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Joint Podcast #1 – Spellcast visits Poufwania for Quaffle Talk


PotterFicWeekly’s first joint podcast has been released!

In this New Year’s Eve episode, released a mere seven days late, Jen and I join the Spellcast and Quaffle Talk crews to discuss 2007 – the most exciting year in the Harry Potter fandom so far – and what you can expect from our podcasts in 2008!

We hope you enjoy this joint podcast, and we hope we can do many more of them over the coming year. Please check out both Spellcast and Quaffle Talk if you haven’t already done so!

Again, to all Poufwanians, thanks for such a great year. Happy New Year and 2008!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.