Welcome to the place where the story never ends!

Episode 126: Investigations, Interviews, Hostile Hufflepuffs, and Hell freezes over in Pittsburgh.

Today in PuffCast, we finish up our discussion of “Teddy Lupin and the Forest Guard” by FernWithy. We revisit explosive topics such as Yellowstone and Susan Bones, reference both Star Trek and the Muppets at once, and there’s juuust a little bit of sports.  Tricia and OG are FANGIRLS, Scott has a visiting ghost and Sue is distracted by “The Talk.”  We do talk about the last chapters of Teddy Lupin, where we learn about the Charmer and what’s in that interesting ivy in the forest.  As we near the final chapter, our discussion becomes increasingly focused and incisive–and then Kelly joins us, and the tangents ride forth once more.

Then, Fernwithy joins us for an interview, once we overcome our technical difficulties.  Interesting discussion ensues, which includes further fangirling, forum promotion, and Oliversgal’s thoughts on the redemption of House Scrimgeour.

We encourage you to check out more of Fern’s stories “here.”  Tricia particularly recommends Shifts and Shades, and Teddy’s own story continues in alternating years.  Not to mention Albus Potter and the horde of Hermiones.

Also in this episode:

  • Honoria Higgs, mini-Rita
  • Various sorts of letters
  • Maply shenanigans
  • Frankie in a funk – the anti-Riddle
  • Pronunciations clarified
  • Filch’s new kitten
  • Granny Andi’s scandalous book
  • Owls, a cat and Sue’s contractor
  • OG vs. LJ
  • The risks of dice-rolling
  • Cultural differences
  • Harry the Hufflepuff
  • Madam Rosmerta’s persnickety ghost
  • A fiery finale in the Forest

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Kelly, Tricia
Guest Host: Oliversgal
Special Guest: FernWithy
Editors: Sue and Scott
Time: 3:40:02

Special Edition 29 – Awkwardly Hug a Poufwanian Today


Special Edition 29 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Tonight, two teams of Poufwanians on caffeine-IVs offer their reactions to the Deathly Hallows, Part 2! Join your current Poufwa hosts and squatters from back-in-the-day in saying goodbye to the films…at least until the commentary comes out!

Happy listening!

Hosts: Sue, Kelly
Guest Hosts: Melinda, Tina, Kezza, Jen Classic, Robert from SpellCast, Ryan, Rinna, & Danielle
Editor: Sue
Time: 2’20’30

PFW Rewind: Special Edition #2 – End of Potter Survival Guide


While your Poufwa hosts are busy recording their thoughts on Deathly Hallows, Part 2 at this very moment, PotterFicWeekly is pleased to look back and re-release our second Special Edition Podcast: The End of Potter Survival Guide.

First released on July 28, 2007 in response to the release of the final novel, Poufwa prepared an audio triage kit for our friends and families outside the fandom who didn’t realize that the story didn’t have to end. As you come across these lost souls on their way to grief counseling in the next few days, we’d like to encourage you to share Poufwa and the fandom with them, starting with this classic episode.

And whether you’ve never been, or a long lost Poufwanian, we’d like to invite everyone to the PotterFicWeekly forum located at potterficforum dot com. Long after we run out of fan fiction, the hosts and listeners of Poufwa will still be very much involved in each other’s lives, and we’re always looking to expand the family.

Back to the past.

Join Ryan, Jen, LadyChi, and INTRODUCING Spellcast’s Robert Standring as we offer a brief introduction to the world of Harry Potter fan fiction, including our best recommendations for those who may never have considered fan fiction, but are now desperate for more story. We encourage you to recommend this episode to fellow Harry Potter fans as a way to bring them into the fandom.

To make the transition easier, this will the our shortest episode of PotterFicWeekly yet. But not to disappoint our regular listeners, we all take a sex quiz.

Happy listening!

Episode 125: Harry, Son of Prongs; Teddy, Son of Moony.

This is our third episode dedicated to “Teddy Lupin and the Forest Guard” by FernWithy. In it we find out that Oliversgal is a Mary Sue and a fan girl, Aaron’s true feelings for Robert and that Sue has killer chickens. Oliversgal, has glasses that insist on hitting the microphone as she talks and Aaron is typing throughout, but he doesn’t fall asleep. Scott’s neighbors have strange mowing habits, while Kelly’s mute button almost works. We forget we aren’t Peons anymore and bring some of our favorite Peon moments back for all to enjoy.

We have a some burning questions: What house is Jo in? What do you do for Christmas? and Who do you feed to a dementor?

Sue pulled out most of her hair while editing this and it’s still a little rough, so hang in there.

Also in this episode:
~We discuss our first time…
~Sue learned from Ryan
~Sue can’t do math
~Aaron wants Muggles and Minions
~Used wands
~OG and Scott share a brain
~What Kelly loves
~There’s no snoring in Podcasting
~Same Teddy Time, Same Teddy Channel
~Happy 4th of July!!!

Hosts: Sue, Scott, Kelly
Guest Hosts: Oliversgal, Aaron
Editor: Sue