Welcome to the place where the story never ends!

Episode 189: If Not for Tribbles, Sue Wouldn’t Be Here Now

This is the end of our coverage of “Soul Bound ” by LJ user Sarhea. In this episode, Sue’s been at the lake, Rachel hasn’t slept and Scott tells of the goodness of aloe. Sue messes up an episode title, it’s not Trouble with Tribbles, oops. In the story we follow along as Vulcan is attacked and Hermione tries to hide the planet. Along the way we find out that Spock approves, Harry gets rewarded and Luna is in a deep sleep. We all enjoyed the story, even those of us who didn’t think we would. Tune in next time for a one shot about Teddy Lupin.

Also in this podcast:

~Doctor Who
~Fast tracking
~Spock’s emotions
~”I can do it.”
~Tribble Bunnies

Hosts: Sue, Scott,
Special Guests: Rachel
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’43’52

Episode 188: Hermione in Leather and Kirk’s Under the Bed

We continue our coverage of “Soul Bound ” by LJ user Sarhea. We begin by talking about PAX, LeakyCon and Musicals, but soon we get to the story. We learn that the trio is going to be adopted by various Vulcan families, rooms can be hidden and Luna makes batteries. We appreciate Scott’s “last time on Soul Bound….” We hope you enjoy the story as much as we have.

Also in this podcast:

~Mute Button
~Cat on the Computer
~Mad cat
~New Home
~Green Eyed Monster
~Kirk Under the Bed
~Motorcycle Mama

Hosts: Sue, Scott,
Special Guests: Rachel
Editor: Sue
Time: 1’35’13