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Episode 60 – Melindaleo: Dining companion, Comment Provider, Roast Victim


Episode 60 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

PotterFicWeekly is very pleased to pop a couple of 9 volt batteries into the old heat lamp and welcome Melindaleo, one of our own, back to the hot seat!

Tonight kicks off a five episode series covering both Power of Emotion and its sequel Curse of the Damned. Many of our listeners and hosts, myself included, started our fandom experience with these two fics.

That’s right. It’s all Melinda’s fault.

We attempted to cover Chapters 1-19 of Power of Emotion this evening, but use that as an estimate only. We’ll bounce around even more than usual and we break our spoiler policy many times throughout these episodes.

Harry is struggling to come to terms with the events of his fifth year. Can he learn to depend on those he considers family and become what he needs to be in order to survive? Can the certain sister of a friend show him that there are still things worth fighting for?

In addition to eye-twitching analysis on Hermione Granger: Friend or Foe, Her Majesty Ginny Weasley, death, a recap to Yellowstone, an explanation of the finer points of Facebook, an unprovoked attack on yours truly by a usually euphoric LadyChi, a visit with Mama Huggles, and a call into Jo Rowling – be prepared for an absolute, bare-knuckled, knock-down, drag-out, Hufflepuff-on-Ravenclaw death match between myself and Kezza over a timeless question which will captivate scholars for decades: which one of us does Melinda like better?

Happy listening!

Episode 59 – What Mike’s table, naked Robert, and Her Majesty Hermione have in common


Episode 59 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this episode, the peons rule. Jen, LadyChi and Rinna have the night off. I’m joined by Robert, Aaron, Sue, Mike and a special guest as we conclude our discussion and analysis of the The Show That Never Ends and the Paradigm of Uncertainty trilogy, covering Chapters 4 through to the conclusion.

They’re the longest chapters in the world. Bring bottled water to the podcast.

We finalize our discussion on the Harry/Hermione ship, the challenges in writing a trilogy over many years, story cohesiveness, last minute twists and turns, and of course – the untold ending.

Poufwa prides itself on being diverse, and speaking as a raging Harry/Ginny fan, I have truly enjoyed every significant glance.

Oh, and Robert’s also naked and there’s a subplot involving Mike’s dining room table. I’m sure it’s nothing.

Speaking of Harry/Ginny – be sure to tune in next week for the launch of our five episode series devoted to Melindaleo’s Power of Emotion and Curse of the Damned!

On PeonCast this evening, the peons discuss A Very Young Girl’s Record of Her Own Impressions, by Eggo Waffles

Ariana Dumbledore shares her thoughts on Oscar Wilde, Nietzsche, and Gellert Grindelwald’s bum. AberforthGoat, AlbusGellert, onesided ElphiasAlbus.

Happy Barn Time!

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