Welcome to the place where the story never ends!

Episode 54 – Dalek Ryan, Assassinated Rinna, Mugged Dan, Funny Melinda, Mommy Jules, Evil Julia, and Jen the Cat


Episode 54 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

In this double-length episode, PotterFicWeekly concludes our analysis of With all my Love, by LadyChi! Melinda, Jules, Rinna, Jen, Julia and I will be discussing Chapters 8-23, break for PeonCast, and upon return will bring LadyChi onto the show for a dignified and respectful interview.


We will also be discussing:

…what happens when Jen gets bored.
…why Ryan thought Dan was the victim of a hate crime.
…Melinda’s efforts at making a funny.
…Ryan’s 27-minute response time.
…Rinna’s hatred of the Post Office.
…Melinda’s hatred of Harry breastfeeding.
…Jen’s hatred of activity.
…Mike’s hatred of Arthur.
…The assassination of Rinna!
…Arkansas road-sign installation.
…why Julia is evil and must be destroyed at all costs.
…why LadyChi really is just plain mean.
…and yet a very talented writer.

This week on Peoncast:

Visiting Arthur by Arnel

Percy Weasley goes to visit his father in St. Mungo’s after he is attacked by Nagini.

Happy listening!


Do the best you can for as long as you can. Remember that all may yet be well. Don't be afraid.

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