About the Staff

Outside of Potterverse, I am a computer geek (even certified at one point), a knitter, a yarn collector, and a dog mom. I also enjoy watching movies, nature hikes, and going for drives. At some point, I’d like to write a book about old places in St. Louis, Missouri, where I grew up and still live. I’m also a pancake addict, and should be on a 12-step program. I am working on several narration projects, including AtE and other stories which are available on my website.




Tricia, also known as mslupin, (Not MS Lupin -I am not Microsoft, people!) is a single mother of her own Ulrich the Oddball. If she is not podcasting, you can find her working at her job, knitting, dragging her Oddball around, dodging her cat Fleury (aka Fleur), getting shocked, or trying to get a run in.

Tricia found Harry Potter through her cousin, who she took to see the third movie in Imax. After the movie, Tricia had so many questions that her cousin told her to read the damn books. The next day, Tricia got all five books and read them in a week. Like everyone else Tricia could not wait for the sixth book to come out so she googled everything about HP. That is when she found MuggleNet. She found a podcast that was talking about fanfiction and went to check what the heck fanfiction was all about.

Well, guess what people? She got hooked big time! From there she fell in love with Snape. But you ask why is her name mslupin… because Lupin is her true love and Snape is the bad boy that we should not love but do. The fanfiction that made her fall head over heels in love with the greasy git was “Tea with the Black Dragon.” (It is a very mature story) She loves it so much that she got a tattoo of a black dragon drinking from a tea cup on her back. That is freaky, people!




“Dis Kayla. She wurk hard, live in restront. She made you a bio but I eated it.” Scott, when asked by Kayla on what she should put in her Bio

Kayla apologizes for any future clanging background noises, sometimes sounding like she is in restaurant, by a waterfall, a dog kennel or in a crowded room. Having a bedroom loft, above her kitchen, and still living at home doesn’t always provide ideal recording conditions.

She started reading Harry Potter back in grade 7 during a study hall, after a fellow classmate had given it to her as something to read. A little over 11 years later she still as fan! It took a little bit longer to get into the fandom. Not until purchasing an ipod and discovering Pottercast and Mugglecast in the fall of 2006, did she even know a fandom existed. Her first fanfic was Melinda’s “The Seventh Horcux” after hearing her interviewed on Pottercast. After listening to Spellcast’s New Year’s episode of 08 with Ryan and Jen she subscribed and then shortly joining the forums. And she has loved every minute of it and never laughing harder at a podcast.

Other than Harry Potter, Kayla in interested in travel, history, culture, Irish dance, and reading.

Kayla also prays that Jen’s predictions of Yellowstone blowing up won’t ever happen in her lifetime as she is a former resident of the area and visits her friends there often.

* As of October 2009, Kayla will be moving to Germany for a year to Au Pair for a family, and due to an awkward time difference, will no longer be able to be a a regular Peon. It’s been a lot of fun and will miss recording on a regular basis. Sue, Kelly, and Scott have been the best! I love being a part of this community and can’t begin to explain how much it means to me. Thank all for everything and see you around!!


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