Welcome to the place where the story never ends!

Episode 217: Poufwa, Off Topic? No! Never!!

We begin our coverage of “The Accidental Animagus” by White Squirrel. In this story Harry has an unusual way to escape the Dursley’s. Hermione takes after her Mom and Dumbledore is a social worker. We talk kitties, both at home and in the story. Tricia is the only T and Sue brings vomit to the podcast. The hosts talk about what they did in Elementary School. And the kids learn to defend themselves. And with this story we go back to a longer podcast.

Also in the podcast:

Kitty acne
Crazy Kitty
Kiss that mic
No Harry
Cute Little Hermione
He’s a cat
Go to your room
Follow up visits?
Can you come back tomorrow?
Tricia’s running
Interesting wardrobe
More questions
Muggle Martial Arts
He’ll be my brother
Recess monitor
Naked paramedics tonight on AMC
Encyclopeda Poufwania
The points don’t matter.
Being responsible
He’s Santa Claus
Ball of yarn
Too many hats

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host: Scarlett
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 2’16’39

Episode 216: We are Awesome!!

In our last episode covering “Hogwarts Houses Divided” by Inverarity, we see how the kids get away from the goblins. We also see that Draco cares, Slytherins are brave and Lupin is an idiot. The hosts talk about a game the POVWeekly crew wants to play. We finish this out with a BANG!!

Also in the podcast:

Explosives are like fireworks
Save the House Elfs
Thesis on Human Behavior
Map user screen
Human pet
Mind the goblin
It was a drive by
He’s a ghost
Share my bathroom
Can ghosts snog?
Like Neville

Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Moony
Editor: Sue
Total runtime: 1’50’44