Episode 73 – Ron is a bagel, Cody handcuffs a goat and Lego is a Spoiler

Episode 73 of PotterFicWeekly has been released!

No, we mean it this time.

I promise.

Tonight we commence our scintillating and in-depth discussion of the first fifteen chapters of Backward with Purpose by Deadwoodpecker

Harry, Ron, and Ginny send themselves back in time to avoid the destruction of everything they hold dear, and the deaths of everyone they love.

In this episode we investigate Nigerian Goat Trials without a full and complete knowledge of Nigerian law, but we do bring up Bernard.

We also discuss temporal time travel without referencing Star Trek, but we do bring up Twilight.

Our goals for this podcast were to avoid Bagel Wank and/or giving away the plot with multiple spoilers.

We failed on so many levels …

Happy Listening!

Episode Hosts: Kezza, PS, Cody, Legobean

Special Guest Stars: Reincarnated Goats, Visionary Vampires and Bagels

Editor: Kezza, assisted by the special Spoiler Avoider, Chandler Bing

Episode Length: 2’17’19