Welcome to the place where the story never ends!

Special Episode 37: Christmas, Football and Pumpkin Pancakes

Happy Holidays from PFW to all of you. Today we are talking about “Christmas on the Outside ” by Equinox Chick. As always when Poufwainains get together we start with talking about the weather, some of us are freezing while Jenny is Hot! Scott starts us off with a reading, Tricia is sexy voiced and Sue is invaded by animals. We find Dean, Ted, Griphook and some others on the run on Christmas Eve and see what they do to keep the Christmas spirit. We hope you all have a safe and happy holiday and get to spend it with people you enjoy being with.

Also on this podcast:
~Kitty doors
~Make my Day!
~Check out the Aurors on POV Weekly
~Fish and bread
~Bacon and butter
~Dean’s drawings
~Christmas Crackers
~It’s a date.

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott
Guest Hosts: Jenny
Time: 1’13’04

Episode 178: Sue’s Sick, Scott’s Monologuing and Tricia says, “Aw Puke.”

This may be Poufwa’s shortest podcast ever! In this episode we talk about Ron and Hermione’s wedding in “Eleven Slightly Irreverent Ron and Hermione’s Wedding Moments ”by redsiodaslair. We find Sue dying, Scott channeling Ryan and Tricia underwater as we try and discuss this story. Tricia thinks it’s too fluffy, but we do get Charlie in a towel, so it can’t be all bad.

Also on this podcast:
~Mr. Poe
~No fighting foreplay
~Roll reversal
~Bill with a bucke
~Hermione’s secret
~”My wife”
~Tiger Balm
~Spoons falling

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott
Time: 38’39