Episode 181: In Honor of the Boston Marathon

This is the second recording of this discussion of “A Better Man ” by Valandar, the first time, Sue recorded the wrong thing. Oops! She blames it all on Tricia. This was also recorded on the day of the Boston Marathon Bombing, we spend the first part of the podcast talking about it and learning about the Marathon itself. We find out that Vernon’s “not going to take it anymore”, that Snape is a changed man and that Ron is still thick. Sue tries out her accents, which we all know she can’t do and Scott really needs a new headset.

Please join us this week on the forum, Potterficforum.com for a Ball that celebrates Poufwa’s 7th Anniversary. The ball will be from Sunday February 9th to Saturday February 15, with our true anniversary on the 13th. We really hope to see you there.

Also in this podcast:


~Auto Pilot

~Snape’s vision

~Duddly and Quidditch

~House Elfs

~Flirting practice

~The “chase”




~Arm twisting

Hosts: Sue, Tricia, Scott

Editor: Sue

Time: 2’02’29