Welcome to the place where the story never ends!

Special Edition 16 – Knickers, Fun Dip, and Happy Holidays


With Special Edition 16, PotterFicWeekly is pleased to present its second annual extreme-sized holiday podcast!

This is Poufwa, so don’t expect a June Cleaver Christmas. Tina nearly assassinates her children in the first ten minutes while Kezza and I beat each other up on the front lawn. Flamingos were involved.

You will, however, find:

…holiday-themed musical submissions from the PotterFicWeekly community, including How the Chi stole Poufwa, Ryan got run over by a reindeer, and shoutouts from Poufwanians to Poufwanians.

…full-length holiday-themed radio plays written and edited by our Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw members.

…the not-supposed-to-be-recorded podcast afterparty!

…and a bonus episode of the PwnCast of Wrock.

On behalf of PotterFicWeekly, we wish you a safe and very merry holiday season! We could never do this without you!

Happy listening!

Episode 65 – Old School, On-Topic Poufwa, with lawnmowers


Episode 65 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

The premise: Ryan the Hufflepuff and a Slytherin House reunion!

The objective: They Shook Hands Year 1 and Year 2, a realistic fic by Dethryl. Chapters 16+ of Year 1 through Chapter 9 of Year 2. (Rewrites of Year One and Two)

The goal: Remember classic Poufwa? When the hosts were on-topic? You’re getting warmer.

The reality: Success!

The unexpected: Mike in his underwear with a lawnmower and what’s-his-face from SpellCast.

The surprise: The Poufwanian Mike most wants to vacation with in the jungles of South America!

The result: The best of classic Poufwa with a liberal dose of wackjob.

The disclaimer: We talk about PS’ breasts again. Sorry PS.

The most prepared podcaster: Mike and Omly deathmatch.

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Mike, PS
Special Guest Stars: Omly
Editor: Omly

Special Edition 15 – BananaCast!


Special Episode #15 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

Join the ladies as, once again, they give thanks … for Smut.

The promise: All smut, all the time.

What really happens? Bananas.

On tonight’s podcast we ask the in-depth questions. The kind of hard hitting questions you have always wanted answered about how Julia feels about Snape/Harry, whether or not PS will ever write smut and which phallic object Ryan is.

Porpoises, showtunes, RST and more all on this jam packed episode of Smutsgiving!

This episode is meant for members over the age of 18. If you are a PotterFicWeekly forum member, you can access the podcast here! If you are eighteen or older and are not a PotterFicWeekly member, register at our forum and send a private message to username Ryan, confirming your age and requesting access. You can also email ryan@potterficweekly.com.

Episode Hosts: Ps, Jen2, LadyChi, Julia
Special Guest Stars: Kezza!
Editor: Kezza

Happy listening!

Episode 64 – Ice Cream, the House Hat, and Hadwig


Episode 64 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

The premise: Harry. Is. A. Slytherin….by choice!

The objective: Podcast on Chapters 1-15 of They Shook Hands, a realistic fic by Dethryl! (rewritten Here)

The goal: Substantively examine Slytherin-shaded AU. What if Harry shook Draco’s hand seven years ago?

The reality: When I get substantive, everyone dozes off.

The unexpected: This was the most on-topic episode since Episode 1!

The surprise: Wayne tries out some fancy editing moves behind the scenes.

The result: I sound like I’m broadcasting from the East Room of the White House.

The disclaimer: These chapters will prompt Hufflepuffs to become militant.

The most prepared podcaster: Mike!

Happy listening!

Episode Hosts: Ryan, Mike
Special Guest Stars: Sue, Rae, Omly
Editor: Wayne

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