kat, PS
Editor: Ryan
Time: 3’37’27


Episode 165: Don’t Do Anything Stupid!

We end our series on “A Little More Time” by Pallas this week. In this episode Tricia is mad and she’s not afraid to use adult words to show it. In fact we all use a few adult words as we talk about Remus and Tonks and the lawyers. You know how you felt about Umbridge? That’s how we feel about some of the characters in this story. We feel that Harry is stupid, tawyers are bad and where’s the Chief Warlock? We all like how it ends with carrot cake.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun. There is a live skype chat during the podcast, just message Ryan or Sue if you’d like to join.

A few show notes:

~Forum Take Over
~Bad Kitty
~Time Lines
~Pocket in Throat
~So Mad
~Muting Charm
~Vomit Again
~Morph Off
~Read the fic

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott
Guest Host: Deth
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’01’45


Episode 164: Zorses, Zonkeys and Ziraffes, Oh My!!

We are continuing our journey with Teddy as he brings his parents back from the dead and finds out what the consequences of that action may be, in “A Little More Time” by Pallas. In this episode we find out about Tricia’s chafing, Scott’s trip and that Deth is, well, you’ll hear. We have headset problems. We decide that string vest robes are WRONG and animals will EAT you. Sue gives us a tip for cleaning carpet and votes for Hat to be Chief Warlock of the Wiz. Oh, and Tricia once again shares a little too much as she explains breast feeding.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun. There is a live skype chat during the podcast, just message Ryan or Sue if you’d like to join.

A few show notes:

~Shaving Cream
~Power Trip
~No One’s Home
~Troll Dolls

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott
Guest Host: Deth
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’28’33


Episode 163: We Are a Day Late, Can You Guess Why?

Here is our second installment of “A Little More Time” by Pallas. Tonight we are joined by the Slytherins and have a Slyther/Puff podcast until Kelly joins us. We do have to warn you that Tricia gives us a lot of TMI as she talks about having children, breast feeding and birth control. Deth drops the F-Bomb. We get a little, OK a lot, off topic near the end as we are distracted by videos.

No bullets tonight.

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Kelly
Guest Hosts: Deth, Raesive
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’16’36


Episode 162: Fudge Hunting, Plot Bunnies and Stolen Relics

We are beginning an new story today. Teddy goes back in time to rescue his parents in “A Little More Time” by Pallas. We start the evening learning about Deth’s new keyboard, in typing 101. Then we find out that Tricia is a Daddy’s girl and Sue listens to Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. Kelly joins us part way through and distracts us with a picture. You will find it linked below, but you may want to wait until we talk about it to look, so you don’t spoil the surprise. We think this is going to be a fun story and can’t wait to see what’s going to happen.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun. There is a live skype chat during the podcast, just message Ryan or Sue if you’d like to join.


A few show notes:

~Wedding Date
~Hole in leg
~No Soup for You
~Lost control
~Cub sitting
~We aren’t in Kansas anymore
~Learn your lessons
~Thin line
~Kitty crazies

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Kelly
Guest Host: Deth
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’16’28


Episode 161: RIP Davy Jones, Dog Food and We Have One Hour!

Happy Valentine’s Day, Poufwa!! Tonight we bring you “Reptilian Complex” by Your Valensi. It’s a sweet story of Ron and Hermione as newly weds. In fact it’s so sweet, it comes with a diabetic warning. This episode is brought to you by an all girl cast; in it we echo, are snarky and learn new swear words. Tricia has charlie horses and is roller-pinning her legs throughout the podcast. Scarlett is getting ready for a play, Kelly does Tech Time and Sue’s house is spotted. Oh, and we promise Tricia she can go to bed in “one hour.” Despite our snark, this is a nice story that we thought would be a great Valentine’s Day special, so we hope you enjoy it. Stay tuned at the end for a special Valentine’s Masterfic from Shoebox Project.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun. There is a live skype chat during the podcast, just message Ryan or Sue if you’d like to join.

A few show notes:

~Tonic Water
~Peter Pan and Tinkerbell
~Red Hair
~PFW Budget
~It’s magic!
~Drama Queen
~We Can’t Talk
~Molly Wobbles
~Tim The Toolman
~Pick pocketed

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Kelly
Guest Host: Scarlett
Special Guest: Lily
Editor: Kat
Time: 1’10’44


Episode 160: Knitting to Princess Bride to Vomit

This is our last episode on “Shifts” by Fern Withy. Please stay tuned at the end for an author interview that covers some of our questions and many off topic interludes. In this episode we have an all girl cast as Scott is kidnapped to do the Castle podcast for the “Poufwa Exchange.” Tricia deals with the school nurse over soccer balls, OG has sinus trouble and Kelly has a few words for Kreacher. We think Sirius is a good “bad dog” and that Remus should have a life. We wonder which team has more Black supporters and decide it’s about tied if we include Draco. During the author interview we learn about the hawk that tried to eat one of Sue’s chickens. We also discuss book series we think others should read and talk about football. We really enjoyed the Shifts universe and are sad to be leaving it behind.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun. There is a live skype chat during the podcast, just message Ryan or Sue if you’d like to join.

A few show notes:

~Not Fighting
~No magic. No Jews
~Printer problems
~Sad Pandas
~Google it!
~Fast food
~Sandwich cookies
~Constant Vigilance
~Sand pit FTW

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Kelly
Guest Host: Oliversgal
Special Guest: Fernwithy
Editor: Sue
Time: 3’49’44


Episode 159: The One Where We Break Dethryl!!

Tonight we bring you the fifth episode of “Shifts” by Fern Withy. This episode is brought to you by Dyson Vacuums, Kat’s Beer and Tiger Balm. Kat and Dethryl were suppose to record a Poufwa Exchange, but Ryan went on a date instead of being there to record so we pull them into our podcast instead. Tricia is AWOL, but checks in with a story to rival a Jen Story. She has been deemed a weapon of mass destruction. Meanwhile in the fic, we get to see what really happened to Dudley that fated night in the bar. We also get to see Remus and Tonks have a romance and Dudley demand a memory charm. Oh, and we might break Dethryl a few times. We recommend you keep your brain bleach handy for this episode.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun. There is a live skype chat during the podcast, just message Ryan or Sue if you’d like to join.

A few show notes:

~Kat food
~Poufwa collides
~Brain Bleach
~Plot Bunnies
~Mr. Flufferpants
~Cat allergies
~Brain Bleach 2
~Fighting over Scott
~Exit strategies
~Brain Bleach 3
~Toad sex = OPS
~Mirror Mirror

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott
Guest Host: Kat, Dethryl
Editor: Sue
Time: 3’44’51


Episode 158: Raymond Lewis and The Knobbly Stick of Doom!!

Tonight we bring you our forth installment of “Shifts” by Fern Withy. In this episode we have a guest host who is afraid he might fall asleep on the podcast. Don’t laugh, it’s happened before. Sue is a bad Hufflepuff, Scott takes a trip and Tricia sounds like a man. We also discuss Mr. Rogers, Cannonball Run and OPS – old people sex. Oh and somewhere along the way we talk about Shifts. Remus is a ladies man, Dudley is a person and the twins make Frosty the Snowman’s hat. And wouldn’t you know, mpreg rears it’s ugly head. We hope you enjoy the show. Tune in next time for Tricia’s, Jen-like, Tiger Balm story.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun. There is a live skype chat during the podcast, just message Ryan or Sue if you’d like to join.

A few show notes:

~Pimping the Molly Fic
~Remus the martyr
~It’s all about Tricia
~Shoulder morph
~His time of the month
~Percy the Prat
~Kudos to Fern
~JKR’s fault
~Hagrid’s broom
~First Date
~What could go wrong?
~Sirius polyjuice
~Twisted Pretty Lady

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott, Kelly
Guest Host: Aaron
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’17’38


Special Episode 35: The World Didn’t End, So Happy Holidays

In this episode, Sue, Scott and Kat got together to talk about our jobs and what’s going on in our lives right now. Moments after we end the call, Tricia comes online, so we call her and talk another hour. Then, since it’s the holidays and you can never get enough Christmas music, I add some of Poufwa’s greatest hits. Enjoy the madness.

We, here at Poufwa, want to wish all our listeners a wonderful holiday season. Happy Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kawanzaa, Happy Whatever you Celebrate. Have an awesome year.

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host: Kat
Musical Guests: Poufwa Members
Editor: Sue
Time: 4:01:18


Episode 157: Murder, Hygiene and Snot!

Here is our third installment of “Shifts” by Fern Withy. In this episode we take almost 30 minutes to even get to the story and go off topic immediately after introducing ourselves. We learn about the Hood to Coast marathon, Zack showers and have a lesson in Ram 101. Sue gushes over a new podcast, called GalleryCast, she’s been listening to them for a week straight and may be a little obsessed. Along the way we wonder if Remus sleeps in the nude, throw in a little mpreg and talk about a pie-bald man. BTW Fern says, “Yes, Sanjiv has a little secret about his delicate condition. ;p” Also in this episode we bring you allergies, illness and SNOT! Sorry. We also include an important PSA, “Always ask first before touching a pregnant lady’s belly.” Really, we mean it.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun. There is a live skype chat during the podcast, just message Ryan or Sue if you’d like to join.

A few show notes:

~Motherly love
~Scott’s AWOL
~It’s Not True
~London for Tricia
~Big Dog
~Too many Ps
~We’ve got a plan
~LOve on Speed Dial
~Hulu Deck
~OG the fangirl
~Ask to Touch
~Kermit vs. Umbridge
~Colored chicks

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Kelly
Guest Host: OG
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’31’53


Episode 156: On Topic With Notes and Everything!!

A day earlier than expected as a Thanksgiving gift, here is our second episode on Fern Withy’s “Shifts.” In this episode we find out that the Evans clan had a temper, Andi and Ted aren’t sure about Tonks/Remus and Umbridge is taking over. We also find that Deth shared his illness with PS and Kelly, Sue’s in a rolling chair and Scott’s audacity hates his skype. Despite all of that, we make it through our scheduled chapters tonight. As always with Poufwa, please remember the views expressed by the hosts are the hosts and not Potterficweekly’s. Sit back, relax and enjoy our on topic with notes and everything discussion of Shifts. We had a great time and hope you do too.

For those of our listeners who celebrate Thanksgiving, we hope you are listening to this from a turkey stupor and that you had a great time with friends and family. For those who don’t celebrate, we wish you a wonderful day too.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun.

A few show notes:

~Stop Breathing
~Kindle Questions
~Bad French jokes
~Email Blues
~Wasp Spray
~Remus has a great Bum!
~Dog interrupts
~One shot, please
~Bad Prefect

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Cameo: Kelly
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’03’11


Episode 155: Tricia’s Not Naked, Not Microsoft But Is High on Sugar!

Sit back, take a deep breath and get ready for a new story from Potterficweekly.  We are revisiting an author from last season, Fern Withy for mslupin who loves the story “Shifts.” In this episode we follow Remus and Dora as they protect Dudley from possible danger. Along the way we find out Sue has power, Scott’s Head of House and OG is lost. We find out that snow is a swear word, the Polar Bear jump isn’t nude and knitting isn’t a quiet activity. We also get a history lesson and learn about plants. Tricia isn’t sure how to pronounce our author’s name and Sue makes Deth jokes. Welcome to PuffCast, at least at the start.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly.    We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com  We are also on iTunes.  We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun.

A few show notes:

~Miss Lupin
~No new headset
~Sue has Ram
~Whomping Willow
~Hot Tempers
~Plot Bunnies
~Mrs. Ulrich
~Scott Lost
~Star Trek
~Dragon Pox
~Quidditch Cats
~Card Games

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Kelly
Guest Host: OG
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’19’25


Special Episode 34: Anne is Evil, Bald Draco and Phil threatens to Sing

Last week, hosts and guest hosts sat down to talk with Anne B. Walsh about her original work, Dangerverse and Be Careful. We had such long podcasts on the series, Anne didn’t have a chance to listen to all of them, but she does have a few comments on them. We find it’s fun to be able to ask her questions and get an answer that makes sense. She tells us that we are smarter than we think and that the original podcasters on Dangerverse and the podcasters on Be Careful have a wild theory that’s actually right. Who knew we were so on top of things? Anne has her sister and roommate pop in and there’s an annoying buzzing, I think it’s a really big fly. In the meantime, Phil is convinced the butterbeer in the UK is much better than ours, there are pets everywhere and we play with words. We hope you enjoy our discussion, we sure did.

Also in this Episode:

~10 Chapter Fluff Fic
~Phil is a fanboy
~New English Words
~Rockin Earthquakes
~Go on vs. Goon
~dirty water Anne off
~No music but tea
~Do the dishes
~Only one headset
~Agree to Disagree

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Kat, Moony, Phil
Special Guests: Anne, Toni, Krystal
Editor: Sue
Time: 1:56:06


Episode 154: Be Careful… What Fanfiction You Write

Here is our fifth(!) marathon episode of, “Be Careful” by Anne B. Walsh.

While Sue is finally well again, Kat has been spinning out as she enters the last stint of life as she knows it in Undergraduate school. She’s hilarious when she’s not on sleep, ladies and gentlemen, so we decided to give you a double-episode of it!

This episode was recorded almost a year ago, so we’re talking about Christmas and Finals and presents. We hope you’ve enjoyed the coverage of Be Careful (and we reiterate that if you haven’t, don’t worry, we’re starting Shifts by FernWithy in two weeks) – we’ve certainly enjoyed covering it, even though it took up three long months. We will also be releasing an author interview with Anne Walsh herself in the next couple weeks.

We remind you that Sue’s email address has changed to Sue@Poufwa.com.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We remind you that Point of View Weekly is now recorded 8:30 EST and is available on iTunes! We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun.

Sue literally killed Kat making her edit these, but she still wishes you all enjoy it, show notes or not – she didn’t write any because she’s dead (which is code for, instead of making show notes, the editor decided watching reruns of Cold Case was more important).
Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Hosts: Kat, Moony
Editor: Kat
Time: 4:17:57

I like computers. They are shiny.

Episode 153: She shells, squishy moments, and the idiot ball of doom

Here is our fourth marathon episode of, “Be Careful” by Anne B. Walsh. It’s been a long journey, but we refuse to stop this ride! Through the deep discussion of plot holes of canon and the much-debated trace, we here at Poufwa are plowing through the next set of chapters with startling on-topic discussion. Moony is singing songs, Kat is talking about math and computer science, Scott’s doing impressions, and Sue is driving this podcast while still sick. Kudos to Sue!

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us here! We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun.

Show notes:
The evil speech of evil
Squishy moments
Wizard GPS
Sue corrects our canon
Siblings and sex lives
Scott invokes the idiot ball of doom
Story and canonical timelines
Celebrities and children’s names
War and the tragedy of death
Future babies and family
Neville’s perceptive about Draco
Neville and Draco shake hands
Fawkes the phoenix doesn’t make house calls
Ron drop-kicks Peter
Snape… has arrived
Kat likes when 2+2=4 (but admits it sometimes equals 5)
Harry and Remus are drunk
Kat just lets it slide
Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Hosts: Kat, Moony
Editor: Kat
Time: 4:15:12

I like computers. They are shiny.

Episode 152: Kat’s high, Baby Dementors, and Sam Gamgee’s got Voldemort

Here is our third marathon episode of, “Be Careful” by Anne B. Walsh. For the first half of this episode, Sue apparently has the cold that would not end and Kat’s got a fever of 101.8 and is operating on no sleep because it’s midterms, but we are determined to truck through the chapters regardless! During the second half we add Scott, Sue is still sick, and we all fear Scarlett’s brain. We still express our love for Dragon Charlie and are very concerned about what’s underneath Draco’s robes.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun.

Show notes:
Miyazaki is awesome – but the Catbus won’t give Death Eaters fare
Kat isn’t a robot, nor a Vulcan (she might be a cold, heartless bitch)
We discuss The Podcast Rules
The Hufflepuff podcast secret
Dark-side cookies and Charlie in a towel
Kat’s more entertaining than the Bad!Fic podcast
We debate the source of one’s patronus
Dementor reproduction (yes, we’re serious. we talk Baby Dementors) – including human/Dementor relations
Wand shaking
Dementor preschool
A return of the robes conversation: Underwear questions and ‘basilisk fangs’
Snape and Undead Snape
Draco is a Slytherin and learns things
Luna has read Deathly Hallows and Draco’s mocking Harry
Ginny joins the crew and Harry has a saving people thing still 
Frying pans vs. Voldemort
Startling revelations:
Kat has kids
Scarlett raises the artistic value of the podcast
Sue is still sick
A few pictures too! Credit for these go to Kiubez Undermann and Brthr Arnold respectively
Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Hosts: Kat, Moony, Scarlett
Editor: Kat
Time: 5:01:57

I like computers. They are shiny.

Episode 151: Put the Kettle On, Poufwa Meet Up and It’s Draco Malfoy!

Here is our second marathon episode of, “Be Careful” by Anne B. Walsh. We’d like to introduce Phil, no not that Phil, this one sounds like Harry Potter himself, but he’s apparently using Scott’s old internet connection. We needed duct tape to keep him on the call. We also find out that Kat doesn’t like Draco Malfoy, Sue has a tractor and Moony likes musicals. We all love Dragon Charlie! We have questions we’d like to ask Anne, if we get to do an interview. Toward the end, the girls scare Scott away and as always there are pets that come and go through the recording.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun.

A few show notes:

~Phil is Scott
~Dance with a boy
~Phil’s bistro
~Modern General
~Animal babies
~The Heirs

Hosts: Sue, Scott,
Guest Host: Phil, Kat, Moony
Editor: Kat (thanks Kat)
Time: 4’27’22


Special Edition 33: Syzygy, Blanking Harry, and Kat is a Good Biker

Tonight, our gang of jaded fanficcers sits down to discuss what makes good fanfiction and offer up a bunch of plot bunnies for adoption. If you’re an aspiring author looking for something to write, we’ve got lots of original ideas. For some reason, we are all giving all the characters the “Draco Malfoy” treatment from Psychic Serpent.
Aaron is prepared to talk fic, but all we want is his time-traveling Molly story
Boat boats, bike bikes, and more!
Meeting Poufwanians
PS’s magically suspended dryer and spellwork
Londo Mollari reads fanfiction
Aaron asks us “what if?”, Kat asks us “what happened?”, Deth asks “how do we get there?”
Harry of the different houses
Minor characters with superpowers
Kat and Aaron have mastered the art of FF.net
Voldemort in a speedo – we want fan art
Dramionaise – ‘nough said
Realistic Dursleys
Kat tries to make a bid for the difference between fiction and reality
What ever happened to Fluffy?
The quality of a Hogwarts education and the general sofety of the castle in general.
We question the logic of Goblet of Fire
Alternate pairings, like Harry/Harry!
We ship Jen/James
Vilification of Peter
PS can feel herself being drunk
Harry is an Elven High Lord
We pause the podcast to plot out Kat’s fic
Potter Puppet Pals

Hosts: Dethryl, Kat, PS, Aaron, and introducing Moony
Special Guests: Faraday and Curie
Runtime: 3:26:21
Editor: Dethryl

Here are the links to the stories covered in this podcast.

The Love and Fury of Molly Weasley by Kronkk
Rebuilding Life by Kezzabear
Fox Ears by The Starhorse
The Shoebox Project by Dorkorific and LadyJaida
A Conspiracy of Cartographers by Pica
They Shook Hands by Dethryl
Hermione Granger and the Goblet of Fire by Coulsdon Eagle
Hermione Granger and the Order of the Phoenix by Anne Margaret
Hermione, Queen of Witches by Arabella
Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong
Building Bridges by Melethril
Harry McGonagall by witowsmp
Vocare Probaria by Amber Evans Potter
The Inner Eye of Harry Potter
Echoes of Power by Jbern
Ginny’s Gift by Ashwinder
Roman Holiday by Anna (bagel warning)
Harry Potter and the Third Key by slowfox
Four Out of Five Defense Professors Recommend by wwwendy
Realizations by Wishweaver
Stealing Harry by samvimes
Saving Harry by The Seeker
Seeking Ginny by Casca
The Lie I’ve Lived by Jbern
Unknown Relations by Ksomm814
In Care Of by Fang’s Fawn
Syzygy by Al
Midnight Guardians series by Ksomm814 (baby Harry warning)
Another Prisoner, Another Professor by Marauder
Battle of Wills by Jocelyn

I like computers. They are shiny.

Episode 150:  We think Tricia is HOT, Baseball and it’s our 150th Episode!!

Today we are celebrating our 150th episode with an epic fic, “Be Careful” by Anne B. Walsh.  We started with the lofty plan to talk about 22 chapters at a time, only to find out that we were aiming too high.  Not to worry, we decided to record over two nights and glue the podcasts together, which works if you ignore people coming and going from about half way through the episode.  In true Poufwa fashion we talk about fangirls, baseball, running, baseball, pets and baseball…did I mention baseball?  Apparently it was a big baseball night.   We also talk about Draco Malfoy, the story is about him after all.  He is about to embark on a grand adventure and he is taking us with him, we just have two words for him…Be Careful. 

We would also like to thank ChrisCMNate, Loswen, Kat and Phil for giving us a “shout out” for our 150th! 

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly.    We record live Thursday evenings at 8 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com  We are also on iTunes.  We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun.

There were too many show notes to list.

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Kelly. Tricia
Guest Host: Kat, Moony
Editors Sue and Kat
Time: 4’17’51


Episode 149: Scarlett at College, No Animals were Harmed….And Ryan!

Tonight is a little one shot about Amelia Bones, it’s “Your Life Doesn’t Flash Before Your Eyes” by xsilverxlightx.   The first half of this podcast is dedicated to cats, fishing, roommates and super stores.  We get Ryan out of retirement and off the golf course.  He entertains us with stories of his new cats…yes we know he’s had them over a year now.  Scarlett joins us in one of her rare appearances to tell us about her new roommate and all the Poufwa troubles that have come her way since moving to collage.   We think her new roommate should be one of us and she’s a Puff too.  Kat tells us her secret obsession with weddings and talks Scott into acting one out for her. And Sue’s mom runs over a chicken.    

Also in this Episode:

~Cats = Expensive
~Don, the Barber
~Chuck on OJ
~Old fart
~We miss Jen
~Lots of Notes
~Amelia is a BA
~Ryan has an Echo
~Voldie’s unmentionables
~Scarlett is Aaron

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Kelly
Guest Host: Ryan, Scarlett, Kat
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’04’14


Episode 148: Choices, Still No Name and The Pittsburghers!!

This is our last episode on the Harry Potter series by Bear. This one is “Harry Potter: Revelation“. We encourage you to finish the series on your own if you’ve enjoyed our coverage of it. (I just checked and the last one, Sacrifice, has not been finished yet). In this episode, Sue loves Trica and OG, Tricia goes to the dark side and brings cookies and OG has a plot bunny. We also find that Peter may be smarter than anyone gives him credit for, Boggarts get tortured and JKR has met a Time Lord at some point in her life. Oh and the Pittsburgher’s take over the podcast, then fight. Really, we don’t plan these things, they just happen when no one is looking. Part way through, we are interrupted by Twilight. I’m telling you we don’t make this stuff up.

Also in this Episode:

~Finish Line Moved
~No Baseball
~Too Many Mary Sues
~Disembodied swoosh
~World Cup
~Bigger on the inside
~In Mac’s basement
~Rob’s in Portland
~Skipped with excitement
~Scott, man of reason
~Clue, HP style
~Hunger Games

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott
Guest Host: Oliversgal
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’04’43


Episode 147: Hufflepuffs, Magic and He’s Harry!!

Here is our second installment of the Harry Potter series by Bear. In this one, “Harry Potter: Connections“, we watch as Adam and Ginny work through the aftermath of the Chamber of Secrets and follow Remus as he traces Adam’s steps to see who this mystery student really is. Along the way, we get lost talking about weddings, fics, lakes, shoes and cats and that’s just in the first 19 minutes. Sue squees some more about the JK Rowling Room where she’s going to spend the night. You can see pictures of that stay here. Kelly joins the Hufflepuff crew a little late, but we are happy to have her along. We find that the hosts like to read ahead, giggle at Pouwanian quotes in canon and hate laundry.

We will be doing one more story by Bear, and then we encourage you to finish the series on your own.

Also in this Episode:

~Don’t breathe
~Muggles & Minions
~Voldie’s POV
~Tricia Predicts
~Cricket 101
~Don’t break the wand
~Book quotes
~Oliver love
~Bloody Malfoy
~Rugby minutes
~Water fights

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Kelly
Guest Host: Oliversgal
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’44’22


Episode 146: Harry, I Mean Adam and Don’t Mess with Ginny

We are happy to bring you the first story in the Harry Potter series by Bear.  In this one  “Harry Potter: Lost,” we see Godric’s Hollow through Voldemort’s eyes, meet Adam and see what happens in the Chamber of Secrets when Fawkes doesn’t come to the rescue. Along the way we discuss bad fic, alohomora, bad Dumbledore and hospital beds. Tricia revisits Edgecombe, Kelly rants about book banning and Sue lets the dogs out. We hope to get you hooked on this series, we are going to cover the first three books, then you will be on your own.

Also in this episode:
~Pirate Bears
~Lost words
~PS predicts
~Deth hasn’t read
~Hi Kelly
~Snake bombs – again
~Tom did it

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Kelly
Guest Host: PS
Special Guests: Deth
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’57’30


Episode 145: Hot Feet, Lycanthropy and Pickle Juice!

This is our final episode on “This Time Around,” by Disneydoll0424. In these last chapters we see Remus rescued again, the girls have babies, Baby Nate spends the night in jail and then there’s Bella. We also find out that Sue is living with boys, Tricia has a work husband, Scott was pre-Poufwanian, Kat’s a baseball fan and Kelly can do math. Did you know pregnant women might need pickles for more than cravings or that the first people in the knitters guild were men? Yep, we are being educational once again. As part of that education, we recorded a thingy, you’ll understand once you listen. Stay tuned at the end of this episode for a word or two from the author.

Also in this episode:
~Porn music
~Shirtless men
~3,2,1 Click
~Boys underwear
~Nate Lupin – Private Eye
~Diamond contacts
~Lily Hermione Lupin
~Baby’s first words

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Kelly
Guest Host: Kat
Special Guests: Ryan and Snapesgirl
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’31’04


Episode 144: Baseball, Communicable Diseases and Snake Bombs!

In our third episode on “This Time Around,” by Disneydoll0424, we learn about the evil apostrophe, traitors and the muggle way. We are pleased with the use of the word “scathed.” This week we change it up a bit and use Star Wars references, with maybe a little Star Trek thrown in for good measure. In fact, we all “have a bad feeling” about this. And at the end we encourage everyone not to “drink the water.”

This is Kat’s debut edit, so join me in thanking her very much for her hard work.

Also in this episode:
~Got Milk?
~Power’s out
~Dish Soap
~Snape, Snape
~Time loops
~Mirror, Mirror
~Happy Birthday, Harry

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Hosts: PS
Editor: Kat
Time: 2’23’35


Episode 143: Lions, Werewolves and Rats, Oh My!

In tonight’s episode we continue our Remus/Hermione story, “This Time Around,” by Disneydoll0424. We learn that Tricia’s son is at Hogwarts, Sue plays with lions, Kat wants a Poufwa meet up and Kelly’s hot… again. We also discover that there is werewolf prejudice, a break in at Hogwarts, and the Potters are missing. Along the way, Sue can’t remember which girl she’s talking about, Lily or Hermione. We also throw in Star Trek, Pottermore, Quantum Leap and Elvendork. Yes, we are all over the map on this one. Near the end, Kat mentions that the author, Disneydoll0424, may have left the fandom, but Sue has found her and even has some author comments for the last podcast in this series.

We give special thanks to Dethryl for being the schmuck who had to edit this originally four hour long podcast.

Along the way:
~Tricia’s dating advice
~”I’m a lumberjack”
~Oh Boy!
~Vocab with Kelly
~Pets, pets and more pets
~Kelly rants

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Kelly, Tricia
Guest Hosts: Kat
Editor: Dethryl
Time: 2’53’30


Episode 142: Time Travel, Weasley Jumpers and Peter Hate

We are starting an new story this week, “This Time Around,” by Disneydoll0424. Join us as we travel back in time with Hermione and watch while she works to change history as we know it. She also falls in love with one of the Marauders and in like with another. We discuss “the grandfather paradox”, “take me to your leader” and “that special place.”
We really like the characterization of Peter in this, but we don’t like Peter at all. We have some of our usual off topic banter, but try really hard to keep to the story. Also in this episode Sue has a squeaky chair, Kelly doesn’t have power and Kat thinks “that’s bull!”

Along the way:
~Sue’s not sane
~Sirius Lupin
~Experimental Potions
~Kelly is lost
~Tricia tells us how she feels
~Redo fics

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Kelly, Tricia
Guest Hosts: Kat
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’33’12


Episode 141: Wrock, Censor Hi-jinx and Molly Cooks!!

In this episode we discuss a great one shot by Arnel, called “Molly’s Tale.” We learn that when Molly is upset or stressed she cooks. We also visit a little Wrock, talk about ho vs. hoe and find out who is off topic. The hosts find they are not up on their canon and need to go back and read it again. Stay tuned at the end for a message from Arnel.

Also in this episode:
~Pets are great
~New house names
~Bill, no Charlie
~Molly Wobbles
~Cookbook notes
~Food unites

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Hosts: PS

Editor: Sue
Time: 52:04


Episode 140: Kat’s Toasted, Deep Fried Twinkies and Ask Hat!

We finish our coverage of “A Conspiracy of Cartographers – In the Beginning” by pica scribit with this podcast, but we encourage you to go read more of Pica’s stories.  In this episode we enjoy watermelon with Scott, ask, “Where’s Kat?” and find out Kelly is MIA.  And that’s in just the first few minutes.  

Stay tuned at the end of our discussion for an author interview with Pica, where we find out she’s a magpie, she isn’t a Twilight fan and she likes to procrastinate.

Also in this episode:
~Where do Werewolves go?
~Weird sounds
~Chaffing potion
~I’m a werewolf
~Quidditch infomercial
~Sirius and James break up
~Blame it on the Mikes
~Scott’s never had one
~Kelly found

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Kelly
Guest Hosts: Kat
Interview: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Deth
Special guest: Pica
Editor: Sue
Time: 3’03’10


Episode 139: Pee Magic, SquirrelMort and PS is Intoxicated

Wow, we are starting our fifth season. It seems like just yesterday Melindaleo encouraged me to listen to a podcast she was on and now I’m one of the hosts. It boggles the mind. But now I’m “off topic” so I’ll “focus” and come back to the fic in question. Today we are covering “A Conspiracy of Cartographers – In the Beginning” by pica scribit. This is a Marauder fic, which makes some of us happy. We find that Greyback is a child molester, Remus is the invisible boy and Molly is saucy. There are plot bunnies, broom lessons and magical weed. And we have a drinking game, but we don’t tell you when to “take a shot” – that’s our little secret.

Also in this episode:
~Stuff is useful
~The Lost Room
~Logic puzzles
~Tricia’s funny sound
~GPS = lost
~We apologize to the UK
~House points
~Brain Damage
~Kissing Book
~Pink slip
~Magical clipboards
~Too drunk for math
~Scott’s refreshing
~Slytherin stew

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Hosts: Deth, PS
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’08’01


Special Edition 32: Happy Birthday Poufwa; Here’s The Longest Recording We’ve Ever Done

Tonight, PFW and PE collide to discuss what makes bad fanfiction. This is not to single out anyone’s OTP and call it bad, but rather to discuss what makes bad!fic of that pairing. We actually stay away from specific pairings for the most part and focus on themes and cliches. Total recording time for this session was 5 hours and 45 minutes.
Dethryl does the introduction without the critical “And”, yet we somehow survive. PS is broadcasting from inside a tea kettle. Rena’s siblings try to get on the call. Kat does something else that’s funny. Deth and Kat are drinking wine while PS is medicated. Rena’s the sober one and scared of these crazy people on the line with her. She runs away about halfway through.
* Non-canon nicknames like Mione, Siri, Sevy, Lucky, and so on, as well as the stupidity of “Harry” being a nickname.
* Ron being Ron.
* Peter is always evil.
* AU do’s and don’ts.
* Next-Gen is seldom more than a clone of our heroes and villains.
* Fanfiction of fanfiction.
* Slash warnings and Het warnings. Explosions, chases, and action warnings.
* Mary Sues.
* Dragging external stuff into HP when it blatantly contradicts canon.
* Martial arts.
* Shopping.
* Localized speech patterns and Briticisms.
* Unhealthy fascination with Muggle stuff.
* Snape and house points.
* Houses other than Slytherin are also evil.
* Harry adoption.
* Crossovers.
* Cassie Claire.

Startling Revelations:
* Kat has kids.
* Dethryl has written a fic called They Shook Hands.
* PS likes slash.

Maniacs: Dethryl, Kat, PS, and Rena
Runtime: 4’58’29


Episode 138: Don’t Give Up – Light Damn It and Things That Make Us Say ‘Awwww… Puke’

The Potterficweekly hosts are happy and a little sad to be bringing you the last episode of Season 4 with “Away From The Sun” by cibjasfad. Harry, AKA Joe, is going home and there are a lot of red haired people waiting to greet him. He finds out that he’s welcome no matter what name he goes by. Tricia is happy to find that fluff makes her want to puke, so we get more vomit even if Andi hasn’t put it in the story. Sue’s neighbor shows up unexpectedly and she has to leave for a few minutes while the others chat and Tricia thinks about bed time. We have a lot of love for Kingsley, Neville and Molly. And the animals take over once again.

Stay tuned at the end for an author interview where we find out just what cibjasfad stands for and that LJ isn’t always safe if someone has your password. Check out Andi’s podcast, GalleryCast, you can find it on iTunes.

Potterficweekly turns 5 years old on Monday, so look for something special for our birthday. We’ll be back with Season 5 soon. We’ll be starting our new season with “Conspiracy of Cartographers” by Pica Scribit.

Also in this episode:
~Kelly’s pick
~It sucks being an adult
~How do planes fly?
~Broomstick innuendo
~Molly has the vapors
~A dog’s life
~Call me Joe
~Which Weasley
~Ron interprets for Hermione
~F Words
~Super Harry
~Molly Mommy
~Call me Harry
~Fluffy needs a dog license
~Listen to the music
~They’re going home

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Tricia
Editor main cast: Sue
Editor interview: Dethryl
Time: 3’47’15


Episode 137: Oyster Shots, Fluff and an Ordinary Joe

As Season 4 begins to wind down, the hosts are excited to bring you the next installment of “Away From The Sun” by cibjasfad. We have some interesting visuals this episode including “the fecal matter hitting the rotating air mover” and “Hermione with a death grip on Ron’s chest hair.” Ouch! We start out with technical difficulties that follow us the entire podcast, but we’re professionals so we make it through. OG is pulled into the podcast at the last minute, and read all the chapters in one day; we know this because she tells us about it several times This story has captured all of us and we are anxious for next week to find out how it ends. How about you, are you reading along with us or have you skipped ahead? Feel free to email comments for us to put in the last podcast on Away from the Sun, we want to know what you think. You can send them to Email Me

Also in this episode:
~OG has a cold
~More vomit
~Tricia needs a drink
~OG’s not working
~We get a snort
~Bye Tricia
~Cherry Wand, oops!
~Going home
~Melinda, are you reading yet?

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host: OG
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’29’36


Episode 136: No Meghans but Lots of Vomit!

In this, our third episode of “Away From The Sun” by cibjasfad, we are pleased to follow Ginny as she searches for Harry. In the process we find out that Kelly is a tour guide, Tricia loves it when a fic includes vomit and Kat is the new Scott. We also dip into Tarot reading 101. We go about things a little differently tonight as we start the podcast with our usual nonsense and then end it that way too. Somewhere in the middle we get distracted by vibrations.

This is going out today because it’s Ryan’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Ryan! We want to thank you for the gift of Poufwa. In honor of Ryan’s birthday, we are attaching his birthday’s Masterfic from Poufwa’s first season.

Also in this episode:
~What order?
~SpellCast sadness
~Kelly’s upset
~Snape, the Super-fixer?
~Dumbledore’s a little special
~Hello, Donald
~Kelly’s a mush ball
~Tricia’s favorite fic
~Ginny in leather
~Kat almost dies
~Brought to you by the letter M

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Time: 3’36’51


Episode 135: The Animals Have Taken Over, but He’s Alive!!

The Peons, erm Hosts are excited to bring you our second episode covering “Away From The Sun” by cibjasfad. In this episode we enjoy The Knitting hour, Sue’s egg woes and Chinese Finger Traps. Don’t tell anyone, but some of us may have been indulging in a little Koolaid. That may be what contributes to us jumping all over the place. We do include an important PSA: Ladies, take your drinks with you to the dance floor. Really, we’re serious, just take them with you.

Also in this episode:
~One take
~Magic in editing
~Kelly and W
~Alex eats cactus
~Third Base!
~Brain farts
~Wizard Photoshop
~Fish on Old
~Ginny Glows
~Kezza’s quotes
~I Solemnly Swear
~We’re off to America

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Tricia
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’20’47


Special Edition 31: I Want A Weasley Jumper and Apple Juice.

We begin our Holiday Podcast with “A Weasley Christmas” by by momotwins.  It was a last minute find, but we think you’ll enjoy it.  Then we start adding Poufwanians to the line and do what people always do when they get together…….talk about the weather.  

~Tricia swears
~OG laughs
~Scarlett squees
~Jen reads smut
~Deth’s ears bleed
~Ryan recs fics that shall not be named
~Scott comes and goes
~Kat is a Huffledor
~Sue’s in a towel
~PS gives great gifts
~Julia turns into a Jewish Grandmother
~Kelly does karaoke

We wish you all happy holidays!

Jingling Moonbeams
Gingerbread TARDIS

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Scarlett
Special Guests: See above
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’40’13


Episode 134: Bare Feet, Not HARRY! and Kill The Wall

Kelly and Sue are really excited to bring you “Away From The Sun” by cibjasfad.  The other hosts jump on the band wagon pretty quick, PS read the entire story in just two sittings, she couldn’t put it down.  This was recorded well over a year ago and it’s dated as we talk about the DH1 trailer and our predictions on where it’s going to split.  Also in this long ago episode we find out about Ryan and Jen’s adventure on Melinda’s boat.  I know it’s old stuff, but it’s classic, I had to leave it in.  And speaking of Melinda, we’d really like her to read this story.  If you haven’t read this yet, we strongly recommend you read it before listening to us or you’ll be spoiled and you really don’t want to have that happen.  Oh and we strongly recommend you heed the tissue warning.  

Also in this episode:
~We love author’s notes
~Sue can say, Andi
~3 Doors Down
~The music makes Kelly cry
~Predictions: Tricia is afraid to make
~Quidditch is [i]just [/i]a game
~Slughorn make PS happy
~Twin stories
~Food prep is helpful
~Ron says, “Poor Me.”
~What does Hogwarts tell parents?

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host: PS
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’47’16


Episode 133: Kelly’s Musical Trip Down Memory Lane and Ron Needs a Cape

As we close out our coverage of “Points of No Return” by Night Zephyr, we learn that Evil Overlords should not monologue, Neville could save the day (with Mike, the Venomous Tentacula’s help) and Sue’s thinking of the game Mouse Trap. We also find out that Lord Tom lies, Harry just wants to be killed already and Ron needs an orange superhero cape with a big C for Champion on it. Along the way we give you a lesson in text readers and hope to convert at least a few of you to the listening side. But most of all, we learn that the shirt tells the story.

Stay tuned at the end of this episode for an interview with Night Zephyr.

Also in this episode:
~Tug of War with Harry
~Tears, Hugs, and Weasleys
~Time Warp
~Weasley Train
~Missing Sock
~Wet Draco
~Voldie’s Old
~All Grandmas are Magic
~Dead Cow scar

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Tricia
Special Guest:  Night Zephyr
Editor: Wayne
Editor: Sue for the interview


Special Edition 30: End of an Era

Ryan, Sue, Danielle and Jen got together to watch the last Harry Potter film and you get to peek in and listen along as they watch. Along the way they discuss politics, “eye” phones and Ryan and Danielle’s wedded bliss. And that’s before they even start the film.

Poufwa wants to thank Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls for their awesome music.

Feel free to start this podcast before starting your film. They’ll tell you when to hit play. They had a bad feeling about it, but actually pulled it off in one take. Scary.

Hosts: Sue, Ryan, Jen, Danielle
Editor: Sue, with a little help from Ryan
Time: 2’27’01


Episodes 131 and 132: Don’t Cross the Streams, Dementor Kennel and Kelly’s Hot

In this double episode of “Points of No Return” by Night Zephyr, we are covering chapters 22 to 29. We welcome you to TrainCast and talk about Tricia almost getting onto Platform 9 3/4s. She’s also pocasting from a tunnel, a seer and can’t eat fake sugar. Then we find out that Sue’s a slob, sitting in the dark and then MIA. We don’t know what’s happening with everyone else but we think they were there. Oh yes, they were around for the discussion of rat breeding.

Please enjoy the various Movie and TV clips that abound in this podcast.

Also in this episode:
~Tricia’s not drunk
~No wands
~How do you Kill Dementors?
~Ron’s shirt to the rescue
~Mutton, mutton, mutton
~Sickening sweet
~Off Topic
~It’s Ryan!

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Tricia, Abby
Editor: Sue
Time: 3’15’29


Episode 130: Checkmate, Green-Eyed Monster and Proud Pink Potatoes

Welcome to our third episode of “Points of No Return” by Night Zephyr, we are covering chapters 15 to 21. In this episode we find out that Kelly almost hit a deer, Sue controls the weather and Scott has on two headsets. As we dive into the story, we find out that the Portkey doesn’t work and everyone ends up back where they started. We follow the teens as they find themselves stranded with another lost girl in a cabin with no food. What will they do? Follow along as we find out what happens and who’s waiting just around the corner.

Oh, and Sirius and Moody team up to find the kids. That should be fun.

Stay tuned at the end for a special bonus PeonCast.

Also in this episode:
~Sue breaks Scarlett
~Fred’s watch: Magical Mode
~Fire calls
~Star Trek
~Ron is Thick
~”I’m telling Mum.”
~Clean the fish?
~Snakey Luv=Gross

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’40’10

PeonCast: Four Hufflepuffs and a Wacky Ginger

In this special edition of PeonCast we discuss the “It’s Not Over Yet” challenge from PFW. Scarlett wasn’t ready for HP to be over as the last movie came out, so she organized a writing challenge. Each entry was posted anonymously and forum members were able to read and comment on each story. After everyone had time to read them, we put up a poll and the top ficlet and drabble won the honor to be discussed by the Poufwa podcasters. Join us as we talk to Scarlett and Sue about the fics they wrote. We drag Aaron in without notice and expect him to make sense. Scarlett’s roomie crashes the podcast and we give love to several authors. You can read all the stories on www.potterficforum.com if you’ve missed them.

~New computer
~Scarlett’s drunk?
~Canadian weather math
~Bat on a leash
~Luna is made of Awesome
~Sticking Charms
~Neville love
~The SpellCaster who fondled Snape’s robes
~Secretly honored
~First time authors FTW!

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Hosts: Kat, Aaron
Special Guest: Scarlett
Editor: Scott
Time: 42’58


Episode 129: Anger Management, Sending an Owl and Cannons Win!!

In this our second episode of “Points of No Return” by Night Zephyr, we start at Hogwarts and travel to watch the Cannon’s play Quidditch in Ireland.   In this episode, Kelly can read minds, Ryuu has the Hogwarts Express crash through her yard, and my cat crashes the podcast. In between trying to figure out how often a Phoenix burns and making our own euphemisms, we cringe at what Voldie is doing to his snake!

And just what is Fred doing in the woods?

Also in this episode:
~Dog in a Tux
~Phone options
~What was that?
~Poor Neville
~”Bless You”
~Ryuu is Mini Scott
~Deep voiced Voldie

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott
Guest Host: Ryuu
Editor: Ryan
Time: 1’35’04


Episode 128: We are Melting, Sue stabs cereal and Hogwarts Rumor Control

In this episode we begin our series on”Points of No Return” by Night Zephyr. In this episode, everyone is HOT so ignore any random fan noises you may hear, we decided it was better to have noise than to melt. We revisit Pansy the Garden Gnome and Super Soul-Mate Powers. We find out that Kelly and Sue are old and it was Tricia’s birthday. We say that we’ll release this episode for her half birthday, but alas, she’s already past her next years birthday. Yes, we are that late getting this out. A Very Potter Sequel spoilers abound, but it’s been a year so spoiler time is up. We have a good time with this and hope you will too.

Also in this episode:
~ Text reader fail
~Good Dog
~Ouch – Claws
~Not 1, Not 2, Not 3…
~The Dead Ones
~Ron has a temper
~Yay Neville!!
~Train Wreck

Hosts: Sue, Kelly
Guest Host: Ryuu
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’49’56


Episode 127: BreathCast, Brain Bleach and then there’s Maude

In this episode we talk about “Secrets” by our very own Jules. We have two, well three if you count Darth, special guests. Even though our two special guests are old hands, we still have our troubles as we find that someone is breathing a little too much, Tricia is attacked by the Loch Ness Monster and Sue’s lost control of the podcast. We also revisit our discussion of “who’s on top” from our PeonCast days. There is a lot of love and laughter in this one, not to mention the breathing, lots and lots of breathing. And did we mention the “in laws?”

Jules has also written “Sisters” This wasn’t really written to go along with Secrets, but it does, so give it a read too.

Also in this episode:
~Who is Bob Hufflepuff
~Hat joins the Cast
~Poufwa: The Religion
~Fun Facts
~The Perfect Man
~Meet Dave
~TV Trays

Hosts: Sue, Kelly
Guest Hosts: Ryan, Julia
Special Guest: Darth Vader
Editors: Lady Cat (Classic), Scott
Time: 1:25:18


Episode 126: Investigations, Interviews, Hostile Hufflepuffs, and Hell freezes over in Pittsburgh.

Today in PuffCast, we finish up our discussion of “Teddy Lupin and the Forest Guard” by FernWithy. We revisit explosive topics such as Yellowstone and Susan Bones, reference both Star Trek and the Muppets at once, and there’s juuust a little bit of sports.  Tricia and OG are FANGIRLS, Scott has a visiting ghost and Sue is distracted by “The Talk.”  We do talk about the last chapters of Teddy Lupin, where we learn about the Charmer and what’s in that interesting ivy in the forest.  As we near the final chapter, our discussion becomes increasingly focused and incisive–and then Kelly joins us, and the tangents ride forth once more.

Then, Fernwithy joins us for an interview, once we overcome our technical difficulties.  Interesting discussion ensues, which includes further fangirling, forum promotion, and Oliversgal’s thoughts on the redemption of House Scrimgeour.

We encourage you to check out more of Fern’s stories “here.”  Tricia particularly recommends Shifts and Shades, and Teddy’s own story continues in alternating years.  Not to mention Albus Potter and the horde of Hermiones.

Also in this episode:

  • Honoria Higgs, mini-Rita
  • Various sorts of letters
  • Maply shenanigans
  • Frankie in a funk – the anti-Riddle
  • Pronunciations clarified
  • Filch’s new kitten
  • Granny Andi’s scandalous book
  • Owls, a cat and Sue’s contractor
  • OG vs. LJ
  • The risks of dice-rolling
  • Cultural differences
  • Harry the Hufflepuff
  • Madam Rosmerta’s persnickety ghost
  • A fiery finale in the Forest

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Kelly, Tricia
Guest Host: Oliversgal
Special Guest: FernWithy
Editors: Sue and Scott
Time: 3:40:02


Special Edition 29 – Awkwardly Hug a Poufwanian Today


Special Edition 29 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight, two teams of Poufwanians on caffeine-IVs offer their reactions to the Deathly Hallows, Part 2! Join your current Poufwa hosts and squatters from back-in-the-day in saying goodbye to the films…at least until the commentary comes out!

Happy listening!

Hosts: Sue, Kelly
Guest Hosts: Melinda, Tina, Kezza, Jen Classic, Robert from SpellCast, Ryan, Rinna, & Danielle
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’20’30


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

PFW Rewind: Special Edition #2 – End of Potter Survival Guide


While your Poufwa hosts are busy recording their thoughts on Deathly Hallows, Part 2 at this very moment, PotterFicWeekly is pleased to look back and re-release our second Special Edition Podcast: The End of Potter Survival Guide.

First released on July 28, 2007 in response to the release of the final novel, Poufwa prepared an audio triage kit for our friends and families outside the fandom who didn’t realize that the story didn’t have to end. As you come across these lost souls on their way to grief counseling in the next few days, we’d like to encourage you to share Poufwa and the fandom with them, starting with this classic episode.

And whether you’ve never been, or a long lost Poufwanian, we’d like to invite everyone to the PotterFicWeekly forum located at potterficforum dot com. Long after we run out of fan fiction, the hosts and listeners of Poufwa will still be very much involved in each other’s lives, and we’re always looking to expand the family.

Back to the past.

Join Ryan, Jen, LadyChi, and INTRODUCING Spellcast’s Robert Standring as we offer a brief introduction to the world of Harry Potter fan fiction, including our best recommendations for those who may never have considered fan fiction, but are now desperate for more story. We encourage you to recommend this episode to fellow Harry Potter fans as a way to bring them into the fandom.

To make the transition easier, this will the our shortest episode of PotterFicWeekly yet. But not to disappoint our regular listeners, we all take a sex quiz.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 125: Harry, Son of Prongs; Teddy, Son of Moony.

This is our third episode dedicated to “Teddy Lupin and the Forest Guard” by FernWithy. In it we find out that Oliversgal is a Mary Sue and a fan girl, Aaron’s true feelings for Robert and that Sue has killer chickens. Oliversgal, has glasses that insist on hitting the microphone as she talks and Aaron is typing throughout, but he doesn’t fall asleep. Scott’s neighbors have strange mowing habits, while Kelly’s mute button almost works. We forget we aren’t Peons anymore and bring some of our favorite Peon moments back for all to enjoy.

We have a some burning questions: What house is Jo in? What do you do for Christmas? and Who do you feed to a dementor?

Sue pulled out most of her hair while editing this and it’s still a little rough, so hang in there.

Also in this episode:
~We discuss our first time…
~Sue learned from Ryan
~Sue can’t do math
~Aaron wants Muggles and Minions
~Used wands
~OG and Scott share a brain
~What Kelly loves
~There’s no snoring in Podcasting
~Same Teddy Time, Same Teddy Channel
~Happy 4th of July!!!

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Kelly
Guest Hosts: Oliversgal, Aaron
Editor: Sue


Special Episode 28: The Peon’s Ride Again!

Special Edition 28 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this flash-from-the-past, Poufwa reviews But I Want to be a Weasley!” By Deadwoodpecker. We recorded it on Kayla’s birthday two years ago and we thought it would be fun to release it on her half year birthday. At least that was the plan, until the server wouldn’t take the password. Typical Poufwa. Ryan stepped in and saved the day, so we are getting this out on her half birthday by the skin of our teeth. Kayla we hope you have a great half birthday.

Oh and we talk about Harry Potter and the Weasleys too.

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia and OG
Editor: Scott
Time: 1’12’27


Episode 124 Heather’s having an identity crisis, protect your bum 101, and cat tricks

In this our second installment of “Teddy Lupin and the Forest Guard” by FernWithy, we discuss chapters 6 through 10, even though Sue thinks it should be 11. She can’t read her own notes. We have two Peons who need a couple of takes to get us going, then aren’t sure what name they should use. Later while we are exploring the chapter we find out Winky’s in charge, Professor Longbottom is fair and that James is a Teddy seeking missile. And at some point there might be Muppets.

We might also mention:
~Bubblehead Charms
~How does your Garden Grow
~Detention FTW
~Which Wand?
~A Sea of Purple
~Follow the Footprints

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Hosts: OG/Heather, Last Haven/Jessica
Editor: Sue
Length: 1’35’48


Episode 123: The Milkman in the Parlor with the Candlestick

In this Episode we begin our journey with “Teddy Lupin and the Forest Guard” by FernWithy. We start out in a VW Bug and end up on a “Mission from God” and along the way we discuss pet names, experimental wands and marching band for ghosts. The Smeltings sticker makes us wonder and “Muggles and Minions” tempt us to stop in the Hufflepuff common room for a game. Once again, Kelly is the odd Ravenclaw out, but we are Puffs, we love her anyway. Oh, and Oliversgal never did get her dog.

And that’s just the highlights, we also discuss:

~Driving 101
~The Orphan Tour
~Teddy’s Not Alone
~Wind tunnels
~Good kitty
~Redcaps, Oh My!
~Canadian Redneck Comedians

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott
Guest Host: Oliversgal
Editor: Wayne (Thanks Wayne)
Time 2’18’45


Episode 122 – Dementors, Werewolves and Griffins, Oh My!

In this the second and last episode on “Moon and Stone” by Andrea13 and Persephone_Kore, we find out what really happened all those years ago when Hogwarts was new and it’s not what we expect. We also find out that Scott’s a duck, Sue’s in a squeaky chair and Kelly isn’t really here. Lassie and mslupin were tricked into reading this fic and keep thinking it’s going to be a Marauder’s story, but no matter how hard they try they just can’t make it so. Yes, folks, it’s time to take a shot….

You can also find,

~Lassie’s stalking Poufwanians
~Troop appriciation
~We are not prepared
~Scott gets a Gold Star
~It’s Magic
~Snake training 101
~Are you my Mommy?
~We want fan art
~It’s Kelly!!!
~Baby food
~Salizar is Bouncing
~Full Moon
~Flash cards for Basilisks
~Chicken Farmer, Sue
~It’s a monkey
~Hat Rocks!
~Bad moon times

Hosts: Sue, Scott, mslupin, Lassie
Special Guest: Kelly
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’19’28


Special Edition 27 – Turn Around Ryan, Turn Around

Special Edition 27, Poufwa’s commentary on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has been released! A bunch of women and Ryan got together to watch a movie. But Poufwa isn’t Poufwa without it’s own set of problems. This episode, Ryan was sharing his microphone with two of them. Expect computer dragging, Snape-loving, sobbing over elf-sized corpses… and then we started the movie. Strap yourselves in and hold on tight – you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll feel utterly Poufwanian doing it.

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Ryan, Rinna, Tricia, Kat and Danielle
Editor: Sue


Episode 121 – Kat’s wearing her grumpy pants, Tricia’s stuck in the dryer, and Sue’s the herbology professor

Episode 121 has now been released!

In this episode we go back to the world of the Founders, as we discuss Moon and Stone by Andrea13 and Persephone_Kore. Well some of us do, some think we are reading a Marauder’s fic. This is the fic PS found after reading Tale of a Time Long Gone and being challenged by Ryan to find something as good. PS says this one is better.

Lassie and Tricia aren’t convinced and Lassie has this to say, “she’s really grumpy on this podcast – If she remembers correctly it was because she was stuck in the suburbs for 10 days- she apologizes and amends that she remembers it was a very good fic.”

Also in this:

Salazar is a werewolf, and is having a bad day
Helga the Cheerful Hufflepuff and Salazar the Snarky Slytherin
Rowena/Godric and Helga’s the third wheel
Lassie doesn’t like that the founders get paired up together
Tricia is stuck in the dryer because of her shiny new computer.
Werewolf-sized Tupperware
There’s a line of people who want to hit Salazar over the head
Poufwa begins, they’re all mad
Helga bounces and Salazar Hissssssessss
Parsletounges hissss
Professor Sue gives an herbology lesson on Eyebright
M.S. Lupin redux
We give a history lesson about feminism 1000 years ago

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Lassie
Guest Host: Scarlett, duck-taped in the corner.
Editor: Sue and Scott
Time: 1’36’28


Special Edition 26 – Four Excited Poufwanians walked into an Exhibition Exposition

Special Edition 26 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight, we discuss the experience that is Harry Potter: The Exhibition.  This podcast took us an age and a century to finally record (and about half that to release), so we don’t remember every little detail in its proper order, but we do try to walk you through in a somewhat linear fashion.  Being PFW, we also wander off on tangents such as who exactly touched which objects and the contents of various museums, reminiscence about Special Edition 4, decry the under-representation of Hufflepuff in merchandise, and in the case of at least one host, consume copious amounts of alcohol.  At least twice Scott loses track of a section, and once Kat renames an entire city!

Nonetheless, we hope that this will give you a good account of what it’s like, remind you of your own trip(s), inspire you to go for the first time, or at the very least make you laugh.  

Disclaimer: Poufwa does not endorse the abrogation of Exhibition guidelines.  Do try to resist petting things, kids. Additionally we do not endorse any violent actions against others, no matter how annoying they might be – and no matter how much they may try to elbow you out of the way. As a general reminder, Poufwa should not be listened to while lifting heavy equipment, driving tractors, or cooking/eating pancakes.

Pictures for your pleasure.

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Kelly, Lassie
Editor: Sue and Scott
Time: 1’41’39


Episode 120 – Floating S’mores, Flaming Bill and Kelly loves Kingsley

Episode 120 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this episode the Poufwa crew join the Weasleys as they take on Umbridge in The Worthy King and Fred And, by The Starhorse.  In the process, Fred foams at the mouth, Bill is on fire, and Charlie is appreciated from many angles.  Fair warning: Umbridge is present far too often for anyone’s peace of mind, and reaches new lows in character that are liable to cause increasingly virulent muttering.  Fortunately, judicious applications of JFF and A Very Potter Sequel not only allow us to maintain equilibrium, they also (hopefully) add entertainment value for you!  We would like to give a special thanks to Justin Finch-Fletchley for allowing us to use his song Umbridge is Dumbridge.  Repeatedly.  

Please join us in wishing Justin well as he recovers from a vocal condition that has him sitting on the sidelines at this time, not to mention assorted other injuries.  If the PFW curse has reached out to you, Justin, we heartily apologize.

Also in this episode:

~Where’s Tricia?
~Kat learns about the Poufwa Curse
~Kat is NOT a morning person
~We love to HATE Umbridge
~Sue discovers the Lexicon
~Charlie’s PJ’s
~Umbridge’s “eye candy.”
~”Not my sons you B…!”
~Fred’s filter is George
~I MUST tell lies.
~Guilty by association
~Don’t hurt Scarlett
~Not “My” Molly
~Freak Flooing Accident
~We interrupt this podcast for the animals
~She gets what she deserves
~An inserted moment
~The power of and
~Surprise pancakes

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott
Guest Host: Kat
Editors: Sue, Scott
Episode length: 1’35’35


Episode 119 – Charlie Weasley: a Towel-Wearing, Black-Belt-Owning, Pack Mule Superhero!

Episode 119 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight the Hosts, accompanied by a duct-taped Peon, launch their coverage of the Fox Ears Universe by The Starhorse with the discussion of the first fic, Fox Ears.

The Weasley family is deep in mourning after the battle of Hogwarts, but George has better ideas than to sit around and cry about something he’d rather just fix. And Charlie believes he can do it.

The episode’s from the past…like back in the day when the hosts were Peons!
Scarlett is the kid duct-taped in the corner…
Tricia needs a towel…
We are not so fond of the nickname Char…
No foxes were harmed in the making of this podcast, but Kat was clawed…
Scarlett tries to steal the twins. Kat is not amused….
Nitpicking–It Doesn’t Matter….
Kat’s canon: it looks like this…
Fred and George ignore canon too
Short Weasley Club…
Scarlett starts an owl-order business…
Poufwa likes banter…
It’s not Poufwa unless Scott drops…
Charlie has a stick-thingy…
Accio Fred!!
Weasleys are members of the Tacklehugglepounce Squad…
Dance party with Percy Weasley!
Looking ahead at the sequel, we call Umbridge nasty names…

Apologies to Ministry of Magic, Team StarKid, Jim Dale, Butterbeer Experience, and Justin Finch-Fletchley.

All quality issues should be referred to the Poufwa Nargles. I do believe in Nargles, I do, I do.

Art by The Starhorse, the author
Art by The Starhorse, the author
Art by The Starhorse, the author
Art by The Starhorse, the author

Olafpriol’s fanart

Fic Rec from The Starhorse:

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Hosts: Lassie/Kat
Duct-Taped Peon: Scarlett
Editor: Scarlett & the Nargles, Scott
Episode Length: 1’10’21


Special Edition 25 – Etai and Kelly -don’t- watch Jerry Springer, Sue is a Tigger, and Tricia has a candy bar

Special Edition 25 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this episode, PotterFicWeekly covers A Life In A Box by Red Sioda.

Neville finds out some things have more value than one may first think.

* Etai finds the English language lacks subtlety.
* Tricia has fussy taste in engagement rings.
* Tricia has a candy bar in her bag and hilarity ensues as she goes on an 18 gram sugar high.
* Sue tries to keep up with Tricia by imitating Tigger.
* Kelly secretly wants to be a Hufflepuff… or so the Puffs claim! There will be no more forced abductions!
* Kelly discourages gang membership. Instant proof that she is unsuited to Hufflepuff!
* What to do if the neighbors throw dog poop over the fence.
* In-depth analysis of Neville and his sad childhood brings everyone down. Holidays are supposed to be a happy time!
* Fond reminisces from Etai.

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Tricia, Etai
Special Guest: Kelly’s dog
Editor: Dethryl

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and if you happen to not celebrate either of those, Joyful Whatever!

Stay tuned after our discussion for some Slytherin singing and then an on topic discussion of the holidays by the Potterficweekly hosts; past, present and future.  We are on topic, really…until Ryan returns to hijack his old podcast. He’s been very missed!

Running Time: 4’11’12


Episode 118 – Dear Ginny, Just Call Me Master, and the PFW Curse

Episode 118 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

The end is in sight, as we finish Alchemilla’s The Test of Time!  We cover the last six chapters tonight.

Four years after Hogwarts, Harry clings to the hope that he can regain the love of his first and only sweetheart: Ginny, of course! But a single night spent in a Hogsmeade flat threatens to undermine his (as well as Ron’s and Hermione’s) happiness.

We begin the night with a contest to see who wins the Jen Award; Tricia and the deer, Kelly and the tornado, or Sue’s almost primed house. You decide and let us know! 

Also in tonight’s episode:

~Scott confused – Peoncast?
~Tricia’s ex boyfriend
~Drop your Drawers
~I feel pretty
~Jury duty
~My first and only
~Too many syllables
~Draco – 007 Wannabe
~OG geeks out

Hosts:  Sue, Kelly, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host:  Oliversgal
Editor: Sue
Length: 2’49’55


Episode 117 – We interrupt this podcast for a baseball update…

Episode 117 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight, we give you the second installment of Alchemilla’s The Test of Time, with Chapters 6 though 10! We start out in friendship and end with one drunken night.


Along the way we learn new words, find a great new diet plan and find out what’s under the bed at Sue’s house.

Also in this episode:
~Ollie Ollie Oxen Free
~Previously on The Test of Time
~Love Potion #9
~Bai Tricia
~Ginny knows Harry’s wand
~A flock of owls
~We are Family
~Cereal Black

Enjoy, and happy listening!

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Tricia
Editors: Sue and Scott
Length: 1’47’04


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition 24 – Beware of Snakes, Dan’s Hair, and Random Urges to Dance

Welcome to Potterficweekly’s Deathly Hallows film discussion!  Most of us saw the film Friday morning at midnight, with the exception of Kezza from the Future, who got to see thirty-six hours before the rest of humanity.


Join Poufwa in discussing the film, the theater experience, and a particular picture of Dan Radcliffe that cracks Kezza up!

We hope you’ll find our groans, joy, sorrow, SQUEES and rambles about the second-last Potter film entertaining.  Did we mention Jen-Classic kicks off the discussion with three magic words? Ginny’s. Naked. Back.

Hosts:  Sue, Kelly
Guest Hosts:  Jen-Classic, Kezza, Melinda, and PS
Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 2’13’02


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 116 – Introducing Trevor Crookshanks, Fuzzy Red Legs, and a Letter

Tonight, the Peons turned Hosts launch a three episode series reviewing The Test of Time by Alchemilla, with this discussion of chapters 1 through 5.

Four years after Hogwarts, Harry clings to the hope that he can regain the love of his first and only sweetheart: Ginny, of course! But a single night spent in a Hogsmeade flat threatens to undermine his (as well as Ron’s and Hermione’s) happiness. (Follows the events in Midnight Musings.) This story was written prior to the release of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.”

In this episode, Etai didn’t do his homework, Kelly spoils Oliversgal and we find Nigel. There is wrock music embedded throughout and we love Bob and Chocolate. Etai leaves and Scott takes his place, as we eagerly anticipate finding out what’s in the letter.

Oh, and Blaise has had a sex change.

Also in this episode:

…I’ve fallen and I can’t get up
…Good banter
…Harry’s not a sheep farmer
…Chapter 2 is Tricia’s favorite
…Sue’s taking a call
…Etai stands in for Ryan

Happy Listening!

Host: Sue, Kelly, Scott, mslupin
Guest Hosts: Etai, Oliversgal
Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 1’49’10


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 115 – The one with Darth Vader on a Zamboni

Episode 115 of PotterFicWeekly has been released! This episode features back-to-back PeonCasts that we couldn’t cram into Poufwa’s third season.

In an episode that was recorded long long ago, in a time when we were still Peons, we cover Midnight Musings…sort of.

We also wait for The Big Gun to rescue Ryan, who has become a Smurf, no wait, a Slytherin.  I told you this was recorded a long time ago.

We discuss everything from Kelly’s obsession with MAMA to Hockey to Alton Brown with an ice pick,  Yes folks we are all over the map on this one, we even find time to discuss Midnight Musings by Alchemilla, which is a prequel to Test of Time, our next fic.  Be sure to join us next time as we discuss the story that helped bring three of our hosts into the fandom.

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Mslupin
Guest Host: Oliversgal
Editor: Scott

In Hufflepuffs – Clever, Kind and Not Foolish, we’ve missed Kayla and decided to bring her back for a day; unfortunately we brought back her background noises too.  In fact Nargles have infected the entire thing, so please forgive the rough quality of this and enjoy it for the Kayla factor. Join us in what was suppose to be HufflepuffCast until a sneaky Ravenclaw weaseled her way in, as we discuss Hufflepuffs, by Snapesservant.  
In this fic…

~Snape has a heart
~Kayla has forgotten English
~Severus Snape in lederhosen
~How did they get to Muggle London
~Snape goes for justice
~Poppy has no bedside manner
~Sue – the evil Puff
~The letter
~Pets on the Podcast
~Geography lessons
~Funeral Flowers 101
~Scarlett almost gets dropped

Hosts:  Sue, Scott
Guest Hosts: Scarlet, Kat/Lassie
Special Guest: Kayla
Editor:  Sue


Episode 114 – Estrogen in Balance, Love in the Air: May the Adventure Begin

Episode 114 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

It’s September 1st 2nd 3rd 4th and the Hogwarts Express has arrived to begin another year of PotterFicWeekly, bringing a double-header of two nights’ recording in one single episode.

While Season 4 may not have a welcoming feast, we do discuss the Hogwarts kitchens, a cucumber, a vat of liquid chocolate, boiling cauldrons, pumpkin pie, (brief) lunches in the Great Hall, and spotted dick!

All of which manage to be on topic with our coverage of cwarbeck’s Advice for the Lovelorn Masses, a six-chapter story in which Ginny finds herself a go-to girl for love life advice–when she doesn’t even have one of her own!

Don’t worry though, I’m sure you’ll be relieved to know we’ve still got plenty of your beloved off-topic tangents and classic moments, featuring Star Trek, Disney, repeated intros and talking while on mute!  Not to mention pet antics, Tricia’s thoughts about Alan Rickman, and the proper definition of the word ‘clemmed’.

Happy listening!

Hosts:   Sue, Etai, Kelly, Tricia, Oliversgal, and Scott
Editors:  Sue and ScottEpisode
Length: 2’11’01


Episode 113 – Goodbye, Farewell, Amen, and the Dangers of Oversharing

PotterFicWeekly’s third season finale, and the final episode of classic Poufwa, has been released!

Our fellow Poufwanians, after three and a half years of appendix-rupturing, whale-slicing, volcano-rupturing, scorpion-biting, vicodin-downing madness resulting in one arrest, one traffic citation, six near deaths, one aquatic fornication and matching insemination, a conversion, two weddings, three babies, two buns in the oven, a runaway tractor, two bags of non-temperate dairy products, a scandalous of use popcorn and a hit ’round the rear, the team that inspired a forum to become a family and launched more lifelong friendships that can be counted is handing over the reigns to the next generation of Poufwanians!

Everyone reading this has busy lives, and you’ve stuck with us longer than we deserved your attention and longer than we ever thought we’d need it. We can’t thank you enough for the journey! When we think back to the people we were when this whole trip started, it’s hard to believe we’re the same people. When we’re old and gray, and have several weeks free with nothing to do, we’ll listen to the whole journey again, probably having forgotten most of it, and remember very good days while asking the question any newbie would ask:

Is Jen real or did we make her up for the ratings?

First of all, PotterFicWeekly isn’t going anywhere, and it’s only getting better from here. The fourth season of PotterFicWeekly launches in the next few days and offers strikingly sober analysis of Harry Potter fan fiction with a Poufwa twist. I think that means they come prepared and do a better job than we ever did, but something blows up anyway. If you’re not done with Harry yet, the story isn’t close to ending. If you are, listen anyway. They’re Poufwanians, and this is their schedule!

Starting next week, the Poufwa Exchange launches it’s second season and is upgraded to a full-time podcast! The classic Poufwa hosts will dive into other fandoms with PotterFicWeekly-style discussion episodes that may or may not be on-topic. Read up, watch up, or come as you are. The season premiere will also be out in a few days. Here’s our upcoming lineup!

Tonight’s episode is a quadruple-length edition! We begin with a special introduction written by Scarlett, starring herself, Dethryl, PS, Scott, Sue, Jen2, Kezza, Julia, and Kat. The Friday the 13th joke was funnier when she wrote it.

We then move on to our episode discussion, concluding wonderful Kezza’s equally wonderful Rebuilding Life, discussing Chapters 46 through to the epilogue!

Straight from there, you’re all invited to the combination author interview/wrap party! It’s a good thing Kezza is one of our own, because the alcohol was flowing at this point. There’s so many bullet points I could use at this point, but all I can tell you is one very special Poufwanian woke up the next morning with no memory of the recording and a note written on her palm to call me to discuss the events of the previous evening. I’ll give you a hint. It wasn’t Sarah Palin!

Bring kleenex!

And in the final episode of PeonCast, Math Geek Heaven: Arithmancy and an Imaginary Train, the Peons discuss Platform i by shewhoguards!

~Tim Tams = Yummy
~Scott’s microphone and a special hat
~Infinite fractional platforms
~Wizard spam
~We love to laugh
~Moving boundaries
~That’s not a number!
~Those weird Arithmancy wizards
~Walking into walls
~Muggles know their stuff
~Marauder daze
~Things fall apart
~This is the train you’re looking for
~Remus Van Winkle
~Last PeonCast

We hope you’ve had happy listening! Subscribe to both podcasts and stick with us in the years ahead!

So say we all!

Hosts: Ryan, Jen, PS, Kezza, Rinna, Dethryl
Peons: Sue, Scott, Julia, LadyChi, Aaron, Kat
PeonCast: Sue, Kelly, Scott, OG
Poufwa Editor: Kezza
PeonCast Editor: Sue and Scott
Episode Length: 5’25’54


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 112 – Dirt Dirt, Boat Boats, Book Books, Police Police, and The Calm Before the Storm

Episode 112 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Due to a gas leak in the Poufwa Offices, the first 82 lucky downloaders have received an advanced copy of Episode 114, our fourth season premiere, in place of tonight’s PeonCast. If you’re one of the lucky ones, feel free to download the episode again!

In classic Poufwa’s penultimate episode, we resume coverage of Kezza’s Rebuilding Life, discussing Chapters 39-45!

A little.

We also settle the Mac/PC debate, figure out what’s going on with that whole Tea Party business, and debate the pros and cons of tipping at the Olive Garden. Jen’s here too, prepared with notes and highlighters but three years late.

Next week’s triple-length episode will be the final PotterFicWeekly of the original crew, containing final chapter analysis of Kezza’s fic and the Poufwa wrap party. You’ve known us for years and know what we’re capable of, but all that goes out the window when Rinna brings the beverages.

Join us in toasting Poufwa, the best podcast on the feed!

But the story never ends and neither does the podcast. The Peons take over with Episode 114 and are busy at work on the best season of Poufwa yet, while myself and many of your favorite Poufwanians are moving over to our sequel podcast, the Poufwa Exchange. Full-time Poufwanians will snort their way through some of the best fandoms ever conceived. With Aaron’s keyboard feeling our way through the dark, the journey begins in two weeks. Since we’re Poufwanians, more like three. We hope to see you there!

Speaking of Peons, in Episode 55 of PeonCast, Crying under the Oak Tree, the Peons discuss Wednesday Dates and A Proper Place, by fizzmonkeys!

~Kelly gives this a pass
~Relationship advice from Tricia
~The romantic tree
~And the one that’s not
~He’s all alone
~The text reader needs to ‘read’ italics
~”I’m helping him cry.”
~We needed a laugh
~Ryuu doesn’t like H/G, but was touched anyway

And stay tuned for our first Author Interview.

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, Rinna, PS, Jen
Peons: Dethryl, Aaron, Scott
PeonCast: Sue, Kelly, Scott, LadyRyuu
Poufwa Editor: Ryan
PeonCast Editor: Sue and Scott
Episode Length: 4’40’39


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 111 – That’s what you get when you water your house…

Episode 111 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Three Poufwa’s left until the Torch is passed! In our fourth of six episodes covering Kezza’s Rebuilding Life, we move on to Chapters 30-38.

This episode features one, final and unforgettably interactive Jen story, a Melinda-ism, the malpractice of Poppy Pomfrey, the lack of sterilization of the Quidditch changing bench, Hagrid’s Happy Targ, Ron the Hobbit, Harry the idiot, Ginny the Vorlon, a banging door and the Poufwaization of now feature-length SpellCast. PBS to Fox News: You have been assimilated!

in Episode 54 of PeonCast, The PeonCast Curse, Chocolate Gingers, and The Chest Monster, the Peons discuss Letting Go, by Emma, Fics by Fumph!

~The least prepared
~New Ravenclaws
~Apprentice wand makers
~Kelly wonders about Ron’s wand
~What charm would you pick?
~Monsters in the night
~Just like reading Harry Potter
~Most prepared
~Cooking with Peons

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, PS, Jen
Peons: Sue, Scott/Helen Keller/Maris Crane, Robert, Dethryl, Aaron
PeonCast: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Last Haven/Jessica
Poufwa Editor: Omly
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 2’19’30


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 110 – Thumping Good Angst and Diuretic Pigeons

Episode 110 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Four more Poufwa’s before the Torch is passed! In our third of six episodes covering Kezza’s Rebuilding Life, we move on to Chapters 22-29.

This episode is packed with unpredictably on-topic analysis of some of the best chapters of Kezza’s fic! A little. PS also beats Scott at accents and the 2007 US Farm Bill pops up. And a bird tried to kill me.

in Episode 53 of PeonCast, We lost the Jew, It’s The Harry Potter, and Welcome to the Weasleys, the Peons discuss Number Eight Privet Drive, by rhye aka Jess!

~Ryan drops by
~Incisive and on Topic
~Get the phone
~Scott’s lessons
~A whole new family

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, PS
Peons: Dethryl, Scott
PeonCast: Sue, Scott, Julia
Poufwa Editor: PS
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 2’31’24


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 109 – The one where Ryan and PS have a love scene

Episode 109 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Five more Poufwa’s before the Torch is passed! In our second of six episodes covering Kezza’s Rebuilding Life, we move on to Chapters 16-21.

In this episode, Kezza stops by for a visit and is wicked hot all at the same time, PS is determined to tell an interesting story and won’t quit until she makes it, Aaron makes out with an iPad, and I make out with PS. Typical Poufwa stuff!

in Episode 52 of PeonCast, Apocalyptic Flaming Tornado of Death, the Peons discuss The Baby Tale, also by Kezza!

~Tidbit for the day
~Duct Taped Scarlett
~Kezza FTW
~A Flock of Weasleys
~Scarlett’s plot bunny
~Cooking with Kelly
~Songfic = Epic Suck
~Arthur’s advice
~and a cartoon the Peons found after the recording!

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, PS
Peons: Sue, Aaron, Scott
Special Guest: Kezza!
PeonCast: Sue, Scott, Kelly, Aaron
Poufwa Editor: Wayne
PeonCast Editor: Sue and Scott
Episode Length: 3’06’37


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 108.5 – Trailer Talk

In celebration of the one hundred podcasts we’ve released since our last ill-fated half episode, Episode 108.5, our Deathly Hallows Trailer Special Edition, has been released!

In order to jam our traditionally Poufwanian thoughts into sixteen minutes, half of the podcasters agreed to talk like chipmunks.

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, Sue, Kelly, Aaron
Episode Length: 15’46


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 108 – We Solemnly Swear; Mischief Managed

Episode 108 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

After much anticipation, the final six Poufwa’s before the Torch pass are here! Returning the spirit of our After the End roots, we will be closing out our season with Kezza’s Rebuilding Life! Tonight’s coverage is for Chapters 1-15.

Harry has defeated Voldemort but is going back to his life going to be easy? What will he go back to, the life he once had is meaningless now. It’s time to build a new one and to create a new post-Voldemort world. Ginny is there waiting for him, what do they need to do to rebuild their lives?

In this episode, Deth has gas, Scott gets fangirled, I can’t beta, Melinda has a Cast, we MasterFic the Family Jewels, Kezza makes us cry, PS explains how car engines work, we meet Devel, the love child of Dethryl and Neville, and Melinda and I do some shipping!

in Episode 51 of PeonCast, Baby It’s Cold Outside so Play that Funky Music, the Peons discuss Tradition, also by Kezza!

~Did I write that?
~Flash from the Past
~Let’s sing the podcast
~Scott’s a Young Pup
~Going to Oz
~Ron is Motivated
~Kezza-The Smart Ass
~Milo FTW
~Tricia sings
~Where’s my Sock?
~Rating the corniness
~Tricia pulled a Scott
~”Oh Hai”

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, PS,
Peons: Scott, Dethryl, Melindaleo, Sue
PeonCast: Sue, Scott, Tricia, LadyRyuu
Poufwa Editor: Ryan
PeonCast Editor: Sue and Scott
Episode Length: 3’25’40


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 107 – Wannagosteadyme?

Episode 107 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight, with seven episodes left before your humble hosts pass the Torch and incinerate five square-miles of Texas, Poufwa offers our final of three episodes reviewing Stealing Harry, by Sam_StoryTeller, with discussion of Chapters 22-28!

Snape works for OnStar, we remember the o-zone layer, and final thoughts on the fic!

…A slip of the tongue: there’s a book for that!
…the creepy eyes of goat boy!
…the lost art of courting!

in Episode 50! of PeonCast, Tears, Balls and Apple Pie, the Peons discuss In My Garden, by Aggiebell, AKA Jules!

This week, Peoncast covers such diverse off-topic tangents as:

Chicken balls that make Tricia run off the road
Technical difficulties and duct tape
Frozen non-hitchhikers, AKA podcasting from January
Salmon and market-freshness
The origin of cream of tartar
Mike the plant
A tangent on Thestrals
A wheelbarrow, and Uncle Algie

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, Kezza, PS
Peons: Sue, Kelly, Etai
PeonCast: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Tricia, Oliversgal
Poufwa Editor: Omly
PeonCast Editor: Scott
Episode Length: 2’38’55


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

The Infamous Episode 106!

The long awaited Episode 106 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight, with eight episodes left before your humble hosts pass the Torch and incinerate five square-miles of Texas, Poufwa offers the second of three episode series reviewing Stealing Harry, by Sam_StoryTeller, with discussion of Chapters 7-21!

No show-notes. You wouldn’t believe it if we wrote them. This episode is one of the best we’ve ever released, combining hosts of past and present who are all on the mark, or off the mark…whichever is the good one. So as much as I want to spoil you on PS’ naval career, you’re on your own.

After these two very helpful necessary visual aids that you are ordered not to open until the time is right…

Open me only when everyone checks out PS’ artwork!

Open me when everyone checks out Jen1’s artwork!

in Episode 49 of PeonCast, History, Choices and Parchment Love, the Peons discuss Sepia, by Red Sioda!

~Kelly monologues
~Never forget! It Did Happen!
~Hermione the author
~The characters run the show.
~Scott likes the kids
~OG channels Mike
~Beam me up
~Just the facts
~It’s our choices
~How will future generations learn about us?
~Sue rants
~RedSioda responds

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, Jen1, Kezza, Rinna, PS
Peons: Sue, Scott, LadyChi, Omly
PeonCast: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Oliversgal
Poufwa Editor: Kezza
PeonCast Editor: Sue and Scott
Episode Length: 4’10’34


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 105 – Can we make a general observation?

Episode 105 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight, with nine episodes left before your humble hosts pass the Torch and incinerate five square-miles of Texas, Poufwa launches a three episode series reviewing Stealing Harry, by Sam_StoryTeller, with discussion of Chapters 1-6!

Stealing Harry grabs canon by the throat and disembowls it. If Lucius Malfoy got to Peter Pettigrew before Sirius could, Sirius would be a bookshop owner, Remus would have a steady job, and one day, when Harry Potter was eight-and-a-half years old, they might kidnap him from the Dursleys… (Sirius/Remus in later chapters)

In this episode, LadyChi returns to the fold, bringing back that special something that’s been missing. I drink jet fuel, PS may or may not be drunk, Rinna is very upset, and half of the dialogue gets bleeped.

And Harry gets stolen!

This episode also includes:

…Rinna in the dryer
…big words!
…surgery on the cheap
…something so horrifying that Rinna almost wishes for…small anatomically impossible, same-sex reproduced humans.
…the most lying liars
…Melinda’s favorite line EVAH
…a Rinna foreshadowing shocker
…the losing of Jen1
…the breaking of PS, and how a purple comforter and blood relate to her love of Saul Tigh and Horace

in Episode 48 of PeonCast, My Name is What?, Drunk Podcasting and Dobby the Cardshark, the Peons discuss Registration, also by Sam_StoryTeller, or Copperbadge!

~Remus – Squeeeee
~Mike – the plant, not the person
~Sue can’t speak
~Wizard scrapbooks
~Tricia – a celebrity
~Watch out for pregnant woman
~What’s an elevator?
~Another Weasley

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, PS, Rinna
Peons: Melindaleo, LadyChi
PeonCast: Sue, Scott, Tricia, Lassie
Poufwa Editor: Ryan
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 2’31’01


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 104 – Door-2, PS-0, and we’re all very drunk…

Episode 104 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In tonight’s double-length episode, Poufwa concludes its coverage of Tale of a Time Long Gone, by Star of the North, with discussion of Chapters 16-24 and 25-32!

On the docket:

Australian pronunciation 101
Opened hailing frequencies
All that is far out and groovy
Possessed Hogwarts
PS repeatedly and utterly bested by doors
Bob Hufflepuff and the Podcast of Hell
9th century birth control
And Poufwa gets a dog…

in Episode 47 of PeonCast, Sorting the Marauders as All Roads Lead to Philosophy!, the Peons discuss Legacy of the Thinking Cap, by Andrea13!

~Disembodied Minds
~Salazar Sulks in Sibillants
~Sue can’t do 3 things at once
~Albus a Slytherin?
~Text reader FAIL
~Bring back Dolt and Ruffian
~Really boring sex
~Why Sort?
~Greasy Git – A Brief Psychoanalysis of Severus Snape

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, PS, Rinna, Kezza
Peons: Scott, Dethryl
PeonCast: Sue, Scott, Oliversgal, Etai, Julia
Poufwa Editor: PS, Kezza
PeonCast Editor: Scott, Sue
Episode Length: 4’07’11


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 103 – The PS Files: Murder, Smut and Fairywings

Episode 103 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this episode, Mike and Ryan finally understand it all!

Following the melting of Ryan’s laptop, Poufwa One, and the original version of this episode – a stunning and artfully crafted piece of audio delight – to preserve an important piece of essential Poufwa history, we re-imagine (like Battlestar Galactica) the moment at which PS finally enables Mike to finally understand that Aaron is heterosexual – as he has consistently been.

Like forever.

Ryan meets PS … and finds out that she has hidden a very important piece of herself from us, but he’s not letting her get away with that any longer!

And Rinna – who nearly tried to strangle the other hosts during the lost ‘magical Cylons invade Hogwarts’ plot bunny exploration, makes up for it with a tripping dream where Kezza is pregnant, Ryan insists he’s the father and Mr Kezza doesn’t know – he’s not even home!

Dethryl brings drinks and the world’s biggest moustache, and all of this takes place in the first 25 minutes, before we start to discuss the fic, Star of the North’s Tale of a Time Long Gone, Chapters 8-15, which on FF.net would be 7-14. You’ll understand when you get there.

Oh, and the Peon’s have a special announcement…

Speaking of Peons, in Episode 46 of PeonCast, The Letter T is bigger than a Bread Box?…and Bumper Stickers, the Peons discuss The Thinking Cap Returns and Riddle of the Thinking Cap, by Andrea13. An audio version of the fic is available, courtesy of Scott!

~Twitter saves the Podcast
~We miss Luna
~They are Bored
~Something Black – A Badger
~Kelly is surrounded
~Harry was suppose to DUCK
~Kelly moves us along
~Fred and George: Headmasters
~BooHoo Fred
~Continuing Education
~Albus breaks the news
~Toad Breath
~Old Moldy shorts
~Helga is a Happy Badger

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, PS, Kezza
Peons: Sue, Scott, Dethryl
PeonCast: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Oliversgal
Poufwa Editor: Kezza
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 2’36’05


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 102 – Ninja Deer, Ryan is Lord, and I Triple-DogDare you!

Episode 102 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

For the next three weeks, join Poufwa as we travel back in time and visit the Four Founders of Hogwarts, with Star of the North’s Tale of a Time Long Gone! In tonight’s podcast, we cover the first seven chapters, which on FF.net would be the prologue through Chapter 6.

We’ve never been closer to the Founders than Bob Hufflepuff and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, so when reading the summary, We all know of them, for without them where would Hogwarts be? Bold Gryffindor, Fair Ravenclaw, Sweet Hufflepuff, Shrewd Slytherin, I was expecting stereotypical, one-dimensional echoes of Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Draco. I couldn’t have been more mistaken, and Star of the North created a very deep world where the founders are fully realized people not remembered with startling accuracy. These characters are my new canon, so please enjoy!

Rinna was also hit by a wild animal. Swallow all liquids, for it’s at the top of the fold!

This episode, when recorded, also blew up the Poufwa forum for about nine days. Memories…

Also in this episode:

There is singing.
Kezza needs netflicks.
Aaron, Asleep again? He’ll never live that down.
Mr. Kezza has a stalker.
Aaron can’t multitask.
Hat is Alive.
Molly is Jewish.
More singing
Rinna, the mad stapler
Kezza is the new Mike.
Rocks, rocks and more rocks
Who has the bigger, er, Horse?
I am a Ravenclaw.
Who goes there?

In episode 45 of PeonCast, We’re interchangeable, Was there a Fic? and We love the Banter, the Peons discuss The Thinking Cap, by Andrea13. An audio version of the fic is available, courtesy of Scott!

~Scott has audiofic
~Come to the PFW Forum
~We are A-Typical
~PFW-An AU of our own
~Sue recruits a young Puff
~Kezza is a Hufflepuff
~Hannah has Boobs
~Kelly’s joke
~Helga and the Badgers
~Ravenclaw’s not so bad
~Neville-the brave one
~Kayla can’t talk

Happy listening!

Hosts: Kezza, Rinna, PS
Peons: Dethryl, Aaron
PeonCast: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Kayla
Poufwa Editor: Kezza
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 2’20’57


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 101 – Mike’s Farewell: Dethryl makes pasta

Episode 101 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Except for one final Poufwa Exchange episode that has yet to see the light of day, this episode is Mike’s last contribution to PotterFicWeekly. There’s no one else in the universe quite like Mike, and I find it difficult to put into words precisely what that was that he added to our podcast over the years! Certainly, images of LadyChi in African safari gear, collapsing tables, and four thousand cockroaches are flashing before my eyes.

Mike, please give our best to Kim, Meg, Phil and the other lost Poufwa hosts when you meet up with them beyond the rim. Rest assured that the next batch of Poufwa episodes to come have, fortunately, very stellar content, truly Poufwanian stuff that I’m immeasurably proud of. I’m grateful to you for spraying us down with your special brand of oomph before leaving.

Safe journey, and on behalf of Poufwa: Bai!

Oh, in recognition of your years of tireless service, please do enjoy this jar of store-bought pasta sauce.

This episode covers Chapters 35-45 of In Blood Only, by EM Snape, and our final of four episodes on the fic!

Join us next week for three spectacular Poufwa episodes covering Tale of a Time Long Gone, by Star of the North.

We all know of them, for without them where would Hogwarts be? Bold Gryffindor, Fair Ravenclaw, Sweet Hufflepuff, Shrewd Slytherin. Founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In episode 44 of PeonCast, Learning to Live With What Life has Dealt You, the Peons discuss Cauterize, by lady_altair.

~Robert has pants
~Tricia is in her jammies
~Robert is confused…oh, wait.
~The Celebrity Guest Star
~No Twilight
~Tricia’s drooling
~Robert sparkles
~Charlie-the brash Weasley
~Harry’s chest = Victory
~Tricia’s grossed out??
~Kelly’s photo lesson
~Now Scott’s sparkling
~Fred’s hand
~Draco the hero?

Happy listening!

Hosts: PS, Mike
Peons: Dethryl, Rae
PeonCast: Sue, Scott, Kelly, Tricia, Robert
Poufwa Editor: Wayne
PeonCast Editor: Sue, Scott
Episode Length: 2’29’32


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 100 – Good Evening, and Welcome to MasterFic Theater!

After 38 months, 99 episodes, 21 special editions, and fourteen days, thirteen hours, ten minutes, and five seconds of conversation packed with volcanic eruptions, erectile dysfunction, hyper-electrocuted mascots, twenty-six near death experiences and the bulk purchase of Kool-Aid, members of the Poufwa community got together to produce skits for every fic covered by PotterFicWeekly!

You may laugh, you may cry, and you may want to cry. You may be moved–we won’t say where–and regardless of whether you are pregnant or not, your water will break.

This project was conceived by Jen on March 17, 2009, and has literally been one year in the making. With thirty different versions of every line in a bajillion different pieces, Scott and Sue labored and edited this project every day for the past year, finding the perfect music and just the right sound effect, and then edited it all over again just to make it better! I got my hands on it and broke it within minutes, but luckily Poufwa stocks duct-tape by the crate.

PotterFicWeekly proudly presents Episode 100, a Masterfic Theatre production. Welcome to the place where the story never ends.

We won’t let it.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 99 – Fenrir Greyback is a crazy whore, and Mike captures Poufwa

Episode 99 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Before Mike bids us farewell, he decides to capture Poufwa! His reign of terror involves the spread of communism, an explosion of sound effects, Conan the Adventurer, Richard M. Nixon, a bagel, the ultimate victor in the battle between an armchair and a love-seat, and former US Vice President George Clinton.

Allow me to present one of the best episodes Poufwa has ever put out!

Along the way, we also touch on In Blood Only, Chapters 25-34!

In episode 43 of PeonCast, Smart Children, Old Folks and Surprise Email, the Peons discuss: The Wizard and the Hopping Pot, by Vikki3!

~This makes Kayla sad.
~Sue is reminded of her Grandpa.
~This Wizard is a Puff.
~Listen to the 4 year old.
~How do you say it?
~Old folks should be cherished and loved.
~Kelly’s Grandfather makes history.
~Half Blood Prince is coming out, oops, did come out.

Happy listening!

Hosts: PS, Mike
Peons: Sue, Raesive, Dethryl
Peon Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Kayla
Poufwa Editor: Ryan
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 2’34’31


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 98 – To exterminate or bagelate, that is the question…

Episode 98 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this episode, I forget we’re not doing an Exchange episode and spend nearly 28 minutes boring Mike to death about:
PS’s theories on BSG through S2;
Laura Roslin’s hair stylist;
BSG compared to Dr Who, Firefly & V;

Mike and I play “I’ll Show You Mine”;

Jen2 learns how to use a computer, and forgets she’s not on an Exchange podcast about BSG;

This conversation is included with and greatly expanded on in Poufwa Exchange Episode 19 – BattleStar, Doctor Who, and Boobs: Gaul Style!

After 43 minutes, we start In Blood Only, everyone’s favorite fic;

Lucky, Lucy, Luscious, Lucius… it’s all the same dude, man;

Jen2 starts a Facebook group to save innocent waterfowl;

Mike disses PS;

Jen2 comes out of the closet;

I conjugate the verb, ‘to bagel’;

We say serious stuff, srsly…

On tonight’s 42nd episode of Peoncast, A Garden, a Blender and a Big Pizza Pie, the Peons discuss Fountain of Fair Fortune from Beetle the Bard by JK Rowling!

The Peons would like to enthusiastically plug The Butterbeer Experience and mention the full-length musical based on the last section of Deathly Hallows, for presentation at Infinitus!

~Kayla is confused
~Scott’s got the UK book
~Brain sharing
~Kayla’s on Mars
~Lena helps out
~Altheda’s a Puff
~She may in fact be Sue in disguise
~That’s Amore…..
~Analyzing JK’s sketch
~Bad Kitties
~Learn to work together
~The Garden is Magic
~Sir Slytherdor

Please enjoy the special edition of the Quibbler, courtesy of ADH Scarlett, made exclusively for this episode!

Hosts: Ryan, Jen2, PS, Mike
Peon Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Kayla
Poufwa Editor: Jen2
PeonCast Editor: Sue and Scott
Episode Length: 2’32’10


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 97 – Doctor Phoo, Wald Beaver, and the holiday of Little Miss Snape

Episode 97 of PotterFicWeekly has been released! In this episode, we begin our four part series covering In Blood Only, by E.M. Snape. Tonight we begin with the first fourteen chapters!

Snape is Harry’s father. No one is happy to hear it.

In this episode, Kezza is definitely not happy to hear it. Mike wonders why. It’s a very heated conversation that had me laughing so hard that my real-life friends were desperate to find Poufwa and discover what was so funny. If only they knew!

Next week’s episode will cover through Chapter 25.

Episode 41 of PeonCast, Classic PeonCast, Nothing but the Best and F is for Final, covers The F Series-Fortune and The F Series-Fireworks by Antosha.

~Where’d the money go?
~Harry is crazy.
~Scott’s here!!!
~Ginny is a snitch?
~Kelly’s family tree
~Scent association
~Antosha-Will you do a Next Gen fic for us? Called Future?
~How many ways can you say Fireworks?
~Lily Luna – a force of nature
~Kayla thinks Neville is HOT
~Sue’s older than dirt
~F Series stands for FUN!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, PS, Kezza, Mike
Peons: Sue, Scott, Kelly, Kayla, Hufflepuff Dan
Poufwa Editor: PS
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 3’35’20


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 96 – Hello, are we not Wizards?

Episode 96 of PotterFicWeekly has been released after an extended hiatus, with coverage of Harry Potter and the Triangle Prophecy, and Barb’s Psychic Serpent trilogy, drawing to a close! In tonight’s episode, we discuss the final chapters, break for PeonCast, and return with an extended interview with Barb. It’s been a terrific nine part series, and we very much look forward to covering our final four fics with you over the coming months!

Be sure to join us for coverage of In Blood Only, by E.M. Snape, beginning next week. From there, we’ll travel back in time 1,000 years to meet my very famous yet not so much flame retardant ancestor, drop by a bookstore in Surrey that believes in reading the best of CS Lewis in chronological order, and find out what Kezza’s really been up to all these years!

On PeonCast #40: The Handyman, Hotels, Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans and Duct Tape, the Peons discuss Folly, Act 3, by Antosha. In this episode:

~Scott’s shy
~Kelly passed her Charms OWL
~You have One Hour, to find a Chess Master
~Prune juice for the old folk
~First Responder???
~Antosha said that Molly changed the room
~April Fools – A good day to wed
~We all love this series
~Kayla says, “BAI”

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, PS, Kezza, Jen2
Episode Guests: Dethryl, Sue, Melindaleo, Barb
Peons: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Kayla
Poufwa Editor: PS, Omly
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 4’22’11


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition 21 – Shut the hell up, Love Poufwa!

Special Edition 21, Poufwa’s commentary of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, has been released!

The following podcast is created by Poufwanians, for Poufwanians. Expect at least two schoolyard brawls and one house fire during this production, to say nothing of our far-out and groovy coverage of the film itself! There’s also necking, a planned marriage, and PS is not drunk at all, but is wearing man pants.

Happy listening!

Hosts: Ryan, Kezza, PS
Peons: Julia, Sue, Mrs. Huggles, Kismatt
Poufwa Editor: Ryan
Episode Length: 2’38’17


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition 20 – Peons and Presents; Poufwa looks back!

Special Edition 20, Poufwa’s third annual holiday podcast, has been released!

The hosts take the night off, and the Peons are pleased to present their 39th episode, covering Christmas 1980, by Ignipes.

Harry’s first Christmas doesn’t go exactly the way his mum hoped it would. (Lily/James)

An audio version of the story is available right here, narrated by Kismatt!

With tonight’s episode, Poufwa is happy to release messages and songs from members of our forum community! In editing the episode together, I joked to myself that we should put out a “Best of Poufwa” CD, and as a result of that stray thought, this episode will also include all of the songs, plays, and messages created by our members over the years. At this time of year, it’s a lot of fun to remember where we all were as a community, and as people, back in Poufwa’s Golden Age.

A very Merry, safe, and peaceful holiday to you all!

Happy listening!

Peons: Scott, Kismatt, Sue, Julia, Kat
PeonCast Editor: Scott
Episode Length: 5’39’21


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 95: Sexy possums, lonely Kezza, and Barb: the small business owner

Episode 95 of PotterFicWeekly has been released, with coverage of Harry Potter and the Triangle Prophecy, Chapters 11-23!

Tonight’s episode summary, provided by Scarlett, LLC:

Ryan is uncomfortable
Reality as told by the Son & Heir
In which there are Zoo MRIs
Happy Aug-Hallow-cember
Ryan/Kezza: The Quibbler got there first!
Hagrid is armed
Sue is a razor-toothed alien
Bernad. Nuff said.
Ryan is a time traveler
Matt & Ryan geek out
Canada is not safe anymore
Poufwanians are map-challenged
Petunia Potter: Brain Bleach Pronto
A Hufflepuff Revolt
Boats capsize, so the world is good
Kezza doesn’t know canon
Ryan and Kezza equal illegal, but they have theme music
Matt cannot talk
BAD kissing jokes (sans lemurs)
The plot says so…we’re still cranky
Hermione – The Battered Girlfriend
Harry & Hermione are not allowed a Delorean
Shhh….plot’s talking…time for logic to hush
Neville’s getting snogged!
Poufwa just went where PeonCast went. So, who started the bloody thing?
1 VAT of brain bleach please
Master Harry-Wan Kenotti
Kezza pulls a Ryan and monologues
Dragon jam! Now in handy resealable jars
Kezza is a circular podcaster
BAD cat jokes. Still no lemurs involved.
Splodey brainz tiem nao.

Don’t miss next week’s episode, complete with coverage of the final chapters of the trilogy and an interview with Barb!

On PeonCast #38: Luna’s Lost her Mind, Bandicoots and Clean the Table, covering Folly Act 1 and Folly Act 2, by Antosha!

~Kayla is Ryan
~Sue-er doesn’t work
~Never mess with a Hufflepuff
~Neville kisses and tells
~Luna logic
~Snorkacks do exist
~Sirius drives by
~Purple People Snorkack Eater…..
~Dung bombs rule

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Kezza
Episode Guests: Dethryl, Matt, Sue
Peons: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Kayla
Poufwa Editor: Kezza
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 2’51’44


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 94 – Two half podcasters, one fake Arthur, and a tent

Episode 94 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

With three episodes to go in our coverage of Barb’s Psychic Serpent trilogy, Poufwa jumps into a discussion of Chapters 1-10 of Harry Potter and the Triangle Prophecy!

Harry’s 7th and final year of school. In a time of uncertainty, the Muggle world has found a source of comfort and stability. Only Harry suspects that it isn’t safe. Wizards are more concerned about themselves than Muggles since Voldemort’s return, but are only Muggles at risk? Will anyone listen to Harry? He must decide whether to make a sacrifice that will change him–and the wizarding world– forever.

Sue, Melindaleo and Dethryl are driving the bus this week, and I mean that literally in Sue’s case. It sounds like she’s actually driving a bus while podcasting!

In tonight’s episode:

ADH Harry is a roofer…
Dethryl objects to Harry being considerate of morning people…
Melinda objects to Slytherins…
Dethryl turns purple and has a coronary…
Canon versus AU versus real versus fake leads to one conclusion: Harry Potter is real!
Sue’s in a tunnel…
Molly’s in a plant…
The gang’s in a clown car…
…and because the plot says so!

PeonCast #37: In Which Snorkacks Lay Eggs, Singing is Dry Work, and Neville is Suave…ish, covering Forever, by Antosha!

~Technical difficulties all around.
~Sue is Jen.
~Ms. Lupin not M.S. Lupin.
~Slughorn is the new Lockhart.
~A non sparkly vampire, who wears his heart on his sleeve.
~Luna knows Quidditch.
~Kayla, forgive us.
~Sue knows her sports. Not!
~Sternum as metaphor
~Harry Potter Who???
~Ginny, weak in the knees.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: *Crickets*
Episode Guests: Sue, Melindaleo, Dethryl
Peons: Scott, Kelly, Sue, Tricia, Oliversgal
Poufwa Editor: Matt
PeonCast Editor: Scott
Episode Length: 1’58’39


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 93 – Jews, Mike, and a Penguin

‘Nuff said!

Episode 93 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Topping off our discussion of Harry Potter and the Time of Good Intentions with Chapter 15-21 discussion, Poufwa crashes at Ruth’s house to bone up on the latest Hebrew updates from Poufwa’s own Resident Jews!

There is singing involved. Mike and I are on the line. Do-the-math.

And don’t drink carbonated refreshments while listening!

In between discussing terrific character moments and complex time-travel mechanics that scream out for the assistance of Doc Brown’s dry-erase board, Mike weighs in with his weekly commentary on an important social issue that he feels is plaguing the human race. You’ll recall that three weeks ago he weighed in on sex ed classes in a Mike Administration. There was gasping and headdesking.

This week, Mike outdoes himself. That’s all I can say. And once you listen, you’ll likely be as speechless as I am!

And tonight, the Peons are proud to release Episode 36: Sue confused, the Wrong Track, and Plinky, Planky Soup, covering First, by Antosha!

~Cody is Duct Taped in the corner.
~We try tongue twisters.
~What hand does Dean use?
~It’s a quadrangle.
~Kreacher: matchmaker or interior decorator?
~ #13 Grindlewald Place.
~Dan has the emotional range of more than a teaspoon.
~Monty Python defeats Scott.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Jen2, Mike
Episode Guests: Dethryl
Peons: Kelly, Kayla, Scott, Sue, Dan, Cody
PeonCast Guests: Antosha
Poufwa Editor: Jen2 and Ryan
Episode Length: 2’38’37


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 92 – Apologies to Lesbians and Bob Dole

Episode 92 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Resuming our discussion of Chapters 8-14 of Harry Potter and the Time of Good Intentions, Poufwa blends together solid fic discussion and analysis with the literary equivilant of off roading in a Ford Escort.

In this episode:

Mike is charge, can’t tell who anybody is, thinks Dethryl is an imposter, pre-interprets prophecy, has a million questions, and reveals to us that he – Mike – the big guy – has a crazy brother…

PS is a Subaru, Dethryl is a Nissan, and Kismatt is the Vicar of Dibley…

Harry has emotions, Dumbledore’s a pirate, and don’t forget those five important words: The-plot-said-so.

Following Episode 92 of Poufwa, stay tuned for Episode 35 of PeonCast: Two True Poufwanians, Vernon on Top, and Mike is Harry, where the Peons discuss The F Words 4: Family, by Antosha!

Daniel walks on water….
Sue takes on the tractor.
Making the TEA…
Kelly interrupts, then changes her mind…
Hawt Dudley…
Kayla wonders, who’s on top?
We love Mike…
Mel Brooks…..who?
…Men in uniform.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, PS, Mike
Episode Guests: Dethryl, Aaron, Tim
Peons: Sue, Kayla, Kelly, Dan
Poufwa Editor: Ryan
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 3’00’57


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition 19 – Sirius is Scooby Doo, Ron is Santa and Pumpkins are ice cream

Now that it’s debuted on PFW Radio, Special Edition 19, Poufwa’s Halloween edition, has been released!

In this episode, PS searches high and low for the nearest Dairy Queen, everyone forgets which holiday they’re celebrating, the true identity of Santa is revealed, and the Headless Horseman gallops through Hogwarts while we gallop through Halloween themed HP fics: both of them.

On behalf of the crackerjack team over here at PotterFicWeekly, Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

Episode Hosts: Kezza, PS
Episode Guests: Sue, Melinda, Scott
Episode Length: 1’48’53


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

In the words of Mike from episode 90 – No one panic.

I SWEAR I didn’t break the forum! It wasn’t me, I was off doing church things being as it is Sunday here in the future. Ryan is still in the past, in Ireland, and as soon as I can find someone in the present to press the right button all shall be well.

In the meantime we have a Facebook page

Hopefully, we’ll see you soon back on the forum – feel free to download a podcast or two while you’re here 😉


Episode 91 – Where in the hell is Rae, Harry needs brain bleach & Mike encourages stalkers

Episode 91 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Join us for the fourth installment in our series on The Psychic Serpent Trilogy by Barb.

In this episode the Peons take over as we cover chapters 1 through 7 of Harry Potter and the Time of Good Intentions. Highlights for tonight include:

~ Kayla isn’t prepared because she’s moving to Germany.

~ The New Lord Voldie:  He’s the new Hair Club for Men Spokesman.

~ Draco and Harry BFFs.

~ Potterficweekly, you never know who your hosts really are…

~ Recording Rae = Epic Fail

~ The Hero’s List:  No ticking alarm clocks.

~ Harry’s Hot Liquid Sexiness.

~ Snape the good Dad.

~ Harry does the math:  Brain Beach Please.

~ “Stalkers Never Give Up”

~ Hufflepuff Truth or Dare.

~ Draco is a good friend, really.

~ Beware of Hogwarts Ghosts:  “Fix it!”

~ Mike has questions and more questions.

~ The newest Hufflepuffs are loyal men of action.

~ Elvis is in the Podcast.

~ Rae finds herself in an episode of COPS!

In Episode 34 of PeonCast, The Next Generation: Birthday Presents, a Hufflepuff from Peanuts, and Dallas Ruins Fanfiction we cover F Words 3: The F Word.  Available here or here, and also (at the second link) read on audio by the author.

  • Death Eaters: better or worse than cockroaches?
  • Non-forking family trees
  • A moment of silence for Fred
  • How long a line?
  • Definitely more depth than a teaspoon
  • Tension, release, and ways of doing so
  • Always theirs together
  • The important F-word

Episode Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Kayla, Scott, Mike
Episode Guests: Dethryl
Peons: Sue, Kayla, Daniel, Loswen
Poufwa Editor: Sue, Omly
PeonCast Editor: Scott
Episode Length: 2’18’05


Episode 90 – Neville’s a drug addict, Rosmerta needs HRT and Hermione’s on Viagra

Episode 90 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Join us for  the third instalment in our series on The Psychic Serpent Trilogy by Barb.

In this episode we cover chapters 24 through the Epilogue of The Psychic Serpent. In this episode:

Mike podcasts from a falling dryer on Neptune that is rolling down a hill infested with cockroaches

Jen2 and Kezza break up over movie tickets and biscuit cans but Kezza and Mr Kezza get married in spite of Titanic

Mike breaks up with Draco and Ryan breaks Mike with hugs and a love-meter

The Harry Potter child actors meet Diff’rent Strokes and grow pot while dressed as transvestites without knickers looking super-meg-foxy-awesome hot

Ryan cracks against Jo Rowling and menopausal Rosmerta while favouring the F-word

Mike makes Jen2 blush in the fluffy room and Kezza loses it at the thought of popcorn

Dethryl collides with Wizards in Kilts and Mike and Kezza try to forget Irish lesbian McGonagall and Scottish Seamus

Ryan Turns Around for Barb, Dethryl ships Mike and Ryan thinks about Kezza’s popcorn when he should be working
Mike solves the duelling mystery and is not helped by the quicksand wisdom dispensed by the hosts

None of the hosts know who the Head Boy is, who dated Cho and Fleur, if Cedric Diggory has more going for him than great hair or whether Roger Davies is evil or just boring like Terry Boot

Even when they all drop off the call they pick it right back up again right where they left off talking about Harry’s banana

There is nothing to be said about the Viagra … just listen as Mike delivers a safe sex PSA

In Episode 33 of PeonCast: The Next Generation, Three Puffs and a Gryffy walk into a Podcast, the Peons share with us Antosha’s The F Words 2: Fame.

Loswen arrived to balance out the Puffiness but we forgot to tell her to read the previous chapter. Oops.

The Hufflepuffs steal Harry and Luna, the Gryffindors throw Hermione out and Daniel plucks heartstrings. Then it?s time for popcorn as The Next Generation goes back, waaaay back to Number Ten …

Listen on as Daniel and Loswen have a showdown, Dumbledore is cast in Lord of the Rings because he has a ring and Kayla gets visitors to Canada, the safest place next to Oz …

Episode Hosts:  Ryan, Jen2, Kezza, Mike
Episode Guests:  Sue, Dethryl
Peons:  Sue, Kayla, Daniel, Loswen
Poufwa Editor:  Kezza
PeonCast Editor:  Sue
Episode Length: 2’45’21


Episode 89 – Blah, blah, blah, blah … blah, blah … blah blah – and Huggles is Getting Hitched!

In this instalment of PotterFicWeekly, we review chapters 11-23 of The Psychic Serpent by Barb. Stay tuned for some exciting announcements!

In the actual fic …

Hermione visits the water cooler to protect against Harry’s super sperm

Harry’s penis is conflicted and leading him around the castle like his own very short leash

Draco Malfoy is a Skeevy Perv, George has a beautiful chest and fake Neville, the bagel is not horny enough

Sandy is a Big Brother Contestant but clearly, it’s actually a teen sex comedy – behold, Porky’s at Hogwarts

In other news …

The ED belongs to Ryan (unfortunate …)

Aaron and Dethryl are too young to laugh about sixteen candles and Daniel Radcliffe is a poor’ little tiny man

None of this was apparently enough to keep a red-blooded American male awake … WAKE UP AARON!

On Tonight’s PeonCast Scott goes MIA but Editor Sue comes to the rescue as the team begin their sojourn with Antosha’s F Words, er series, with the first fic – Friends.

Introducing Ryan and Chi’s Love Child

~Cody is in a tunnel

~Luna has Faith

~Dan doesn’t know which twin dies

~ Terrible Teens

~It’s all Sue’s fault

~Scott’s audio is contagious

~Kayla’s blond moment

Episode Hosts: The Ghost of Ryan, Jen2, Kezza
Episode Guests: Melinda, Aaron, Dethryl
Peons: Sue, Cody, Scott, Kelly, Kayla
Peon Special Guest:
Poufwa Editor: Omly, Kezza
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 2’29’52


Episode 88 – The Combined Colliding Forces of Frozen Kezza, Menopausal Jen2, and Whormione

In honor of the release of ABC’s new series Flashforward, we flashback without reason to Episode 86 at several points in this episode. Sadly, we’re so random anyway you likely won’t notice!

Episode 88 of PotterFicWeekly, our funniest episode yet, has been released!

For the next nine episodes, Poufwa dives butt first into Barb’s classic Psychic Serpent Trilogy!

In Harry’s fifth year he gets a snake with the Sight. Hermione’s torn between Ron and Harry, who’s torn between her and Ginny, who’s torn between him and Draco Malfoy, who’s torn between her and loyalty to his father. Plus: a Prophecy, Animagus training, a Dueling Club, Snape’s Penseive, kilts, giants, house elf liberation and more!

Over the next few weeks, prepare for in-depth character analysis, lips drawn into invisible lines, Hermione’s bikini, sex-ed with Mike, possums with Kezza, and Poufwa’s best Spamelot! As we close in on Episode 100, and more importantly – sweeps! – watch for your favorite Poufwanians to pair off!

In tonight’s episode, we cover Chapters 1-10 of Psychic Serpent!

Jen2 and Kezza are forced to make a thingie…

Mike, lights, and the wall cockroach!

Mike predicts the end of the Psychic Serpent triology after reading something like six paragraphs, and knocks his inability to comprehend mpreg firmly into second place on the “Top Ten Mike Moments” listing!

Hermione’s bikini pops up, or something like that.

Mike knocks his prediction on the end of the Psychic Serpent trilogy firmly into second place, and his inability to comprehend mpreg firmly into third place, with his own self-ship projection, revealing his middle name and PS’ first name for the first time. Oh, you thought they were two different names? You must be a new listener!

Jen2 ships Ryan, Kezza ships Ryan, Mike ships PS, Jen2 ships Kezza, Son and Heir ships eBaby, Danny ships Sandy, and Ryan ships Mike!

There’s singing. A cat dies.

On tonight’s PeonCast, disaster struck. Cody’s computer exploded and melted her lines for tonight’s episode. Not to allow fantastic episode to go to waste, Sue recruits Mike to play Cody!

Please join the peons in reviewing Up to Speed, by Amelia Bedelia!

Lily and James used to be best friends, hanging out in their neighborhood with each other. But once they were accepted into Hogwarts, they went their separate ways – James, the popular prankster, and Lily, the know-it-all bystander. But will their past be able to bring them back together?

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Jen2, Kezza, Mike
Episode Guests: Dethryl
Peons: Sue, Cody, Kelly, Scott, Tricia
Poufwa Editor: Ryan
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 3’17’24


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 87 – Fanny Packs, textiles, and kleptomaniac deer!

Episode 87 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In our final episode discussing Dumbledore’s Army and the Year of Darkness by Andrew/thanfiction, we review chapters Chapters 20-25 and bring Andrew onto the podcast!

The fandom is an escape from real life that is primarily a text-based environment. We may speak to each other on Poufwa, but there’s no visual component and we’re denied the assistance of body language. Suffice to say, the interview was a bit awkward due to a remarkable series of crossed signals. When you think you’re defending a friend, reality gets blurred, and everything snowballs.

Not every experience with authors and their readers have been pleasant ones for us at PotterFicWeekly. I’m pleased to say that above and beyond, this one truly was. Any rockiness on the journey will soon be forgotten because the partnership ended on a very high note. I look forward to my future participation in the DAYD universe, including spending most of my Irish honeymoon curled in the fetal position!

Back to work! In this episode:

~ Jen Classic is missing and presumed dead. You’ll never guess where we found her…

~ Madam Pomphrey is a bitch!

~ I nearly have an end-of-the-story flip-flop!

~ Mike on Spiders and Swedes!

~ Drunk Mike in the woods with a stolen shoe!

~ Mike explains the accidental wank, as only he can…

~ Tim is a fanboy, and why Andrew is the coolest person ever…

~ The wheels come off the wagon…

Thanfiction’s Artwork – Dumbledore’s Army and the Year of Darkness

The DAYDverse: Hope Is Still Recruiting

The Peons close out the evening with Episode 30, a double-edition of PeonCast, And then there were Crickets, with discussion of thanfiction’s DAYD one-shots Praeclarus_Merde and Ducere

In tonight’s PeonCast:

~ Special thanks to LassieLupin and Lexy fer helping out at the last minutes!
~ Hagrid’s Harry Pirate Party
~ Ravenclarrr Door FTW
~ Twin talk w/o the twins
~ Crickets attack Sue
~ Scott gives us a language lesson
~ Ravenclaws do it with Style
~ A haircut fer Terry
~ Glasses-a tactical weakness or hidden strength
~ Being a officer
~ Every House has a strength
~ Debating: a time and a place
~ Kids’ book or adult: a fandom split
~ What details really mean
~ Sometimes simple spells win
~ Hooked on potions
~ Brotherly support
~ Wacky and serious–two sides of the M&T coin
~ Canon complexity in character
~ Peoncast makes another convert
~Also featuring a voicemail from Scarlett!

Next week, be sure to catch the first of nine episodes covering the full Psychic Serpent Trilogy , by Barb!

In Harry’s fifth year he gets a snake with the Sight. Hermione’s torn between Ron and Harry, who’s torn between her and Ginny, who’s torn between him and Draco Malfoy, who’s torn between her and loyalty to his father. Plus: a Prophecy, Animagus training, a Dueling Club, Snape’s Penseive, kilts, giants, house elf liberation and more!

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Mike, Sue, Tim
Episode Guests: Jen Classic, Andrew
Peons: Sue, Scott, Lexy, LassieLupin
Poufwa Editor: Omly, Ryan
PeonCast Editor: Sue, Scott
Episode Length: 2’59’54


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 86 – Poufwa goes global: It will not hurt!

Episode 86 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Poufwa jumps back into its coverage of Dumbledore’s Army and the Year of Darkness by thanfiction with coverage of Chapters 14-19!

For your listening pleasure:

~ I am the new Chi and a fanboy, all at the same time!

~ Poufwa tries to make a phone call. Thank God email still works!

~ Were we discussing a fic?

~ Neville pulls rank…

~ Jen2 and Kezza share a brain…

~ Mike learns the facts of life – AGAIN!

~ Squirrels rampage!

~ Neville needs Hannah to water him. Turn around!


~ Mike is Delusional. And yes, I cut and paste that from a past episode release!

~ It’s time for a political analogy!

~ Kezza needs a break. She needs those.

~ Jen2 cracks herself up with Latin. She’s so silly.

~ Six degrees of separation and everything’s related to incest.

~ We applaud Andrew’s attention to detail…

~ Harry Potter: Pizza Delivery Guy

~ Death Eaters get Continental Breakfast: Discuss.

~ Jen2 snarks at me. She is no longer silly!

~ Neville is Made of Awesome. Want to fight about it?

~ For Cedric and Hufflepuff…

~ Gran: A military Mama!

~ “There is nothing more romantic than baby cheese…”

~ Mike is 0 for 5…

~ Zach Smith turns more yellow…

~ A Ravenclaw, in the Great Hal, with a butter knife…

~ Babies grow in tummies…

Also this evening, the Peons are pleased to release Episode 29 of PeonCast, Courage and Cowards, with discussion of thanfiction’s DAYD one-shot Wisdom To Know The Difference!

Grant me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Jen2, Kezza, Mike
Episode Peons: Scott, Kayla, Kelly, Sue
Poufwa Editor: Kezza
PeonCast Editor: Scott
Episode Length: 2’52’06


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 85 Links

Thanfiction’s Artwork – Dumbledore’s Army and the Year of Darkness

The DAYDverse: Hope Is Still Recruiting

Support Stacie Auction Board

PS’ Support Stacie Thread


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 85 – Neville’s Gran’s Vulture’s Hat, and the canonicity of Hermione/Books

Episode 85 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

This evening, Poufwa resumes its coverage of Dumbledore’s Army and the Year of Darkness by thanfiction, highlighting Chapters 7-13!

We remain in Jen2’s debt for choosing this thrilling fic for our podcast. She wanted to be here this evening to contribute – she really did – but apparently her hip popped out of its socket in a freak vacuuming accident. The frame to her bed also snapped so she’s out shopping. Hope to see you soon, Jen2! *chomps on popcorn*

In this episode:

~Rinna and Mike spend two hours together and Snape comes up frequently. Maybe we all need popcorn!

~The characters of Filch, Snape and Seamus are heavily analyzed. You’ll never guess who thinks Filch was misunderstood!

~Also included in this episode are several doses of carnal impropriety and several more rounds of “Was that canon or After the End?”

Also this evening, the Peons are pleased to release Episode 28 of PeonCast, Not Starring the Whomping Willow, with coverage of Tied Together, by stmargarets!

~Kelly’s favorite author

~Scott impersonates Alex, Ryan’s text reader

~Kayla is happy to be done with school

~Kid voices for the win

~Herbology lesson from Sue

~Engorgement Charms

~Kayla channels Ryan

~And as always, Kayla records over a bistro

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Rinna, Mike, Scott, Tim
Episode Peons: Kelly, Kayla, Scott, Sue
Poufwa Editor: Rinna, Ryan
PeonCast Editor: Scott
Episode Length: 1’56’09


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 84 – Jen2 makes crystal popcorn and Wendy’s saves the world

Episode 84 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

I am so-thrilled-I-could-monologue to officially release the first of four podcasts covering Dumbledore’s Army and the Year of Darkness by thanfiction. This fic was chosen by Jen2 for discussion on the podcast, and is now one of my all-time favorite fics ever discussed on Poufwa.

During the reign of Snape and the Carrows, Dumbledore’s Army becomes a true resistance movement under the most unlikely of leaders.

In this episode:

~Mike finds Jen2’s address and madness ensues…

~I detail my plan to personally save the world on my lunch hour…

~Jen2, well…gets a reputation…

~Mike gets into Snape’s mind…think about that!

~Commander Longbottom…who’da’thunk it?

~I monologue…told you!

~Scott gets company…

~Jen2 fangirls Ginny…

~The Hufflepuffs are messed with…

~Jen2’s reputation continues into the second hour…

~I need a woman…

~Kezza opens hailing frequencies…

~The Poufwa microphone curse strikes Mike, who trades bodies with me…

Tonight on PeonCast, the Peons resume discussion on Greater Than Gravity,by startinglines!

In PeonCast:

*Molly plans a wedding…

*Arthur sprays soda…

*Sue remembers Hannah’s assets…

*Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time pops up…

*Sue and Kayla think Percy’s a prat…

*Kismatt laughs at the Nimbus…

*All are jealous…


*and there is no mention of Harry Potter…

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Jen2, Mike, Kezza, Tim, Scott
Episode Peons: Sue, Kayla, Kelly, Scott
Poufwa Editor: Wayne, Ryan
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 2’04’09


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 83 – The Great Big Lioness, Harry’s on Queer Eye making fish tacos, Attack-Turkey Episode of WIN!

Episode 83 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

A whole slew of different people podcast tonight in this third and last installment of our three-part series covering When a Lioness Fights by kayly silverstorm!

In this two-part episode covering Chapters 38 – 77:

~ Ryan has wank;

~ Jen Classic makes Jen2 steer the ship;

~ Jen2 shocks Julia by suggesting a slash relationship between Harry and Draco, thus officially turning on Julia’s gaydar(which isn’t nearly as sensitive as her Jewdar);

~ Queer Eye for the Straight Guy makes its mark on the HP fandom and Harry shall forevermore be making fish tacos with Ted in the Grimmauld Place kitchen;

~ Dumbledore’s lemondrops make another appearance, only this time we’re not sure whether they’re entirely legal;

~ We do a decent job of actually discussing the story;

~ Omly shares about the family’s guard donkey and Julia explains the function of an Israeli attack turkey;

~ and Jen2 shares a musical selection from YouTube by Sungha Jung, child-prodigy and guitarist extraordinaire, in the hopes that everyone else will be plagued by SIHS as well! (Intermission music is also a selection featured from Sungha Jung’s YouTube archive!) Thanks a lot, JULES!

In Episode 26 of PeonCast, titled Greater than Gravity Take Two, the Peons feature Greater Than Gravity, by startinglines!

Due to technical difficulties this is our second try at Greater than Gravity.

~ Fresh fruit and chocolates

~ Salad is boring

~ “Mails here”

~ Hawks vs. Old People

~ Puffed up Percy

~ Merlin is REAL

~ Sword in the Stone

~ Percy’s wand

~ “Audrey, do you know what cola is?”

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Jen Classic, Jen2, PS, Julia, Raesive, Omly, Sue
Episode Special Guests: Ryan, eBaby
Episode Peons: Sue, Kayla, Kelly, Scott
Poufwa Editor: Jen2
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 3’34’37


Episode 82 – Lemondrop’s Twittering from Rehab, so excited yet so scared…

Episode 82 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

The ladies capture the podcast tonight in this second installment of our three-part series covering When a Lioness Fights by kayly silverstorm!

In this episode:

The women cover Chapters 21-43, in order and without missing a beat!

Julia is out of the dryer!

Baby Lee does not approve of kayly’s Hermione!

The ladies convert memories to ounces…while sober!

Hermione knows Kung Fu… Whoa….

Dumbledore takes his candy dish too far…

…and we learn what Jen’s left eyeball, Julia’s liquor, Cody’s fifteen roomates, Rae’s husband’s skin, PS’ funeral food and Sarah Palin’s hunting opponent have in common!


In Episode 25 of PeonCast, Hagrid at Customs and We Love Dudley, the Peons conclude their coverage of A Different Fate, by lordhellebore!

In this episode:

*Tricia is shocked.

*Guest Peons FTW

*Scott’s getting visitors

*Remus knows people in low places

*An author with punch

*Kelly’s timeline

*Scott channels Snape

*Plan B

*Three new words: Normal, Disabled, Freak

*Thanks to Last Haven

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Jen Classic, PS, Raesive, Cody, Julia
Episode Peons: Sue, Scott, Kelly, Tricia, Raesive
Poufwa Editor: Ryan
PeonCast Editor: Scott
Episode Length: 2’20’26


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 81 – A Year Late Because of Jen and the Bow Wow

Due to Jen Classic’s ironclad contractual obligations, unstopped by rain, snow, sleet, vicodin, rampant nausea, inability to see feet, and lifegiving moments captured on Facebook video, Poufwa is pleased to present its three week arc on the Snape/Hermione fic, When a Lioness Fights, by kayly silverstorm!

In this episode:

Hermione is a quite troubled, young caffeine-addicted, Vulcan/Borg Death Eater hybrid who thinks tribal warriors are girly men who stare at delicate waves for comfort.

Dumbledore has Parkinsons. If it were a ship, Remus/Tree would be unemployed.

Snape is Batman…

Hermione’s spleen is missing…

…and we’re pretty sure Jen is committing a federal crime during the recording of this episode.


In Episode 24 of PeonCast, Kayla finds the Mute Button and Canada speaks English, the Peons move on to A Different Fate, by lordhellebore!

In this episode:

* Kayla lives in a noisy house

* Cody’s ambivalent

* Harry is delayed

* Adults aren’t stupid

* Drabbles are like Chips

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Jen Classic, Sue, Rae
Editor: Kezza
Episode Length: 1’52’04


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 80 – Cliches & Cliffhangers: The Peons Take Over

Episode 80 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight, Poufwa concludes its three-episode arc covering CreativeQuill’s Harry Potter and the Power of Faith!

Due to a labor shortage and issues of dyslexia and erectile dysfunction, the hosts abandoned ship and requested a bailout. This two-part episode is driven completely by our lovely neighborhood peons, covering Chapters 1-11 in the first hour, and the balance in the second.

They discover:

War is like paintball

Tricia channels Mike


Susan the communist!

Social Services: You have one hour!”

After cleaning up for the hosts, the Peons take four seconds off before returning with tonight’s PeonCast: Spoilers, Dean “Bloody” Thomas and What’s Ron Eating? which concludes discussion of the prequel story, In the Beginning, where:

Ron combines food and sex

Kelly spoils Kayla and Tricia

Lav Lav has assets

Kelly is logical

and Sue is not a communist…for now!

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: *Crickets*
Editor: Omly
Episode Length: 2’20’34


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition 18 – Squeefest Half-Blood Prince!

Our thrilling round robin episode where we discuss the great and important points of the new Half-Blood Prince film has been released! Early!

It’s Classic Jen as she falls off the line, Ultimate Jen2 as she has an Ebaby related emergency and Richard and PS hold to Poufwa tradition by shocking us all.

It’s not a commentary but because we’ve all been to see it twice in 24 hours we know half the scenes off by heart and learned to love the Harry/Ginny moments.

We’re not sure exactly what happened, but somewhere along the way we wanted to wrap Slughorn in a blanket, take Dan Radcliffe home and keep him on a shelf to amuse us and fell in love with Michael Gambon. WTF? Michael Gambon, FTW?

Oh, if you’re wondering – For The Win!

Episode Hosts: Kezza, Jen1, Jen2, PS, Melindaleo, Kismatt, Richard, Dan, Tim, Ryan
Editor: Kezza, she who has not slept
Episode Length: 1’51’49


Episode 79 – Where babies come from…

Episode 79 of PotterFicWeekly, has been released!

In this episode of PotterFicWeekly, we continue our three-episode arc covering Harry Potter and the Power of Truth and Harry Potter and the Power of Faith, by CreativeQuill!

In tonight’s book club:

…We discuss Chapters 15-26, concluding Harry Potter and the Power of Truth

…We discover where children come from! Whether they originate from the womb of Kezza or Harry and Ginny’s biracial manor, we’ve locked our GPS on their point of origin!

…I crash my car into a gas station and learn why Chapter 6 was in fact…quite important.

…Rinna reminds us why she loved this story in the first place.

…and I remind us all why, once again, Poufwa almost made me unemployed.

PeonCast: TNG, Episode 22 continues discussion of the prequel fic, In The Beginning, by CreativeQuill, moving into Chapter 2. It involves the middle. They’ve got Star Trek theme music and everything. I love these people.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, PS, Kezza, Rinna, Mike, Kismatt
Editor: No one remembers, but well done!
Episode Length: 2’13’50


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 78 – Dean’s Sperm, Gordon’s Eye, and the Newspaper Lady

Episode 78, the third season premiere of PotterFicWeekly, has been released!

In this episode of PotterFicWeekly, we launch into a three episode arc analyzing Harry Potter and the Power of Truth and Harry Potter and the Power of Faith, by CreativeQuill!

What if the magical world DID exist? What if Harry Potter and the major characters from the books were real, and there was a very real threat looming from the magical world?

Hand selected by Rinna for the podcast, the CQ universe may not be the most polished playground in Poufwa history, but provides fertile ground for Poufwanians to be Poufwanians.

In this episode:

Mike expands past MPreg…
I get to the bottom of the number 47…
Mike writes the word “Maura” on the inside of his hand to prevent Kezza from strangling him…
I love Hermione and hate the newspaper lady…
Kezza loves Chapter 6…
We get into a fascinating discussion about Gordon Brown’s eyesight…
Kezza sings…
Rinna tells us what she really thinks about Mike….
…and I make a shocking discovery about the Potter family.

…and did I mention that a very special, sweeps-week romance will break out between two of your favorite Poufwa hosts? Shippers, start your engines.

On behalf of the Poufwa staff, I am also extremely pleased to announce the premiere of PeonCast: The Next Generation!

Starring a whole new generation of Peons, Peon Antics, Pencil Fascination and Harry is a Basketball Player analyzes the prequel to tonight’s fic, In The Beginning, by CreativeQuill. In a burst of activity, the Peons discover:

*their own lack of Star Trek knowledge…
*what is in that Pumpkin Juice, anyway…
*who is looking for Nargles…
*what hair fastener you use…
*and that burning question: how do you see around walls?

This episode will be available later in the week for standard download.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Rinna, Kezza, Mike
Editor: PS
Episode Length: 2’38’20


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition 17 – The Longest Story Ever Told

And we’re back!

Special Edition 17 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Poufwa has always been about pushing the envelope, and we’ve done it again. Tonight, we offer a twelve hour podcast that is easily the longest non-live podcast in the history of the Harry Potter fandom, and possibly the in the history of the world.

The second season of PotterFicWeekly represents sixteen months in the lives of our community, our podcast production, and most importantly each other. We are united because we love the universe of Harry Potter so much that we can’t stand the prospect of it ending, and through that common bond share laughter and friendship.

But as proud Poufwanians, the entire process is kicked into overdrive. We laugh so hard we need our inhalers, which promptly burst in our hands. We jab ourselves with EpiPens to prevent unwanted death, but hit veins and require emergency medical transportation. Our ambulances are delayed due to herds of goats clogging the highway, themselves fleeing from an approaching lightning storm. Sadly, all we probably needed was some vicodin.

From Kezza’s peanut butter railway to Classic Jen’s winter-induced lesbianism…

From drunk Jen2’s notes to the conversion of PS to the dark side…

From the attempted assassination of Rinna by cat to Mike’s fascination with rising coastal waters…

From the entrepreneur who wanted to buy my bed to whatever Chi was on during the Smutgiving podcast…

…we dedicate this episode to the Poufwanian community, and the lifelong relationships it has created.

But most importantly, we dedicate this episode…to Susan Bones!

The full podast is 340 megabytes. In the event you have storage or connection issues, the episode is also available in two installments below.

Next week, the third season of Poufwa launches with our three-part coverage of Rinna’s selection for the podcast, Harry Potter and the Power of Truth and Harry Potter and the Power of Faith, by CreativeQuill.

What if the magical world DID exist? What if Harry Potter and the major characters from the books were real, and there was a very real threat looming from the magical world?

It is also my great pleasure to announce the debut of PeonCast: The Next Generation in our third season! Sue, Kismatt, Kayla, Scott, Mslupin, and Cody – together with their own peons – will pick up the baton from their ancestors and deliver weekly coverage of one-shots and short novel length fics, beginning next week with discussion of In the Beginning, by CreativeQuill!

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 77 – Shipping Mike/Ella during a Poufwa Blackout while Jen loses a foot

Episode 77 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In the penultimate episode of Poufwa’s second season, like Jen’s runaway Camry, we cruise to the finish in style before crashing into a large wooden fence.

Recorded during the Great Poufwa Blackout of 2009, PS, Mike and Aaron steer the ship, Camry…whatever it is…through a discussion and analysis of the Backward with Purpose companion, The Book of Albus, by Deadwoodpecker. Picture two Star Trek geeks and the guy who thinks Professor Xavier is the captain of the starship Voyager debating time travel.

For those of you who loved Special Edition #4 from Poufwa’s first season but can’t remember what the episode was actually about, this is the episode for you. Poufwa was down. The chain of command had collapsed. Within thirty minutes, the topic turns to, and I’m quoting, “If you could remove Ryan’s brain and insert it into another host’s body, who would you choose and why?”

That’s just the first hour.

You’ll also hear Jen’s brief return to Poufwa, which lasts just long enough for her to injure herself in the stupidest way possible, treat herself with makeshift medical supplies I find in her freezer, and try to stay conscious by solving math problems involving Jimmy the Bus Boy and the worst scale ever built.

We also interview Ella. She doesn’t know any poetry, and we’re shipping her with Mike because it works. He’s not the father.

That. We. Know. Of.

Links from tonight’s episode:

Natural Order by moshpit
Altered Destinies by DobbyElfLord
Ginny Returns by _KB_

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: PS, Mike, Aaron, Ryan, Jen1, Jen2, Legobean, Kezza, Kelly
Special Guest: Ella! She wrote the thing!
Editor: Ryan
Episode Length: 4’17’51


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 76 – Sue watches bagel MPREG, Arthur doesn’t wear a helmet and Lily poops Boggarts

Episode 76 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In tonight’s episode of PotterFicWeekly, our hosts discuss Chapters 39 through the Outtakes of Backward with Purpose, by Deadwoodpecker, proving once again that our hosts can and will, when given the opportunity, turn something totally benign into a confusing mess, monologue incessantly and gossip like old women.

Some of tonight’s highlights include:

Sue discusses bagel mpreg;

Ryan publicly apologizes to Jen2 for sucking her into the madness of BSG;

Classic Jen bails because of Lee’s butt problems;

Mike buys LSD;

Ryan gets the down-low on Merlin;

PS establishes the existence of Ron’s intelligence;

Ryan, going senile, completely misses major plot points of Deathly Hallows, Snape doesn’t die a lame death and Lavender Brown may be alive;

PS reveals flashbacks from a former life;

A conversation about Daphne Greengrass leads Aaron to monologue on Hitler;

PS frets over the absence of Slughorn and why stories aren’t worth reading if Sluggy isn’t on the character list;

All this and more awaits you…

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, PS, Sue, and Aaron (Kronkk)
Editor: Jen2
Episode Length: 1’56’37


Episode 75 – The Return of Jen, Chi, and not so much Horace

Episode 75 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Classic Poufwa fans rejoice! We are pleased to announce the return of Jen and Chi to PotterFicWeekly!

For like an hour.

Jen celebrates her long awaited return to Poufwa by taking a seven week hiatus after this episode, and Chi’s voicemail and I are still on a first name basis. Never fear. Jen brought the kid!

In what is possibly the shortest episode in the history of PotterFicWeekly, our hosts discuss Chapters 25-38 of Backward with Purpose, by Deadwoodpecker, weighing in on their fresh thoughts of the fic as a whole, the Weasley’s betrayal, Neville’s thoroughly depressing trip to Azkaban, the shocking lack of Horace Slughorn, the normal excitement factor present in microbiology, and weigh in on when Jen should conceive her second child!

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Rinna, LadyChi, PS, Mike, Classic Jen
Special Guest Stars: Baby Lee
Editor: Omly
Episode Length: 1’20’44


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 74 – Deep Poufwanians always and always love AU, frowning…

Episode 74 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

This evening, we resume our analysis of Backward with Purpose, by Deadwoodpecker and cover Chapters 16 through 24.

We get deep. We’re rowdy. We talk about the origins of time and destiny. It’s like college in here!

I can’t make sense of the author’s name and call half of the characters disloyal. Well, at least Molly and Hermione.

While we’re on the subject, President Laura Roslin has a few things to say about Molly Weasley’s parenting skills. She’s coming for all of you!

Melindaleo, back from accusing Susan Bones of being a communist, is sadly in complete denial of her addiction to AU.

PS is utterly charming, but read the fic and sequel in one sitting and may need a catheter.

On that note, happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Mike, PS, Cody, Melinda
Special Guest Stars: Colonel Sherman Potter, Loswen
Editor: Wayne
Episode Length: 2’33’50


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 73 – Ron is a bagel, Cody handcuffs a goat and Lego is a Spoiler

Episode 73 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

No, we mean it this time.

I promise.

Tonight we commence our scintillating and in-depth discussion of the first fifteen chapters of Backward with Purpose by Deadwoodpecker
Harry, Ron, and Ginny send themselves back in time to avoid the destruction of everything they hold dear, and the deaths of everyone they love.

In this episode we investigate Nigerian Goat Trials without a full and complete knowledge of Nigerian law, but we do bring up Bernard.

We also discuss temporal time travel without referencing Star Trek, but we do bring up Twilight.

Our goals for this podcast were to avoid Bagel Wank and/or giving away the plot with multiple spoilers.

We failed on so many levels …

Happy Listening!

Episode Hosts: Kezza, PS, Cody, Legobean
Special Guest Stars: Reincarnated Goats, Visionary Vampires and Bagels
Editor: Kezza, assisted by the special Spoiler Avoider, Chandler Bing
Episode Length: 2’17’19


Episode 73 – Always and always


Episode 73 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Breaking with our established practice, we conclude PotterFicWeekly’s second season by offering our five episode arc covering Deadwoodpecker’s Backward with Purpose ahead of schedule! This first episode is packed with discussion and analysis of the first fifteen chapters.

Harry, Ron, and Ginny send themselves back in time to avoid the destruction of everything they hold dear, and the deaths of everyone they love.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 72 – Poufwa’s Back in the Saddle Again, Take Four…


PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Your dedicated hosts planned an efficient and professional summation and analysis of the Chapters 40-56, concluding LavenderBrown’s epic two-part character study.

We vowed to do it without mentioning boobs even once.

Instead, Rinna got a concussion. She broke her leg, lost her dog at the groomers, and dishwashed her cellphone.

Julia brought a magazine, PS fell asleep, and Ryan was electrocuted right there in the middle of the podcast.

This is Episode 72 of PotterFicWeekly.

We…are the survivors.

This podcast is rated R, and while it is available to the public without password, it may not be suitable for younger readers.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: All hands on deck
Editor: PS, Omly, Ryan, Jen2
Episode Length: 4’02’01


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 71 – The Little Podcast That Could


Episode 71, of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight’s podcast covers through Chapter 39 of LavenderBrown’s The Final Reckoning!

Welcome back for this long-awaited episode… It was doomed from the start. We tried to record it; something like thirty-seven times. In the end, the Peons took over and performed beautifully.

On topic? You bet. They’re Peons. It’s their mantra.

Interesting and informative? Of course. We learn all about how edible underwear are acceptable as a form of food under Jewish law. And that Tricia must wear flip-flops in public shower stalls for fear of coming in contact with random body fluids.

Poufwanian? Sheesh. Who do you think we are? Listen and learn, people. Draco’s squicky relationship with Pansy, Ron’s fight with the garbage disposal and Hermione’s gun fetish: they’re all in this week’s episode!

(Oh. And we promise no elephants were harmed in the recording of this episode.)

Any feedback/comments/voicemails covering tonight’s podcast or chapters can be emailed directly to ryan@potterficweekly.com.

This podcast is rated R, and while it is available to the public without password, it may not be suitable for younger readers.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Julia, Kismatt, Scott, Sue, Tricia (MsLupin)
Special Guests: Jen2, Mike, Ryan
Editor: Jen2
Episode Length: 2’20’39


Poufwa Out Of Foreclosure!!!


Welcome back to PotterFicWeekly! This is Ryan.

First, allow me to quickly answer the most common questions I’ve heard over the past few days.

1) I have not left the fandom.

2) I did not forget to pay the bill.

3) Yes, I noticed the site was down. 🙂

4) No Mike, I didn’t ban you from Poufwa.

5) No Jen. I didn’t ban you from Poufwa.

Like many of you, I woke early on Wednesday morning to check on Poufwa before heading to work and found PFW, the Poufwa Exchange, and the Poufwa forum listed as suspended by our former webhost. We’ve had issues with our provider for months which resulted in short periods of downtime, but this time I was unable to resolve the issue and needed to immediately find a new home for Poufwa. Due to a busy work schedule and dinner plans on Wednesday, I wasn’t able to start the process until late Wednesday, and due to severe demand from our new web host, the process of transferring our files took much longer than expected.

The whole “three hour podcast” thing finally bit us in the butt!

As of this afternoon, PotterFicWeekly and the Poufwa Exchange are back online. The forum should be back shortly.

This entire experience has solidified for me 1) that we’re a community and 2) that we’re a Poufwa community. Because our staff email accounts went down with the ship, I contacted our hosts via my personal email account to ask them to start relaying information through skype and facebook.

Jen2’s response was my favorite: “Who are you?!?!”

Major kudos to Richard/LonelyRiddle, who was jostled awake last Wednesday by my repeated calls for help and who has talked me through explanations of forum coding and website transfers that I never would have understood otherwise. I have a masters degree in Business Administration. My kingdom for knowledge of mysql!

My thanks to Kismatt, Sueatducksfoot, Jen2, and LadyChi who kept the community together.

Many of you have contacted me over the past few days asking how they can send in donations to assist in maintaining Poufwa. I had never considered accepting donations before as this is my gift to this community and to myself. While the last week did cost money, it was not nearly what it could have been, and there’s zero risk that Poufwa will ever end over financial concerns. That being said, so many generous Poufwanians feel such a strong connection to this community that I will set up a paypal account so members can contribute towards the future costs of maintaining Poufwa.

That said, until the forum comes up, please use this space to keep in touch with each other!



Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 70 – Was Double Door a Healer Magic Touching Dude…Also?


Episode 70, a PotterFicWeekly double feature, has been released!

Tonight’s double-length podcast covers Chapters 1-16 and 17-30 of LavenderBrown’s The Final Reckoning!

Included in tonight’s podcast:

– A poignant message from Kezza regarding the devastating fires in Australia.

– Distracting humor about human excrement!

– Professor Hopkirk: Role model from Hell or just a really good shot?

– Dumbledore’s Retirement. What part of “leave office” are you missing?

– Poufwa GPS: Where does the Head Boy really sleep?

– The unexpected loss of a legend.

Any feedback/comments/voicemails covering tonight’s podcast or chapters can be emailed directly to ryan@potterficweekly.com.

This two-parter is rated R, and while it is available to the public without password, it may not be suitable for younger readers.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Kezza, PS, Mike, Rinna, Jen2, Kronkk, Sue
Editor: Kezza and Omly
Episode Length: 3’37’39


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 69 – Significant glances, warring Hufflepuffs, and boobies


Episode 69 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight, PotterFicWeekly presents presents the the second of six podcasts discussing LavenderBrown’s The Book of Morgan Le Fey, where we analyze Chapters 22-41! At this time, we would like to apologize profusely to the listeners who reported falling off their treadmills at the gym during the listening of Episode 68. Heh.

Topics on the docket for this evening:

…Susan Bones: Friend or Foe. She’s like Britney Spears. We can’t help ourselves.

…The characterization of Voldemort, Draco Malfoy, and Hermione’s breasts!

…The villification of dear, sweet, June-cleaver Melindaleo. By us.

…We critique Eddie the non-Crane’s burial arrangements. We’re very dark.

…Roundtable on Ron’s first time!

Any feedback/comments/voicemails covering tonight’s podcast or chapters can be emailed directly to ryan@potterficweekly.com. Episode 70 will begin our four podcast series covering The Final Reckoning.

The sequel to The Book of Morgan Le Fey. Ron, Hermione and Harry are going into their seventh year at Hogwarts, determined to defeat Voldemort once and for all. Ron’s learning to use his new skills, and Harry gets a second chance at love. But the girl he falls for may be special in more ways than one, and she could be a perfect target for the Dark Lord. Rated R for language, violence and sexual situations.

This two-parter is rated R, and while it is available to the public without password, it may not be suitable for younger readers.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Rinna, Kezza, Sue, Scott
Editor: Kezza
Episode Length: 1’52’41


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 68 – Ron’s oozing banana on Kezza, and Susan is a communist drug addict with wings


Episode 68 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight, PotterFicWeekly begins a six-part series covering LavenderBrown’s epic two parter, The Book of Morgan Le Fey and The Final Reckoning!

A sixth year fic told from Ron’s perspective. The Trio return to Hogwarts to learn that Voldemort is hatching an evil plan to kill Muggles. Not only must they try and stop him, Ron must deal with his feelings for Hermione.

The summary doesn’t do it justice. Lavenderbrown tackles plot points from Order that Jo left on the cutting room floor, and creates over 90+ chapters a world where characters are real people, villains are scary, and where victories have costs.

Tonight, we break down the first 15 chapters of The Book of Morgan Le Fey, and even find time to help you plan for college before draw lines in the sand on an important age old question.

Susan Bones – friend or foe?

Any feedback/comments/voicemails covering tonight’s podcast or chapters can be emailed directly to ryan@potterficweekly.com. Episode 69 will cover the balance of The Book of Morgan Le Fey, before we move on to The Final Reckoning in Episode 70.

This two-parter is rated R, and while it is available to the public without password, it may not be suitable for younger readers.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: PS, Kezza, Jen2, Mike, Melindaleo
Special Guest Stars: Ryan, Danielle, Wii Golf
Editor: Wayne
Episode Length: 2’14’05


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 67 – Poufwanians on Death Row


Episode 67 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight, we proudly conclude our four-part series covering They Shook Hands, a realistic fic by Dethryl! (Revision)

Chapters 7+ of Year 3 are on the docket for review and analysis by our Slytherin-led majority, who cap off the evening with an extended interview with the author, who is coincidentally on pain medication.

I’d like to thank our hosts and guest hosts for incredibly focused discussion over the past four weeks. We’ll try not to do it again.

There was a bit of a Poufwanian glitch in the creation of this episode’s bullet points. I went to type “Mike impersonates McGonagall”, and it came out, “Mike impregnates McGonagall.” As a result, I think it’s best that everyone just listens for themselves. Yes?

Starting next week, PotterFicWeekly begins a six week series covering The Book of Morgan Le Fey and The Final Reckoning by LavenderBrown.

A sixth year fic told from Ron’s perspective. The Trio return to Hogwarts to learn that Voldemort is hatching an evil plan to kill Muggles. Not only must they try and stop him, Ron must deal with his feelings for Hermione.

Any feedback/comments/voicemails for next week’s episode can be emailed directly to ryan@potterficweekly.com. This two-parter is rated R, and while it is available to the public without password, it may not be suitable for younger readers.

While I’m on the subject, remember what happened the last time Melinda read something R-rated? Heh. She’s on next week!

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Mike, Omly, Cody, PS, Raesive, Sue, Ryan
Special Guest Stars: Dethryl
Editor: Ryan
Episode Length: 3’58’51


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Forum Presently Down

Update: The forum is back online!

The forum is currently down. I’m working to bring it back online, but it may take until the end of the work day. Feel free to use this thread to communicate in the interim!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 66 – Mike loves H/G, Jen2 loves D/G, and Harry tapes It…


Episode 66 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

The objective: They Shook Hands Year 2 and Year 3, a realistic fic by Dethryl. Chapters 10+ of Year 2 through Chapter 6 of Year 3 (Rewrites Year 2, Year 3).

The premise: Mike is steering the Slytherin ship with Jen2 as first mate!

The goal: Continue our two week streak of classic, on-topic and substantive Poufwa.

The reality: Great conversation about Harry’s decent into darkness, the impact of forced adoption on Muggleborn children, Lucius Malfoy as a realistic role-model, and a canonesque shipper’s surprise thoughts on Dethryl’s universe. And then…

The surprise: Harry’s a crossdresser, Mike and Jen2 swap ships, and there’s something about the continuing adventures of Steve and MaryAnne.

The result: T-backs, Y-fronts, and note that when “Harry tapes It”, It’s capitalized.

The disclaimer: No sign of PS’ breasts this week. Stay tuned. Also, I listened to this episode for the first time and spit water out on my computer. Electrocuting yourself is apparently not a laughing matter.

The most prepared podcaster: Mike by a nose.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Mike, Jen2, PS, Omly, Raesive
Special Guest Stars: Some due from the mafia
Editor: PS, Jen2
Episode Length: 2’42’11


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition 16 – Knickers, Fun Dip, and Happy Holidays


With Special Edition 16, PotterFicWeekly is pleased to present its second annual extreme-sized holiday podcast!

This is Poufwa, so don’t expect a June Cleaver Christmas. Tina nearly assassinates her children in the first ten minutes while Kezza and I beat each other up on the front lawn. Flamingos were involved.

You will, however, find:

…holiday-themed musical submissions from the PotterFicWeekly community, including How the Chi stole Poufwa, Ryan got run over by a reindeer, and shoutouts from Poufwanians to Poufwanians.

…full-length holiday-themed radio plays written and edited by our Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw members.

…the not-supposed-to-be-recorded podcast afterparty!

…and a bonus episode of the PwnCast of Wrock.

On behalf of PotterFicWeekly, we wish you a safe and very merry holiday season! We could never do this without you!

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 65 – Old School, On-Topic Poufwa, with lawnmowers


Episode 65 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

The premise: Ryan the Hufflepuff and a Slytherin House reunion!

The objective: They Shook Hands Year 1 and Year 2, a realistic fic by Dethryl. Chapters 16+ of Year 1 through Chapter 9 of Year 2. (Rewrites of Year One and Two)

The goal: Remember classic Poufwa? When the hosts were on-topic? You’re getting warmer.

The reality: Success!

The unexpected: Mike in his underwear with a lawnmower and what’s-his-face from SpellCast.

The surprise: The Poufwanian Mike most wants to vacation with in the jungles of South America!

The result: The best of classic Poufwa with a liberal dose of wackjob.

The disclaimer: We talk about PS’ breasts again. Sorry PS.

The most prepared podcaster: Mike and Omly deathmatch.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Mike, PS
Special Guest Stars: Omly
Editor: Omly


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition 15 – BananaCast!


Special Episode #15 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Join the ladies as, once again, they give thanks … for Smut.

The promise: All smut, all the time.

What really happens? Bananas.

On tonight’s podcast we ask the in-depth questions. The kind of hard hitting questions you have always wanted answered about how Julia feels about Snape/Harry, whether or not PS will ever write smut and which phallic object Ryan is.

Porpoises, showtunes, RST and more all on this jam packed episode of Smutsgiving!

This episode is meant for members over the age of 18. If you are a PotterFicWeekly forum member, you can access the podcast here! If you are eighteen or older and are not a PotterFicWeekly member, register at our forum and send a private message to username Ryan, confirming your age and requesting access. You can also email ryan@potterficweekly.com.

Episode Hosts: Ps, Jen2, LadyChi, Julia
Special Guest Stars: Kezza!
Editor: Kezza

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 64 – Ice Cream, the House Hat, and Hadwig


Episode 64 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

The premise: Harry. Is. A. Slytherin….by choice!

The objective: Podcast on Chapters 1-15 of They Shook Hands, a realistic fic by Dethryl! (rewritten Here)

The goal: Substantively examine Slytherin-shaded AU. What if Harry shook Draco’s hand seven years ago?

The reality: When I get substantive, everyone dozes off.

The unexpected: This was the most on-topic episode since Episode 1!

The surprise: Wayne tries out some fancy editing moves behind the scenes.

The result: I sound like I’m broadcasting from the East Room of the White House.

The disclaimer: These chapters will prompt Hufflepuffs to become militant.

The most prepared podcaster: Mike!

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Mike
Special Guest Stars: Sue, Rae, Omly
Editor: Wayne


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 63 – Harry isn’t Superman, Chi’s a skimmer, and Melinda has no tail


Episode 63 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

The premise: Duct-tape three podcasts together and release it as a triple-feature!

The objective: Podcast on Chapters 15 through to epilogue of Curse of the Damned, and interview Melinda!

The goal: Provide thoughtful analysis and ask probing, enlightening questions.

The reality: We overreach!

The unexpected: Chi didn’t show up on drugs.

The surprise: Chi’s on drugs next week!

The result: We ask Melinda questions you won’t hear anywhere else. Really. We’re not kidding.

The disclaimer: This episode is brought to you by the Committee to Elect Melindaleo 2012

The most prepared podcaster: Omly!

Why that doesn’t help very much: She’s podcasting from a thumpy mineshaft.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Everyone and their brother.
Special Guest Star: Melindaleo!
Editor: LadyChi, Omly, Rinna, Ryan
Zombie Link: Waking the Dead


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 62 – Squibs, Floos, Boat-Boats, and Chi the part-time Thumper


Episode 62 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

The premise: An evening with LadyChi, PS, Mike, and Kezza!

The objective: Podcast on Chapters 1-14 of Melindaleo’s Curse of the Damned!

The goal: Don’t screw up the boat scene!

The reality: Remember Episode 19?

The unexpected: Chi hasn’t read the fic in a month and Mike can’t drive.

The result: We screwed up the boat scene.

The disclaimer: If the thumping noise you may here during the podcast bothers you, please contact Customer Service directly at ladychi@potterficweekly.com.

The most prepared podcaster: Kezza!

Why that doesn’t help very much: Chi doesn’t have a microphone.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: LadyChi, PS, Mike, Kezza
Special Guest Star: Editor Ryan
Editor: Ryan

We will be concluding our series on Melinda’s fics in next week’s double-length episode, which will cover the remaining chapters and cap off with a conversation with Melinda! Have a boat question for Melinda? Email ryan@potterficweekly.com!

This week on PeonCast, our newly promoted Peons deal with the fallout of PS’ startling H/G announcement. Bring the popcorn!

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 61 – Melinda “June Cleaver” leo, reborn PS, and Ryan’s quiet, little podcast


Episode 61 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

The premise: An evening with Ryan, LadyChi, PS, Mike, Kezza, and Anne Walsh!

The objective: Podcast on Chapters 20-37 of Melindaleo’s Power of Emotion!

The goal: Be on topic and don’t offend anyone!

The reality: We can’t walk down the street without walking into a parking meter on a good day.

The unexpected: PS makes a startling announcement!

The result: We lose focus and get off-topic!

The disclaimer: We would like to express our sincerest apologies to anyone who may have been offended, including but not limited to:

Albus Dumbledore
Emma Watson
Melindaleo again, re: Emma Watson
LadyChi’s cats
Everyone who already knew how clocks work
Everyone who already knew the operational purpose of spoons
Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Harry’s Potter’s head
Small children
Tom Cruise
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Australians re: see below

The most prepared podcaster: Kezza!

Why that doesn’t help very much: Australians all share one skype line.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, LadyChi, PS, Mike, Kezza, Anne Walsh
Special Guest Star: Jen2
Editor: Omly
Secondary Editor: Ryan
The person Melinda should see regarding this week’s episode art: Jen2


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 60 – Melindaleo: Dining companion, Comment Provider, Roast Victim


Episode 60 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

PotterFicWeekly is very pleased to pop a couple of 9 volt batteries into the old heat lamp and welcome Melindaleo, one of our own, back to the hot seat!

Tonight kicks off a five episode series covering both Power of Emotion and its sequel Curse of the Damned. Many of our listeners and hosts, myself included, started our fandom experience with these two fics.

That’s right. It’s all Melinda’s fault.

We attempted to cover Chapters 1-19 of Power of Emotion this evening, but use that as an estimate only. We’ll bounce around even more than usual and we break our spoiler policy many times throughout these episodes.

Harry is struggling to come to terms with the events of his fifth year. Can he learn to depend on those he considers family and become what he needs to be in order to survive? Can the certain sister of a friend show him that there are still things worth fighting for?

In addition to eye-twitching analysis on Hermione Granger: Friend or Foe, Her Majesty Ginny Weasley, death, a recap to Yellowstone, an explanation of the finer points of Facebook, an unprovoked attack on yours truly by a usually euphoric LadyChi, a visit with Mama Huggles, and a call into Jo Rowling – be prepared for an absolute, bare-knuckled, knock-down, drag-out, Hufflepuff-on-Ravenclaw death match between myself and Kezza over a timeless question which will captivate scholars for decades: which one of us does Melinda like better?

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 59 – What Mike’s table, naked Robert, and Her Majesty Hermione have in common


Episode 59 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this episode, the peons rule. Jen, LadyChi and Rinna have the night off. I’m joined by Robert, Aaron, Sue, Mike and a special guest as we conclude our discussion and analysis of the The Show That Never Ends and the Paradigm of Uncertainty trilogy, covering Chapters 4 through to the conclusion.

They’re the longest chapters in the world. Bring bottled water to the podcast.

We finalize our discussion on the Harry/Hermione ship, the challenges in writing a trilogy over many years, story cohesiveness, last minute twists and turns, and of course – the untold ending.

Poufwa prides itself on being diverse, and speaking as a raging Harry/Ginny fan, I have truly enjoyed every significant glance.

Oh, and Robert’s also naked and there’s a subplot involving Mike’s dining room table. I’m sure it’s nothing.

Speaking of Harry/Ginny – be sure to tune in next week for the launch of our five episode series devoted to Melindaleo’s Power of Emotion and Curse of the Damned!

On PeonCast this evening, the peons discuss A Very Young Girl’s Record of Her Own Impressions, by Eggo Waffles

Ariana Dumbledore shares her thoughts on Oscar Wilde, Nietzsche, and Gellert Grindelwald’s bum. AberforthGoat, AlbusGellert, onesided ElphiasAlbus.

Happy Barn Time!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 58 – Russian aggression, evasive action, and the bosom of Hannah Abbott


Episode 58 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

PotterFicWeekly has somewhat turned into PotterFicBiWeekly lately. Rather than buy up that URL and change all the stationary, we’re going to release Episode 59 one week from tonight and just stay on schedule.

This being Poufwa, that should last a week.

In this episode, all the hosts are present! Somewhat. Aaron returns to join Jen, LadyChi, Rinna and me as we remain relatively on topic through our discussion of Chapters 11-15 of Lori’s, The Show That Never Ends and the first three chapters of her final installment, Hero with a Thousand Faces!

In addition, we predict Rinna’s death, I’m nearly assassinated, and LadyChi makes a shocking discovery in her bathtub.

We also brush on religion and politics. In other words, wank free as always!

Many thanks to the wonderful Omly for editing tonight’s episode. Her daughter has begun singing Jen’s ringtone while at home. Add another Poufwanian to the list!

Next week, we will conclude our discussion of Lori’s trilogy before moving on to our five episode series on Melindaleo’s Power of Emotion/Curse of the Damned two-parter. Boats. Everywhere.

On PeonCast this evening, the peons discuss At the Leaky, by Gingerale

No synopsis. I don’t want to spoil the ending.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 57 – Why we should never, ever podcast at 2:13 in the morning


Episode 57 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Prepare for classic Poufwa. In this episode, your humble hosts gathered together for our ritualistic recording session as prepared as always!

I drank the first batch of coffee to brew and was off the wall.

Jen got sick at the last minute and had to back out.

LadyChi downed some cold medicine. We’ve never had a problem with that before!

Rinna was recovering from a recent assassination attempt and may have been a bit cranky.

Aaron filled in for Jen at the last minute and had a whole six minutes to reread the chapters!

Suffice to say, while that recording will be buried in Poufwa’s special place with the lost version of Episode 8, we did manage to salvage what is probably the best debate on the merits of the Harry/Hermione ship I’ve heard anywhere and it will air at the conclusion of the episode.

Kezza, Sueatducksfoot, Rae, Aaron and I were luckily able to schedule time to rerecord!

…at 12:15 in the morning.

Anyone who tells you that middle-of-the-night podcasts go well is lying to you. Run away from these people.

The later it gets, the less in touch with reality we are, and the more likely I am to quote Star Trek.

Future-Kezza should be immune, you say? Not. So. Much.

Please enjoy our discussion of Chapters 4-10 of Lori’s, The Show That Never Ends!

This week on Peoncast:

The peons tackle Snarry! If the thought of Harry/Snape makes you feel like Jen during her first trimester, this is the episode for you! Bonus points to Kezza and Scott for what has to be my favorite episode of PeonCast yet!

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 56 – Turn around, because Slumlord Jen discovers Haiti and Harry is a guilt…magnet


Episode 56 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this episode, PotterFicWeekly completes the first novel in our current three-parter, Paradigm of Uncertainty, and pushes ahead through the first three chapters of the second installment, The Show That Never Ends.

No bullet points. Kezza couldn’t stop being struck by lightening long enough for bullet points. Aaron and I couldn’t stop turning around long enough for bullet points. Shiny and Jen couldn’t stop evicting small children from their homes long enough for bullet points.

This week on Peoncast:

Veiled, by greengecko

Severus Snape faces his most serious challenge yet after the end of the war. Post-Deathly Hallows one-shot.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 55 – Three hours of significantly glancing, window jumping, real-estate bashing, Ron-dieting Poufwa


Episode 55 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

PotterFicWeekly is pleased to kick off our five-week analysis of The Paradigm of Uncertainty trilogy, by Lori! Tonight’s episode covers the first nine chapters of the first fic.

Nine years after graduating from Hogwarts, Charms fellow Hermione Granger again finds herself caught up in Harry Potter’s mysterious life.

That simple summary line fails to do the fic justice. Lori began this fic prior to the release of Goblet of Fire, setting the stage ten years after Hogwarts. Harry and Hermione are still struggling with the loss of Ron at the hands of Voldemort, and are joined by a cast of characters from the canon years, Lori’s imagination, and from just about any fandom you can imagine. Susan B. Anthony shows up at one point or another, as I recall.

I’m a tough, blunt critic. Putting aside wank wars and old, delusional arguments, I would urge anyone who has not done so to read Paradigm of Uncertainty. While I have lots to say, both favorable and critical, it was a truly enjoyable reading experience. The characters are deeply layered and provoked great discussion and thought. I’ve never laughed this hard on a podcast in my life.

Enjoy, and happy listening!

*Significant glance*


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 54 – Dalek Ryan, Assassinated Rinna, Mugged Dan, Funny Melinda, Mommy Jules, Evil Julia, and Jen the Cat


Episode 54 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this double-length episode, PotterFicWeekly concludes our analysis of With all my Love, by LadyChi! Melinda, Jules, Rinna, Jen, Julia and I will be discussing Chapters 8-23, break for PeonCast, and upon return will bring LadyChi onto the show for a dignified and respectful interview.


We will also be discussing:

…what happens when Jen gets bored.
…why Ryan thought Dan was the victim of a hate crime.
…Melinda’s efforts at making a funny.
…Ryan’s 27-minute response time.
…Rinna’s hatred of the Post Office.
…Melinda’s hatred of Harry breastfeeding.
…Jen’s hatred of activity.
…Mike’s hatred of Arthur.
…The assassination of Rinna!
…Arkansas road-sign installation.
…why Julia is evil and must be destroyed at all costs.
…why LadyChi really is just plain mean.
…and yet a very talented writer.

This week on Peoncast:

Visiting Arthur by Arnel

Percy Weasley goes to visit his father in St. Mungo’s after he is attacked by Nagini.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 53 – E coli, Mad Cow, cockroaches, handicapped train conductors, and Chi’s gift of snark


Episode 53 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

For the next two weeks, PotterFicWeekly will be discussing With all my Love, by our own LadyChi! Chapters 1-7 are up tonight. We have a double-length episode next week covering the remaining chapters.

James and Lily are falling in love in rough times during their seventh year at Hogwarts. Remus and Sirius must come to terms with what happened during sixth year and desperately try to regain trust in the other.

With James’ parents so outspoken against a rising-to-power Voldemort, it’s only a matter of time before the Dark Lord tries to attack the Potter family. Can James and Lily survive the newness of their love in such a hostile environment? Read and find out!

A Lily who is not a Mary Sue? A Peter Pettigrew…in a Marauder fic…who is not an evil bastard?!?! A clothed Sirius Black who is actually a troubled youth? Say it isn’t so, Chi! There’ll be nothing for Rinna, Jen, Tina, Mike, PS and me to talk about! How could you do this to us? Nothing at all!

Aside from:

…Required family naming rituals.
…A word from our resident Jew!
…Terrorist cockroaches.
…Dogs and suitcases.
…Jen’s disease of the week and a visit to Dr. Rinna!
…Narcissa Malfoy: Friend or Foe?
…Peter Pettigrew: Friend or Foe?
…LadyChi: Friend or Foe?
…Eyebrows: Friend or Foe? (around this point no one can be trusted!)
…five attempts to explain sarcasm and snark to Mike using Chi as an example.
…MPreg Childbirth: The Untold Story
…Mike’s secret plan to force Jen to name her child Ryan.

This week on Peoncast:

Not as a Last Resort by Arabella

Hermione and Ron, a snowstorm, and Hagrid’s cabin. Takes place during fifth year. This story was written prior to the release of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.”

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 52 – Anne Walsh, Bea Arthur, and the land of the talking chipmunks


Episode 52 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tears of the Phoenix is an orginization which has taken the tallents of Harry Potter fanfic writers and fan artists and organized them into a beautiful anthology inspired by New Orleans librairans. Buy a copy of “Ripple Effect” to support the libaries destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.

In our final Living with Danger episode, we’re all over the map. Chi, Rinna, Scott, and I join Anne Walsh in discussing the final chapters of her first installment. It’s difficult to hear your own story discussed in a format like ours, and due to the circumstances it’s even more difficult to be in the room and ungagged while we’re doing it. Anne was a sport. Ten points to Ravenclaw!

Chi was also sucked up by a tornado and Canada lost power. Mickey Mouse was involved, as was the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. It’s Poufwa. Roll with it.

After a rather polarizing episode of Peoncast, where the Kezza, Jen2 and PS discuss by Elemental, by Purple Fluffy Cat:

A remarkable man such as Albus Dumbledore commanded devotion from several people. How was his magic woven? What will become of those who remain after him as they seek solace in one another? This is tale of Air, Earth, Fire and Water.

…we return with a second full episode of PotterFicWeekly! After being blindfolded, gagged, and thrown in the trunk of Anne’s car, I podcast live from Dangerverse Central! There were talking animals everywhere. I think I saw a lemur! Anne and Dangerverse regulars Josh and Brit join me in exploring one of the many communities created by fan fiction and the lives still being affected by Jo Rowling a year after she put down her pen.

Next week we return with a two part series on With all my Love, a fic by our own LadyChi. Check it out! We cover the first seven chapters next week!

James and Lily are falling in love in rough times during their seventh year at Hogwarts. Remus and Sirius must come to terms with what happened during sixth year and desperately try to regain trust in the other. With James? parents so outspoken against a rising-to-power Voldemort, it?s only a matter of time before the Dark Lord tries to attack the Potter family. Can James and Lily survive the newness of their love in such a hostile environment? Read and find out!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 51 – Banished women, Mensa pyramids, duct-taped authors, and Mike predicts


Episode 51 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In our third Living with Danger episode, the women fail us and Scott, Mike and I are forced to spray PotterFicWeekly down with testosterone in order to survive. Despite all that, we analyze Chapters 24-37 with organizational skill and preparation unequaled in our previous sixty-five episodes!

I wonder why.

Anne Walsh, author of the Dangerverse series, thought it would be really entertaining to listen in on this episode’s recording session. I must only assume that PBS was really, really boring that night. We were thrilled to have her, although as it wasn’t time for her interview and due to the many benefits of our aforementioned testosterone-only policy, Anne was duct-taped to her chair in the far corner and was provided with Chi’s Mach 1 microphone for this podcast.

In tonight’s episode, we discuss:

…Sue the Grocer and Ron: The Dynamic Duo
…pack kids vs. the twins: Not even a fair fight.
…pack kids versus the Pack adults: Even less of a fair fight.
…why Snape should really avoid using heavy machinery of any kind.
…whether Petunia Dursley is a neglectful parent or just a misunderstood community pillar.
…whether Severus Snape is a self-centered bastard or just socially awkward.
…why the hell we’re debating Petunia and Snape.
…Mike’s English accent.
…Weasley hair, the Pack’s decision making process, and why they need a Witness-Protection-Program planner.
…Ryan’s prediction as to where the Canonverse and Dangerverse split. Please cover your children’s ears on that one!

It was around that point that Mike crashed the show into a prophetic tree. We continue to miss the women and have flowers waiting upon their return.

Depending on my level of ambition, you may see two more standard episodes on the Dangerverse series or a big-honking episode containing our breakdown of the final chapters, interview with Anne, and visit to Dangerverse Central!

This week on Peoncast:

Falling Free, by Alecto

Intoxication. Nobody is quite himself during the full moon. Sometimes we do things we shouldn’t have done. Sometimes it keeps us alive.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 50 – Why you should never, EVER participate in Bring-your-kid-to-work day


Episode 50 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In our second episode covering Living with Danger by Anne Walsh, we cover chapters 11-23. Ryan recalls why he loves Rinna, LadyChi reminds us she’s in college, Scott explains the Pack, and you’ll learn how to spell Poufwa!

Please see the episode title for additional information.

This week on Peoncast:

A Christmas Like No Other, by Melindaleo

This PeonCast is brought to you by the letter S.



Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 49 – What ass-donuts, butt-babies, and Jen’s toilet have in common


Episode 49 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

This episode begins our five episode series on Living with Danger, by Anne Walsh.

Lone wolf. Dream-seer. Bright child. Scarred child. Singer. Prisoner. Dancer child. Dragon child. Eight semi-ordinary people. One extraordinary family, and how they became one.

Having completed the story and started on the sequel, this is the first time I ran across that summary. I truly wish this I read it prior to starting Chapters 1-10 for tonight’s episode. I believe it captures the quality and essence of the story far better than the one I read.

Her landlady married a dog and had his baby. Her little sister is far too smart. She helped to steal two little boys, one with a famous scar, and her husband is a werewolf. Her name is Danger. This is her story. o-)

Living with Danger has passed the threshold from story to universe, becoming a cult-classic within the fandom while pushing the limits of community and imagination. You can expect our analysis (often even on-topic!!) of the fifty-chapter first installment (often with Anne in the room with us!), the interview, and something special to cap off the series over the next several weeks.

Just a warning – Episode 49 is an extreme edition of our podcast, meaning that everything including the soundcheck is in here.

For those of you who are new to our podcast for the Dangerverse series who haven’t listened to our podcast before, you can get a feel for the show by listening to this recap episode.

This week on Peoncast:

Horace Slughorn and the Cauldron of Secrets, by The Plaid Slytherin

Come see why PS is both a brilliant writer and someone who should never, ever give you directions.



Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 48 – Her Majesty HWhimsey, Her Fangirl LadyChi, and the Blue Light Special


Episode 48 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!


As our fourth and final installment covering HWhimsey’s Coven of Echoes was too graphic to release over the standard feed, the following version of our podcast contains only our interview with HWhimsey. The chapter discussion and Peoncast are not included.

An uncut edition of tonight’s podcast, including our analysis of Chapters 20 through the epilogue, the interview with HWhimsey, and an R-rated version of Peoncast is available in the Restricted Section of the PotterFicWeekly forum. If you are over eighteen and would like access, all you need to do is register for an account and email ryan@potterficweekly.com, confirming that you are over the age of eighteen, your username and requesting access to the Restricted Section of our forum.

Next week, we begin our four episode series devoted to Living with Danger of the Dangververse series, starting off with discussion of Chapters 1-10. A early screening of this episode will be held Saturday, June 29, 2008 at 8 PM EST on PFW Radio, home of Pwncast and Wizard Rock.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 47 – Mike is a Rinna Disbelieving, Animal Non-Seeing, Ryan Substituting, Star Wars Virgin


Episode 47 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Let me set this episode up for you. Jen and Chi had the night off. It was set to be just the peons and me. At the last minute I had to bail, and Rinna agreed to return to the podcast a bit early and take the reins. I told her the chapters to cover, gave her a big hug, but forgot to explain to her about this guy named Mike we discovered who had unique perspectives and questions on everything.


In our third of four installments covering HWhimsey’s Coven of Echoes , Rinna, PS, Tina and Mike analyze Chapters 15 through to the infamous Chapter 19, hitting on such importance concepts as wizarding fashion, old men in Star Wars, and the hotness factor of the dude from CSI. Believe it or not, they’re still incredibly on-topic. *Tips hat*

Later in PeonCast, the peons discuss SIYE’s 2007 Dumbledore Silver Trinket Award winning Minding the Baby by kschneyer:

Andromeda is left alone with Teddy, or so she thinks.

We will conclude our discussion of Coven of Echoes with Episode 48 and our sitdown with HWhimsey before we move on to the Dangerverse series. Episode 48 will likely be released exclusively to the 18 and over Restricted Section at the PotterFicWeekly forum. You can register right here , and then send a private message to Ryan or email me at ryan@potterficweekly.com. Confirm that you’re over eighteen for access.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

PotterFicWeekly Team Launches New Podcast!


For the past eighteen months, the PotterFicWeekly community has been a notable exception within the Harry Potter fandom. We get along well and genuinely enjoy each other’s company. Please take a moment to process this information and compose yourselves.

After releasing hundreds and hundreds of hours of fan fiction analysis about a single fandom and the same core set of characters reliving similar circumstances, I understand that we will at one point say all there is to say. Fortunately, our community has a few other topics to touch on before turning out the lights. The Poufwa Exchange represents an opportunity to explore dozens of new genres. Hardcore members and newcomers alike can exchange their favorite TV shows, movies, books, and fan fiction. We’ll watch together and record commentaries, or will debate and discuss with the professionalism you’ve come to expect. This is our podcast, but it’s also yours. Listen along, but be sure to participate. As much as we want to relive our favorites, we want to try new things.

Tonight, we have recorded a commentary for the pilot episode of Heroes, and welcome Richard of Poufwa fame to the show. We believe he’s caught an episode or two.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 46: Harry’s an epileptic, Melinda separates sex from occlumency, and I smell a tornado


Episode 46 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Please forgive our sound quality this week. One of us was podcasting from inside a tornado. Guess who!

In our second of four installments covering Coven of Echoes by HWhimsey, we are joined by Melindaleo and PwnCast’s Dan as we review chapters seven through fourteen. We laugh, Jen cries, Chi explains the difficulty of stopping, and Melinda almost ends up drunk on my lawn!

This week, the peons discuss Maps to the Stars’ Homes by LizBee.

After the war, Harry buys a plane ticket and leaves, but the memories follow.
PG-13, post-HBP, quite gennish.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 45: Tamsyn is a dominatrix, Jen2 is inebriated, and everybody loves Bob


Episode 45 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

We, the hosts, peons and staff of PotterFicWeekly wish to dedicate this episode to Bob, Squirrel King.

This episode is our first of four installments covering Coven of Echoes by HWhimsey.

Twenty-five year old Healer Ginny Weasley is in for the ultimate mystery when a patient’s mysterious scars lead her to a long-guarded secret surrounding a dangerous and deadly force. She must now work with the Aurors, including ex-boyfriend Harry, to solve the mystery before it’s too late.

It’s an H/G fic and PS loves it. Think about that. We’re also not promising anything, but we sense Harry’s wearing leather.

In addition to covering the first six chapters in this half extreme edition, half peon takeover, and all around very late yet wicked funny episode, we:

…discover more information regarding the secret identity of our favorite Horace Slughorn fangirl, and why I should look over my shoulder before leaving the house in the morning.

…celebrate two new Poufwanians for which we’re considering starting fan clubs!

…learn an enormous amount of information regarding Australian dumpsters and why living green will kill Kezza!

This week, the peons discuss Willpower 3: Understanding by ChreeChree.

The night of Dumbledore’s death is a difficult one for Ginny. All she wants is to be with Harry. HBP missing moment.

Please keep Richard, our head peon, in your thoughts during this week’s podcast. He’s a Harmonian.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition 14 – A Conversation with Viridian


PotterFicWeekly is pleased to present Special Edition #14, a conversation with Viridian. We’d like to thank Matthew (and his wife!) for sitting down to speak with us and for their feedback over the past five weeks. Please enjoy!

Next week, our four-week discussion of The Coven of Echos begins. Happy reading!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 44: Chi’s a hooker, Kezza’s ancient, and Huggles is very upset


Episode 44 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Strap on your grumpy pants and hide your children! The following is a LadyChi production.

In this episode, LadyChi is joined by the gang from PeonCast and welcomes Etai to the show for the first of what will hopefully be many guest-hosting gigs.

Chi has proved from her first week in the big chair that her episodes are enormously entertaining! If you listen very carefully you can actually hear the wheels come off the wagon as the Poufwa mobile veers into not-really-scary-yet-terrifying movies, tongue twisters, and even makes a trip to YellowStone where we all learn a valuable lesson about parenthood.

After that, they discuss Chapters 31-35 of Harry Potter and the Nightmare of Future’s Past, by Viridian, which will conclude our coverage of a fic that made us think harder than ever before while similtaneously making bagels a four letter word. Our interview with Viridian didn’t make the cut and will be released as a special edition early next week. The truth about Draco’s career as a time-traveler will finally be revealed!

Whatever you do, don’t miss PeonCast this week. Somewhere between song hour and discussion of Open at the Close by DQBunny, Mike makes a terrifying discovery.

Comments are welcome. You can email or send voice files to ryan@potterficweekly.com, or you can call 781-352-0643.
Happy listening!

(This episode was edited by Scott – twice.)


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 43: Julia’s in the dryer, Dumbledore’s a leprechaun, and Jen’s under arrest


Episode 43 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this episode, I’m joined by Jen, the other Jen, LadyChi, and Julia as we discuss Chapters 23-30 of Harry Potter and the Nightmare of Future’s Past, by Viridian. I believe we had a full moon during the recording of this episode. It’s the only way to explain it. If you think I’m overstating matters, listen to the last three minutes. Ten house points if you’re reminded of another Harry Potter podcast.

We’ll conclude our five part series next week with a discussion of Chapters 31-35 and a conversation with Viridian. If you have comments for Viridian, you can email them to ryan@potterficweekly.com and we can play them at the conclusion of our episode. You can also leave a voicemail by calling 781-352-0643.

Our coverage of the first six chapters of The Coven of Echoes begins in two weeks.

On PeonCast this week, our peons cover A Distinctly Different Manner of Finding Prince Charming

Happy listening!

(This episode was edited by Wayne.)


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 42: Harry is committing tax fraud, Molly Weasley is Mother of the Year, and bagels


Episode 42 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

It continues to be your glass.

In this episode, I’m joined by Jen, PS, Mike, and Tina, with Mac bringing up the rear. We discuss Chapters 17-22 of Harry Potter and the Nightmare of Future’s Past, by Viridian, and because I uncharacteristically read ahead there are light spoilers for future chapters. Don’t expect it to become a habit.

We get logistical updates on Jen’s mailbox and Season 3 of BattleStar Galactica on DVD, call the Department of Social Services on Molly, and I completely nail the secret ending to Nightmares, once again proving that Pansy the Garden Gnome was not a fluke.

On PeonCast this week, our peons cover Dumbledore’s Army Drabble Series by Kaymbee

The relationships between the members of the DA fascinate me. These came out of wanting a bit more background on each character than I could fit in the actual fic I’m writing. It amazes me that these kids spent 7 years together, four in moderate peace, one year learning to be soldiers, one on the edge of a knife and the last fighting a secret war, and we have no idea how they feel about each other. These are all separate, but they go together. All PG, all DH spoilers, all rough and un-beta-ed.

Category: DH-time period
Characters: DA Members (Lavender, Parvati, Michael, Susan etc.)
Genres: Angst
Warnings: none
Rating: PG

Two more episodes on Nightmares and an interview with Viridian to come.

Happy listening!

(This episode was edited by Rachel.)


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 41: Arbor Harbors, Inbred Cousins, and Snape is a Dumbledore Fangirl


Episode 41 of PotterFicWeekly has been released! It’s either six days late from last week or really early for this week. It’s your glass.

In this episode, I’m joined by Jen, LadyChi, Meg (in her last episode!), and Cody as we discuss Chapters 11-16 of Harry Potter and the Nightmare of Future’s Past, by Viridian. We pick up where our discussion left off last week, getting deeper into Viridian’s Harry and the effect his journey has on his friends and his own soul.

That’s around the point Meg discovers that Jo Rowling has been playing a cruel joke on her all this time.

Hide your children.

Speaking of hiding your children, the peons return this week to discuss Witch Weekly: Ten Sure-Fire Ways to Cure the Common Cold, by goingbacktosquareone, otherwise known as our own Jen2. In the event that you’re confused by the story, Mike is here to walk you through it.

You can also find video from my summit with Jen in NYC right here.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 40: Harry Potter is, in fact, not LadyChi, but Jen is a proud lesbian


Episode 40 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

For the next five episodes, we will be reading and analyzing Harry Potter and the Nightmare of Future’s Past, by Viridian.

The War is over and Voldemort is finally dead. Too bad there’s no one left to celebrate. Harry risks everything, even returning Voldemort to life, for a chance to go back and do it right this time.

We often cover fics where everyone loves absolutely everything, and the meat of the conversation is over after six minutes. Nightmares is one of those stories that has left five podcasters with about six different opinions. The season of debate begins right now.

In tonight’s episode, we discuss the first ten chapters of Nightmares, from Harry the manipulator to his true identity to the controversy over his relationship with Ginny. Chi and I also have a screaming match, I refer to Star Trek eighteen times, and Jen has an affair with my woman.

Everyone’s favorite peons also return this week to discuss the one-shot Listen To Your Heart. It’s a slight downer. You’ll need to bring your own funny.

Happy reading, and stay tuned later in the week for PotterFicWeekly: The Movie!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 39: Jen’s a pirate, the peons are casting, and PS is going to die


With the release of Episode 39, the second season of PotterFicWeekly has officially begun!!!

Over the next year, our merry band of lunatics plans to cover at least eleven fics, up from the four last year. I don’t mean that in the, “We’re leaving out all of the verbs to cram it in!” sense. I mean it in the, “Yes, we really are that stupid but can still wipe ourselves” sense.

Towards that end, stay tuned for our ramblings on Harry Potter and the Nightmare of Future’s Past, the full Paradigm of Uncertainty triology, Living with Danger, The Coven of Echoes, The Book of Morgan le Fey, The Final Reckoning, and With all my Love, to name but a few.

Twelve more months of Jen’s disasters, Chi’s red pen, and my futile attempts to maintain some type of order.

Can you feel it?

Given how much content we have coming, we thought we’d take a bit a break tonight and do a single episode on a true American classic: Naked Quidditch Match, by Anya. If you’ve read this fic, you know why it was selected by our forum members. If you haven’t read it, I’ll give you this hint:

Harry. Voldemort. eMail. Lawyers.

Okay, four hints. I’m a big fat liar.

Starting this season, the peons are in full revolt. Starting with this episode, with great intimidation, I present PeonCast: a brief, weekly podcast planned, produced, and recorded exclusively by all of the peons you know and love, including a few new voices.

Without the peons, Jen, Chi, and I would actually have to work for a living, and I can only hope they’ll be more gracious to us on their show than we are to them on ours.

I know. I doubt it, too.

In their pilot episode this evening, the peons will be discussing Seventeen Minutes till Midnight in Casablanca by Laura Laurent1.

Next week, we jump into a five week series on Harry Potter and the Nightmare of Future’s Past by Viridian, and will be discussing the first ten chapters.

Happy reading!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition 13 – Previously on PotterFicWeekly!


It may be a mere nineteen days behind schedule, but PotterFicWeekly is pleased to present our season finale!

In starting this project, the hosts and I expected to get together once a week and behave like a bunch of Harry Potter geeks. We accomplished that goal very well, don’t get me wrong, but something else happened. We’ve gotten together every single day since then, and we’ve behaved like a family. Literally. Two parts love. One part bickering. One part restraining order.

On the surface, our first fifty episodes represent our analysis and discussion of four well-written fics, the films, and the final year of the Harry Potter canon. Beyond that, they represent the laughter, struggles, and lives of everyone who puts this show together. You can’t spend dozens of hours per week on a project like this without leaving a piece of yourself behind, and I would like to dedicate the season finale of PotterFicWeekly to our members, our listeners, and the staff members who made this project into so much more than it ever meant to be.

This episode is the largest and longest podcast Poufwa has ever released, and for us that’s really saying something. This episode contains every single memorable moment from the first fifty episodes of PotterFicWeekly. I truly mean that. I’ve listened to it thirty-eight times! Everything is in there!

Whether you’re a hardcore fan, an occasional listener, or have never listened to the podcast before, this is episode captures the spirit of what it means to be a Poufwanian. And yes, that does involve erectile dysfunction and tribal warriors.

Happy listening, and don’t miss the launch of our second season next week. You can find our second season schedule right here.


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 38: Jen’s pants, Chi’s drugs, and John McCain


Episode 38 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

PotterFicWeekly is pleased to present our final episode on The Shoebox Project, covering Chapters 21a-25b. We discuss the Remus, Sirius and runny noses, the nobility of Snape, James and Lily in the bathroom, GPS devices, bats on leashes, and where the hell the male peons are so cowardly hiding.

We also proudly present episode two of MasterFic Theatre, a Shoebox Project audio play. It includes Brooklyn accents, fear of sex, and lots of talk about urges and pamphlets.

Following that, the PotterFicWeekly forum presents me with an audio birthday gift. I am apparently both beloved and British.

Happy listening, and please join us next week for our season finale, highlighting the best moments of the first season of PotterFicWeekly! PotterFicWeekly Season 2 is scheduled to launch on February 14th. This is so exciting!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 37: Poufwa to Post Office – Drop Dead!


Episode 37 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In our very late fourth installment on The Shoebox Project, we review Chapters 16-20 while declaring war on the Post Office, rationalizing why there’s a dead bird on Jen’s bed, and explaining what happened to LadyChi when she refused to pay a traffic citation.

In addition to the normal Poufwanian craziness, this episode features a special birthday gift I received from Ravenclaw House. Thank you so much!

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 36: Titanic: The Touchy-Feely French Tart Movie


Episode 36 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this, our third installment on The Shoebox Project, I took a week off and left Jen in charge.

Yes, that’s correct. I. left. Jen. in. charge.

In this episode, she is joined by LadyChi, Meg, Robert, (from Spellcast?) Richard and Mike from the Poufwa forum for a discussion of Chapters 11-15.

In this episode, our hosts discuss…

*Jen’s favorite Christmas gift, which involves a GPS system, a cop, and a puppy.
*why both Jen and Mike hate the United States Post Office.
*how Shoebox nails childhood and life.
*Peter Pettigrew: Nature versus Nurture
*Mike’s uncanny ability to cut to the heart of all of the subtle plot developments in this fic, including the Peter/James; Remus/Sophie romance.
*that random pole in Jen’s bedroom.
*denial over one’s true feelings, obsession with your crush’s crush, and boobs.
*the difference between boys and girls, Dumbledore the matchmaker, and Titanic!
*pants for twenty minutes.

After there, the wheels pretty much come off the wagon.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Joint Podcast #1 – Spellcast visits Poufwania for Quaffle Talk


PotterFicWeekly’s first joint podcast has been released!

In this New Year’s Eve episode, released a mere seven days late, Jen and I join the Spellcast and Quaffle Talk crews to discuss 2007 – the most exciting year in the Harry Potter fandom so far – and what you can expect from our podcasts in 2008!

We hope you enjoy this joint podcast, and we hope we can do many more of them over the coming year. Please check out both Spellcast and Quaffle Talk if you haven’t already done so!

Again, to all Poufwanians, thanks for such a great year. Happy New Year and 2008!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition #12 – A Very Poufwa Christmas


Special Edition #12 has been released! Our five-podcasts-in-five-six-days series is now completed!

In this episode, you’ll hear from the people who make PotterFicWeekly the enormous success that it is – it’s forum members.

It’s been a difficult year for many of us on the production end of Poufwa, and I know you’ll agree that what you hear in this episode justifies the investment of time and hard work. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – what began as a small community serving a podcast has quickly become a podcast serving a small community.

I couldn’t be more pleased.

We hope you enjoy this episode, and we’ll see you all again in mid-January. Congratulations as well to Jen2 for winning the PFW Yule Ball fic competition. Be sure to catch a reading at the end of this episode.

Happy listening!

PS – here are the photos I promised to upload for this episode. NO POINTS to those of you who can correctly guess what year I was benadryled.



Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition #11 – The one Ryan finally saw…


Special Edition #11 has been released! Please join us for our commentary on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!

I’m in this episode, so yes, I did finally see it! I actually saw it for the first time live during the recording of this commentary. See what I do for you guys?

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition #10 – We’re tired, we’re cranky, and we’re taking it out on Gambon


Special Edition #10 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Please join us for our commentary of the film, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!

I do believe the episode title says it all, so I’ll shut up now.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 35 – The true story behind James, Peter, and the Little Mermaid


Episode 35 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In the second installment of our series on The Shoebox Project, as well as the second of five A Very Poufwa Christmas podcasts being released in celebration of the Christmas holiday, Jen and I are pleased to welcome guest-hosts OsRavan and ThePlaidSlytherin from the Poufwa forum to our Chapter 6-10 discussion. While we had them in the studio, we also touched upon geography, political trivia, local weather conditions, world history, the Little Mermaid, Northampton, Massachusetts, stupid walls and cat food.

And there’s video.

Happy listening!

Ryan freezes his butt off during the podcast, looks out his bedroom window the following morning , and searches for his car right after that.


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition #9 – Jen Whacked Flitwick!


Special Edition #9 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

PotterFicWeekly begins its A Very Poufwa Christmas series by announcing the release of five podcasts in five days! Tonight, join us for our running commentary of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. This episode is explicit and is not recommended for younger listeners. Those attached to movie Remus should also keep a safe distance, as LadyChi stopped by this week.

Happy watching!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

The Yule Ball, and Happy Holidays

As part of my New Year’s resolution going into 2007, I posted the following on my personal blog.

I will stop being an observer who samples from different plates. I will choose a direction and accomplish something.

It was shortly after I made that statement that I thought about creating a fan fiction podcast. I knew virtually nothing about the fandom, didn’t have any contacts, and knew nothing about producing a quality podcast. (One could argue I still don’t.) This project has been so successful for me personally because I never expected anything in return. I don’t care about the fandom itself. I could care less if five people or five thousand people are listening. It’s not meant to be stressful. It’s not work. The day it’s no longer fun, I’m absolutely out of here.

I don’t see that happening for quite a while because of the people I’ve met and the bonds I’ve formed over the past ten months. I never imagined I’d make friends doing this, and yet Jen, Chi, Meg and I are extremely close. We’ve been together such a short time, but it’s been an undeniable rollercoaster and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. The community that’s come together is literally that. It’s not a meeting place for occasional visitors to talk shop. It’s family. I never imagined that this project would be less about the content and more about the community, but it’s happened, and I could never recreate the conditions that brought these hundreds of people together. We’re friends, and we’ll continue to be friends long after we put Harry back up on a shelf. The outpouring of kindness we’ve encountered over the past year truly gives me a lot of faith in the power of strangers.

I am pleased to announce that PFW’s first Yule Ball will commence in the forum on Friday, December 14th at 2PM. If you’re not yet a member of the community, we’d love to welcome you to the group. This is a party from the members for the members. On behalf of the hosts, we wish you a safe and happy holiday season. This one’s from us.


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 34 – LadyChi, the non-rock, has comma diarrhea


Episode 34 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

For the next several weeks, PotterFicWeekly is very pleased to discuss and review The ShoeBox Project, by ladyjaida and dorkorific. It’s an outstanding Marauder story, and you won’t believe how subtle the writing is! This episode covers Chapters 1-5.

If you stop laughing long enough, we hope you’ll participate in the show by sending in your voicemails and emails.

Happy listening!

PS – At the 24 minute mark, we left a hidden message for our audience. The first person to decode it wins the 5th hosting slot. 🙂


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition #8 – Dumbledore’s Flaming Lamp


Special Edition #8 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

This week the Poufwanian’s bring you an inspiring analysis of the finer points of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

It’s all you could hope it would be and more. 🙂

Happy watching!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 33 – The Aspen Interview, Ron, and Gonorrhea


Episode 33 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Our A Year Like None Other series winds to a close with this double-sized episode of PotterFicWeekly. On every other podcast, that means up to 90 minutes.


In this episode, Dan and Julia from the PFW forum stop by to bring us up to speed on their upcoming wizard rock podcast, we compare and contrast Chi’s slow-talking nurse practitioner to Jen’s artistic butt doctor, wrap our AYLNO discussion, ask Jen the same question three times, and meet Aspen! As this episode runs nearly five hours, you can download the standard episode segment and the Aspen/Mercredi interview separately.

Stay tuned over the next few weeks as we release special edition commentary podcasts for the rest of the Harry Potter films, and don’t miss our upcoming series on The Shoebox Project, by Ladyjaida and Dorkorific, debuting December 12th!

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition #7 – Happy Smutsgiving!


Special Edition #7 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

And yes, there is a catch.

This episode will not be released on the standard feed and is available only in the Restricted Section of the PotterFicWeekly forum. Don’t have access? You will in a minute.

1) Register for an account on the PotterFicWeekly forum by visiting www.potterficforum.com or by clicking here.
2) Once registered, send a private message (PM) to username “Ryan”, or an email to ryan@potterficweekly.com. Give me your username, and let me know if you’re over the age of 18.

That’s it.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 32 – Gryffindor Jen


Episode 32 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this episode, we review Chapters 75-84 (or in my case, 83) of A Year Like None Other, by Aspen in the Sunlight. In addition to our coverage of the fic, we also manage to comment on everything from Batman to bear spray to serious behind-the-scenes happenings at PotterFicWeekly. It’s hard to believe we’ve only been at this for ten months.

Our next episode will be our final edition on AYLNO, so send in your voicemails and questions for Aspen!

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

PFW Rewind: Special Edition #4


PotterFicWeekly is taking the week off before we wrap our series on A Year Like None Other and start The Shoebox Project. We’ve decided to fill this time by rereleasing one of our favorite episodes, Special Edition #4. You may remember it as the one where Jen was attacked by a bear and Hermione became a hunter-gatherer. 🙂

See you midweek for the Episode 32 release!

As this episode was an extreme edition, Wayne from the PFW editing department has graciously provided an edited version of this episode for your listening pleasure. You can download it here.


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition #6 – Misery Feels Really Good


The PotterFicWeekly Halloween Special Edition has arrived!

Two episodes in four hours. That’s it. I’m taking a week off.

Join Jen, LadyChi, Meg, Melindaleo, Tina, LonelyRiddle, and me for the type of indepth and laser-focused discussion that you’ve come to expect from PotterFicWeekly. 

In this episode, we:

*  determine who is important and who is a peon.
*  check in on LadyChi’s toilet and make her apologize for scaring us in Episode 31.
*  interview Tina on meeting Jo for three full seconds. 
*  complain about Tina’s husband.
*  analyze the role of Halloween in the books and fanfic.
*  find out what everyone wore for Halloween.
*  find out exactly why Melinda is hoping you don’t listen to this episode.
*  hear narrations of the top two one-shots introduced in the Halloween Ball.
*  debut MasterFic Theater, Episode 1.  And yes, that is the sound of theme music being played over a stereo next to an air condition.  NOT!

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 31 – Jen has a leather Care Bear; Snape has a sandwich


Episode 31 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Jen, LadyChi and I are pleased to introduce guest-host Mike (OsRavan from the Poufwa forum), who graciously agreed to stand in for a highly medicated Meg as we pushed our discussion to Chapter 74 of A Year Like None Other, by Aspen in the Sunlight. Thanks Mike!

We will conclude our series on AYLNO in two weeks time, at which point we will crank out a very efficient and orderly movie commentary before moving onto The ShoeBox Project.

That’s all I got. Oh yeah. Stay three steps away from LadyChi in this one.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

The Halloween Ball

The PotterFicWeekly community is invited to participate in our first Halloween Ball, going on right now and lasting until Sunday, October 28th. Register at our forum, stream PFW radio, grab a butterbeer (or firewhiskey depending on your age!) and enjoy the company of some hardcore Potter and PFW fans.


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 30 – Ryan cracks the case: Pansy is a garden gnome


Episode 30 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

With four episodes to go in our A Year Like None Other series, our hopelessly off-topic team covers up to Chapter 66 with our unique mix of indepth analysis and completely off-topic banter. Episode bullets will follow, although expect to see a great deal of time devoted to my predictions for Chapter 67. And yes, it does involve a garden gnome. 🙂

Don’t miss the Halloween Ball on our forum from Friday October 26 – Sunday October 28! We’ll be releasing a special Halloween edition on the 31st, and stay tuned for our Chamber of Secrets commentary.

Happy listening!



Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 29 – Huggles, English Muffins, and Jen feels like a woman


After six delays, Episode 29 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this quasi-extreme episode, we discuss Chapters 51-58 of A Year Like None Other, by Aspen in the Sunlight. I don’t even need to tell you that we go off-topic, but do know that during the 20-25 minutes of solid fic discussion, we’re on the ball, so don’t miss it.

Despite the fact that she’s our Head of Ravenclaw House, I’d like to give very special thanks to LadyChi for her outstanding Gryffindor bravery shown throughout this episode. We love you Chi! (Even though the last thirty seconds do demonstrate you have some anger management issues to address whenever convenient.) Additional thanks to Shiny from the forums for the hours of editing work she invested into this episode, and to SpellCast Robert and SpellCast Josh for…well….everything. Find them here.

I have to say that this is my favorite episode so far, although Episode 30 is coming out soon, so jump in fast.

In this episode:

* Coffee, water and Bailey’s beverages of choice
* Meg does Lola – TMI
* We stink at not being ourselves
* Meg fits right in with PFW Hosts and is Jen?s protege
* Super!Kim -an alternate to Grandma? You decide.
* Ryan talks babies: coming attractions? Not so much.
* Potterficweekly has drama!
* Online voting thingy – Vote for the Spellcaster with the sexiest voice! Help Jen
* Spellcast!Rob pays a surprise visit!
* Jen feels like a woman
* VOTE for our Fifth Fic!! Jen tries to bribe voters again.
* Harry Potter meets Desperate Housewives
* There is fic discussion coming? Stay tuned.
* The Great Burrito Caper
* Turkey a’la Incendio!
* Oops, we’re off topic again. Ryan used to have control of his podcast.
* Seer dreams – “and how do we know they’re real?” Harry’s not sure.
* Harry looks for the glass to be half full, but can never find it.
* Headmaster Huggles makes his debut!
* Harry struggles with what to call Snape.
* Snape is both the best and worst parent ever.
* Everyone is a manipulator in this story.
* Snape: teacher v. parent
* The Trifecta of Grief
* Ryan finally gives up
* Meg defends Hermione? SHOCKER!
* Ryan confuses HP Canon and The Seventh Horcrux again!
* Is Hermione’s character development similar to canon?
* At 1:27 in, Ryan reveals that he did, in fact, make notes for the episode.
* …but, we go off topic again!
* Meg wants to bake Harry cookies
* Hugs all around for Lady Chi!!
* PoofWa? We’re family
* Snape finally gets Harry
* Ryan is too profound for the ladies.
* Harry and Draco discover respect and understanding for each other
* Does Harry have attachment issues?
* Ryan makes another prediction
* Snape has a parent moment and Ryan can accept it now
* The eternal paternal question: respecting privacy v. protecting your child. Yes,
Chi, Tina agrees
* Kids don’t want much, they just want you? Harry is no different.
* Aspen says Jen was right! Ryan’s OK with that.
* Jen asks the urgent question: what is a crumpet and why doesn’t it have crumbs?

Rinna Recommends:

SSHenry on SIYE

Happy listening!



Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 28 – Draco and Harry, Two Eaglescouts, Sitting in a Field


*Jen has an incident free vacation in San Francisco – seriously. I’m not kidding.
*Alcatraz or Azkaban – you decide.
*Is that it? Is that it?
*What the hell is 8% grate?
*If you want to move to San Francisco – check the Obituaries.
*The great flood of 2007. Bring some liquor – you’ll need it.
*EagleScouts. Most eligible bachelors of the year.
*Rob, are you an eaglescout?
*Know this now, mice do not flush well.
*Jen comes to us from an undisclosed location after a fight with a fully grown troll.
*Jen LOVES these chapters.
*Ryan and bad cheese do NOT mix.
*Guilty pleasures are allowed.
*Jen and Ryan – two hour screaming match – I doubt it.
*Ryan has grumpy pants. He wears them.
*The PooFWa people analyze angst in their own relationships.
*Crickets! The bane of the bible belt!
*We ARE talking about AYLNO.
*Ryan is a “brilliant individual” – he did go to prep school.
*Hermione got an extra $5.00 in her paycheck.
*Snape out BSs Hermione
*We LOVE Draco
*Aspen’s Voldemort scarier than the bullhorn version.
*Slytherin Gryffindors
*Draco and Harry BFF
*Mask and Robe – what’s the real story? Plots within plots or accident?
*Melinda says Hi!
*Meg defends Ron. Again.
*Harry and Draco will remain clothed?
*Blooper Real
*Ahem. There is a reason this podcast is explicit – consider this your warning.
*A special segment involving Jen, a liquor store, and the SpellCrappers.

Rinna Recommends:

Price of Love by RogueSugah
LavenderBrown on Checkmated

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 27 – All Things Medicinal


Episode 27 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In our fifth installment on A Year Like None Other, by Aspen in the Sunlight, Jen, LadyChi, Meg, Kim, and I discuss Chapters 39-45…eventually. We first offer a solemn goodbye (sort of) to a dear friend, restart the Civil War, and talk about Snape. A lot.

Rinna Recommends:
Creative Quill

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 26 – Jen Zero, Nature One


Episode 26 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In our fourth installment on A Year Like None Other, by Aspen in the Sunlight, Jen, Phil, Meg, and I pull out all of the stops for our discussion of Chapters 30-38. In addition to our in-depth, articulate and gripping analysis and review of those chapters, we also manage to offend Texas, Canadian fiber optics, and answer those two big questions you’ve all been pondering:

Who is holding the lantern, and why did Jen pass out in her chicken?

Here are the visual aids we promised. I hope they make sense to you regardless of whether you’ve listened.


Rinna Recommends:

Minding the Baby, by Rhetor

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition #5: Poufwa Needs Helmets


PotterFicWeekly is pleased to present our fifth special edition podcast: a commentary of the Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone film!

It’s PFW. Poufwa. You’ve heard us before. You know what we can accomplish and what we can produce under pressure. That’s all you need to know about this podcast.

And yes, something blows up.

Feel free to start this podcast before starting your film. We’ll tell you when to hit play. We weren’t able to pull it off, but we have a very good feeling about you.


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 25 – Hedwig is an uber-Catholic, tire seducing, Celt-damning, smut-smoking suicide bomber


Episode 25 of PotterFicWeekly has been released! As you listen to our discussion of Chapters 23-29 of A Year Like None Other, please know that we profusely apologize.

-Phil is back!
-We all love Mexico
-Chi’s on NyQuill
-Public apology to Vampires everywhere
-“Stupid People in Yellowstone National Park”
-Ryan wins $20.00
-Ryan brings Jen to tears
-We all love the Canadians…and apologize to the Vancouverins.
-Jen is going to be one hot, skinny, babe.
-“I do…” “…And I’m Jen!”
-AYLNO is an Onion
-Kudos to Mercredi, most talented Beta alive
-Chi wow’s us with her uber-profoundness
-“Wicked Smart”
-“I wish I were Uber!”
-Moment of Silence because Hedwig flew over Yellowstone
-Ryan, the drinking game
-Angst is our crack
-Harry’s going to live, so we can all relax some
-Aspen’s Voldemort is one, scary dude.
-Draco/Hermione vs. Snape/Hermione, PFW host’s guilty pleasure
-Ryan and Phil need a ship. Fruit-bars don’t compare.
-Jen gets sent to the Headmaster’s Office
-The United States of England
-Aspen writes like an actual writer! Yeah!
-PFW Theme: It’s all about the aftermath
-Ryan is profound and forshadowing, but we can’t talk about it.
-Harry is like a rape victim…Excellent writing.
-Jen, the used car salesman
-Wink, wink, nudge, nudge
-The best ending and beginning of a chapter…ever.
-The importance of reading carefully
-The saddest scene ever…and Harry has no tear ducts.
-Ron has pretty hair.
-Harry doesn’t have a place he calls home?
-“You idiot Child”
-In-depth compare and contrast of AYLNO and AtE
-Pureblood Culture
-Potion Master is like a pharmacutical company
-Did Snape have to go to Healer school?
-Statis Potion: Canon or Fanfic…we don’t know.
-Ryan and Jen: The Fight (the battle of the teddy bears)
-Marriage: Women Superpowers
-Phil: The Story of my Life
-Rob: We love his sexy voice
-Ryan doesn’t inspire lust in Chi.
-Phil orders Room Service
-PFW Sings Happy Birthday to Phil!
-Jen seduces Tires

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 24 – Elves are people, too


Episode 24 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In the second installment of our thirteen episode series on A Year Like None Other, by Aspen in the Sunlight, I am joined by Kim and Meg for a discussion and analysis of Chapters 12-22. We revisit the characterization of Uncle SevSev, gush about the pensieve scene, while at the same time blaming this fic for my failure to win the presidency.

It’s just another day at the office for PotterFicWeekly.

Happy reading!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Please keep Jen in your thoughts


Katelestrange on the PFW forum always refers to PotterFicWeekly as family, and we certainly are. Those of us who turned on the lights here have only been together for six months, but there is no denying that we’ve forged lasting and permanent friendships. When you start a project like PotterFicWeekly you expect to learn about editing and audio programs and scheduling. You never expect to learn about yourself. This place has a way of sneaking up on you, and like it or not, family is what this place has become.

There can be no debate that Jen is the heart of our family.

If you just judge Jen by the podcast, she’s the wacky smut-addict who doesn’t quite understand the intricacies of parking brakes or tax fraud. It is true that she almost crushed her husband with the family car that one time, and she really did call 911 when she ran over a squirrel. Jen faced down a murderous grizzly bear to save her $8,000 camera lens, and has been a lifelong advocate for fanfic whales everywhere. We leave out mention of tornadoes, scorpions and vicodin only because you probably get the idea. Those of us who know Jen personally get asked all the time, “Is she really like that?” Unequivocally?


Everything we just mentioned is true, but it’s not Jen in a nutshell. Jen is a cancer survivor. In fact, she’s a survivor in every sense of the word. She’s endured stress and hardships that would cause many of us to give up and cry, and every single day, she’s been the Jen that you know from PotterFicWeekly. She’s faced challenges that no one her age or any age should ever have to face, and without complaint, she does just that.

She faces them.

While she has earned the right to be, Jen is not bitter about life. She loves life that much harder. She’s fiercely loyal, genuinely warm, and is one of those rare people who without realizing it and without having ever met any of us in person, has inspired us to be better people. Jen’s extremely humble. She once missed a podcast on account of having her appendix removed, and it took us five minutes to get her to stop apologizing for taking the week off. It’s against her nature to ask for help, so we’ll ask on her behalf.

Jen was hospitalized last week for problems related to her intestine and colon. She’s obviously no stranger to hospitals, and she’s obviously a fighter. She’s been discharged, but the six months are going to be critical for Jen and she has a long road ahead of her. She’ll try to be on the forums and is already insisting that she wants to be on next week’s podcast.

We at PotterFicWeekly didn’t get the privilege to know Jen the last time she needed thoughts and prayers, but we won’t let these months go by without reminding Jen every day how much she means to us, how much we need her, and how we have no doubt that she will do to her illness what she did to that grizzly bear – beat it with that special ingenuity that only Jen has. Please use this space to send Jen your continued positive thoughts and best wishes, and feel free to email her directly at jen@potterficweekly.com.

We love you Jen!

Ryan & LadyChi


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 23 – Remus Lupin is a lubricant


Episode 23 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

For the next thirteen weeks, PotterFicWeekly will be discussing and reviewing A Year Like None Other by Aspen in the Sunlight. AYLNO is a Snape/Harry adoption fic, and we welcome both hardcore fans and new readers as we venture away from canon for our third outing. That’s thirteen weeks of Jen stories. Thirteen weeks of Chi’s microphone cutting out, prompting her to sing her little heart out while the rest of us are trying to podcast. Thirteen weeks of Uncle SevSev!

Join Jen, Tina, LadyChi, Kim, and me as we review Chapters 1-11 of AYLNO. I could break the episode down into humorous bullet points at this point, but I’ll simply leave you with this.

Remus Lupin is a lubricant.

Happy reading!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition #4: Scorpions, Bears, and Canon, Oh My!


PotterFicWeekly is pleased to present our fourth and final special edition podcast in this series: a discussion of the end of canon and its effect on fanfiction. As luck would have it, our hosts agreed on everything and wrapped the episode in thirty minutes flat! After all, PotterFicWeekly is a well-oiled machine.

Consensus was our target. We were the laser.

To those of you who are regulars at the PFW forums, listen to us on a routine basis, or who are alive in any sort of way will have found the funny in that description. If not, www.potterficforum.com. Click on register. It’s the best decision you’ll ever make.

This was one of those episodes that didn’t really work unless you heard what happened in early soundcheck, after the closing credits, and during all of the moments that usually end up on the cutting room floor. For that reason, and because I spent most of my week in the car where podcast editing is somewhat discouraged, we present to you our first extreme episode of PotterFicWeekly. You’ll hear the madness that goes into a typical PFW recording session, with very little editing or cuts. We hope you enjoy the perspective, and the bonus dose of Jen. Let us know what you think, and maybe we’ll do this again sometime.

For those of you who get enough PFW in your week already, the real episode starts around the 30:00 mark, and Mac’s mailbag starts about 27 minutes from the end.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition #3: Jen wants an Alan Rickman blowup doll but is not a cannibal


PotterFicWeekly is pleased to present our third Special Edition Podcast: a discussion and analysis of Deathly Hallows.

Believe me, you won’t find a deeper discussion anywhere else. This thing needs wheels.

Join the entire PotterFicWeekly forum for a comprehensive yackfest of the final Harry Potter novel. I’m then joined by Mac and Danielle who offer a more philosophical review of Deathly Hallows. LadyChi fills in for Mac with this week’s mailbag, so if there are any veterinarians in the house, please see LadyChi after the show.

PotterFicWeekly will be back with a fourth special edition episode sometime in the next week where our overly medicated crew will discuss the end of canon and its effect on fan fiction, and then we’ll be back with our series on Aspen in the Sunlight’s A Year Like None Other. If you have any thoughts on these topics, send in voicemails. Mac loves it when people call him.

Okay, the podcast is over four hours long. Why are you still here? Go. GO!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition #2: The End of Potter Survival Guide


PotterFicWeekly is pleased to present our second Special Edition Podcast: The End of Potter Survival Guide.

Join Ryan, Jen, LadyChi, and Spellcast’s Robert Standring as we offer a brief introduction to the world of Harry Potter fan fiction, including our best recommendations for those who may never have considered fan fiction, but are now desperate for more story. We encourage you to recommend this episode to fellow Harry Potter fans as a way to bring them into the fandom.

To make the transition easier, this will the our shortest episode of PotterFicWeekly yet. But not to disappoint our regular listeners, we all take a sex quiz.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 22 – End of an Era


Episode 22 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

We have a two-part episode this week! Rinna, Jen, LadyChi, Mac and I close out the final four chapters of Melindaleo’s The Seventh Horcrux, and then Melinda joins the show to answer our behind-the-scenes and frankly drug-induced questions. I’d like to offer my eternal gratitude to Melinda for putting herself on the hotseat these past few weeks and allowing us to put her fic, once again, back under the microscope. Drinks are on me.

The myspace URL I give in tonight’s episode doesn’t seem to be working as of release time. This one should work.

PotterFicWeekly is going to take a breather over the next few weeks. Well, not so much. We’ll be shortly coming out with a podcast primer for fanfic beginners, and late next week we’ll release a thorough and likely lengthy review and analysis of Deathly Hallows. Once we absorb everything, we’ll release a podcast covering where we feel fan fiction goes from here.

From there, we launch a thirteen-week series devoted to our our third fic, Aspen in the Sunlight’s, A Year Like None Other, starting on August 15, 2007. Read ahead! We can’t wait to get started!

As for now, enjoy the canon, stay safe from spoilers, and we’ll see you on the other side.

Happy reading!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Special Edition #1: Snakie-Voldie-Nookie


PotterFicWeekly is pleased to present our first Special Edition Podcast: an analysis of the newly released Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix film.

Join Jen, Mac, Melindaleo, and guest-hosts KateLestrange and Xaphania from the PotterFicWeekly forum for this comprehensive discussion.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 21 – Bernard’s Been Totally Poisoned By Dairy Products!


Episode 21 of PotterFicWeekly has been released! Any only two days late!

I am joined by Jen and Mac and am pleased to welcome lightening-free Rinna back to PotterFicweekly! Along with Walmart, yokels, and emergency rooms, we discuss Chapters 24-29 of The Seventh Horcrux, by Melindaleo. No singing in this episode, although we left Mac alone with a microphone. Sorry about that.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode, and for our upcoming discussion on the final chapters of The Seventh Horcrux.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 20: The Necessity of Brakes and Earplugs


Episode 20 of PotterFicWeekly has been released! Three episodes in nine days. I need a nap.

I am joined by LadyChi, Jen, and Lalaith from the PotterFicWeekly forum for a discussion of Chapters 18-23 of The Seventh Horcrux, by Melindaleo. There will be singing in tonight’s episode, and I feel compelled to apologize.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode, and for our upcoming discussion on chapters 24-29 of The Seventh Horcrux.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 19 – Inferni, Functional Jen, and Tequila


Episode 19 of PotterFicWeekly has been released! Tell the truth. You never thought it would be out this soon. Admit it!

LadyChi, Jen, and liquor discuss and analyze Chapters 12-17 of The Seventh Horcrux, by Melindaleo. ‘Nuff said.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode, and for our upcoming discussion on chapters 18-23 of The Seventh Horcrux.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 18 – The Lack of Forward Progress


Episode 18 of PotterFicWeekly has finally been released! After an unforseen week off, Ryan & LadyChi are back on track with our discussion of Chapters 6-11 of The Seventh Horcrux, by Melindaleo. Rinna from the Future pops in with her thoughts on these chapters, including a rewind to Chapter 5. Forgive her audio quality. She’s recording from the inside of lightning.

We’re one episode behind on our pledge to complete The Seventh Horcrux by the release of Deathly Hallows, so expect a bonus episode to arrive at some point. Our plans for MasterFic Theater and our Writing Workshop are also progressing, so stay tuned!

In this episode:

* Phil from the future makes and appearance
* Ryan apologizes, belatedly, for PFW’s earliest episodes
* Why Chi doesn’t like cows and gets a parking space
* PFW disguised as NPR
* Ginny’s chest is a turning point
* Wormtail is either very intelligent or a butler
* Harry as a horcux – Chi is not a fan, Ryan disagrees
* Ryan will wet himself
* Molly’s journey as a mother
* Draco is on Anitiques Road Show
* Rinna weighs in on Fluer and Ron & Harry’s love for the Burrow
* Molly pwns Narcissa
* We LOVE Drunk!Harry!
* Writing fan fictions v. writing a novel
* Going with Harry’s gut – a good move?
* Stop, drop and roll

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode, and for our upcoming discussion on chapters 12-17 of The Seventh Horcrux.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 17 – The Gong of Jen


In Episode 17 of PotterFicWeekly, Ryan, Jen, LadyChi and Voicemail Phil discuss Chapters 1-5 of Melindaleo’s The Seventh Horcrux!

*There’s so much going on at PotterficWeekly!
*Harry and Ginny, Harry’s attachment disorder and assorted other Phil
*Dudley’s got magic, And Hogwarts is political.
*Ron and Harry are spooning, right?
*Chi’s got her tongue tied, and no she doesn’t want to try again.
*Ron the avenger!
*Harry’s coping mechanism, and Lost Little Boy Harry.
*Jen feels like burgers sometimes.
*The wizarding world is ‘The Jetsons’.
*Draco vs. Dudley: Celebrity Death Match!
*Jen abandons us, and Ryan and Chi go off on several tangents.
*Chi confesses why she needs therapy!
*The return of Uncle Remus.
*Drunk Harry’s social faux pas’ and why he gets away with it.
*Hermione and Bill are cabbage heads.
*Ryan says ‘juxtaposition’ correctly! Wahoo!
*Phil is here in spirit’ Or at least his dirty mind is.

We have solved our audio problems for Episode 18, although please bear with us this week!

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode, and for our upcoming discussion on chapters 6-11 of The Seventh Horcrux.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 16 – Charmed Mineral Water


In capping off our sixteen-episode After the End series, PotterFicWeekly is pleased to release our interview with Arabella, Zsenya and the people who helped to create this amazing story.

No bullet points this time. Listen and enjoy.

After you’re done, you’ll want to check out the Sugarquill’s new podcast, or should I say sqodcast. There’s no way Jennie’s not thinking of me when she pronounces Zsenya.

One last time, we’d like to thank Arabella, Zsenya, Rose K. Brown, and Maureen Knight for taking time out of their busy weekend to talk to Phil, Jules, Jen, and me. I’d like to thank Zsenya in particular for making this series more fun than it had any right to be.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 15 – Phil from the Future


Episode 15 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

It’s a short one. Don’t worry. It will never happen again.

You can listen to or download the episode at the bottom of this page.

In Episode 15, Host Ryan and Guest Hosts LadyChi and Phil discuss the outtakes and their final thoughts on After the End.

In this episode:

* Phil joins us through the magic of pre-recorded voice mail! Hi Phil!
* Ryan and LadyChi discuss the benefits of recording with mono
* Ryan wants to be taken… and LadyChi can’t talk
* “Rosie”= awwww.
* The Great Remus and Sirius debate!
* After the End’s parallels to real life history?
* Phil is smoking some good crack
* …and then Phil made Chi cry
* Why did Phil write those outtakes, anyway?
* Everyone gives their final thoughts. Goodbye, Farewell and Amen. (until next week)

You can read the outtakes here:

Tell Him About It, by Zsenya
The Morning After, by Zsenya
Writing History, by Zsenya
Alone With His Thoughts, by Phil
Healing, by Phil

On June 9, 2007, we will begin our discussion of the first six chapters of The Seventh Horcrux, by Melindaleo. Read ahead!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 14 – LadyChi is, in fact, not a rock


Episode 14 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

If these get any longer you’re going to have to call in sick.

You can listen to or download the episode at the bottom of this page.

In this episode, Ryan, Jen, LadyChi, Phil, and Melindaleo discuss the final chapters of After the End, by Arabella and Zsenya of the SugarQuill. In case you’re keeping score, that would be Chapters 41, 42, 43, and the epilogue.

In this episode, we discuss:

…Ryan’s pop quiz!
…Ginny’s motivation for caving in to Ron and why it involves a gas station…
…Attorney General Ronald Weasley, at your service…
…Harry’s Wand…
…Ryan’s R’s…
…the missing twenty minutes!
…Jen’s monologue on Harry’s naked chest…
…that LadyChi has a mind like a what?
…what Phil knows that he knows…
…Snape, who is apparently a very bad man…
…LadyChi’s desire to punch Frodo?!?!
…Arthur as Dumbledore on polyjuice!
…Lawrence!!! Lawrence!!!
…After the End – The Ultimate Kay Jewelers Commercial…
…Bill Weasley – Not Exactly Mr. Hands-On…
…Peanut the Puppet…
…that good will always win, but the darkness will always return…
…Secretary Privy Rose K. Umbridge…
…Draco’s Secret Super Duper Plan that involves a dome…
…Mama LadyChi on Sirius’ mode of transport.
…Jen’s retelling the final battle from the perspective of a whale.
…Adam Crusher…
…Harry’s saving people complex? Codswallop I say!
…Chi answering that burning question. Is she made of stone?
…Hagrid’s farewell.
…and while we’re at it, his last name’s Soprano.
…things you DON’T plan at 6PM.
…Harry as Tarzan.
…how to get a job in the Weasley Administration…
…our favorite moments in the final chapter.
…and our not-so-favorite moments from the epilogue.
…and then Phil and LadyChi go and make Jen cry.

You can find After the End on the SugarQuill here.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode, and for our upcoming discussions on the remainder of After the End.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 13 – The Search for 12


Episode 13 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Yes, you heard me.

You can listen to or download the episode at the bottom of this page.

In this episode, Ryan, Jen, LadyChi, Phil, and Melindaleo discuss Chapters 37 – 40 of After the End, by Arabella and Zsenya of the SugarQuill. Please note that the longer we talk, the punchier we get, and the more we sing and speak in rhythm.

In this episode:

…We welcome our largest cast ever: Ryan, Jen, LadyChi, Phil, and Melindaleo!
…Melinda loves “AtE”, thank goodness!
…Jen’s Imaginary Friend.
…The Blue Moon singing disaster blooper reel.
…”After the End”, the story of Redemption.
…Kicking Sirius in the head! – Jen goes Kung Fu!
…The Hypocritical butthole.
…The Pee Pondering.
…Ginny’s worst punishment.
…The most brilliant and brave 18 year olds in the world!
…The never-ending long debate of Ginny’s maturity: Adult vs. Child.
…Seamus the midget! And he’s Irish!
…Snow Plows vs. Lawn Mowers.
…Ryan’s “R’s”.
…The Death Eaters and the Holocaust.
…Voldemort, the boogieman.
…Fanfiction Draco Malfoy is HOT in leather!
…Lucius is a bad, bad, man.
…Inbred Casting for the Malfoy’s…perhaps the Royal family?
…Beleaguered = Harassed = Draco in his “special helmet”.
…The ladies choice favorite scene: Harry’s dam bursts.
…Charlie pisses Ryan off because…he’s naked?
…Remus, the fainting helper.
…Harry’s dog-sniffing of Ginny.
…Remus has got more issues than playboy.
…Adam is…such a good kid?
…Phil’s wonderful Gandhi quote.
…Good is going to win. The best line ever.
…Choices. Easy vs. Right. And what happens if Easy is Right?
…Ryan’s Star Trek XI and BattleStar Galactica Analogies!
…Chi’s “Back in the day”…
…Baby-Author Syndrome
…The lovliness that is the word, “Forclemped”, however you spell it.
…The Slayer of Voldemort.
…”Yeah!” they didn’t have sex!
…Jo’s Harry hasn’t peed in 7 years. The Troll scared him.
…Unanimous agreement on “The Perfect Moment”
…”I am here.” Ginny Harry
…Phil’s Best Last Lines.
…Tolkein 3:16

You can find After the End on the SugarQuill here.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode, and for our upcoming discussions on the remainder of After the End.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 11 – Vomiting Emotion


Episode 11 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

You can listen to or download the episode at the bottom of this page.

In this episode, Rinna and Ryan welcome Phil to the podcast for the discussion of Chapters 35 and 36 of After the End.

They discuss:

…Welcome Phil! He’s 13 hours ahead of us all!
…The attack of Rinna’s Dogs
…Banging the reader’s over the head with a gong.
…The Lucy and Ricky bed setup of Lupin Lodge.
…The harsh betrayal of the younger students at Hogwarts.
…The need for cops outside of Hogwarts…or are they in the basement with Snape?
…Voldemort is…Dr. Evil???
…Will Harry ever eat solid foods again?
…Ch. 15 – Harry discovers floss.
…Sirius’ *few* manic issues.
…Phil’s “me thinks Sirius protests too much”
…Papa Kitty is Lucius Malfoy fics.
…All of that Harry Destiny garbage…
…Rinna’s, “Hi, I’m emotion. Let me vomit all over you.”
…Ryan’s, “I’m on a break! I can’t quit you, Harry and Ginny.”
…Ginny’s, “He’s not dead. It’s worse. He’s blind.”
…Rinna’s, “Canon” Ryan. Not “Canyon!”
…Harry can handle the Dark Lord, but watch out with the women!
…The purple wrapped, absolutely ridiculous, gift to Ginny.
…Draco wants peace…for himself.
…Keeping up Appearances.
…Hang Draco Malfoy and ask questions later!!!
…Rinna and Phil seriously debate Draco Malfoy.
…Ryan’s “Go to Potter Fic Forums, not to a porn site.”
…”Fleur’s wards”

You can find After the End on the SugarQuill here.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode, and for our upcoming discussions on the remainder of After the End.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 10 – Mac and the Joke


Episode 10 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

You can listen to or download the episode at the bottom of this page.

The podcast, which covers Chapters 33 and 34 of After the End, takes a serious, slightly sarcastic turn as Host Jen and Guest Hosts Mac and Chi discuss:

…the moral implications of kicking characters.
…Mac and Chi – perfect people?
…Max is Adam, yet Max is less than Adam.
…Mac and Chi’s combined hatred of Draco Malfoy, and the stupidity of Ginny Weasley.
…Arabella and Zsenya trying to make a political statement?
…Sirius’s emotional age.
…what a Blast-Ended Skrewt looks like?
…the natural habitat of Blast-Ended Skrewts, tarantulas and women.
…Mac’s tragically estrogen-filled upbringing and the long-term psychological effects.
…the weirdness of Sexy!Neville
…Mac and Harry’s questionable eating habits.
…Mac’s unexpected dirty joke!
…Harry’s first time to second base
…an invitation for the ‘cast audience to pull open their iTunes and get their Marvin Gaye on!
…verbal promiscuity?

You can find After the End on the SugarQuill here.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode, and for our upcoming discussions on the remainder of After the End.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 9 – Cats & Burritos


Episode 9 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

You can listen to or download the episode at the bottom of this page.

In our ninth episode (or really tenth – I don’t know what we were thinking with half episodes!), Ryan and Rinna discuss and analyze chapters thirty through thirty-two of After the End, by Arabella and Zsenya of the SugarQuill.

They discuss…

…the Internal Revenue Service.
…why the Weasley’s rock.
…Bill in a tree.
…Hermione and her dad.
…cats, burritos, and why PETA will never sponsor PotterFicWeekly.
…Rinna’s 4AM wakeup calls.
…Penny’s flex-time schedule.
…Ginny’s not-so-secret secret.
…how we agree and disagree with all of these characters at the same time!
…Star Wars as a required fanfic reference.
…Black and Potter. Say no more.
…Rinna’s constant use of the word “right”.

You can find After the End on the SugarQuill here.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode, and for our upcoming discussions on the remainder of After the End.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 8.5 – The Women Take Over


Episode 8.5 of PotterFicWeekly has been released! (We get distracted and tend to forget to cover four chapters an episode. I can’t imagine why!)

You can listen to or download the episode at the bottom of this page.

In our eighth (and a half…th?) episode, the women take over PotterFicWeekly. Jen, and guest-hosts LadyChi and Danielle, discuss and analyze chapters twenty-eight and twenty-nine of After the End, by Arabella and Zsenya of the SugarQuill.

They discuss…

…Hermione’s complete range of haircare products.
…Ron’s sexy cursing.
…Jen leaving her husband due to said cursing.
…Jen wishing her name was a shape.
…Ron/Mr. Doyle – the new George/Madam Rosmerta?
…Max the prat.
…Harry the interior decorator.
…dirty letters and Star Wars geeks.
…Ron, Hermione, and a certain couch.
…why canon Cho must apparently die.
…Ron talking like a man!
…where the flying motorbike came from.
…Harry acting like a man!
…the time-delayed effects of prescription pain medication on Midwesterners.

You can find After the End on the SugarQuill here.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode, and for our upcoming discussion on Chapters 30-33.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 8 – The Very Late, Really Not Long, Podcast from Hell


Episode 8 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

You can listen to or download the episode at the bottom of this page.

In our eighth episode, Ryan and guest-host LadyChi discuss and analyze chapters twenty-six through twenty-seven of After the End, by Arabella and Zsenya of the SugarQuill.

They discuss…

…Bill the not-so ladies’ man.
…LadyChi’s defense of Ron and her desire to kick Ginny.
…A&Z at their very, very best.
…Ginny apparently getting drunk.
…Exhibitionist Ravenclaws.
…Eloise & Colin – the dimmest couple ever!
…and a whole lot more that’s totally off-topic!

You can find After the End on the SugarQuill here.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode and for our upcoming discussion and analysis of Chapters 28-31, we hope. 🙂

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 7 – In Which We Discuss the Need for Harry/Ginny Viagra Commercials and Buttsex–Ryan is Obviously MIA


Episode 7 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

You can listen to or download the episode at the bottom of this page.

In our seventh episode, Rinna, Jen, and guest-host Mac discuss and analyze chapters twenty-two through twenty-five of After the End, by Arabella and Zsenya of the SugarQuill.

They discuss…

…singing telegrams
…good dreams and the people who dare to wake them up!
…Rinna’s fear of intimacy.
…Jen’s fear of levitation.
…Mac’s fear of….why this episode is rated R.
…the laws of freakin’ physics, people.
…Harry’s ipod.
…whether Draco Malfoy needs a lethal injection or a firm hug.
…love, letters and quidditch.
…really really well-written characters.
…whether Jen prefers Naked Sirius or Charlie in a towel.

You can find After the End on the SugarQuill here.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode and for our upcoming discussion and analysis of Chapters 26-29.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 6 – Illegal portkeys should not be allowed in water basins


Episode 6 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

You can listen to or download the episode at the bottom of this page.

In our sixth episode, Ryan, Rinna and Jen discuss and analyze chapters eighteen through twenty-one of After the End, by Arabella and Zsenya of the SugarQuill.

We discuss…

…our views on the weather.
…Harry’s dreams, his hero complex, and his pants.
…why Rinna is a bad influence on Jen.
…Gwen the Diary, some of us using the word disturbing no less than three times.
…popular apparation techniques.
…rude portkeys.
…A&Z’s choice of character perspective.
…Ginny’s gift.
…a mistake we found in After the End!!!! Or not.
…Mr. Archibald and his wand.
…really big eagles.

Jen cries a lot again, and we have listener feedback and a response from Zsenya. That’s not what made her cry though. It was our goal to make these episodes shorter. This episode is the longest yet. If you listen to our podcast in your car, please detour a hundred miles on your way home from work.

You can find After the End on the SugarQuill here.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode and for our upcoming discussion and analysis of Chapters 22-25.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 5 – Remus the Renaissance Man, Secretary Rose K. Brown and Ordinary People


Episode 5 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

You can listen to the episode at the bottom of this page. If you wish to download the episode to your computer, just right-click here.

In our fifth episode, Ryan and Jen discuss and analyze chapters fifteen through seventeen of After the End, by Arabella and Zsenya of the SugarQuill.

We discuss…

…noble Ron.
…Draco’s sink.
…Black. Sirius Black. Esquire.
…how Hermione is not a people person.
…the introduction to Penny Weasley.
…Hurricane Molly.
…Remus the diplomat.
…everyone’s favorite ship: George/Rosmerta.
…a thousand years of courage.
…and just how easy it is to make Jen cry!

You can find After the End on the SugarQuill here.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode and for our upcoming discussion and analysis of Chapters 18-21. (We promise this time!)

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 4 – The Etymology of ‘Biting It’, and Rose K. Brown is Not Your Toy


Episode 4 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

You can listen to the episode at the bottom of this page. If you wish to download the episode to your computer, just right-click here.

In our fourth episode, Ryan and Rinna welcome Jen to the podcast as a full time host!

Our panel discuss and analyze chapters twelve through fourteen of After the End, by Arabella and Zsenya of the SugarQuill.

We discuss:

…Kim’s destructive computer.
…the very private lives of Remus and Sirius.
…Secretary Privy Rose K. Brown
…Tom the wimpy bartender.
…Sirius, Ginny, and the failure to communicate.
…handkerchiefs and ladels
…Remus biting it.
…Homework repellent.
…Voldemort’s Hawaiian vacation.
…and feedback from Zsenya!!!

You can find After the End on the SugarQuill here.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode and for our upcoming discussion and analysis of Chapters 15-19, and for our first PotterFicWeekly discussion (which really is coming!) on, The End of Canon: Its effect on fanfic.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 3 – Hi, I’m Jen, Hufflepuffs get priority seating, and pronouncing Zsenya 101


Episode 3 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

You can listen to the episode at the bottom of this page. If you wish to download the episode to your computer, just right-click here.

In our third episode, Ryan and guest-host Jen discuss and analyze chapters eight through eleven of After the End, by Arabella and Zsenya of the SugarQuill.

We discuss:

…Jen’s inner-Slytherin.
…a message from Zsenya!
…Ginny’s patience.
…Ron’s temper.
…Jen’s crush on Oliver wood.
…the return of the towel!
…Harry’s many birthday presents!
…Draco and Harry, After the End…
…the strength of Hermione.
…Firebolts and bathroom breaks…
…the many different reasons for letting Harry sleep.
…Sirius and Remus as parents.
…Hermione on Ron’s temper.
…highly classified bedtime reading.
…the most important part of the story!

We are also pleased to present Pictures of You, a one-shot by Drie of Checkmated.com, narrated by Danielle. Kleenex are not required but highly recommended for this somber Ron/Hermione fic.

You can find After the End on the SugarQuill here.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode and for our upcoming discussion and analysis of Chapters 12-15, and for our first PotterFicWeekly discussion on, The End of Canon: Its effect on fanfic..

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 3 Delayed

Due to real life poking its ugly head in our affairs, Episode 3’s release will be slightly delayed. The episode has been recorded and is currently in post-production, and we anticipate a release anytime between Tuesday evening and Thursday morning.

Future episodes will likely be released on Thursdays to allow additional time for the post-production process, although depending on how caffeinated we get, perhaps even sooner. In good news, you can anticipate some goodies over the next few weeks, so stay tuned!

You can subscribe to PotterFicWeekly on our iTunes feed to the right, or sign up for email alerts if you have not already done so.


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 2 – Bloody job offers, the necessary killing of Oliver Wood, and naked Charlie to the rescue


Episode 2 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

You can listen to the episode at the bottom of this page. If you wish to download the episode to your computer, just right-click here.

In our second episode, Ryan, Kim, and Rinna discuss and analyze chapters four through seven of After the End, by Arabella and Zsenya of the SugarQuill.

Our panel discusses:

…a very special announcement for a future PotterFicWeekly episode!
…the ever-complicated relationship of Harry and Ginny.
…Colin Creevey, friend or foe?
…Hermione’s career plans.
…Mundungus Fletcher, the untold story.
…Charlie’s towel.
…the brilliantly written Ron and Ginny.
…the next door neighbor.
…the even more brilliantly written Remus Lupin.

You can find After the End on the SugarQuill here. You can also click here to find its Yahoo Group and a downloadable version of the novel.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode and for next week’s discussion and analysis of Chapters 8-11, and for our first PotterFicWeekly discussion on, The End of Canon.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 1 – Welcome to PotterFicWeekly: A 1 hour podcast!


The first episode of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

You can listen to the episode at the bottom of this page. If you wish to download the episode to your computer, just right-click here.

New! Click here to read a transcript of this episode!

In our first episode, Ryan, Kim, and Rinna discuss and analyze the prologue and first three chapters of After the End, by the SugarQuill’s own Arabella and Zsenya.

Our panel discusses:

…how Arabella and Zsenya took ambiguous pronoun lessons from JKR herself!
…their perfect interpretation of Sirius Black.
…the broken and traumatized survivors of the second Voldemort war.
…the question on everybody’s mind: Is Sirius really that chipper in the morning?
…Charlie, Bill, and a shrub.
…how when it comes to Fleur, Arabella and Zsenya had insider information.
…the smell of coffee in the morning.
…canon Ginny, no, Arabella and Zsenya’s Ginny, no, canon Ginny, no wait….
…how recording five words takes seventeen takes!

You can find After the End on the SugarQuill here. You can also click here to find its Yahoo Group and a downloadable version of the novel.

We hope you’ll visit our forum, and also send in your written and audio feedback on this episode and for next week’s discussion and analysis of Chapters 4-7.

Click here to find out how to contact the show.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Journey’s End

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be released on Saturday, July 21, 2007, one week after the release of the Order of the Phoenix film.

I’m in shock it’s almost over. In six months, absent Jo’s potential Hogwarts, a History encyclopedia, the canon is finished. I had secretly been betting for a summer 2008 release date to give Jo more time to work on the book and to stretch things out. This seems too rushed.

Perhaps the writing was complete and there was no reason to wait another full year to release the book. I just cannot fathom from a marketing standpoint how pulling the entire audience away from theaters for three days in a blockbuster’s second weekend helps either the book or the movie. Some people won’t fork out for both, and even waiting a month would have given each their due.

But I’m done complaining now. In six months, the final installment will be released, and I don’t believe I’ll be sleeping much mid-summer.

All I can say is, come August, thank God for the fanfic!

You can discuss the release date of Deathly Hallows here on the forums!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

Episode 1 Update

Episode 1 of PotterFicWeekly, a new podcast dedicated to in-depth discussion and analysis of Harry Potter fan fiction, will be released on February 13, 2007. In this episode we will be covering the prologue and first three chapters of After the End, by Arabella and Zsenya. This fic is rated R for mature themes and may not be suitable for younger listeners.

We hope you’ll join us and participate in the podcast. Click here for information on how to take part.


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.