Episode 232: We Put the Fun in Dysfunctional

In a call back to PeonCast here’s an interesting little one shot called  “Lost Property” by _hannelore.  In this episode Moony shares the woes of college tuition, while Sue plays “what’s in my pocket.” We find that Petunia had been stealing her sister’s belongings throughout Lily’s school years. Snape’s accidental appearance gives Petunia a chance to talk about her sister in a way her husband would never allow.

Also in this podcast:

Random acts of pizza

Educated populas

Gardening with Sue

is it a moth or butterfly?

Let’s play a game.

More alike than they’d like

The Daisy

Did he or didn’t he?

Hosts: Sue, Scott

Guest Host: Moony

Editor: Sue

Total runtime: 51’58