The Ballad of Harry and Ginny


I see your visage shining bright
Perfect glowing light
Your hair looks like a stately Raven
My hands within seek haven
Your eyes the color of yearly spring
Joy to my heart they bring.
Heartache of the worst degree
Because you love not me.


She is the sister of my best friend
IÕm now at my witÕs end.
Merely a child, young in the world
Her wisdom yet unfurled
A pleasant way to pass the day
Learning of her way.
The loss alone belongs to me
Because I cannot see.


Intentions of your noble heart
Keep forcing us apart.
Your quest will take you here and there
Battle is not rare.
Though Voldemort may wound your arm
No cause for alarm.
Your body stronger than a tree
Your soul is not yet free.


Finally the war completed
And Voldemort defeated
Now my mind can wander freely
First it dotes on Ginny
The way she knows my hearts desire
How to lift me higher
The way her hair resembles fire
My eyes burn with desire
The way her eyes reveal her soul
They engulf me whole.
Now I would like for life to be
Only her and me