Welcome to the place where the story never ends!

In the words of Mike from episode 90 – No one panic.

I SWEAR I didn’t break the forum! It wasn’t me, I was off doing church things being as it is Sunday here in the future. Ryan is still in the past, in Ireland, and as soon as I can find someone in the present to press the right button all shall be well.

In the meantime we have a Facebook page

Hopefully, we’ll see you soon back on the forum – feel free to download a podcast or two while you’re here 😉

Episode 91 – Where in the hell is Rae, Harry needs brain bleach & Mike encourages stalkers

Episode 91 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Join us for the fourth installment in our series on The Psychic Serpent Trilogy by Barb.

In this episode the Peons take over as we cover chapters 1 through 7 of Harry Potter and the Time of Good Intentions. Highlights for tonight include:

~ Kayla isn’t prepared because she’s moving to Germany.

~ The New Lord Voldie:  He’s the new Hair Club for Men Spokesman.

~ Draco and Harry BFFs.

~ Potterficweekly, you never know who your hosts really are…

~ Recording Rae = Epic Fail

~ The Hero’s List:  No ticking alarm clocks.

~ Harry’s Hot Liquid Sexiness.

~ Snape the good Dad.

~ Harry does the math:  Brain Beach Please.

~ “Stalkers Never Give Up”

~ Hufflepuff Truth or Dare.

~ Draco is a good friend, really.

~ Beware of Hogwarts Ghosts:  “Fix it!”

~ Mike has questions and more questions.

~ The newest Hufflepuffs are loyal men of action.

~ Elvis is in the Podcast.

~ Rae finds herself in an episode of COPS!

In Episode 34 of PeonCast, The Next Generation: Birthday Presents, a Hufflepuff from Peanuts, and Dallas Ruins Fanfiction we cover F Words 3: The F Word.  Available here or here, and also (at the second link) read on audio by the author.

  • Death Eaters: better or worse than cockroaches?
  • Non-forking family trees
  • A moment of silence for Fred
  • How long a line?
  • Definitely more depth than a teaspoon
  • Tension, release, and ways of doing so
  • Always theirs together
  • The important F-word

Episode Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Kayla, Scott, Mike
Episode Guests: Dethryl
Peons: Sue, Kayla, Daniel, Loswen
Poufwa Editor: Sue, Omly
PeonCast Editor: Scott
Episode Length: 2’18’05

Episode 90 – Neville’s a drug addict, Rosmerta needs HRT and Hermione’s on Viagra

Episode 90 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Join us for  the third instalment in our series on The Psychic Serpent Trilogy by Barb.

In this episode we cover chapters 24 through the Epilogue of The Psychic Serpent. In this episode:

Mike podcasts from a falling dryer on Neptune that is rolling down a hill infested with cockroaches

Jen2 and Kezza break up over movie tickets and biscuit cans but Kezza and Mr Kezza get married in spite of Titanic

Mike breaks up with Draco and Ryan breaks Mike with hugs and a love-meter

The Harry Potter child actors meet Diff’rent Strokes and grow pot while dressed as transvestites without knickers looking super-meg-foxy-awesome hot

Ryan cracks against Jo Rowling and menopausal Rosmerta while favouring the F-word

Mike makes Jen2 blush in the fluffy room and Kezza loses it at the thought of popcorn

Dethryl collides with Wizards in Kilts and Mike and Kezza try to forget Irish lesbian McGonagall and Scottish Seamus

Ryan Turns Around for Barb, Dethryl ships Mike and Ryan thinks about Kezza’s popcorn when he should be working
Mike solves the duelling mystery and is not helped by the quicksand wisdom dispensed by the hosts

None of the hosts know who the Head Boy is, who dated Cho and Fleur, if Cedric Diggory has more going for him than great hair or whether Roger Davies is evil or just boring like Terry Boot

Even when they all drop off the call they pick it right back up again right where they left off talking about Harry’s banana

There is nothing to be said about the Viagra … just listen as Mike delivers a safe sex PSA

In Episode 33 of PeonCast: The Next Generation, Three Puffs and a Gryffy walk into a Podcast, the Peons share with us Antosha’s The F Words 2: Fame.

Loswen arrived to balance out the Puffiness but we forgot to tell her to read the previous chapter. Oops.

The Hufflepuffs steal Harry and Luna, the Gryffindors throw Hermione out and Daniel plucks heartstrings. Then it?s time for popcorn as The Next Generation goes back, waaaay back to Number Ten …

Listen on as Daniel and Loswen have a showdown, Dumbledore is cast in Lord of the Rings because he has a ring and Kayla gets visitors to Canada, the safest place next to Oz …

Episode Hosts:  Ryan, Jen2, Kezza, Mike
Episode Guests:  Sue, Dethryl
Peons:  Sue, Kayla, Daniel, Loswen
Poufwa Editor:  Kezza
PeonCast Editor:  Sue
Episode Length: 2’45’21

Episode 89 – Blah, blah, blah, blah … blah, blah … blah blah – and Huggles is Getting Hitched!

In this instalment of PotterFicWeekly, we review chapters 11-23 of The Psychic Serpent by Barb. Stay tuned for some exciting announcements!

In the actual fic …

Hermione visits the water cooler to protect against Harry’s super sperm

Harry’s penis is conflicted and leading him around the castle like his own very short leash

Draco Malfoy is a Skeevy Perv, George has a beautiful chest and fake Neville, the bagel is not horny enough

Sandy is a Big Brother Contestant but clearly, it’s actually a teen sex comedy – behold, Porky’s at Hogwarts

In other news …

The ED belongs to Ryan (unfortunate …)

Aaron and Dethryl are too young to laugh about sixteen candles and Daniel Radcliffe is a poor’ little tiny man

None of this was apparently enough to keep a red-blooded American male awake … WAKE UP AARON!

On Tonight’s PeonCast Scott goes MIA but Editor Sue comes to the rescue as the team begin their sojourn with Antosha’s F Words, er series, with the first fic – Friends.

Introducing Ryan and Chi’s Love Child

~Cody is in a tunnel

~Luna has Faith

~Dan doesn’t know which twin dies

~ Terrible Teens

~It’s all Sue’s fault

~Scott’s audio is contagious

~Kayla’s blond moment

Episode Hosts: The Ghost of Ryan, Jen2, Kezza
Episode Guests: Melinda, Aaron, Dethryl
Peons: Sue, Cody, Scott, Kelly, Kayla
Peon Special Guest:
Poufwa Editor: Omly, Kezza
PeonCast Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 2’29’52