Last week, hosts and guest hosts sat down to talk with Anne B. Walsh about her original work, Dangerverse and Be Careful. We had such long podcasts on the series, Anne didn’t have a chance to listen to all of them, but she does have a few comments on them. We find it’s fun to be able to ask her questions and get an answer that makes sense. She tells us that we are smarter than we think and that the original podcasters on Dangerverse and the podcasters on Be Careful have a wild theory that’s actually right. Who knew we were so on top of things? Anne has her sister and roommate pop in and there’s an annoying buzzing, I think it’s a really big fly. In the meantime, Phil is convinced the butterbeer in the UK is much better than ours, there are pets everywhere and we play with words. We hope you enjoy our discussion, we sure did.
Also in this Episode:
~10 Chapter Fluff Fic
~Phil is a fanboy
~New English Words
~Rockin Earthquakes
~Go on vs. Goon
~dirty water Anne off
~No music but tea
~Do the dishes
~Only one headset
~Agree to Disagree
Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Host: Kat, Moony, Phil
Special Guests: Anne, Toni, Krystal
Editor: Sue
Time: 1:56:06
Posted on October 26th, 2012 by Sue
Filed under: Special Editions | Comments Off on Special Episode 34: Anne is Evil, Bald Draco and Phil threatens to Sing

Here is our fifth(!) marathon episode of, “Be Careful” by Anne B. Walsh.
While Sue is finally well again, Kat has been spinning out as she enters the last stint of life as she knows it in Undergraduate school. She’s hilarious when she’s not on sleep, ladies and gentlemen, so we decided to give you a double-episode of it!
This episode was recorded almost a year ago, so we’re talking about Christmas and Finals and presents. We hope you’ve enjoyed the coverage of Be Careful (and we reiterate that if you haven’t, don’t worry, we’re starting Shifts by FernWithy in two weeks) – we’ve certainly enjoyed covering it, even though it took up three long months. We will also be releasing an author interview with Anne Walsh herself in the next couple weeks.
We remind you that Sue’s email address has changed to Sue@Poufwa.com.
If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We remind you that Point of View Weekly is now recorded 8:30 EST and is available on iTunes! We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun.
Sue literally killed Kat making her edit these, but she still wishes you all enjoy it, show notes or not – she didn’t write any because she’s dead (which is code for, instead of making show notes, the editor decided watching reruns of Cold Case was more important).
Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Hosts: Kat, Moony
Editor: Kat
Time: 4:17:57
Posted on October 19th, 2012 by Lassie
Filed under: Episodes | Comments Off on Episode 154: Be Careful… What Fanfiction You Write

Here is our fourth marathon episode of, “Be Careful” by Anne B. Walsh. It’s been a long journey, but we refuse to stop this ride! Through the deep discussion of plot holes of canon and the much-debated trace, we here at Poufwa are plowing through the next set of chapters with startling on-topic discussion. Moony is singing songs, Kat is talking about math and computer science, Scott’s doing impressions, and Sue is driving this podcast while still sick. Kudos to Sue!
If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us here! We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun.
Show notes:
The evil speech of evil
Squishy moments
Wizard GPS
Sue corrects our canon
Siblings and sex lives
Scott invokes the idiot ball of doom
Story and canonical timelines
Celebrities and children’s names
War and the tragedy of death
Future babies and family
Neville’s perceptive about Draco
Neville and Draco shake hands
Fawkes the phoenix doesn’t make house calls
Ron drop-kicks Peter
Snape… has arrived
Kat likes when 2+2=4 (but admits it sometimes equals 5)
Harry and Remus are drunk
Kat just lets it slide
Hosts: Sue, Scott
Guest Hosts: Kat, Moony
Editor: Kat
Time: 4:15:12
Posted on October 5th, 2012 by Lassie
Filed under: Episodes | Comments Off on Episode 153: She shells, squishy moments, and the idiot ball of doom