Welcome to the place where the story never ends!

Episode 165: Don’t Do Anything Stupid!

We end our series on “A Little More Time” by Pallas this week. In this episode Tricia is mad and she’s not afraid to use adult words to show it. In fact we all use a few adult words as we talk about Remus and Tonks and the lawyers. You know how you felt about Umbridge? That’s how we feel about some of the characters in this story. We feel that Harry is stupid, tawyers are bad and where’s the Chief Warlock? We all like how it ends with carrot cake.

If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun. There is a live skype chat during the podcast, just message Ryan or Sue if you’d like to join.

A few show notes:

~Forum Take Over
~Bad Kitty
~Time Lines
~Pocket in Throat
~So Mad
~Muting Charm
~Vomit Again
~Morph Off
~Read the fic

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott
Guest Host: Deth
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’01’45