Welcome to the place where the story never ends!

Episode 206: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Weasley Sweater

Tonight we bring you “We Belong II: In America” by mj2007. In this episode we talk about School Holidays, Headstart and crawdads. We also learn that Tricia is having battery trouble and Moony likes to sing. Well we already knew that about Moony. Sue recs some TV shows and starts a cooking discussion. When we finally get to the fic, we meet Mr. O’Malley, he’s going to give Molly a run for her money in the hate department. We also talk about “The Stolen Base that Changed the World” and decide we need Kelly back to tell us more about it. And we find that George is learning to cook. We enjoy seeing George being a muggle in America.

Also in this podcast:

~Ulrich says “HI”
~The Dance
~Burning water
~Eating glass
~”Pick her up”
~JKR is a man
~Parenting 101
~Daddy Draco
~Naked George

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Hosts: Moony
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’56’41

Episode 205: Molly Redeemed, We Hate Amos Now

In this episode we finish our coverage of “We Belong” by mj2007. We find that Tricia is still not happy with Molly, she may never trust her again.  Sue loves small towns, Moony and Scott need references and Tricia bares her soul.  In the story, there’s fireworks, a food fight and a skillful Draco.  We find that Fred is still looking over the family and Cedrick has plans of his own.  Amos has gone off the deep end. He is in pain and wants to cause others to feel it too.  The plan is to send George and Alfred to 1 2 3 Pineapple Street. We enjoyed this so much we have decided to do We Belong in America next.

Also in this podcast:

~Bye bye apple tree
~A puppy
~A parrot for Moony
~Trick or treating
~I want that shirt
~Moony does the math
~Lush Pansy

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Hosts: Moony
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’58’17