The Downfall of the Dark Lord
In his bleak world
Of black and white
There was no grey
Choose dark or light.
Yet how could sun
Shine through the fog
When stifling gloom
Was childhood lost?
A youthful boy
In shadows lurked
No tears he shed
Love choked in murk.
With smooth black hair
And pale white skin
Tom Marvolo Riddle
Was steeped in sin.
Aged eleven
And off to school
Beware Hogwarts:
To be played a fool.
Throughout his years
In Slytherin
Tom gathered ÔfriendsÕ,
Awed pureblood kin.
Discarding names
Of muggle sort,
Soon magic feared
Lord Voldemort.
TomÕs graduation:
Been there, done that
Muggle attacks
Dread grew, time passed
Followers joined
To fight for their cause
Purebloods would rule,
Attacks without pause.
Then out of the gloom
Caused by the fright
Defenders appeared,
Beacons of light.
And at their head
Was Dumbledore
Dark serpentÕs hiss
Ôgainst lionÕs roar.
A balance reached,
Though tipped aside
Would cause chaotic
Incoming tides.
Then came one night
When love changed all
He disappeared
The Dark did fall.
A one-year-old boy
Sacrificed for:
HarryÕd go down
In magical lore.
As the years passed
Totaling sixteen
Riddle was beat
By friends in their teens.
Again and again
They incurred his wrath
Conquering obstacles
Lain in their path.
Led by the one
With emerald eyes,
Destined to take the
Dark Lord by surprise,
Harry James Potter
ÔThe Chosen OneÕ
Looked, found, destroyed
The HorcruxesÉ Done!
The sun now sets
On the epic battle
Of Harry Potter
And Tom Riddle,
One standing triumphant
One fallen, defeated
The Elder Wand chose
Who emerged depleted.
In historyÉ
Now and forever,
The Boy-Who-Lived
Will be remembered.
Thus ends the ballad
Of black and white
Of neverending
Dark and light.