Welcome to the place where the story never ends!

Episode 193: Snape Wears Black Silk Jammies and a Grin

We are finishing up our discussion “In Care Of” by Fang’s Fawn. In this episode we see what happens to Harry when Vernon gets mad.  Warning, we talk frankly about child abuse and may get a little graphic.  We come up with several ideas for fan art – please make them for us.  Pee features in our discussion tonight, not once but twice.  We enjoy watching Snape have a change of heart in this story.  We hope you enjoyed the story and our discussion of it.
Also in this podcast:

~Sue’s trees
~Scott’s adventures
~Snape’s change of heart
~Harry has no trust for adults
~No lips
~Fertilizing the flowers
~Not even Fs
~Tricia appears
~Daddy Voldie
~You bit me!!

Host: Sue, Scott, Tricia
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’58’57

Episode 192: Do You Know Where Your Towel Is?

Here is our second discussion of “In Care Of” by Fang’s Fawn. In this episode, we find out that Snape and Harry have like childhoods. Snape is a captive audience and can’t deny what he sees, no matter how much he’d like to. We also find out that Kat is a Hufflepuff, Sue’s wearing very little and Scott had an adventure. PSA, Sue’s Mom is out using a chainsaw, so ignore the noise. Along the way we wonder how old we are, and why does Dudley have a hamster cage. This starts to really heat up just as we are ending, so you may want to read ahead for next time.

Also in this podcast:

~Alex is being a PITA
~Hitchhikers Guide
~St. Potter
~Harry – no meals
~Minor injuries
~Hot & Sweaty
~No satisfaction

Host: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Kat
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’25’07