Welcome to the place where the story never ends!

Episode 46: Harry’s an epileptic, Melinda separates sex from occlumency, and I smell a tornado


Episode 46 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Please forgive our sound quality this week. One of us was podcasting from inside a tornado. Guess who!

In our second of four installments covering Coven of Echoes by HWhimsey, we are joined by Melindaleo and PwnCast’s Dan as we review chapters seven through fourteen. We laugh, Jen cries, Chi explains the difficulty of stopping, and Melinda almost ends up drunk on my lawn!

This week, the peons discuss Maps to the Stars’ Homes by LizBee.

After the war, Harry buys a plane ticket and leaves, but the memories follow.
PG-13, post-HBP, quite gennish.

Happy listening!

Episode 45: Tamsyn is a dominatrix, Jen2 is inebriated, and everybody loves Bob


Episode 45 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

We, the hosts, peons and staff of PotterFicWeekly wish to dedicate this episode to Bob, Squirrel King.

This episode is our first of four installments covering Coven of Echoes by HWhimsey.

Twenty-five year old Healer Ginny Weasley is in for the ultimate mystery when a patient’s mysterious scars lead her to a long-guarded secret surrounding a dangerous and deadly force. She must now work with the Aurors, including ex-boyfriend Harry, to solve the mystery before it’s too late.

It’s an H/G fic and PS loves it. Think about that. We’re also not promising anything, but we sense Harry’s wearing leather.

In addition to covering the first six chapters in this half extreme edition, half peon takeover, and all around very late yet wicked funny episode, we:

…discover more information regarding the secret identity of our favorite Horace Slughorn fangirl, and why I should look over my shoulder before leaving the house in the morning.

…celebrate two new Poufwanians for which we’re considering starting fan clubs!

…learn an enormous amount of information regarding Australian dumpsters and why living green will kill Kezza!

This week, the peons discuss Willpower 3: Understanding by ChreeChree.

The night of Dumbledore’s death is a difficult one for Ginny. All she wants is to be with Harry. HBP missing moment.

Please keep Richard, our head peon, in your thoughts during this week’s podcast. He’s a Harmonian.

Happy listening!

Special Edition 14 – A Conversation with Viridian


PotterFicWeekly is pleased to present Special Edition #14, a conversation with Viridian. We’d like to thank Matthew (and his wife!) for sitting down to speak with us and for their feedback over the past five weeks. Please enjoy!

Next week, our four-week discussion of The Coven of Echos begins. Happy reading!