Episode 254: I’m Not a Hero, I’m a Hostage!!

Here is our last installment of “Dudley’s Dilemma” by kakistocrat. Tonight we finish out our coverage of this story. We start off with Dudley and family waking up in a dungeon and things go bad from there. The family must save themselves as Harry and help are not fairing so well. With a little magic things work out and Dudley finds himself at Platform 9 and 3/4s saying goodbye to his second child. If you’ve enjoyed this story, you should read the sequel. We hope you’ve enjoyed our ramblings about this one.

Also in the podcast:

Magical houses have dungeons


We must kill Harry Potter

Sore back


The witch is going to be mad

I’m fine

Broken bones

Tug of war

Evil books


Disney movies are creepy

Super Dudley

TMI Harry

Hosts: Sue, Moony

Editor: Sue

Total runtime: 1’17’14