Welcome to the place where the story never ends!

Episode 255: Poufwa, We Are Easy to Confuse!

Enjoy this one shot of “How Moody Got His Eye” by pyttan. In this one, Moony is working on two computers, Sue is confused and Scott has the info. In the story we find that Moody saves his partner at his cost.  His nurse is going above and beyond, his friends are great and the Malfoys will pay. This is a fun little one shot with lots of humor over a not so nice subject.  

The link Scott finds to the table has disappeared, sorry.  If he finds it again, I’ll post it in the forum.

Also in the podcast:

What’s the weather?
Moony’s Poking things
We’re all tired.
Maggie Cat going for car rides
Frozen pipes
Asking strangers for a ride
Moody, not Moony
TPS reports
Sue is to dates as JKR is to math
Don’t use the D word
Moody in a towel
Little Lucy
It’s for your own protection
Dangerous carvings

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 57’24

Episode 254: I’m Not a Hero, I’m a Hostage!!

Here is our last installment of “Dudley’s Dilemma” by kakistocrat. Tonight we finish out our coverage of this story. We start off with Dudley and family waking up in a dungeon and things go bad from there. The family must save themselves as Harry and help are not fairing so well. With a little magic things work out and Dudley finds himself at Platform 9 and 3/4s saying goodbye to his second child. If you’ve enjoyed this story, you should read the sequel. We hope you’ve enjoyed our ramblings about this one.

Also in the podcast:

Magical houses have dungeons
We must kill Harry Potter
Sore back
The witch is going to be mad
I’m fine
Broken bones
Tug of war
Evil books
Disney movies are creepy
Super Dudley
TMI Harry

Hosts: Sue, Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’17’14