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Episode 77 – Shipping Mike/Ella during a Poufwa Blackout while Jen loses a foot

Episode 77 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In the penultimate episode of Poufwa’s second season, like Jen’s runaway Camry, we cruise to the finish in style before crashing into a large wooden fence.

Recorded during the Great Poufwa Blackout of 2009, PS, Mike and Aaron steer the ship, Camry…whatever it is…through a discussion and analysis of the Backward with Purpose companion, The Book of Albus, by Deadwoodpecker. Picture two Star Trek geeks and the guy who thinks Professor Xavier is the captain of the starship Voyager debating time travel.

For those of you who loved Special Edition #4 from Poufwa’s first season but can’t remember what the episode was actually about, this is the episode for you. Poufwa was down. The chain of command had collapsed. Within thirty minutes, the topic turns to, and I’m quoting, “If you could remove Ryan’s brain and insert it into another host’s body, who would you choose and why?”

That’s just the first hour.

You’ll also hear Jen’s brief return to Poufwa, which lasts just long enough for her to injure herself in the stupidest way possible, treat herself with makeshift medical supplies I find in her freezer, and try to stay conscious by solving math problems involving Jimmy the Bus Boy and the worst scale ever built.

We also interview Ella. She doesn’t know any poetry, and we’re shipping her with Mike because it works. He’s not the father.

That. We. Know. Of.

Links from tonight’s episode:

Natural Order by moshpit
Altered Destinies by DobbyElfLord
Ginny Returns by _KB_

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: PS, Mike, Aaron, Ryan, Jen1, Jen2, Legobean, Kezza, Kelly
Special Guest: Ella! She wrote the thing!
Editor: Ryan
Episode Length: 4’17’51

Episode 76 – Sue watches bagel MPREG, Arthur doesn’t wear a helmet and Lily poops Boggarts

Episode 76 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In tonight’s episode of PotterFicWeekly, our hosts discuss Chapters 39 through the Outtakes of Backward with Purpose, by Deadwoodpecker, proving once again that our hosts can and will, when given the opportunity, turn something totally benign into a confusing mess, monologue incessantly and gossip like old women.

Some of tonight’s highlights include:

Sue discusses bagel mpreg;

Ryan publicly apologizes to Jen2 for sucking her into the madness of BSG;

Classic Jen bails because of Lee’s butt problems;

Mike buys LSD;

Ryan gets the down-low on Merlin;

PS establishes the existence of Ron’s intelligence;

Ryan, going senile, completely misses major plot points of Deathly Hallows, Snape doesn’t die a lame death and Lavender Brown may be alive;

PS reveals flashbacks from a former life;

A conversation about Daphne Greengrass leads Aaron to monologue on Hitler;

PS frets over the absence of Slughorn and why stories aren’t worth reading if Sluggy isn’t on the character list;

All this and more awaits you…

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, PS, Sue, and Aaron (Kronkk)
Editor: Jen2
Episode Length: 1’56’37