Episode 159: The One Where We Break Dethryl!!
Tonight we bring you the fifth episode of “Shifts” by Fern Withy. This episode is brought to you by Dyson Vacuums, Kat’s Beer and Tiger Balm. Kat and Dethryl were suppose to record a Poufwa Exchange, but Ryan went on a date instead of being there to record so we pull them into our podcast instead. Tricia is AWOL, but checks in with a story to rival a Jen Story. She has been deemed a weapon of mass destruction. Meanwhile in the fic, we get to see what really happened to Dudley that fated night in the bar. We also get to see Remus and Tonks have a romance and Dudley demand a memory charm. Oh, and we might break Dethryl a few times. We recommend you keep your brain bleach handy for this episode.
If you enjoy the antics of PFW, you might want to check out our new podcast PointOfViewWeekly. We record live Thursday evenings at 8:30 EST, you can find us at pointofviewweekly.com We are also on iTunes. We’d love to have you stop by and join in the fun. There is a live skype chat during the podcast, just message Ryan or Sue if you’d like to join.
A few show notes:
~Kat food
~Poufwa collides
~Brain Bleach
~Plot Bunnies
~Mr. Flufferpants
~Cat allergies
~Brain Bleach 2
~Fighting over Scott
~Exit strategies
~Brain Bleach 3
~Toad sex = OPS
~Mirror Mirror
Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott
Guest Host: Kat, Dethryl
Editor: Sue
Time: 3’44’51