Welcome to the place where the story never ends!

Episode 116 – Introducing Trevor Crookshanks, Fuzzy Red Legs, and a Letter

Tonight, the Peons turned Hosts launch a three episode series reviewing The Test of Time by Alchemilla, with this discussion of chapters 1 through 5.

Four years after Hogwarts, Harry clings to the hope that he can regain the love of his first and only sweetheart: Ginny, of course! But a single night spent in a Hogsmeade flat threatens to undermine his (as well as Ron’s and Hermione’s) happiness. (Follows the events in Midnight Musings.) This story was written prior to the release of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.”

In this episode, Etai didn’t do his homework, Kelly spoils Oliversgal and we find Nigel. There is wrock music embedded throughout and we love Bob and Chocolate. Etai leaves and Scott takes his place, as we eagerly anticipate finding out what’s in the letter.

Oh, and Blaise has had a sex change.

Also in this episode:

…I’ve fallen and I can’t get up
…Good banter
…Harry’s not a sheep farmer
…Chapter 2 is Tricia’s favorite
…Sue’s taking a call
…Etai stands in for Ryan

Happy Listening!

Host: Sue, Kelly, Scott, mslupin
Guest Hosts: Etai, Oliversgal
Editor: Sue
Episode Length: 1’49’10

Episode 115 – The one with Darth Vader on a Zamboni

Episode 115 of PotterFicWeekly has been released! This episode features back-to-back PeonCasts that we couldn’t cram into Poufwa’s third season.

In an episode that was recorded long long ago, in a time when we were still Peons, we cover Midnight Musings…sort of.

We also wait for The Big Gun to rescue Ryan, who has become a Smurf, no wait, a Slytherin.  I told you this was recorded a long time ago.

We discuss everything from Kelly’s obsession with MAMA to Hockey to Alton Brown with an ice pick,  Yes folks we are all over the map on this one, we even find time to discuss Midnight Musings by Alchemilla, which is a prequel to Test of Time, our next fic.  Be sure to join us next time as we discuss the story that helped bring three of our hosts into the fandom.

Hosts: Sue, Kelly, Scott, Mslupin
Guest Host: Oliversgal
Editor: Scott

In Hufflepuffs – Clever, Kind and Not Foolish, we’ve missed Kayla and decided to bring her back for a day; unfortunately we brought back her background noises too.  In fact Nargles have infected the entire thing, so please forgive the rough quality of this and enjoy it for the Kayla factor. Join us in what was suppose to be HufflepuffCast until a sneaky Ravenclaw weaseled her way in, as we discuss Hufflepuffs, by Snapesservant.  
In this fic…

~Snape has a heart
~Kayla has forgotten English
~Severus Snape in lederhosen
~How did they get to Muggle London
~Snape goes for justice
~Poppy has no bedside manner
~Sue – the evil Puff
~The letter
~Pets on the Podcast
~Geography lessons
~Funeral Flowers 101
~Scarlett almost gets dropped

Hosts:  Sue, Scott
Guest Hosts: Scarlet, Kat/Lassie
Special Guest: Kayla
Editor:  Sue