Happy Holidays Poufwa!! We are not releasing a PFW holiday episode, but there is a POVWeekly holiday episode. If you’d like to listen go to PointofviewWeelkly
Posted on December 25th, 2014 by Sue
Filed under: Special Editions | Comments Off on Special Edition 40: Ryan is Not Melindaleo

In our second installment of “Shadow Walks” by lorien829, we are joined by Poufwa alumni Ryan. He’s got a new set up and it’s not quite what he had in mind. We talk about grout, chickens and 5Ks and that’s all before we begin the show. Then we start the show and get off topic immediatley with talk of Alan Rickman. Once we buckle down, we find that Harry suspects Hermione isn’t dead, Luna feels the world is out of sync and there are many worlds. It’s a wild ride, but will get wilder in the next set of chapters. Also in this episode, we have a mysterious new forum member who works with Ryan, but he doesn’t know her. You’ll never guess how this one ends.
Also in this podcast:
~Where’s Ryan?
~The man and his cat
~History made
~Solar powered chickens
~Ryan makes Tricia an offer
~Barn boards
~Ryan shares Snarry
~Harry’s sister
~Bye Ryan
~Evil Harry
~The ghosts can see
Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host: Ryan
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’06’07
Posted on December 20th, 2014 by Sue
Filed under: Episodes | Comments Off on Episode 200!! Rickman as Reagan